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    force 結果共141筆

  • Air Force prepares for CCK Air Base Aviation Carnival

    In preparation for the Ching Chuan Kang (CCK) Air Base Aviation Carnival on Aug. 12, Taiwan’s Air Force Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team took to the skies to showcase their flight skills ahead of the main event.
    2023/08/13 13:17
  • Vice President Lai Ching-te confident in Taiwan’s football

    Vice President Lai Ching-te expresses support for the Primary School Football World Cup Invitational, emphasizing football’s unifying potential in Taiwan and globally. The event is set to feature primary school teams from multiple countries.
    2023/08/09 17:02
  • Taiwan MND investigates suspected info leak to China

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) in Taiwan announced plans to increase their efforts in counter-intelligence on Wednesday (Aug. 2). This decision came in response to an ongoing investigation involving six naval and air force officers currently serving and a retired air force officer with the surname Liu. 
    2023/08/02 18:58
  • Typhoon Doksuri nears: East braces for heavy rainfall

    Typhoon Doksuri is rapidly approaching Taiwan with considerable force. Starting from Wednesday (July 26), wind and rainfall will steadily intensify across various regions. The southeastern and southern regions should exercise caution against heavy rainfall, whereas the western regions should prepare for intense heat due to their leeward position.
    2023/07/26 16:37
  • Public advised to stay indoors as heatwave comes into force

    The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) pointed out that strong southwest winds have resulted in foehn winds in Taitung County. CWB also issued heat advisories for several cities and counties on Wednesday (July 5). Pingtung County and Hualien County are under an orange alert, with a high probability of extreme temperatures reaching 38 degrees Celsius. 
    2023/07/05 16:43
  • Two sergeants found dead in Army’s 10th Corps Command

    Two sergeants at the Army’s 10th Corps Command in Taiwan were found unconscious in their bedroom and later pronounced dead. The cause of their death is still under investigation, and a special task force has been established to cooperate with the police and prosecutor’s office. The Army’s 10th Corps Command expresses deep regret and condolences to the families of the deceased.
    2023/06/26 19:25
  • President Tsai unveils 4% salary hike for armed forces

    President Tsai Ing-wen announced Wednesday (June 21) a 4% increase in salary for armed forces starting next year. The president also reiterated the government’s commitment to enhance soldiers’ living conditions and upgrade their equipment, pledging unwavering support as the strongest force bolstering the nation’s military officers.
    2023/06/21 17:43
  • 80歲拜登跌倒引關注健康狀況 《紐時》揭白宮內部觀察

    高齡80的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden),是美國史上最年長的在任總統,當地時間1日他在科羅拉多州空軍官校(Air Force Academy)被放在地上的沙袋絆倒,也再引發外界討論他的健康狀況。外媒採訪多名前官員以及與拜登共事過的人,試圖拼湊出這位高齡總統在白宮的日常。
    2023/06/05 21:54
  • 拜登遭沙袋絆倒仆街 川普隔空溫馨關切:希望他沒事

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)高齡80歲,是美國史上最年長的在任總統,由於他已宣布要挑戰2024連任白宮大位,他的健康狀況也成為反對黨攻擊目標之一。但拜登美國時間1日在科羅拉多州空軍官校(Air Force Academy)的講台上被放在地上的沙袋絆倒,撲地摔了一跤;不過這次宿敵川普聞訊並沒有大作文章,反道隔空喊話關心,表示「太悲傷了」、「希望他沒有受傷」。
    2023/06/03 11:02
  • 圖輯/拜登頒空軍官校畢業證書當眾慘摔 起身比兇手是「它」

    現年80歲的美國總統拜登(Biden)1日出席美國空軍學院(U.S. Air Force Academy)畢業典禮,親切地和畢業生們握手、頒發畢業證書,環節尾聲,拜登轉身要回到座位時,因為沒有注意到地上的黑色沙包,而摔在舞台上,讓場邊歡呼聲瞬間變成尖叫聲,身旁的官員和隨扈們也嚇壞,衝上台攙扶他,這已是拜登第四度在公開場合摔倒。
    2023/06/02 14:31
  • Oops!80歲拜登又跌倒 「正面撲地」隨扈急攙扶

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)今天在科羅拉多州美國空軍官校(Air Force Academy)的講台上被絆倒,正面撲地,所幸他看起來沒有受傷。
    2023/06/02 07:55
  • Study: Most Chinese back use of force for Taiwan unification

    A recent study published in the "Journal of Contemporary China," conducted by scholars from Singapore and Shanghai, reveals that more than half of Mainland Chinese support using force to unify Taiwan. 
    2023/05/25 11:55
  • Unpredictable twist: Typhoon Mawar alters course

