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    taxi 結果共71筆

  • 萬安演習/LINE taxi提醒:下週一至週四 部分縣市暫停叫車

    2024年萬安47號演習將於7月22日至25日在全台舉行,每場皆為30分鐘,LINE GO taxi發出公告,表示從7/22(一) – 7/25(四) 13:30 – 14:30 時段,部分縣市暫停叫車服務。
    2024/07/21 12:00
  • Taipei declares 2024 as ’Year of Traffic Safety’

    Discover how Taipei is enhancing pedestrian safety by declaring 2024 the "Year of Traffic Safety," with a focus on mutual respect between drivers and pedestrians for a safer city.
    2024/05/23 16:06
  • 160公里僅20分鐘 空中Taxi最快2年後載人

    2024/03/11 12:34
  • Taipei taxi fares rise for Lunar New Year celebrations

    During the Lunar New Year holiday from Feb. 5 to Feb. 14, taxi fares in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung City will increase by an additional NT$30 per ride. Stickers with clear notices about the fare changes will be placed on the back of co-driver’s seats to inform passengers. Cab drivers are prohibited from refusing passengers or taking longer routes, and passengers have the right to inquire about the chosen route. The Taipei City Government Police Department has a hotline for reporting issues at (02) 2311-6409, or residents can dial 110. Other cities and counties, such as Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Nantou, Changhua, and Kaohsiung, will also adjust their taxi fares, with an extra NT$50 per ride. In Hsinchu and Miaoli, fares will increase by 30% based on the original pricing scheme.
    2024/02/05 11:27
  • Taiwan Taxi defends charges amid unlawful profits claims

    Taiwan Taxi Company has clarified that all fees charged to its drivers comply with regulations and have been reported to the responsible authorities. The company defended itself against recent allegations of unlawfully collecting excessive profits from drivers. It stated that all charges are transparent and published on its website. Among the controversial charges are fees for corporate invoices, Easycard processing, and duties. Accusers also claimed that drivers are required to install televisions in their passenger seats to play advertisements, including those featuring actress Ruby Lin, on behalf of Thermage FLX, without receiving compensation. Taiwan Taxi stated that it is undergoing a digital transformation and developing new platforms, with the vehicles’ media players serving functions beyond playing advertisements. The company reassured its drivers that the digital transformation would not increase management costs for them, emphasizing that their monthly charge has not been raised in nearly 20 years.
    2023/12/27 13:19
  • Russian woman’s lost wallet recovered in 10 min. by police

    Russian woman Lana Korotkova lost her wallet at a Christmas party in Taichung but was able to retrieve it within ten minutes with the help of local police. The wallet contained important documents, including her residency permit. Authorities located the missing items through surveillance footage and found the taxi cab where she had left them. The quick response from the police is part of their commitment to providing excellent service to all citizens, regardless of nationality, and aims to create a positive impression on foreign visitors and foster good diplomatic ties.
    2023/12/26 21:42
  • Taipei Songshan Airport taxis bring back NT$50 parking fee

    Starting Jan. 1, 2024, taxis from the Taipei Songshan Airport will charge a $50 stay service fee, aligning with fees at Taoyuan and Kaohsiung airports. This decision, made following evaluations by the taxi fare review committees of Taipei and New Taipei cities, aims to address rigorous competition and rising operational costs in the industry. Passengers traveling through the airport, also known as Taipei International Airport, should take note of the new transportation cost changes, especially during peak travel periods such as New Year’s Day, the Lunar New Year, and the 228 holidays. The airport authorities have urged scheduled taxi operators to provide quality service and inform passengers about the fee change through verbal explanations and in-vehicle signs. Additionally, the airport offers free parking for the first 30 minutes, providing some relief for those being dropped off by family members.
    2023/12/25 19:11
  • Chiayi City to boost taxi subsidies for pregnant women

    The Chiayi City Government has announced a subsidy program for pregnant women using taxi services, in an effort to create a more pregnancy-friendly environment and counteract the city’s declining birthrate. Starting from New Year’s Day, the subsidies for expectant mothers’ taxi rides will increase from NT$2,800 to NT$4,500, with a maximum subsidy per ride rising from NT$100 to NT$150. The program now includes travel for any medical visits, as long as the rides are with designated fleets to and from medical institutions. The validity of the transportation tickets has also been extended to include the first three months following the infant’s birth. The policy is targeted at Chiayi locals and former immigrant mothers whose spouses are registered residents of Chiayi. Additionally, Chiayi has introduced plans to provide emotional support, parenting guidance, legal counseling, and financial aid to pregnant women under 20.
    2023/12/20 16:08
  • New Taipei boosts yellow-line parking, targets 150 sections

    New Taipei City’s Department of Transportation is actively working to improve over 150 sections of yellow-line parking by February 2024, in response to a provisional ordinance by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) that acknowledged the scarcity of temporary parking spaces in metropolitan areas. The department has already completed over 60 conversions from red to yellow lines, prioritizing areas near MRT stations, hospitals, schools, taxi infraction hotspots, and areas with high temporary parking demands. These adjustments are carefully implemented to ensure a minimum lane width of 5 meters and avoid prohibited areas. Yellow-lined streets have a no-parking window from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., allowing only for quick drop-offs, pick-ups, or loading. The MOTC requires that every 100 to 150-meter stretch of red-line roadside have at least 10% allocated for temporary parking. Until these provisions are met, parking violators will face fines ranging from NT$300 to NT$600.
    2023/12/04 21:14
  • 才搭Uber九分鐘!信用卡慘「扣10倍車資」 內行出面解答

