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    c��� 結果共3,077筆

  • Cold snap hits northern Taiwan with 10°C temperatures

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as a strong continental cold air mass brings chilly temperatures to northern regions. Find out how the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts are impacting areas like Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, with temperatures possibly dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. Stay informed about the persistent influence of the cold air mass and how it’s affecting different parts of the island.
    2024/02/27 10:41
  • C羅贏球後對觀眾比「猥褻手勢」挨轟 傳被沙國足協調查

    2024/02/26 17:40
  • 一週2度急凍!今跌破10°C 下波更冷「加碼全台降雨」凍感加倍

    2024/02/26 07:36
  • 亞洲盃資格賽馬場雄大狂砍24分 日本男籃睽違88年贏中國

    2024/02/25 18:06
  • TWICE新歌周子瑜「C位」美翻!團體合約明年到期 續約問題浮上檯面

    2024/02/25 14:36
  • 金正恩真的有兒子? 前南韓情報員曝:他太瘦弱不像老爸

    2024/02/25 13:41
  • 瞞已婚撿屍嫩模?傳富商逼簽「性愛合約」:不然叫正宮告妳

    樂立杯(Lollicup)及Karat創辦人、「波霸杯富商」俞宗明(Alan Yu、在台名為施宗明)與28歲C姓女模互控詐騙、性侵引起各界關注;俞宗明認為女方假藉以結婚為前提交往之名騙取錢財,怒在台灣、美國提出告訴,而C女則火速澄清、雙方各說各話。
    2024/02/23 11:12
  • 波霸杯富商爆性侵!傳開上億「性愛合約」 逞慾撿屍吃嫩模

    「波霸杯富商」俞宗明(Alan Yu、在台名為施宗明)遭控性侵,曾有過宣傳影片合作的28歲C姓女模爆料,稱自己因工作結識對方後便受到猛烈追求,甚至被隱瞞已婚身分設局、灌酒撿屍引起熱烈討論,與俞宗明控訴的「假交往真詐騙」大相逕庭。
    2024/02/23 09:35
  • 曼谷Big C舉辦投票!台人見一幕笑了 全場認證:赴泰必去

    泰國在去(2023)年11月起放寬入境政策,開放對台灣旅客免簽,吸引大批「愛泰客」訂機票前往旅遊。近日就有一名網友,在曼谷的連鎖超市「Big C」購買伴手禮時,發現「你從哪裡來?」的調查看板,上面被貼了滿滿的貼紙,其中一格更是一點空位也不剩,仔細一看才驚覺竟是台灣,不禁令他噗哧一笑。
    2024/02/22 16:32
  • Taiwan braces for rain and chills ahead

    Stay updated on the significant weather shift in Taiwan starting this Thursday, with rain in the northeast and temperatures dropping to 15°C. Highs above 27°C in the south, but expect a cool down. Northeastern monsoon to bring rain and lower temps. Central and south to see minimal impact with highs of 27-31°C. More rain expected over the weekend, followed by a cold wave next week.
    2024/02/22 10:37
  • 元宵節燈籠「免電池」 TYPE-C「接手機」就亮

    2024/02/21 14:55
  • Northern and eastern Taiwan to hit 30°C: CWA

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts soaring temperatures in the north and east regions. Be prepared for scattered showers in eastern Taiwan and the Hengchun Peninsula, with significant day-and-night temperature variations. Stay ahead of the weather changes with overcast conditions and occasional showers expected in the north and east.
    2024/02/21 10:08
  • 網紅假冒《奧本海默》團隊 「英國奧斯卡」蹭上台還站C位

    大家還記得英國週日晚間揭曉的英國影藝學院電影獎(BAFTA Awards,又稱英國奧斯卡獎),最佳影片是頒給《奧本海默》(Oppenheimer),但現在大家發現,上台領獎時多了一個路人,結果這傢伙是網紅,故意惡作劇來蹭鏡頭的!
    2024/02/21 09:23
  • 接替我C-130? 星國航展巴西運輸機吸睛

