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  • MLB/道奇開賣大谷新周邊 17號球衣破梅西、C羅銷量紀錄

    2023/12/15 12:54
  • 披戰袍倒數! 大谷翔平加盟道奇、17號球衣預售金額創紀錄

    2023/12/14 18:46
  • MLB/大谷翔平加持道奇主場門票翻倍 最貴座位30萬台幣

    MLB球星大谷翔平以10年總價值7億美元(約新台幣220億)的天價合約加盟道奇隊,MLB也宣布,大谷翔平的17號道奇隊球衣開放預購後,銷量已經刷新紀錄,甚至超越足球巨星梅西和C羅。大谷帶來的經濟效益驚人,據《Forbes Japan》報導,道奇主場明年開幕戰的價格已經翻倍,最貴的座位門票甚至要9628美元(約新台幣30.1萬元),相當驚人。
    2023/12/14 14:21
  • MLB/大谷再創紀錄!球衣預購超車梅西、C羅 道奇明辦記者會

    美國大聯盟(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平以10年7億美元(約新台幣220億元)的天價合約轉戰洛杉磯道奇隊(Los Angles Angels)、寫下體壇歷史紀錄,而今(14)天大聯盟官網也宣布,大谷翔平在官宣加盟道奇隊的48小時內,球衣預購銷售量破紀錄,超車足壇巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)和C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo),明天道奇隊將召開加盟記者會。
    2023/12/14 11:33
  • 週末氣溫暴跌剩12度!3地區溼答答 下週首波寒流急凍9°C

    2023/12/13 20:10
  • 7人團浪花男子3人戀愛中! 原傑尼斯氣炸「全天候監控道枝駿佑」

    2023/12/13 11:34
  • Chiang Wan-an lauds TFG for 120 years of women’s education

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expresses gratitude to Taipei First Girls High School (TFG) for nurturing generations of remarkable women on the occasion of the school’s 120th anniversary. Chiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the newly restored Kuang Fu Building, a historic landmark on the TFG campus. The Taipei City Government contributes over NT$100 million to support the restoration project. Chiang recalls his previous visit to TFG, where he interacted with the TFG Honor Guard and Marching Band. He humorously mentions that as a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, he admired TFG from outside its gates, but now as mayor, he can visit and engage with the school. Chiang also highlights a collaboration between TFG and EasyCard Corporation, resulting in a commemorative ’TFG 120th Green Uniform EasyCard’ that plays the school’s anthem upon use. EasyCard Corporation will donate 10% of the cards’ revenue to charity. TFG’s anniversary activities attract a diverse group of alumnae, including those from 70 years ago and mother-daughter pairs, as well as alumnae from Chiang’s own graduation year.
    2023/12/12 19:54
  • 沙烏地阿拉伯邀請促成 梅西、C羅明年再次傳奇對決

    全世界足球粉絲期待的戲碼,終於確定要再次上演,邁阿密國際(Inter Miami)12日透過官方粉專宣佈,該球隊接獲沙烏地阿拉伯邀請,將在2024年1月底抵達該國訪問,並舉行兩場友誼賽,和沙國聯賽的希拉爾(Al-Hilal)與艾納斯(Al Nassr)比賽,屆時粉絲們將能看到梅西(Lionel Messi)與C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)兩大傳奇球星,繼卡達世界盃後再次同場對決。
    2023/12/12 14:30
  • 小7新品齊發!思樂冰「限3天」買1送1 霜淇淋第2件半價

    超商推新品了!7-ELEVEN推出思樂冰新口味「黃風俠思樂冰」,霜淇淋則與名店「18度C巧克力工房」共同開發全新巧克力口味;且即日起至1月9日,每周五六日憑icash 2.0、icash Pay霜淇淋任選第2支半價;且12月15日起至12月17日思樂冰可口可樂、果漾蘋果風味蘇打大杯買1送1。
    2023/12/12 13:28
  • Taiwan trusts eye bullish market outlook with zero-fee funds

