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    car 結果共221筆

  • NEVs drive China’s automotive industry to new global heights

    Explore how China’s automotive industry, with a focus on New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), is becoming a central economic force, surpassing traditional sectors and setting global sales records, significantly impacting both local and international markets.
    2024/06/14 18:23
  • Taiwan’s car rental market booms with sharing services

    The sharing economy is gaining momentum in Taiwan, with car-sharing services emerging as a popular choice among consumers seeking convenient and flexible transportation options. Service providers are now enhancing their platforms to connect their car marketplaces and resources, aiming to attract more users.
    2024/06/14 17:55
  • 2024電動車銷售將創新高 IEA:再10年將占車輛銷量2/3

    國際能源總署(International Energy Agency,IEA)發布報告,指儘管部分市場增長趨緩,但電動車和插電式混合動力車(plug-in hybrid car)2024年銷量仍將創下歷史新高,且估計未來幾年在道路上的份額將繼續攀升。到2035年,將占全球車輛銷量的2/3。
    2024/04/23 16:32
  • Taiwanese embrace EVs while global sales slow down

    Discover why Taiwan is experiencing a surge in electric vehicle adoption despite a global market slowdown. Learn about the strategic adjustments major car manufacturers are making in response to challenges and competition in the EV sector.
    2024/04/19 17:12
  • JET Opto unveils latest in-car entertainment innovations

    Explore the latest in electric vehicles and in-car entertainment at the Taipei AMPA, Autotronics Taipei, and 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan, featuring industry leader JET Opto.
    2024/04/18 16:44
  • 2024年度世界風雲車出爐!Kia EV9險勝比亞迪奪冠

    備受各界關注的「2024 WCOTY (World Car Of The Year)」年度世界風雲車,正式公佈了得獎名單,由Kia EV9電動休旅奪得桂冠,同時也拿下「年度電動車」的獎項,贏過了近年來強勢崛起的比亞迪Seal,以及Volvo EX30等對手。
    2024/04/02 14:15
  • 上市半小時破5萬單!小米SU7三車型開賣 免百萬可入手

    Apple沒做出來的Apple Car,小米Xiaomi以SU7完成了智慧型手機品牌跨足電動車製造的里程碑!儘管外觀被不少業界人士吐槽是在「致敬」Tesla Model 3以及Porsche Taycan,但此舉確實為SU7的討論熱度再創高峰,而實車也在3月28日晚間正式公佈售價並在中國市場正式開賣,首波提供了SU7、SU7 Pro、SU7 Max以及標準跟Max兩輛SU7創始版在內多達五款車型,價格帶則是相當有競爭力的21.59萬人民幣 (約95.6萬新台幣)至29.99萬人民幣(約132.8萬新台幣)區間,在昨日晚間開放5,000元人民幣(約2.2萬新台幣)訂金下單後,27分鐘就吸引了超過5萬張訂單!
    2024/04/01 11:02
  • TSMC’s dominance fuels Taiwan’s luxury car market surge

    Discover how Taiwan’s burgeoning semiconductor industry has fueled a significant surge in luxury car sales, with Ferrari and other brands seeing substantial growth. TSMC leads the charge, influencing market trends and investor caution in the AI era.
    2024/03/28 17:21
  • Navy officer, dementia-stricken mother in harbor plunge

    A tragic incident unfolds in Kaohsiung as a navy officer drives his car into Nanliao Fishing Harbor with his dementia-stricken mother on board. The mother tragically loses her life, sparking investigations into the officer’s motives and potential legal implications.
    2024/03/25 17:30
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • US reviews Chinese car imports citing security risks

    China criticizes US restrictions on car exports, citing national security concerns. US subjects Chinese internet-connected cars to security risk review, sparking backlash from China’s Ministry of Commerce. White House alleges data collection on US citizens, prompting investigation. President Biden calls potential influx of Chinese cars a national security risk. US considers import restrictions on Chinese vehicles, impacting connected and autonomous cars and parts. U.S. Secretary of Commerce warns of data collection by Chinese smart connected cars, likening them to "iPhones on wheels."
    2024/03/05 17:12
  • 蘋果不只電動車夢碎!新版Apple Watch開發也傳腰斬

