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    game 結果共148筆

  • 九澤CP唱一半!U:NUS團員摔倒褲子破洞衝上台 尷尬畫面曝

    由陳零九跟邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」,今(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「九澤CP愛在你身邊LOVE GAME台北小巨蛋演唱會」,除了帶來許多經典歌曲,嘉賓更一次祭出2組,其中令全場暴動的,就是找來師弟團4人高胥崴、高有翔、吳昱廷、蔡承祐組成的U:NUS,兩組人馬一起帶來合作曲〈暈嗎〉,6人更在演唱中突下台,前往特區中間的移動舞台上熱力賣舞,讓歌迷們又驚又喜。
    2023/11/25 21:38
  • 陳零九爆談戀愛了!與「她」互貼頭貼頭被拍 邱鋒澤:墨鏡戴好

    由陳零九跟邱鋒澤組成的「九澤CP」成軍邁入第四年,推出第二張專輯《愛在你身邊》,今(25)日在台北小巨蛋舉行「九澤CP愛在你身邊LOVE GAME台北小巨蛋演唱會」,他們身穿個性十足的紅藍對比印花外套,從升降高台開場,隨後與8位舞者帶來演唱會同名歌曲〈愛在你身邊〉,並一連演唱兩首新歌〈Replay〉、〈停好 挺好〉以及狼人殺情歌〈天亮請睜眼〉。兩人也走向X型延伸台兩側與特區觀眾互動,演唱拉丁舞曲〈停好 挺好〉時,九澤CP更在台上熱力 dance battle,舞者也以帥氣舞姿助陣,嗨翻全場。
    2023/11/25 21:14
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang makes history as top legislator-at-large

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has made history in Taiwan’s presidential elections by positioning its campaign manager, Vivian Huang, as the top non-constituency legislator-at-large candidate. This unprecedented move has raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest, as Huang holds the power to nominate while also being involved in the election game. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) highlighted Huang’s appointment as a reflection of her close rapport with TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je and her understanding of the Kuomintang’s (KMT) campaign strategies. Huang’s previous engagement with the KMT provides her with intimate knowledge of the opposition’s tactics, allowing her to preemptively contest any strategic moves. As the presidential candidacies were solidified, attention has turned to the election strategies of the major parties, with Huang’s multiple duties generating scrutiny. Her readiness to counteract tactics demonstrates the intensifying nature of Taiwan’s elections as parties prepare for a fierce battle, where alliances and poll maneuvers could have a significant impact.
    2023/11/25 16:37
  • 1.4億獎金!魷魚遊戲真人挑戰賽 椪糖餅「改1規則」顛覆人性

    《魷魚遊戲:真人挑戰賽》(Squid Game: The Challenge)於昨(22日)正式上架,整個遊戲全10集,一開始先上架5集。從第一集內容可見,遊戲大致跟隨劇集內容,將經典遊戲重現。但Netflix官方早前便透露當中會有全新遊戲關卡,部分遊戲規則亦有更動,例如第一集出現的「椪糖餅」遊戲,新規則的頒布就有機會讓參賽者還沒開始玩就先被淘汰。
    2023/11/23 10:29
  • Missing signage and safety concerns raised at Taipei Dome

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has called on the Farglory Group to address the lack of signage and safety concerns at the Taipei Dome stadium. The Dome is set to undergo a full-capacity test within a year. Democratic Progressive Party City Councilor Chen Yi-chun raised concerns about missing signage and the narrow underground parking lot, which lacks reflective warning signs. In response, Chiang stated that the city government would request immediate improvements from Farglory. Taipei City Councilors Lin Liang-jyun and Chien Shu-pei also questioned the venue’s ability to handle crowd dispersal and overall safety. Lin cited the recent crowd dispersal speed in Kaohsiung after a Coldplay concert and asked how long it would take to evacuate the expected 13,000 attendees at the Taipei Dome test event. Taipei MRT officials assured the council that they have experience with crowd dispersal during New Year’s Eve events and estimated that it could take approximately half an hour for visitors to evacuate.
    2023/11/13 18:57
  • Taipei Dome test game tickets sell out in just over a minute

    The Taipei Dome test baseball game sold out 13,000 tickets in just over a minute. The free-entry test match, scheduled for November 18, will feature training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The game aims to assess the suitability of Taipei Dome for the upcoming 30th BFA Asian Baseball Championship in December. Field tests are being conducted to ensure smooth proceedings at the new venue, and spectators are encouraged to provide feedback through on-site online questionnaires.
    2023/11/10 22:29
  • Taipei Dome Nov. 18 warm-up baseball game to open to public