    Typhoon Mawar, currently classified as a Category 2 typhoon, is rapidly approaching with significant force, raising concerns about potential heavy rainfall in Taiwan over the next 48 hours.
    2023/05/23 16:56
  • Manufacturer responds to angry ’Taiwan Hulk’ customer

    A viral video depicting a 28-year-old shirtless man causing havoc in a convenience store has ignited a heated debate regarding the police’s use of force. The incident unfolded when the man, identified as Chu, expressed his frustration after discovering that the store was temporarily out of a ready-to-eat, Italian-flavored chicken breast.
    2023/05/22 16:37
  • 成功出售「腐敗專機」 墨西哥總統幫國庫進帳28億台幣

    相比美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)先前積極參與設計新的空軍一號專機(Air Force one),墨西哥總統歐布拉多(Lopez Obrador)對自家專機卻非常有意見,不只將其視為浪費與奢侈的行為,更將專機形容是墨國政府腐敗象徵,拒絕使用並嘗試將它售出。《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,經過近5年的嘗試,歐布拉多終於成功以9200萬美元(約新台幣28億1885萬元)賣出,這架總統專機將轉手給塔吉克政府,雖然價格遠低於他原先預期,卻以足夠替民眾建造兩座具有80床位的公立醫院。
    2023/04/23 11:24
  • Early retirement poses challenges for Taiwan’s economy

    The average age for first-time pension recipients in Taiwan has decreased in recent years, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Insurance. 
    2023/04/15 17:31
  • Controversial Taiwan Air Force badges sell out in hours

    Air force badges featuring a Formosan Black Bear punching a Winnie the Pooh have become a hot commodity in Taoyuan, Taiwan, following a recent viral picture.
    2023/04/11 16:05
  • Taiwan flag makes surprising cameo in U.S. Air Force video

    A recent U.S. Air Force promo video released by Moody Air Force Base has caused a stir amongst keen-eyed viewers for its unexpected inclusion of the national flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan). 
    2023/03/17 18:26
  • 傻眼!交車儀式出包「慘淪毀車展」 網虧:0公里回廠保養

    Yamaha在台灣從2023年1月開始,便陸續帶來新年式NMax、改款XMax黃牌大羊、新年式TMax紅牌大羊、新年式Force 2.0、6代小改勁戰與Augur曙光白特仕版,積極布局新車以強化競爭力。而在中國,Yamaha也於2023年2月17日正式發表Aerosports X這款155級距的速克達,建議售價2.58萬人民幣(約新台幣11.45萬元),不過,本來在3月12日要風光舉辦首批車主交車儀式,怎料8輛新車全被倒塌的背板壓毀,現場的車主們全都看傻了眼!
    2023/03/16 15:42
  • 否決川普「藍白紅」版本 美新空軍一號維持經典色系

    身為美國總統專機,「空軍一號」(Air Force One)一詞經過1997年電影宣傳後,已經深入各國民眾的記憶之內,專機藍白雙色塗裝也成為經典。《有線電視新聞網》(CNN)報導,美國日前公開新一代空軍一號專機樣式,否決前朝川普(Donald Trump)建議的藍白紅三色版本,維持自甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)以降留下的藍白雙色,透過加強機上醫療、自我防衛系統,預計最快2027年就能投入使用。
    2023/03/11 15:22
  • U.S. approves US$619 million Taiwan arms sale

    The U.S. has approved a US$619M arms sale to Taiwan with munitions and equipment for F-16 fighter jets.
    2023/03/07 10:35
  • Taiwan enters NT$1 billion aircraft care project with U.S.

    The aircraft upgrade plan of the Republic of China Air Force is progressing at a rate of three planes per month, with at least 100 aircraft completed by the end of last year. 
    2023/02/14 19:35
  • New Taipei holds job fair to fill 3,000 local positions

    The New Taipei City government hosted its first major talent recruitment event of the year. Fifty-six firms participated, seeking to fill more than 3,000 job openings, primarily in the service, retail, and technology manufacturing sectors.
    2023/02/04 19:11
  • Taiwan youth labor force declines as birth rate drops

    More and more businesses in Taiwan have felt the impact of the nation’s declining birthrate as youth employment rates in the labor market continue to drop.
    2023/01/20 08:00
  • Taiwan’s tourism industry struggling to meet labor needs

    An increasing number of tourists are expected to travel to Taiwan in 2023, even though the country’s hotel industry is still seeking solutions to fill these gaps in staffing.  
    2023/01/19 12:31
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