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    Type 結果共113筆

  • 春風入手傳奇跑車「牛魔王」 助理無情批評:車內汽油味很重

    藝人春風作為玩車界的知名大佬,對日系車型的喜愛可說是廣為人知。除了入手俗稱淚眼鯊的Subaru Imperza GD WRX STi,與堪稱街頭霸主Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X,去年還曾購入Honda Civic K8並將其打造成Type R的日規造型,還原《頭文字D》中的經典模樣。沒想到春風近期的最新收藏更讓人驚豔,不只多部電影中可以發現這輛跑車的身影,同時也是許多日系車迷的夢想存在,而這輛車就是稱之為「牛魔王」的Toyota Supra。
    2024/04/09 15:53
  • 動漫迷看過來!《頭文字D》限量1:64模型車 超商就買得到

    賽車動漫《頭文字D》是不少年輕車迷認識到JDM車款 (Japanese Domestic Model) 的啟蒙之作,從經典的Toyota AE86、Mazda RX-7、Nissan Skyline GT-R、Nissan Silvia再到Honda Civic Type R、Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution與Subaru Impreza WRX STi,因為動漫紅到全世界,使得每一款車在各國車迷心中都是情懷與回憶。
    2024/04/06 13:35
  • Taiwan battles rising obesity rates amid health concerns

    This news story covers the escalating issue of obesity in Taiwan, highlighting the misconceptions surrounding childhood obesity, its long-term consequences, and the economic and health burdens it poses. Urgent actions for a healthier future are discussed.
    2024/03/22 18:15
  • 元宵節燈籠「免電池」 TYPE-C「接手機」就亮

    2024/02/21 14:55
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
  • Taiwan battles decade-high flu epidemic with over 127K cases

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a high flu epidemic, with 127,000 emergency visits due to influenza-like illnesses caused by adenoviruses and influenza viruses. In the span of a week, there were 42 new severe flu complications, including cases of Type A H1N1, Type A H3N2, and Type B. The patients ranged in age from less than 10 years old to over 90 years old, with 30 cases where influenza vaccinations were not received. Eleven deaths were reported during this period, with victims from Type A H1N1, Type A H3N2, and Type B influenza. Eight of the fatalities did not receive flu vaccinations, and the youngest death was a 7-year-old girl from the north, making her the youngest fatality of 2024.
    2024/01/16 17:56
  • 強震自救關鍵!公開Switch「隱藏功能」 全場驚:任天堂太神

    日本石川縣元旦發生極淺層地震,當地時間下午4時06分起,陸續迎來芮氏規模5.7、7.6以及6.1強震,大大小小的餘震導致四處傳來災情,截至今(3)日為止,罹難者人數已攀升至64人。面對不可抗力的天災,有日本網友發現,任天堂 (Nintendo)主機Switch,竟能成為自救活命的主要關鍵。
    2024/01/03 13:33
  • Taiwan’s Type B flu cases rise as Lunar New Year nears

    Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns of a potential flu epidemic around the Lunar New Year due to an increase in Type B influenza infections. Over 6 million government-funded flu vaccines have been administered, with a vaccination rate exceeding 50% among senior citizens. Several counties have reached the target vaccination rate of 55% for seniors. Influenza outpatient and emergency department visits have shown a recent downward trend, but adenoviruses remain the leading respiratory pathogens. H3N2 is more prevalent than H1N1, with a rising proportion of Type B influenza cases. There have been 14 new severe influenza complications and three additional deaths, mainly affecting individuals with chronic illnesses who were unvaccinated. As of December 11, 6.098 million public-funded flu vaccine doses have been administered, achieving a vaccination rate of 50.4%. Officials urge eligible citizens to promptly get vaccinated, as approximately 500,000 doses of government-funded flu vaccine remain.
    2023/12/12 16:59
  • Taipei Metro to refund teen’s NT$1,000 EasyCard fine

    Taipei Metro agrees to refund a fine imposed on a teenage girl who mistakenly used her brother’s EasyCard. The 14-year-old student used a child’s EasyCard instead of a student card, resulting in a fine of NT$1,000. The girl’s father argued that the punishment was excessive, and after reviewing the situation, Taipei Metro decided to refund the penalty as a gesture of goodwill. The incident occurred at Ximen MRT Station, and Taipei Metro emphasized the importance of using the correct card type to avoid fare differences.
    2023/12/09 15:06
  • Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations

    Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
    2023/11/13 11:55
  • Lung cancer now leading cancer type in Taiwan

    Explore the latest 2021 cancer statistics in Taiwan, where lung cancer has now surpassed colorectal cancer as the most prevalent. The report highlights significant trends, including the rise of pancreatic cancer in the top ten list.
    2023/11/10 22:17
  • Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

    The "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" in Taiwan has signed a 20-year contract with collaborating companies for total funding. The project, led by Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro, aims to create a mini hydroelectric facility within Taichung City. The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is set to be completed by the end of the year and will have an installation capacity of 185KW.
    2023/10/26 11:27
  • 蘋果悄上架Type-C有線耳機 「1關鍵」大勝自家頂規耳機

