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    ������������������Show 結果共687筆

  • 限定5天!龍年「高雄春節市集」快閃駁二 必吃、必玩一次看

    過年也能逛市集!號稱高雄最強春節市集的「駁二⼩夜埕」,初一至初五期間將快閃駁二了!今年活動集結了近380家風格美食、文創品牌齊聚,不僅可以一次吃爆烤肉、串燒、炸雞、拔絲地瓜等美味度爆棚的高熱量小吃,連續5天還有炒熱氣氛必備的DJ SHOW、流行音樂等現場演出,每個時段都精彩到不能錯過,過年走春就來高雄逛一波~
    2024/02/08 15:02
  • Taiwanese unaware of carbon reduction policies: survey

    Eugene Chien, president of the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, discusses the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan’s planned carbon fee by 2025, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Insights from a recent survey show public unawareness and dissatisfaction with current climate change efforts, stressing the need for alignment with global carbon taxation trends and the integration of AI with ESG initiatives.
    2024/02/01 15:52
  • Jacky Cheung sets record with nine Taipei Arena concerts

    Famed Hong Kong singer Jacky Cheung announces a historic run of nine concerts at Taipei Arena starting May 31, sparking excitement among fans. Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s "Four Heavenly Kings" of Cantopop, last performed in Taiwan in 2018, making his return highly anticipated. The ambitious nine-show stint in Taipei surpasses his previous record of six shows at the same venue. Despite being over 60, Cheung, known for his marathon of 24 consecutive shows in Hong Kong, believes that with adequate preparation, practice, and passion, a demanding performance schedule is manageable. Cheung’s illustrious career dates back to 1992, and he has been named Asia’s most popular singer by Billboard.
    2024/02/01 15:13
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • Taiwan impresses at Dublin’s Holiday World Show

    Discover the diverse tourism potential of Taiwan at the Holiday World Show Dublin, where the Taiwan Pavilion showcased its cultural and natural landscapes. Engaging with notable visitors including Irish senators and the Lithuanian ambassador, Taiwan promoted its "Story Taiwan" and "Accelerate the Attraction of International Visitors" programs, as well as traditional Chinese characters and Taiwanese Chinese literature. Visitors enjoyed Taiwanese snacks, Kavalan whiskey, and even had the opportunity to make Lunar New Year lanterns. Don’t miss Cloud Gate Dance Theater’s upcoming performance in Ireland in May 2024, adding to the appreciation of Taiwanese culture. With approximately 30,000 visitors, the Dublin International Travel Show raised the visibility of Taiwanese tourism.
    2024/01/30 13:11
  • Giant rubber ducks draw 600K visitors in Kaohsiung return

    The beloved rubber duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman has returned to Love River Bay in Kaohsiung after a decade, attracting over 600,000 attendees in the first two days of the exhibition. The event, named "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland," features more than just the two popular inflatable yellow ducks. It includes a bouncy castle, a yellow ball pit, a small train ride, street performances, and a food market. The event will run until Feb. 25. Free park tickets are distributed daily at 2 p.m. at Pier 16-18, with opening hours from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday to Thursday, and from 3 to 9 p.m. on Friday to Sunday and during the first to fifth day of Chinese New Year. The exhibition has also led to almost record-high single-day light rail usage, with over 137,000 rides in the first two days. Additionally, a duck-themed light show has been created for night-time enjoyment along Love River Bay.
    2024/01/29 16:53
  • Rhydian Vaughan kicks off winter tour with unplugged shows

    Taiwanese-Welsh actor and singer Rhydian Vaughan began his winter tour on January 19 to promote his first album, "Seven." The tour features Unplugged-style performances where Rhydian shares his songs and the stories behind them. During the tour, Rhydian is excited to perform two special songs, "Windmill" by Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai and the English track "Soaking in Divine," which he dedicated to his wife. Rhydian revealed that he will be joined by "Thai prince" Phum Viphurit for a duet. Viphurit’s song "Lover Boy" has gained nearly 100 million views on YouTube, and he also performed at the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony last year. Rhydian expressed his delight in collaborating with Viphurit, praising his tall and handsome appearance and their harmonious singing. Rhydian emphasized the intimate connection with fans as the most memorable aspect of the winter tour, sharing his creative story up close. He also announced an upcoming solo concert titled "After the Show," which will be held at Legacy Taipei on March 9, the eve of his 36th birthday.
    2024/01/26 12:49
  • Taipei Game Show 2024 opens to massive crowds and excitement