    Investment trust companies in Taiwan, such as Jih Sun Investment Trust, Yuanta Investment Trust, Allianz Investment Trust, Taishin Investment Trust, First Investment Trust, and Cathay Investment Trust, are currently offering time-limited promotions that waive fund handling fees. These promotions, aimed at taking advantage of a bullish global financial market, include 0% transaction fees for regular savings plans and single payments. By focusing on Taiwan stock funds and funds invested in Vietnam, global industries, technology, and multi-asset classes, these companies are providing investors with opportunities to reduce investment costs. With an estimated profit of NT$3.4 trillion for Taiwan’s listed companies in 2024, a potential growth of 10% to 20% compared to 2023, and strong performance expected in the fourth quarter, the investment landscape in Taiwan looks promising.
    2023/12/12 11:48
  • 先別急著買!外媒爆蘋果「3新品」將改換USB-C 推出時程曝光

    蘋果為了因應歐盟新規,將今年秋季發表會發表的iPhone 15系列全面改為USB-C接孔,後續也推出USB-C版的第2代AirPods Pro,近期有外媒爆料,蘋果接下來還有3大產品也將換上USB-C接孔。
    2023/12/12 08:24
  • 英王室曬耶誕賀卡罕呈黑白色 夏綠蒂公主佔C位神似已故女王

    英國王室每年耶誕節前夕都會公布賀卡,威廉王子(Prince William)與凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)一家、國王查爾斯三世(King Charles)和王后卡蜜拉(Queen Camilla)10日也都依循傳統,在社群公布今年的慶賀合照。有別與過往,今年威廉1家5口罕見以黑白照呈現,粉絲驚訝發現3個孩子明顯抽高,也認為佔「C位」的夏綠蒂公主神似已故女王伊莉莎白二世 (Queen Elizabeth)。
    2023/12/11 11:23
  • 不敵百億誘惑!曾批沙國聯賽 西班牙高球名將被油王挖角

    全球最高薪資的球員人選即將換人,不再是你我熟悉的C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)、梅西或姆巴佩,而可能是來自西班牙的高爾夫球名將喬恩・拉姆(Jon Rahm),根據《ESPN》(The Telegraph)報導,這位剛剛拿下今年美國大師賽(U.S. Masters)冠軍的運動員,在各種傳聞滿天飛後,8日正式宣佈接受沙烏地阿拉伯挖角,從PGA美巡賽跳槽加盟沙國主導的LIV職業聯賽,甚至能擁有自己的專屬球隊,而傳聞中能讓拉姆躍居最高薪現役球員,一紙高達4.5億英鎊(約新台幣177億4400萬元)的合約,以及3.02億英鎊(約新台幣119億元)預付款,也持續成為粉絲討論的話題。
    2023/12/09 11:58
  • 2童肝功能正常「驚罹患C肝」!原因竟是媽媽 憂肝癌快篩檢

    2023/12/08 14:32
  • M-AMG CLE 53雙門跑車亮相 443匹直六渦輪增壓動力上身

    M-Benz新推出的CLE車系,強調結合C-Class以及E-Class的特長, 預計能夠帶來豪華與運動感受兼具的用車體驗。而M-AMG日前發表的全新M-AMG CLE 53,這款車搭載3.0升直六渦輪增壓引擎,並具備48V輕油電系統,可以提供443匹馬力以及57.1公斤米扭力。如果使用超增壓模式,可以在12秒的時間之內,獲得61.2公斤米的扭力輸出表現。
    2023/12/07 23:23
  • 維基百科「2023瀏覽排行榜」出爐 ChatGPT奪下冠軍

    2023/12/07 12:42
  • Taiwan health official admits affair, seeks forgiveness

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has addressed reports of an extramarital affair involving Secretary General Hsu Chao-cheng, expressing hopes that he will handle the matter appropriately. Hsu himself acknowledged the affair on Facebook, apologizing to his wife, family, and colleagues. The affair was brought to light by Mirror Media, which revealed frequent interactions between Hsu and a female subordinate, identified as Chen. Colleagues reported seeing them together watching movies and shopping. Deputy Minister Jih-Haw Chou of the Ministry of Health and Welfare stated that if any aspect of the affair relates to official duties, it will be further investigated.
    2023/12/06 20:34
  • Tsai Ing-wen hosts N. America Taiwan Centers in Taipei