    Starting from November 10, the public can request tickets online for a free viewing of the warm-up baseball game at the Taipei Dome on November 18. The game is part of the essential competition facilities review by the Farglory Group. The November 14 warm-up match will be a closed-door event involving four top-tier teams. On November 18, the "Home Run Taipei Dome Warm-up Game" will take place, featuring a match-up between the training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The Dome is expected to open 13,000 seats to the public. Tickets can be requested online through the tixCraft ticketing system from November 10 to November 17. Each account is limited to 2 tickets, while supplies last. The company warns spectators that they will not consider compensation or other rights claims if they result from deficiencies or imperfections in the venue’s facilities. Farglory Group encourages adherence to venue regulations and recommends using public transportation to reach the games.
    2023/11/06 16:10
  • Ko Wen-je: From ER doctor to Taiwan’s political game changer

    Ko Wen-je, founder of Taiwan People’s Party and former ER doctor, has swiftly become a significant force in Taiwan’s politics. Known for his straightforwardness and rapid adaptation, Ko’s political journey resonates with the youth but faces challenges with older generations. As Taiwan approaches election day, voters must decide if Ko’s vision aligns with their aspirations for the nation.
    2023/11/03 18:00
  • PLG new season begins with Fubon Braves vs. New Taipei Kings

    Taiwanese professional basketball league PLG revealed on Oct. 13 the regular season schedule for 2023-24, with the season-opening match set for Nov. 11. The game will feature Taipei’s Fubon Braves hosting the New Taipei Kings, led by Jeremy Lin. The Braves, aiming for their fourth consecutive PLG championship title, will hold the inaugural game at the Taipei Heping Basketball Gymnasium.
    2023/10/13 17:18
  • Taiwan Mahjong Greatest Party makes 2024 election bid

    The Taiwan Mahjong Greatest Party, founded in 2022, is set to announce its legislative candidate list soon, according to Chairman Kuo Hsi. The party aims to care for the elderly and preserve their cognitive abilities through the game of Mahjong.
    2023/10/12 17:06
  • 九澤CP不忍了!無預警宣布「2大好消息」 認:需要很大體力

    由陳零九、邱鋒澤所組的雙人組合「九澤CP」,即將於11月25日舉行「九澤CP 愛在你身邊LOVE GAME 台北小巨蛋演唱會」,他們也宣布將在9月24日於台北信義香堤大道廣場舉行簽票會,現場將演唱歌曲、與電燈泡(粉絲名)們同樂互動。陳零九樂邀歌迷一起重溫舊地:「時間好快一下就過了2年,期待歌迷來簽票會找我們暖暖身!」邱鋒澤也開心喊:「想聽新歌不能錯過!無法到場的歌迷,我們11月25日小巨蛋不見不散。」
    2023/09/21 14:27
  • 郭台銘誓言「選到底」 吳子嘉搖頭:賴清德篤定當選了

    鴻海集團創辦人郭台銘宣布獨立參選後,於昨(14)日舉行記者會,公布副手人選為資深藝人賴佩霞,消息一出令外界震驚,也讓不少人無奈感嘆「郭董Game over了」。對此,美麗島電子報董事長吳子嘉便透露,郭台銘在記者會過後曾撥電話給他,儘管面對外界的不看好,仍強調自己一定會「選到底」,讓他聽了直搖頭,「那賴清德應該可以確定當選了」。
    2023/09/15 16:18
  • 女星突劇烈腹痛!凌晨「送急診開刀」 美籍男友緊張守護

    女星何美自《大學生了沒》節目出道,近年接連主持《愛玩客》、《Game!什麼東西》、《綜藝玩很大》 等,活潑、不做作個性收穫大票粉絲,感情方面也與外國男友穩定交往,事業、愛情皆得意,未料,經常在社群平台分享日常點滴的她,卻透露緊急住院開刀。
    2023/09/14 18:16
  • 示警投資中國恐自我毀滅 美國會找華爾街玩「戰爭遊戲」

    近年隨著兩岸關係劍拔弩張,台海戰爭爆發的可能性成為國際關注話題,對此,美國眾議院美中戰略競爭委員會(US House of Representatives China committee,以下簡稱特別委員會)計畫11日與華爾街的金融和企業主管一起舉行戰爭遊戲(war game),兵棋推演台海開戰以提高對「美國人投資中國風險」的認識。
    2023/09/09 10:17
  • 九澤CP不藏了!11月攻蛋嘉賓曝光 寵粉加碼辦簽票會

    由陳零九、邱鋒澤組成的雙人組合「九澤CP」,11月25日將舉行「九澤CP 愛在你身邊LOVE GAME」 台北小巨蛋演唱會,門票9月22日拓元售票系統正式開賣,2人今(6)日宣布將在9月24日下午2點於台北信義香堤大道廣場舉辦簽票會,期待表示:「演唱會前先暖暖身,提早和大家近距離見面!」
    2023/09/06 15:24
  • 寶可夢中心台北地點曝光! 網扮《名偵探皮卡丘》揪出線索