    The Taipei Game Show, featuring over 300 games, opened to a crowd of nearly a thousand enthusiastic gamers who braved the cold temperatures and long waits. Despite some complaints about ticket scalpers and system malfunctions, the event was a major success, drawing in over 350,000 visitors over its four-day run. Nintendo’s return to the exhibition was a major highlight, with meet-and-greet sessions featuring beloved characters like Mario and Pikachu, and over a hundred machines available for trial of more than 25 games. With exhibitors given ample time to design their booths, the 2024 edition of the show was the largest in recent years.
    2024/01/25 16:11
  • Mackenyu Arata announces first overseas fan meet in Taipei

    Japanese actor Mackenyu Arata is set to hold his first-ever overseas fan meeting in Taipei on Feb. 24, 2024, making him the first Japanese artist to host such an event in Taiwan. Known for his role as "Roronoa Zoro" in the live-action TV adaptation of "ONE PIECE" on Netflix, Mackenyu has gained a global following and has attended comic expos in eight countries. To show his appreciation for his Taiwanese fans, he plans to offer signed posters, group photos, a fan farewell, and an official card to those who purchase tickets for the fan meeting. Tickets for the "2024 Mackenyu Fan Meeting ASIA TOUR EAST BLUE in Taipei" will be available for purchase on Feb. 3, with prices ranging from NT$2,500 (Section D) to NT$4,900 (Section A). Section A ticket holders will also have the opportunity to purchase a limited 150-set autograph session for an additional NT$2,000.
    2024/01/25 14:19
  • US congressional leaders show Taiwan bipartisan support

    The U.S. Congressional Taiwan Caucus co-chairs, Republican Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and Democratic Representative Ami Bera, are visiting Taiwan from Jan. 24 to Jan. 26, 2024. This marks their first visit to Taiwan in recent years, symbolizing their bipartisan commitment to Taiwan’s democracy. Their visit comes after Taiwan’s presidential election, celebrating the victory of Taiwan’s democracy. Diaz-Balart and Bera will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen, Vice President and President-elect Lai Ching-te, and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. Talks are scheduled with Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim and other Taiwanese political leaders. Both Diaz-Balart and Bera have been long-standing friends of Taiwan, often leading or proposing initiatives and bills supportive of Taiwan. The Congressional Taiwan Caucus is the largest secondary body in U.S. Congress relating to foreign affairs. Their visit reemphasizes the U.S. Congress’ support for Taiwan, following the 2024 presidential election and marking the 45th legislative anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to deepen Taiwan-U.S. relations based on shared values and the U.S. Congress’s support.
    2024/01/25 13:52
  • 周湯豪不愛比基尼!不忍了點名喜歡「這一味」 過完年預告有喜事

    周湯豪一手包辦演唱會總監、視覺統籌、造型與舞台設計等多職的「REALIVE」巡演,首創演唱會結合Fashion Show和Dance Party,不僅被業界譽為「一輩子一定要朝聖的演唱會」,舞台設計去年更獲國際知名設計獎項K DESIGN AWARD金獎與DFA銀獎雙料肯定,今(24)日下午舉行「REALIVE」東南亞巡演線上記者會,吸引近50家星馬媒體熱烈參與,周湯豪談到每年的現在都覺得有點特別,「好像要想今年要做什麼,但又有滿多事情要做完,有點收尾又要開始找尋方向,但至少我很明確知道4月可以到星馬跟大家分享『REALIVE』,我最重要的作品」。
    2024/01/24 18:30
  • 衝警局自首吸毒是他? 38歲歌手認了「鬼扯蹭熱度」:粉絲變多了

    韓國昨(19)日傳出有一名30多歲的大咖饒舌歌手涉毒,他還一大早就衝去當地的退輔會自首,引發騷動,目前已經被警方逮捕跟調查,只是外界也相當好奇這名歌手的身分。曾上知名嘻哈選秀節目《Show Me The Money》的38歲歌手New Champ,昨天先在Instagam上坦承自己就是當事人,沒想到這完全是在蹭熱度,事後他澄清沒有涉毒,卻相當得意:「粉絲好像更多了?」
    2024/01/20 17:33
  • 要活.要愛.記得笑!芬蘭紀錄片傳授百年智慧

    2024/01/18 19:56
  • 88歲被激發情慾高昂!專家說話了 男主持人自爆DIY初體驗

    2024/01/18 19:38
  • Lai Ching-te’s playful banter steals the show at DPP event

    DPP president-elect Lai Ching-te and vice president-elect Hsiao Bi-khim express gratitude to campaign staff and volunteers at a Thanksgiving banquet in Taipei. Lai playfully declares that his VP is better than President Tsai Ing-wen’s VP, sparking laughter. Lai’s social media post generates humorous responses, while Hsiao teases Lai about his preference for cats or dogs. President Tsai Ing-wen joins in the banter, expressing a desire for both. Hsiao shares a nostalgic photo of her and Lai enjoying Taiwanese popsicles, expressing appreciation for campaign staff.
    2024/01/18 10:30
  • 2024超級盃卡司「亞瑟小子」中場開唱30分 盤點5年表演明星「蕾哈娜超狂」

