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    ������������������Show 結果共690筆

  • Poll show Taiwanese support for diverse leadership

    Over half of Taiwan’s residents believe that the country’s president and majority of legislators should come from different political parties, according to a poll conducted by Shih Hsin University’s Institute of Knowledge Economy Development. The poll showed that 51.8% of respondents held this view. Additionally, the poll found that 77.7% of participants supported the president giving a State of the Nation address to the Legislative Yuan. However, only 28.8% of participants were aware that an annual report to the legislature was a presidential responsibility. In terms of party cooperation, 53.5% of respondents backed the idea of the Kuomintang and the Taiwan People’s Party taking turns in the Presidential or Premier posts. Within this group, 36.1% were "somewhat supportive" and 17.4% were "strongly supportive," while 30.2% opposed such a proposal. Furthermore, 34.5% of participants believed it would be best if the president and the majority of the Legislative Yuan were from the same party. This opinion was more prevalent among university graduates (59.3%) and those with postgraduate degrees (52.3%). The poll also revealed that 36.8% of respondents support the current government led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), while 45.8% oppose it, and 17.4% did not express an opinion.
    2023/11/04 16:53
  • 不生就是自私?美紀錄片揭女性「母職」困境

    2023/11/02 19:50
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • NIA disputes reports of surging growth in emigration

    Recent media reports claiming a tripling growth in emigration businesses in Taiwan due to war fears have raised public concerns. However, statistics from emigration companies show no increase in approved applications over the past five years, with annual numbers ranging from 1,077 to 704. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) states that the overall migration level, currently around 20,000 people, may fluctuate significantly in the event of major events such as pandemics or wars. The NIA also notes that the pandemic has caused an increase in citizens unable to return to Taiwan, rising from 180,000 to 220,000 between 2021 and 2022. The agency emphasizes that immigration consultancy firms represent only one channel of advisory services and do not reflect the total number of emigrants. They request that the public avoid generalizations that could lead to societal instability. The NIA further highlights that exaggerated media portrayals of war-evading migration risk can cause unnecessary social anxiety and emphasizes that population mobility is part of the freedom of migration.
    2023/10/30 14:27
  • 搭載Gogoro電池的四輪車登場 CrossOver亮相日本交通展

    Gogoro首度前進日本交通展 (Japan Mobility Show),即日起至11/5於現場展出Gogoro Network電池交換平台、全新上市的Gogoro CrossOver、以及MUJI無印良品聯名車款,並與MIH開放電動汽車聯盟(MIH Consortium)首度展示採用Gogoro智慧電池的Project X三人座概念車。
    2023/10/27 10:59
  • 手術改善生活.然後?德紀錄片揭跨性別困境

    2023/10/26 19:54
  • 品冠萬聖節裝扮帥成這樣 揭兒子偏愛蜘蛛人荒謬行為

    品冠日前出席公司舉辦的萬聖節派對,和AcQUA源少年成員黃莑茗、盧佾暘、李秉諭,以及凱渥的王心恬、李銘忠、雷嘉汭、陳峻廷、張丞妘、張與辰等多位藝人、模特兒齊聚同樂,熱鬧精彩的DJ show與藝人輪番上陣表演並票選創意服裝獎,讓現場氣氛相當熱絡。
    2023/10/26 18:05
  • Newborns to be enrolled in nationwide healthcare project

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has announced the enrollment of all newborn babies in the nationwide "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children." Parents with children under the age of three are also encouraged to participate in the project at no additional cost. The project has seen positive results since its launch, treating cases of prolonged jaundice and tracking patients for fluoride treatment and developmental delays. Enrollment numbers show that 37.6% of the nation’s population has participated, with an increase in participation from vulnerable families and groups. The project aims to identify developmental delays and provide integrated systems for health and social care services, particularly for children in high-risk families. The Ministry is working to increase accessibility by engaging hospitals at all levels and allowing parents to choose their preferred medical institutions registered for the project.
    2023/10/25 17:33
  • Mayor Chiang wows at fashion show with monochrome suit

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an makes a fashionable statement at Taipei Fashion Week, sparking excitement among attendees and online followers with his monochrome suit. Interestingly, Chiang revealed that his son played a key role in choosing his eye-catching outfits, highlighting the significance of family involvement in personal style.
    2023/10/23 16:44
  • 百靈果Ken喜迎愛女!產台前「目睹老婆生產」 見一幕繃不住哭了

    熱門Podcast節目《百靈果News》由凱莉(王晴蒂)、Ken(楊超然)搭檔主持,頻道除了以中英雙語方式報導國際新聞外,亦製作其他類型節目,包括《KK Show》、《讀書會》等,風格幽默輕鬆,受到不少觀眾喜愛。成員之一的Ken昨(22)日傳出喜訊,空姐網紅妻子順利產下女兒,讓他感動的眼淚直流。
    2023/10/23 12:34
  • 被市長耽誤的模特兒?蔣萬安黑白西裝亮相時裝週:兒子選的

