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    game 結果共151筆

  • 葛斯齊驚爆「大咖主持」未爆彈! 握毀滅性黑料:力道不小於黃子佼

    黃子佼爆出性醜聞後,事件持續延燒,連他身邊的人也不免遭受波及。資深狗仔葛斯齊先前就爆料:「佼哥是做錯事,佼哥做了一個很嚴重的錯誤,但是我所知道的,比佼哥更過分的那個藝人,他還好好的。可惡到現在,沒有一句道歉,還躲在後面。」葛斯齊昨(7)日在社群發文,他貼出與節目企畫的對話截圖,透露握有該節目「主持人群」的黑料,直言其中之一的未爆彈足以讓對方game over,最後在許多考量他未下接該節目通告。
  • 涉聯手李天怡坑三立!南非台裔議員「越洋發聲明」:還我清白

    南非台裔議員孫耀亨因頑皮世界提告買賣動物涉及背信罪遭台北地檢署通緝,他透過律師越洋表示,有關動物買賣關係是,Pacific Image Ltd與南非Motsumi Animal Import and Export (Pty) Ltd訂立合約,南非Motsumi公司再與史瓦蒂尼Big Game Parks簽約購買動物,供應給Pacific Image Ltd.,Pacific Image Ltd須分別在南非與史瓦蒂尼兩地交付動物給頑皮世界,頑皮世界負責進口台灣相關事務。Pacific Image Ltd 和Big Game Parks並無任何直接關係,他與頑皮世界、Motsumi公司或是Big Game Parks也無任何合同關係。
  • Transforming Taiwan’s future: new deputy ministers aim high

    Discover how the Democratic Progressive Party enhances Taiwan’s education system by appointing Chang Liao Wan-chien and Yeh Ping-cheng as deputy ministers. Learn about Yeh Ping-cheng’s vision for a future-ready Taiwan, his innovative approach to learning, and his commitment to leveraging education to empower the next generation.
    2024/05/06 17:20
  • FSC ramps up fight against credit card fraud

    Discover how Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission is stepping up its game against credit card fraud with new measures to protect consumers from phishing scams and unauthorized transactions. Learn about the enhanced security steps being taken.
    2024/05/01 17:12
  • 不躲了!九澤CP唱一半「他突襲衝上台」 邱鋒澤張大嘴巴嚇傻

    陳零九和邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,「九澤CP 愛在你身邊 LOVE GAME」4月27、28日一連兩天在香港九展Star Hall舉行,兩人正準備情深繼續唱出〈不確認關係〉時,響起卻是婁峻碩的〈Rise〉,婁峻碩突然出現走上台喊:「What’s up Hong Kong!」此時陳零九搶著說:「我就知道,就是知道你這個人會來!」但邱鋒澤則張大嘴巴:「呀!」了出聲,接著三人有默契唱了幾句。
    2024/04/30 16:01
  • Taipei Dome to host first professional basketball games

    Discover the historic basketball event as the New Taipei CTBC DEA and Taipei Taishin Mars gear up to play at the Taipei Dome, marking a first for professional teams in the T1 League on April 13 and 14. With over 16,000 tickets sold and expectations to break attendance records, the anticipation builds for a monumental showdown.
    2024/04/12 17:58
  • Taipei Mayor orders review after Taipei Dome leak incident

    Read about the unexpected rainfall incident at Taipei Dome during a CPBL game, sparking a comprehensive review by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Preliminary findings by Farglory Group suggest rainwater overflow as the cause. Stay tuned for updates on the investigation and repair progress.
    2024/04/01 14:32
  • 億級網紅Mr. Beast轉戰電視 打造競賽節目獎金1.5億創新高

    在YouTube上有2.45億訂閱戶的超級網紅「野獸先生」(Mr. Beast),與Prime Video宣佈一起打造全新的真人競賽節目,以美金500萬元(約1.5億台幣)的超高額獎金,超越了Netflix的《魷魚競賽真人挑戰賽》(Squid Game: The Challenge)的美金456萬元,打算一決勝負。
    2024/03/19 17:25
  • NBA/再轟35分大三元!唐西奇穩居得分王 連4場達陣史上首位

    儘管當家王牌唐西奇(Luka Doncic)持續繳出火燙表現,防守效率慘淡的獨行俠近期卻相當掙扎、苦吞三連敗讓球迷相當沮喪;台灣時間8日坐鎮主場,迎戰以二連勝之姿來勢洶洶的南灘大軍,於下半場找回狀態、克服落後頹勢扭轉戰局,終場以114比108奪下久違的勝利;唐西奇也靠著35分大三元的表現,寫下聯盟罕見的紀錄、同時穩居得分王寶座。
    2024/03/08 13:14
  • Taipei mayor to review Taipei Dome issues after complaints