    「超級盃」(Super Bowl)是國家美式足球聯盟(NFL)所舉行的年度冠軍賽,由於美式足球是美國的「國民運動」,所以超級盃向來都是全美收視率最高的電視節目,而中場秀則是全球樂迷最期待的表演舞台,今(2024)年第58屆超級盃的中場秀將由「R&B天王」亞瑟小子(Usher)擔綱表演嘉賓。
    2024/01/15 16:36
  • Taiwan legislative elections unfold: KMT 52, DPP 51, TPP 8

    Taiwan’s legislative election results from Jan. 13 show a close race, with the Kuomintang (KMT) gaining a slight lead over the Democratic Progress Party (DPP). The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) also made gains. This article explores the implications of the election on Taiwan’s parliamentary dynamics and potential challenges in legislation and governance.
    2024/01/14 13:51
  • BE’O衝下台撩妹「歡迎大家找他私聊」 相約夏天開唱+吃芒果冰

    韓國新生代嘻哈歌手BE’O昨(13)日在台北舉辦人生首場演唱會,開場即以經典歌曲〈Counting Star〉揭開序幕,直接點燃粉絲熱情!為了人生首場演唱會,BE’O做足準備,為粉絲帶來滿滿的驚喜,一連帶來共26首歌曲,還有許多LIVE上少見的夢幻歌曲,甚至還跟粉絲近距離接觸,滿滿的粉絲福利讓台下觀眾尖叫連連。演唱會結束時還以中文祝大家「新年快樂」,並與粉絲約定夏天要再來台灣吃芒果冰、開演唱會!
    2024/01/14 10:10
  • 口譯翻到快哭!BE’O為病童捐千萬善款 預告今晚全場粉絲溼答答

    2024/01/13 12:03
  • BE’O來台喝手搖飲「蘆薈勝珍珠」 初見Zico害怕極了:又高又凶

    韓國嘻哈歌手BE’O參加《Show Me The Money 10》爆紅,沒想到他竟選在台灣舉辦人生首場專場演唱會,今(12)天受訪時就透露原因。BE’O飛來前已經先查好寶島美食清單,然而比起台灣最招牌的「珍珠奶茶」中的珍珠,竟覺得蘆薈更美味!充滿創作能量的他,這次也分享與大前輩ZICO合作的祕辛。
    2024/01/12 19:48
  • CES登場LG推全球首款透明電視 膠囊機90秒可出冰淇淋

    「 美國消費性電子展」(Consumer Electronics Show,CES)9日在賭城拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)盛大開幕,參展項目琳瑯滿目,台灣也有不少大廠參加,堪稱科技業的巴黎時裝秀。外媒為消費者選出各式獵奇產品,包括南韓科技大廠LG端出的全球首款無線透明OLED 電視「OLED T」、日本Sony公布的沉浸式空間內容製作系統新頭戴裝置、奧地利電視品牌C-Seed的可折疊Micro LED 電視等。
    2024/01/10 13:49
  • 蔡依林恩師高雄端盤子被拍!無預警宣布「新身分」 近況曝光

    2024/01/09 12:49
  • Supporter shaves Ko Wen-je’s face in hair

    A barber in Changhua has gone viral after posting a video on Facebook of him shaving an image of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je into a client’s hair. The detailed design, complete with Ko’s face, nose, eyes, glasses, suit, and tie, has sparked lively online discussions. The client had requested the unique haircut in preparation for attending an election rally for Ko Wen-je, but he has been advised by the Changhua County Election Commission to cover his hairdo, possibly with a cap, while voting due to rules prohibiting the display of candidate-related items within polling stations. This unconventional show of support for a presidential candidate has prompted discussions about the extreme measures other supporters are taking for their preferred candidates, such as a female enthusiast of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te surprising him with a sudden kiss during a photo, and supporters of Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih waving the national flag at his events. The hairstyle news is another example of the enthusiastic participation of Taiwanese citizens in the elections, showcasing their support in diverse and creative ways.
    2024/01/07 16:31
  • 唱空城! 彰化政見會「阮厚爵落跑、謝衣鳳NO SHOW」

    2024/01/03 19:30
  • KMT Hou Yu-ih advocates for enhanced school safety

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih emphasizes the need for greater school safety and government attention to adolescent crime. Responding to his running mate Jaw Shaw-kong’s comments on a talk show, Hou proposes amendments to the juvenile incident handling law, taking inspiration from Japanese laws. He vows to prevent gang incursion into schools and increase criminal responsibility for those involved in crimes. Hou also advocates for supporting teachers and implementing guidance mechanisms. His zero-tolerance policy towards school safety issues reflects his commitment to preventing similar events in the future.
    2024/01/03 18:34
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