    為行銷台北時裝週活動,台北市長蔣萬安先前他在臉書發出兩張「潮男照」,要網友告訴他哪套好看,一度引發熱議,有網友稱蔣是「被市長耽誤的模特兒」。蔣萬安今(22)日出席台北時裝週 THE SHOW 閉幕大秀,以一身黑白相間的西裝亮相,被問及服裝是不是太太幫忙選的?他說,最後是由兒子蔣得立幫忙他決定的。
    2023/10/22 18:23
  • 女星閃嫁爆婚姻危機「1年半沒恩愛」老公含淚! 用玩具求吃春藥

    蔡允潔(蔡小潔)、郭鬼鬼今(22)日出席由紅心字會《SHOW 你的創意,詮釋中華文化》微電影頒獎典禮,蔡允潔的老公和女兒「小福星」也到場。蔡允潔產後瘦身成功,坦言一直沒有慾望「開機」,有請教醫生但都沒有用,郭鬼鬼則以過來人的身分建議她放輕鬆。
    2023/10/22 16:09
  • Household spending on fitness and pets soar in Taiwan

    Despite facing economic challenges like inflation and stagnant wages, Taiwanese households are ramping up spending in two unexpected categories: fitness and pet care. With an annual growth rate of over 15% in fitness spending and a 36.2% increase in pet-related expenses over the past decade, these sectors show strong resilience and growth.
    2023/10/19 13:24
  • 白冰冰遭爆搶角色!同框30年好友孫翠鳳 搭檔陽帆慘當「傻蛋」

    2023/10/19 06:59
  • Lai Ching-te lauds Taiwan’s textile sector at TITAS 2023

    Vice President Lai Ching-te praises Taiwan’s textile industry for its resilience and innovation in smart manufacturing at the 2023 Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show. The industry shows strong economic contributions, with a focus on functional textiles worn by global athletes, and aims for a future of digital transformation.
    2023/10/17 17:37
  • Mayor promotes Taipei Fashion Week finale with attire poll

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an took to Facebook to showcase two different outfits by designers Bob Chien and Kuan Chen, asking the public to vote for his attire for the closing show of Taipei Fashion Week 2023.
    2023/10/16 12:37
  • ØZI知道嗎?葉璦菱愛心送禮示愛他 羞誇讚:帥氣

    2023/10/08 19:00
  • Final aerial rehearsal ahead of National Day ceremony

    Aircraft rehearse over Taipei for Taiwan’s Double Tenth air show, featuring Brave Eagle and Thunder Tiger jets. Typhoon delay makes it a must-see event. Stay informed with TVBS News.
    2023/10/06 22:33
  • 中秋大阪團「消失的28人」找到了! 真相揭曉旅行社賠慘

    中秋連假期間,不少國人都搭機出遊,但卻傳出有一個28人的「大阪團」,旅客、導遊直至航空公司關櫃都無人出現、全團no show,一行人宛如人間蒸發,令航空公司相當詫異,直言從沒發生過類似情形。如今真相出爐,原來是有旅行社用假名單包下中秋檔期,想以先付錢後找人的方式出團,未料最後卻忘了此事,粗估損失至少30萬。
    2023/10/05 16:27
  • 獨/差點拿房貸款!許志豪募150萬戰歌壇 拒于美人出手內幕曝

    2023/10/05 07:50
  • 連假飛大阪28人團「集體失蹤」 旅行社出包?同業直呼離譜

    今年度中秋連假期間,出現一起離奇的旅行團集體失蹤事件。一28人團旅行團欲前往日本大阪旅遊,竟在出發當天全團包括領隊都「no show(未報到)」,這樣罕見的情況,不僅是航空公司感到莫名,更讓旅行社人員直言離譜。
    2023/10/02 19:37
  • 李泳知台北唱〈玫瑰少年〉! 曝參演《SMTM》心境「狂飆F字眼」

    韓國歌手李泳知榮獲競演節目《Show me the money》第11季冠軍,也在綜藝《Biong Biong地球娛樂室》中有著讓人噴飯的爆笑表現,這幾年歌壇、綜藝兩把抓,可說是目前最夯歌手。昨(26)日她在台灣開唱,沒想到竟演唱蔡依林的〈玫瑰少年〉,加上演唱會上許多親民可愛的表現,被認為果真是「MZ世代」的文化大總統。
    2023/09/27 11:09
  • Taiwan gears up for National Day show with air rehearsals

    Get ready for Taiwan’s National Day celebrations with air rehearsals above the Presidential Office Building. Mark your calendars for Sept. 26, Sept. 28, and Oct. 4 between 5:50 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. The grand rehearsal will take place on Oct. 7 at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Presidential Office Building.
    2023/09/25 17:25
  • 合體歐香女郎!鼓鼓為葉璦菱獻出人生第一次 激動全說了

    2023/09/21 17:45
  • 柯文哲挑戰北流!前幕僚「撕破臉不挺了」開砲:不是太白癡就太壞

    民眾黨主席、總統參選人柯文哲先前舉辦《KP SHOW》活動時,就曾鎖定在台北音樂流行中心舉辦,不過因涉及政治活動,遭到婉拒。柯今(19)日將舉辦「AI語音模型暨單曲發表會」,仍打算在北流的餐廳舉辦,再度遭到打臉。柯的前幕僚吳靜怡po文表示,「人犯第一次錯叫白目,第二次硬是要幹,不是太白ㄔ(癡)就是太壞。」
    2023/09/19 15:59
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