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to address reported issues at Taipei Dome, including water leakages and unclear signage causing traffic confusion. The recent Yomiuri Giants exhibition game drew criticism from city councilors, prompting proactive investigation by the Taipei City Government. Chiang emphasized the city’s role in assisting and supervising the Build-Operate-Transfer project run by Farglory Group. Farglory Group’s spokesperson acknowledged oversight in fan movement and committed to working with the city government to resolve issues promptly. Chiang highlighted the need for an overall review of Taipei Dome’s operations.
    2024/03/04 16:20
  • 嗨到天亮!凱爾斯與酋長隊夜店慶功 泰勒絲成名曲下浪漫擁吻

    NFL堪薩斯城酋長隊12日在超級盃(Super Bowl)完成衛冕,泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的邊鋒男友凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)獲得生涯第3冠,比賽地點位於「賭城」拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas),慶功趴當然少不了,他帶著女友半夜2點加入夜店賽後派對(post-game after-party),一路嗨到5點多才離去,超級盃是在當地時間前一日下午4時開賽,因此等於他超過12小時都在亢奮狀態。  
    2024/02/13 11:45
  • 《魷魚遊戲》限定店來了!重現經典闖關場景 周邊小物買到手軟

    席捲全球的超人氣影集《魷魚遊戲 SQUID GAME》期間商店,在台北華山中4B館盛大開幕、免費開逛囉!店內神還原了123木頭人小女孩、刺激的玻璃墊腳石橋、超大型球型獎金池等經典的關卡場景,讓大家身歷其境一次拍到飽,還有百款官方授權正版商品,像是椪糖帽T、托特包、抱枕,以及最夯的小女孩吊飾等新品,都可一次入手啦!
    2024/02/11 14:13
  • Taipei Game Show 2024 opens to massive crowds and excitement

    The Taipei Game Show, featuring over 300 games, opened to a crowd of nearly a thousand enthusiastic gamers who braved the cold temperatures and long waits. Despite some complaints about ticket scalpers and system malfunctions, the event was a major success, drawing in over 350,000 visitors over its four-day run. Nintendo’s return to the exhibition was a major highlight, with meet-and-greet sessions featuring beloved characters like Mario and Pikachu, and over a hundred machines available for trial of more than 25 games. With exhibitors given ample time to design their booths, the 2024 edition of the show was the largest in recent years.
    2024/01/25 16:11
  • 104 Job Bank ignites youth podcasting wave for career edge

    104 Job Bank in Taiwan has launched the "Youth General Knowledge Class" event, inviting high-school and university students to create their own podcast episodes to gain industry experience and earn extra income. The job bank’s marketing director, Chang Pao-ling, stated that there are currently 25,000 job opportunities in sectors such as art design and print media that primarily evaluate candidates based on portfolio work. This trend has grown by 44% in the past five years. The initiative aims to help job seekers showcase their curatorial abilities and increase their competitiveness. Job categories such as "Communication Art/Design" and "Print media" demand portfolios for 13.5% and 13% of their openings, respectively. Recently, job postings have started asking for portfolios from applicants in various positions, including 3D animation designers, video game programmers, and web front-end engineers. A survey conducted by 104 Job Bank revealed that 64% of businesses advised students to take part-time jobs to broaden their perspective, while 45.3% expected students to join clubs or teams to foster skills in interpersonal communication and leadership. The initiative by 104 Job Bank aims to create opportunities for students to showcase their curation skills, build a personal portfolio, and tap into the growing popularity of podcasts. For more information, visit: 104青春通識課 | Podcast, Instagram, Facebook | 傳送門 (portaly.cc).
    2024/01/17 17:11
  • Government’s selective pay raise draws criticism from union

    The Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU) has criticized the government for playing a false game with wage increases. While civil servants, including military and education personnel, are set to receive a 4 percent pay increase next year, over 21,000 technical and administrative staff at universities, about 70 percent, remain unsure of their raises. This uncertain group includes employees at private universities. The THEU believes that the government should not leave salaries of non-certified staff to the discretion of universities, as it causes division and lowers morale. Only around 9,000 public employees out of the approximately 31,000 full-time staff members at universities and colleges are certain about their pay rise next year. The THEU is concerned that the hardships of grassroots workers in tertiary education institutions are being overlooked amidst the upcoming presidential elections. They urge that national wage increases should apply to all university staff, with appropriate subsidies provided.
    2023/12/26 21:56
  • Tai Tzu-ying clinches 4th BWF title, defeats Carolina Marin

    Taiwan’s badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, secures her fourth BWF World Tour Finals title by triumphing over former world number one, Carolina Marin of Spain. In a thrilling finale, Tai showcases her resilience and talent, overcoming a deficit in a previous match and staging an incredible comeback victory. Despite losing the first set, Tai’s determination remains unwavering, leading to a 21-14 win in the second game. With a final game score of 21-18, Tai emerges as the champion, etching her name in history. This year’s BWF World Tour Finals also featured a record-setting total prize money of approximately NT$79.43 million.
    2023/12/18 20:56
  • Tai Tzu-ying stages epic comeback to reach BWF Finals

    Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ying stages an incredible comeback to secure a spot in the finals of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, defeating South Korea’s An Se-young. Despite trailing 10-19 in the deciding game, Tai mounts a remarkable 12-1 run to clinch victory after a grueling 72-minute match. Tai attributes her success to perseverance rather than any special strategies. Despite still recovering from an injury, she is determined to be fully prepared and patient for the final match against Spain’s Carolina Marin. This will be Tai’s fourth career gold if she triumphs, and it promises to be an intense showdown given their balanced record of 11 wins each in their 22 previous encounters.
    2023/12/18 20:29
  • Xbox遊戲訂閱服務將推免費版?高層曝方案:看30秒廣告可玩2小時

    微軟Xbox財務長 Tim Stuart最近在Wells Fargo TMT Summit(Wells Fargo TMT Summit)高峰會上透露,針對Xbox主機普及度不高的新興市場,微軟可能會開放免費的xCloud雲端串流遊戲服務,讓用戶可以透過手機瀏覽器或APP來遊玩Xbox Game Pass上的遊戲。
    2023/12/14 16:08
  • War in Israel, Gaza tops 2023 Google news searches

    Google’s most searched topics in 2023 revealed the War in Israel and Gaza as the top news category globally. NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest on the field, emerged as the most searched individual. Actor Jeremy Renner ranked second after being run over by a snowplow. Yoasobi’s single "Idol" topped the song searches, while Barbie and Oppenheimer were the most searched movies. Hogwarts Legacy and The Last of Us dominated the video game category. Late actor Matthew Perry and singer Tina Turner received extensive searches. The television adaptation of The Last of Us was the most sought-after TV series of the year.
    2023/12/12 19:28
  • ’2024 Yomiuri 90th Anniversary’ game tickets now on sale

    Tickets for the "Yomiuri 2024 TOYOTA 90th Anniversary Taiwan Trial" baseball game are now on sale through the UDN Ticketing Network. The network has implemented a queuing system to manage the high demand, with purchases starting at 12 p.m. Organizers recommend registering in advance and following the official fan page for instructions. The initial phase offers 26,000 seats, with the possibility of more being released later. The event will take place in March at the Taipei Dome, and fans are excited to secure their spot at this historic competition.
    2023/12/12 13:50
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • NYMCU freshman breaks new ground in cybersecurity program

    Tsai Yu-chen, a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has made history by being the first student admitted into the prestigious Computer Science program through a special recruitment process that now includes cybersecurity. Tsai’s interest in technology began in junior high when he taught himself networking skills to set up a Minecraft server. He then used his English proficiency to manage the server online and modify Pokémon modules using Google Cloud services, allowing over 100 people to game simultaneously. Tsai’s talent and experience in cybersecurity were further developed during his vocational high school years through the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity talent development program. As a result, he will soon intern with a leading international AI cybersecurity tech company, focusing on cloud security research. The Office of Recruitment for Specialized Technical Colleges and Universities recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in national security and actively promotes relevant courses in technical high schools. This allows students to acquire cybersecurity skills and pursue further education through specialized college entrance exams and exceptional talent selection processes.
    2023/12/07 21:33
  • Taipei police: no illegal bot use in baseball ticket sales

    Taipei City Police Department reports no cases of illegal ticket-purchasing bots linked to the ongoing Asian Baseball Championship. Concerns raised by fans about "ticket grabbing bots" with instruction manuals. Consumers face challenges competing against automated systems to buy tickets. Legal gap leaves bots unpunishable. Baseball game tickets not protected against scalping. Taipei city officials urge fans not to buy tickets from scalpers.
    2023/12/07 18:17
  • Taipei Dome adds seats for Asian Baseball Championship final

    The Farglory Group has confirmed the addition of 4,700 second-level infield seats at the Taipei Dome for the final game day of the 30th Asian Baseball Championship. The decision to expand the seating capacity was made due to high demand from fans, allowing more supporters to witness the championship in person. With the new seats, the anticipated total attendance for the game is expected to reach nearly 22,000 people. Farglory has expressed its commitment to upgrading the venue and thanked fans for their support. The group also emphasized its responsibility for maintaining the stadium’s facilities and pledged to provide top-notch services in collaboration with the Taipei City Government and the Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA). The ongoing 30th Asian Baseball Championship has attracted significant crowds, with the opening game between Taiwan and South Korea teams drawing nearly 17,000 fans. The ongoing appeal for more seats from eager fans has been a major talking point throughout the tournament.
    2023/12/07 15:43
  • 泰女體驗「燒灸」釀意外!一點火全身燃燒 她滾地痛苦尖叫

    恐怖!一名泰國女模特兒蓋姆(Game)日前到一家診所進行傳統療法「Phao Ya」時,沒想到卻釀起嚴重的意外,一名醫師在她身上點火後,突然Game整個人燃燒,痛苦大叫並在地面上翻滾,現場的人員急忙幫她滅火,所幸最總被撲滅,這起意外也導致身上多個部位有3級燒傷,目前Game也委請律師向診所提告。
    2023/12/06 18:52
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