    蘋果(Apple)9月推出最新iPhone 15系列,許多粉期待Type-C接孔的有線耳機上市,事隔1個多月,台灣蘋果官網敲敲上架,售價僅新台幣590元之外,還支援收聽Apple Music無損音質,引起大批果粉歡呼。
    2023/10/25 20:52
  • 傻眼!他拿iPhone15接行充竟「反向充電」 專家曝原因

    蘋果iPhone 15系列上市後引發搶購潮,許多期待已久的果粉紛紛更換新機,但陸續有人在社群平台上回報機身過熱等災情;近期更有一名國外用戶表示,他為自己剛買的iPhone 15 Pro接上行動電源想要充電,沒想到連接Type-C充電線後,手機電量不僅沒有增加,反而變成iPhone 15幫行動電源「反向充電」,讓他非常傻眼。
    2023/10/04 10:40
  • 該換機嗎?iPhone 15系列3變化 日媒:這族群快買

    蘋果在近日的秋季發表會上,推出最新的iPhone15系列,讓許多人開始煩惱「今年該換機了嗎?」。日媒指出,「iPhone 15」系列全面搭載USB Type-C插口,受到外界矚目。其實在相機和螢幕上,也有相當重要的更新,推薦一族群可以考慮換機。
    2023/09/30 17:00
  • iPhone15出貨高峰期 和碩印度廠火災暫時停工

    2023/09/27 18:52
  • iPhone15「這款新配件」收負評! 專業果粉怒:下架退費

    果粉引頸期盼的iPhone 15系列於22日開賣,蘋果各大門市的新機立刻被搶購一空。隨著新機推出,蘋果官網也上架販售新的配件,包括轉接器、新款手機殼等,然而卻有使用者批評,蘋果的「精細織紋保護殼(FineWoven case)」用起來非常「糟糕」,他認為設計上有缺失,甚至提出蘋果應該要下架、退費給消費者。
    2023/09/27 15:19
  • 安卓用戶也心動!他揭iPhone 15「1關鍵」超吸粉:沒理由不換

    近日蘋果發布iPhone 15相關資訊後,立刻引發搶購熱潮,甚至3C通路商燦坤15日晚間8時一開放系列新機線上預購,短短5分鐘內即額滿,足以顯現iPhone 15其高人氣,近日就有一名網友分享,自己身邊不論是果粉還是Android朋友,都因為Lightning連接埠規格改為Type-C,於是也想更換新機,讓他驚呼「台灣的蘋果市佔率要衝上新高?」。
    2023/09/18 05:30
  • 果粉被當盤子?iPhone15改USB-C 轉接器比充電線還貴

    蘋果秋季發表會登場後,廣大果粉期待的iPhone 15也終於要問世,而其中最受矚目的改動之一,就是iPhone 15將改為Type-C連接埠,這也意味著過去果粉已經用慣的lightning充電線將要改朝換代。如果使用者想要沿用舊的充電線,蘋果也有給出選項,推出了Lightning轉USB-C的轉接器;然而眼尖的消費者發現,一個轉接器的售價近台幣一千元,竟然比直接買一條新的充電線還要貴。
    2023/09/14 14:21
  • iPhone 15新亮相!Apple Watch 9「雙指輕點」成亮點

    蘋果的秋季發布會,在台灣時間今天(13日)凌晨登場,正式亮相iPhone 15系列共四款機型,除了相機鏡頭提升、處理器速度更快,還有改用全新充電系統,USB Type-C,被視為重大變更之一;另外,Apple Watch 9也成為亮點,因為只要兩根手指互點兩下,就能接聽電話、播音樂等,幾乎不用碰到手錶螢幕!
    2023/09/13 19:51
  • iPhone15來了! 充電type-C.動態島.鈦金屬殼

    2023/09/13 12:34
  • 粉紅新色登場!iPhone 15、15Plus 相機處理器升級「價格曝光」

    Apple蘋果在台灣時間今(13)日凌晨舉行秋季發表會,iPhone 15全系列新機亮相,iPhone 15一如往常有4種機型,螢幕有6.1吋的15、15 Plus以及螢幕為6.7吋的15 Pro及15Pro Max機型。今年最大變革就是全系列採用動態島以及改用Type-C充電接口。iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus升級至A16晶片,相機畫素也來到最高4800萬像素。
    2023/09/13 10:08
  • iPhone15系列明凌晨亮相! 「泰坦灰」新色疑曝光

    2023/09/12 19:43
  • 蘋果妥協?傳iPhone 15改為Type-C、消費者省86億

    2023/09/05 12:19
  • 果粉看過來!蘋果發表會不只iPhone 「4產品」也值得期待

    蘋果公司29日向媒體發出邀請函,確認秋季發表會將在美國西岸時間9月12日上午10時,台灣時間9月13日凌晨1時舉行。而除了例行性發布新款iPhone 15系列手機,外媒彙整了多項也值得注意,可能會更新的蘋果產品。
    2023/08/30 22:32
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