    近期蘋果最重磅的消息就是決定終止Apple Car電動車開發計劃,該計畫不僅耗時長達10年,更燒掉超過100億美元,如今一舉解散多達2000人的開發團隊;然而蘋果內部還有其它開發項目也遇到瓶頸,有分析師爆料蘋果的Micro LED Apple Watch開發項目已經告吹。
    2024/03/05 11:08
  • 貓奴炫耀?車尾提醒「家裡有貓」 內行曝真正用途:能救命

    有些車主會在車尾貼貼紙提醒後車「新手駕駛」或「Baby In Car」,但日前日本卻有一名網友,在停等紅燈時,發現前方車輛竟在車子外觀動手腳,不僅在標誌上新增了貓咪的圖樣,更在底下貼上一張「家裡有貓」的貼紙,讓他看了噗哧一笑,直覺對方根本是在炫貓。不過隨後就有人在留言解答,透露這張貼紙看似只是裝飾用,其實背後用意能救命。
    2024/03/04 21:30
  • Apple Car為何夭折?《紐時》揭泰坦計劃「注定失敗」內幕

    蘋果公司(Apple)去年發表旗下首部「空間運算裝置」Vision Pro,獲得外界不少好評,然而醞釀十年之久的Apple Car「電動車計劃」,卻在2月傳出正式終止研發,令果粉相當遺憾。消息指出,蘋果這項決定是為全力研發「生成式AI」,但《紐約時報》卻指蘋果自駕車本就「註定失敗。」
    2024/03/04 13:26
  • 祕密造車十年失敗? 外媒傳蘋果終止自駕電動車計畫

    根據《彭博》(Bloomberg)報導,蘋果公司(Apple)決定取消耗時長達十年的電動車計劃,據傳此計劃曾讓蘋果投入數百萬美元進行研發,但現在卻被認為「無法實現」。報導中提到,蘋果營運長威廉斯(Jeff Williams)告訴內部約2000名參與電動車計劃的員工,造車計劃已被取消,此消息對該團隊絕對是一大震撼。隨著計畫劃上句點,許多參與計劃的人,將被移轉到蘋果人工智慧部門,甚至有些員工可能有失業危機。
    2024/02/28 10:05
  • 17-year-old Taiwanese sensation wins Dubai endurance race

    Taiwanese high school student Jimmy Chou clinches victory at the Gulf Radical Cup in Dubai with precision driving skills and a passion for racing nurtured since childhood. With nearly seven years of experience, Chou aims to compete in higher-class European circuit races and dreams of becoming a professional driver, embodying the promising talent of Taiwan’s youth on the international stage.
    2024/02/22 17:50
  • Tech leaders laud Hon Hai’s economic contributions at Gala

    Discover the success story of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co at its 50th anniversary gala dinner, where founder Terry Gou highlighted the company’s impact on employees and the community. Special messages from tech leaders like Tim Cook and Jensen Huang added to the celebration.
    2024/02/21 13:43
  • HeySong Sarsaparilla price hike: First in over a decade

    HeySong Corporation, a Taiwanese company, has announced price adjustments for some of its products after 10-20 years of unchanged prices. The adjustments, set to take effect in March, will see prices increase by 10-20%. The most notable increase will be for the popular 330-milliliter HeySong Sarsaparilla, which will surge by up to 25%. The company attributes the price adjustments to rising costs of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and personnel. The recommended retail price adjustments will mainly affect packages less than one liter, with some increasing by NT$4 and others by NT$5-6. Other beverage brands, such as Taisun Enterprise, have also indicated rising drink prices due to increased international raw material costs. The King Car Group had already adjusted the price of its Pocari Sweat drink in November 2020, marking the first price adjustment in 17 years. Public opinion on the price changes seems to be accepting, with many stating that they understand most products are experiencing price increases as long as the surge isn’t too high.
    2024/02/17 11:21
  • Maokong Gondola gets festive makeover for Lunar New Year