    搭乘Uber Taxi近期成為許多民眾選擇交通工具的心頭好,不僅可以預約叫車還能夠透過App掌握里程數與金額。日前有民眾在臉書社團抱怨,自己搭乘Uber小黃約9分鐘的車程車資為134元,沒想到事後刷卡卻被扣了1350元,他急忙打給客服確認,沒想到客服回覆慢又要1至3個工作天處理,讓他相當無奈,對此,有內行出面解釋了。
    2023/10/03 08:34
  • Aspiring drivers flock to Keelung for coveted taxi permits

    Aspiring taxi drivers in Taiwan are flocking to the Keelung City Police Bureau to register for taxi service permits, with some traveling from as far as Taoyuan and New Taipei City. The permits offer a new career opportunity and exemption from business tax, license tax, and fuel tax. With only 900 slots available for the northern region and just 100 allotted to Keelung City, competition is fierce.
    2023/10/02 18:18
  • School bus, taxi collide, injuring 12 kids and 1 adult

    A school bus collided with a taxi on Wednesday morning (July 12) at an intersection in Yilan City, injuring 11 children, one teacher, and a 5-year-old child in the taxi.
    2023/07/12 16:40
  • Taipei to launch taxi subsidy program for pregnant women

    In a bid to bolster its declining birth rate, Taipei City Government announced on Tuesday the launch of an NT$8,000 taxi subsidy program for pregnant women, set to begin on July 1.
    2023/06/27 17:46
  • Taxis required to obtain passenger liability insurance

    To enhance passenger safety, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has mandated that all taxi drivers in Taiwan must secure a minimum of NT$1.5 million in passenger liability insurance by June 15. 
    2023/05/22 19:12
  • 北北基計程車費率漲!叫車平台幫你省 送20趟50元折扣

    明(4/1)日北北基計程車運價要調漲了!Uber 表示合作車隊透過 Uber 網際網路系統(Uber App)載運也將落實新費率。此外為了協助民眾省通勤費,Uber 與合作計程車車隊加碼推出千元乘車大禮包,4月1日至4月15日期間,不論是新加入或已持有 Uber One 的會員使用 Uber App 完成首趟行程後,皆可享有額外的 20 趟 50 元乘車優惠。
    2023/03/31 13:02
  • 雙北假日限定寵物公車免裝籠 計程車推寵物友善專車

    大眾運輸也跟進「寵物友善」風氣,除雙北在週末假日有限定路線公車可免裝籠外,民間的Uber、Line Taxi也推出毛小孩能一起搭乘的服務,讓飼主出門更便利。
    2023/01/25 15:08
  • Experience the best luxury taxis in Tainan, southern Taiwan

    A taxi company in southern Taiwan has a fleet of 40-50 high-end cars — the most luxurious fleet on the island.
    2023/01/18 17:33
  • Taxi demand surges ahead of Chinese New Year festivities

     With the pandemic cooling down and the Chinese New Year drawing near, taxis have become more and more difficult to hail. 
    2023/01/07 18:53
  • Taxi fares to increase in northern Taiwan in April 2023

    Grabbing a cab home after work is about to get a lot more expensive in northern Taiwan as fares are set to rise next year.
    2022/12/24 13:26
  • 計程車啟動「春節費率」! 各縣市調整金額一次看

    再過不到一個禮拜就要迎接農曆新年了,大家安排好要去哪裡「走春」了嗎?為了歡喜迎接虎年,LINE TAXI也祭出優惠,從今(24日)起至2月6日,每天分享紅包給好友,即可獲得「春節虎你紅」乘車券。另外,自23日起,LINE TAXI也啟動春節費率,各縣市調整金額一次看。
    2022/01/24 19:43
  • 疫情衝擊計程車大量閒置怎麼辦? 泰車行:拿來種菜啊!

    2021/10/01 19:25
  • 中秋連假不算周末!TAXI招呼站未標「假日除外」臨停遭拖吊

    2021/09/21 19:11
  • 車床族遍佈東京街頭? 日本計程車業者在車內特別打造休憩空間

    日本市區的房價高得嚇人,而如果是通勤族的話還可能每天花費超過3個小時的時間在交通上面,因此在車子裡面小睡一下其實相當常見,在最近休閒飲料品牌Chill Out就與出租車業者合作,在8月30日至9月4日這段時間推出#SleepingTaxi這輛特別的車款,這些經過特殊裝潢過的Toyota JPN Taxi車輛將會在東京的街頭行駛,為這些想要休息小睡的人們提供一個免費的放鬆體驗。
    2021/09/17 19:46
  • 超瞎趴飛天車拚明年試飛 有了它你連法拉利都懶得開!

    2021/08/18 15:50
  • 疫情求生存!LINE TAXI推安心送 「塔界精品」結合平台外帶85折

    疫情衝擊美食店家生意,像是有「塔界精品」之稱的Tart Taipei蛋塔店,業績掉到只剩一成。為了求生存,店家和線上平台FunNow合作推外帶服務,消費者還能享有獨家優惠,業績因此增加了4倍;而另一家吐司名店,則跟LINE TAXI合作,消費者只要在平台訂餐,就會有小黃司機送餐到你家。
    2021/07/01 19:29
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