    寶可夢自1996年任天堂掌機Game Boy推出首作《寶可夢紅/綠》後,風靡全球將近三十載,無論是動畫或本傳遊戲,亦或是現今的大型機台「Pokémon Ga-Olé」與手機上的「Pokémon Go」,都深受大人小孩的喜愛。而寶可夢台灣官方1日發布重訊,寶可夢中心台北(Pokémon Center TAIPEI)預計將在今年12月開幕,讓不少粉絲欣喜若狂;而今(4)日臉書就有不少同好粉專調查到,寶可夢中心台北的確切位置,就是信義區A11;雖然官方並未證實,但從求職網站公布的徵才資訊來看,確實就位在信義區。
    2023/09/04 20:10
  • 電燈泡快看!九澤CP成軍4年訴感動情話 超帥主視覺曝光

    陳零九、邱鋒澤組成的雙人組合「九澤CP」,今年邁入成軍4週年,延續夯曲〈天黑請閉眼〉的感動,昨(22)日七夕情人節推出續集作品〈愛在你身邊〉,數位單曲及MV同步上線,今(23)日也正式公開11月25日「九澤CP 愛在你身邊 LOVE GAME」 台北小巨蛋演唱會的主視覺和售票資訊,送給歌迷滿滿驚喜。
    2023/08/23 17:49
  • 二刀流沒了!憂手起水泡影響表現 大谷婉拒明星賽登板投球

    洛杉磯天使(Los Angeles Angels)5日派出大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)登板先發,他在第六局突然被教士(San Diego Padres)敲出「背靠背」全壘打丟3分後,隨即就被換下場休息。賽後當天使以5比8落敗後,多家美媒稍早證實,以投手與指定打擊雙重身份入選大聯盟明星賽(All-Star Game)的他,擔憂右手水泡會影響表現,投手大谷將婉拒登板投球;只保留打者翔平指定打擊的資格,讓粉絲期待的「二刀流」就此落空。
    2023/07/05 11:59
  • 相隔3969天!洋基投手開無雙 投出史上第24場「完全比賽」

    美國職棒(MLB)紐約洋基投手赫曼(Domingo German)今(29)日對戰美西爐主奧克蘭運動家大殺四方,投了9局沒讓對手敲安、沒出現四壞保送、隊友也沒發生失誤,終場用了99球,狂飆9次三振,讓對手27上27下,投出史上第24場、洋基隊史第4場、大聯盟睽違3969天的「完全比賽」(Perfect Game),令全場球迷歡聲雷動。
    2023/06/29 13:05
  • 破台幣4200萬!喬丹「流感之戰」實著球鞋拍出驚人天價

    NBA傳奇球星「籃球之神」麥可喬丹(Michael Jordan)過往曾打出不少經典戰役,其中1997年總冠軍賽第5戰的「流感之戰(Flu Game)」,始終是球迷津津樂道的回憶,而喬丹該場比賽所穿的戰靴近日再度出現於拍賣行「Goldin Auctions」,並賣出138萬美元(約4235萬新台幣)的天價。
    2023/06/16 15:15
  • MLB/明星賽首輪獲92萬票 大谷暫居美聯「人氣王」

    美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)即將在7月11日,假西雅圖水手(Seattle Mariners)主場舉辦明星賽(MLB All-Star Game),目前美聯與國聯的打線票選已經開始,官網13日也公告首輪投票結果,洛杉磯天使日籍球星大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)以92.4萬票,力壓洋基巨砲「法官」賈吉的84.4萬票,成為目前美聯明星隊的人氣王。但如果單純就德票數比較,勇士隊外野手阿庫尼亞(Ronald Acuña Jr.)是第一輪全聯盟的人氣王,他一人就獲得108.6萬票,遙遙領先同聯盟其他對手。
    2023/06/13 12:50
  • 親密照流出!女星緊貼洋男愛意藏不住 火辣超兇身材全都露

    女星何美(何淑美)從《大學生了沒》出身,活潑大方、甜美外型受到許多關注,近年接連主持《愛玩客》、《Game!什麼東西》、《綜藝玩很大》 ,不做作風格獲廣大粉絲喜愛。事業得意的何美,感情方面也與外國男友交往穩定,日前還一同去泰國旅遊,曬出的泳池合照足以顯見兩人的好感情,何美的辣照更是讓粉絲們一飽眼福。
    2023/05/29 21:05
  • T1 LEAGUE announces suspensions for Leopards-HeroBears melee

    Taoyuan Leapords and TaiwanBeer HeroBears, two teams from Taiwan’s T1 Basketball League, engaged in a physical altercation during a game on Monday (Feb. 21).
    2023/02/21 17:03
  • Jeremy Lin scores 21 points in first P. League game  

    Jeremy Lin made his debut with the Kaohsiung Steelers in the P. League on Sunday
    2023/02/13 19:40
  • Jeremy Lin to play with Kaohsiung Steelers on Sunday

    Jeremy Lin is scheduled to play his first P. League game on Sunday.
    2023/02/12 10:32
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