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te welcomed the 2023 Taiwan Centers from North America delegation at the Presidential Office. They expressed gratitude for the expatriates’ support of Taiwan, particularly in its efforts to join international organizations and promote Taiwanese culture abroad. The delegation has played a vital role in fostering exchanges between Taiwan and countries like the United States and Canada. Despite challenges from the pandemic and international tensions, Tsai remarked that Taiwan’s steady policies have fortified its strength, with the island ranking sixth in global competitiveness and third for its entrepreneurial environment. The government remains committed to propelling industrial transformation and pursuing a net-zero transition. The visiting group’s agenda includes tours in Taipei, Changhua, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, with hopes that they will share Taiwan’s progress and achievements with their communities overseas. Notable invitees include Simon Lin, President of the Taiwan Center Foundation/Greater Los Angeles, Su Chun-hwai, President of the Taiwan Center NY, and Huang Mei-hsing, chief of staff of the Taiwanese American Center of Northern California.
    2023/12/06 14:51
  • GR Yaris再進化!植入三菱EVO引擎 賽車配置搭載超強馬力

    在2020年橫空出世的Toyota GR Yaris,無論從底盤架構(前GA-B/後GA-C)、1.6升渦輪增壓三缸引擎到GR-Four四驅系統等硬體配置上,都跟日規/歐規標準版Yaris有著極大差異,而最重要的是GR Yaris是Gazoo Racing跟Yaris WRC賽車同步開發打造,絕對夠格被稱作是市售版WRC賽車!既然談到市售版WRC賽車,上世紀叱詫WRC賽場的Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution絕對是GR Yairs的前輩,不過可惜的是Lancer EVO發展到10代車型就黯然退場,但來自波蘭的改裝廠Dytko Sport,就將Lancer EVO的4B11T引擎異種移植到GR Yaris身上,讓兩代市售WRC賽車跨時代融合在一起。
    2023/12/06 14:43
  • Taipower contractor questioned after deadly Miaoli mishap

    A deadly accident on National Freeway 3 in Miaoli occurred when falling electrical cables resulted in one fatality and five injuries. The Miaoli District Prosecutor Office summoned Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) and the contractor involved to determine the cause. The contractor, Chen, stated that construction was taking place on the hillsides surrounding the tower, where cables were being replaced. Shortly after construction began, one of the cables came loose, showing signs of being severed. The National Highway Police Bureau (HPB) determined that the incident was a work safety issue, not a typical traffic accident, and announced charges of endangering public safety would be pursued. The high-voltage cable fell onto both the southbound and northbound lanes, impacting multiple vehicles. Tsai, the wife of Chang, who was in the passenger seat of a van carrying a family of six, succumbed to her injuries. The other five occupants suffered various injuries. The Freeway Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) stated that Taipower and their contractor had not obtained approval for the unauthorized construction work, potentially violating the Highway Act. Taipower’s Distribution and Service Division Director, Shih Chi-liang, apologized for the accident and explained that the cable unexpectedly snapped during replacement work conducted by Double Safe, the company responsible for cable installations. Taipower has halted construction at the site to investigate the cause and prevent future accidents.
    2023/12/03 14:49
  • 「2023各國胸部尺寸」調查報告 台灣平均罩杯也出爐

    《世界人口綜述》(World Population Review)發表「2023各國胸部尺寸」報告。調查顯示,最大的是美國與英國,平均是C罩杯;而最小的AA罩杯部分,則有23個國家。但胸部大小與BMI數也有密切關係,這意味著更大的罩杯,同時可能也伴隨著更重的體重。
    2023/12/02 17:26
  • 南非動保團忙 憂誤闖人類區遭不測

    2023/12/01 22:20
  • 西藥會傷肝?醫揭「肝發炎7症狀」 吃保健食品也要注意

    2023/12/01 12:23
  • AirPods Pro 2增智慧降噪 專家:溝通更順便利性提升

    蘋果第2代AirPods Pro(AirPods Pro 2)耳機USB-C版11月初在台灣開賣,本週陸續到貨。專家實測發現,新功能「適應性音訊」和「對話感知」可以在使用耳機時更方便與外界溝通,有助吸引AirPods系列用戶升級換機。
    2023/12/01 09:43
  • 好天氣沒了!連兩波東北風「降溫轉雨」 這天最冷15°C

    2023/11/30 19:38
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