    Taipei’s Maokong Gondola adorns cable cars with animal-themed decorations for Lunar New Year, while the God of Wealth joins the celebrations. Nearby, Taipei Zoo considers ticket price increases as the gondola flourishes.
    2024/02/12 08:00
  • 2024世界年度風雲車決賽名單出爐!中國品牌首度上榜

    一年一度的World Car Awards向來都是備受關注的車壇盛事,而2024年世界年度風雲車的決賽名單近日終於在近日公佈了,另外大會也一並公佈了年度都會車 (World Urban Car)、年度豪華車 (World Luxury Car)、年度性能車 (World Performance Car) 、年度最佳設計 (World Car Design of the Year) 與年度純電車 (World Electric Vehicle of the Year)的決賽名單。其中最有亮點絕對就屬,首次進入世界年度風雲車決賽的中國車廠BYD比亞迪。
    2024/02/07 13:29
  • 賓士小G-Car傳2026發表!將採純電動力、越野性能強大

    先前《地球黃金線》為讀者報導提到,賓士總裁親口證實「小G-Class」計畫,但也沒有更多資訊。當時外界推測Mercedes-Benz有機會在2026年的時候正式發表這款新車,並且暫時猜測命名可能是GLG,近期,外媒再度訪問到賓士技術長Markus Schäfer,得到了更多有關於「小G-Car」的消息。
    2024/01/30 11:44
  • 打掃洗車廠「捲進機器」!美女遭吞噬心跳秒停 全身擠壓亡

    美國一起工安意外引起討論,一名年僅26歲的洗車廠員工,在打掃設備期間,不慎遭機器捲入、待同事發現她受困的情況緊急報警後,已無力從死神手上搶人;對此死者生前任職的洗車廠「Zips Car Wash」已經緊急關閉,並承諾全力配合調查。
    2024/01/20 18:18
  • 第三屆《金CAR獎》開跑 蘇宗怡陷選擇困難 喊想要「複選題」

    TVBS汽車實境節目《地球黃金線》連續第三年舉辦「金CAR獎」,高達90輛的候選車輛,幾乎涵蓋市場所有熱門車款,數量也創下三年來新高。今年也特別邀請了20位業界專業媒體人,組成堅強的團隊陣容,與網友、粉絲一起選出年度「Dream Car」。再度擔任評審的主持人蘇宗怡也透露,豪華大型休旅車外型氣派、大器,擁有車廠最新科技、最強性能的特性,成為她心中的「Dream Car」選項,尤其能把一家大小都能裝進去的大空間,更是她考量的重要因素,「全家出遊的美好畫面,光用想像的都很想入手。」但因該級距競爭者眾,讓她苦惱直呼:「真希望能有複選題。」
    2024/01/08 14:19
  • Tsai Ing-wen passes the baton in symbolic campaign ad

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) campaign office released a campaign video titled "Together, On the Road," featuring President Tsai Ing-wen passing the reigns to presidential and vice-presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Directed by Lo Ging-zim, the video utilizes advanced virtual studio technology to depict Tsai and Lai driving through Taiwan’s streets and alleys. Symbolically, Tsai hands over the car keys to Lai, signifying the transition of power, while Hsiao Bi-khim joins them in the passenger seat, representing their shared commitment to Taiwan’s democracy and freedom. All three individuals have been members of the DPP’s administrative team during their eight years in power, holding various posts and working tirelessly for Taiwan’s advancement.
    2024/01/03 11:00
  • ’Parasite’ actor dies in apparent suicide amid drug scandals

    Acclaimed South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, known for his roles in popular films and television dramas such as ’Coffee Prince,’ ’My Mister,’ and ’Parasite,’ was found dead in his car in a suspected suicide. Lee had gained extensive popularity across Asia, including Taiwan, where he had visited in 2019 to promote his film ’Take Point.’ His performance in ’My Mister’ had received rave reviews, and ’Parasite’ had won both the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite his success, Lee’s career was overshadowed by suspicion of drug involvement, ultimately leading to his tragic end, deeply saddening fans worldwide.
    2023/12/27 18:31
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