
Taiwanese embrace EVs while global sales slow down

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/19 17:12
Last update time:2024/04/19 17:12
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — An increasing number of Taiwanese drivers are opting for electric vehicles. In 2023, the island saw 25,000 electric cars on the road, marking a 53% increase from the previous year. Despite this local boom, the global market for electric vehicles (EVs) is seeing a slowdown, as per international automobile market research.

January 2024 witnessed a 69% year-on-year increase in EV sales, yet there was a 26% decrease when compared to December of the previous year. Major automotive companies are revising their strategies regarding electric vehicles. For example, Mercedes-Benz has pulled back on its commitment to sell only EVs by 2030. Toyota's chairman estimates that EVs will make up about 30% of the global market share. Even Porsche's CFO has indicated that the EU may delay its plan to ban fuel-burning cars by 2035.


Yang Hsin-Ju, the editor-in-chief of CarStuff, believes that European manufacturers view Chinese EVs as their main competitors, yet European manufacturers dominate in traditional engine technology. He argues that relinquishing this advantage would make competition difficult.

Despite their status as a symbol of technological advancement, electric vehicles face significant challenges, including the scarcity of charging stations and harsh climate conditions. Addressing these issues is vital for continuing the growth in EV sales. 

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#electric vehicles#global EV sales#electric vehicle market#car manufacturers#charging stations#EV challenges#China EV competition#automobile strategies#climate impact on EVs


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