    2024/02/20 19:14
  • 泰國超市「Big C」必買TOP10 泡麵、皇家蜂蜜超夯

    泰國這麼便宜,怎麼能去了不買?快跟著《食尚玩家》前進曼谷最大、最好買的超市「Big C」,2024年必買的零食、泡麵、伴手禮清單已經準備好了,準備飛泰國的朋友趕快把這篇收下,照著買就對了!
    2024/02/20 14:30
  • NYCU launches innovative Chinese medicine department

    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) is set to debut its Traditional Chinese Medicine department at a college fair on Feb. 24. The new department integrates artificial intelligence and information technology in its curriculum, aiming to cultivate "new traditional Chinese physicians" with interdisciplinary characteristics. The university seeks to enhance Taiwan’s traditional Chinese medicine industry by training talents for hospital clinics, scientific research, and the biotech industry.
    2024/02/20 11:49
  • 木村拓哉進軍國際!《群》大秀流利英文 網:不習慣沒站C位

    2024/02/19 19:00
  • 3個月花上億!波霸奶茶杯富商狂寵嫩模 看中大安區7千萬豪宅

    新北市淡水警分局竹圍派出所2月6日上午,赴淡水一處民宅查辦一起詐騙案。有讀者向本刊爆料,指警方大陣仗查案,是因旅美波霸奶茶杯大亨施宗明指控C姓嫩模Sharon詐騙的假扣押案,經高等法院裁准後,當天法院與警方原本打算查扣C女家中的愛馬仕(Hermès)、鑽石珠寶及保時捷名車等資產,因C女不在家,執行人員僅扣得Prada鞋及Van Cleef & Arpels首飾。
    2024/02/19 11:44
  • 砸上億買名車、豪宅!「波霸杯巨富」暈船嫩模 台美2地告詐騙

    2024/02/19 08:28
  • 暖熱30度連三天!週四冷氣團報到 「暴跌剩10°C」時間出爐

    2024/02/18 19:48
  • 觀點/梅西缺席香港賽升級成政治問題 球迷扔掉海報與球衣

    足球天王梅西(Lionel Messi)缺席其所屬美國邁阿密國際在香港所舉行的季前賽一事引發軒然大波,其影響力已經遠遠超越另一位巨星C羅(Cristiano Ronaldo)在2019年訪韓賽未上場的後遺症,因為這已經遠遠超過體育所涵蓋的範疇。
    2024/02/17 17:01
  • North to South: A limpse of Taiwan’s varied weekend weather

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast in Taiwan. Expect varying temperatures across the island, with northern regions reaching 24°C, central areas 27°C, southern regions 28°C, and eastern territories 23°C. Cloudy weather with scattered showers predicted, with nighttime fog in western regions. Temperatures on Sunday to range from 14-30°C, with significant day-night differences. Stay prepared for increasing temperatures from Monday to Wednesday. A new front on Thursday may bring rain and cooler temperatures. Weather report authorized by the Weather Risk Facebook Page.
    2024/02/17 12:01
  • 防癌還護心!番茄「3大神奇功效」曝 2料理營養加倍

    2024/02/16 15:26
  • Chilly spell ends: Taiwan to bask in 30°C weekend warmth

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reports that northern and northeastern Taiwan experienced temperatures between 14 and 17 degrees Celsius on Feb. 16, due to the influence of the northeast monsoon. However, a warm-up is expected over the weekend. Starting from Sunday, the weather will trend towards being excessively warm, with only a few brief showers expected on the east coast and Hengchun Peninsula. Meteorological experts predict that warm south winds will stabilize the weather next week, with clear skies and high temperatures likely to exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The CWA anticipates a front approaching by Wednesday next week, which may bring increased moisture to eastern regions and mountain areas of the north, resulting in brief, localized showers. Other areas will experience partly cloudy to clear weather. Until the arrival of the new front, the overall climate will remain warm, providing a good opportunity to enjoy the sunshine.
    2024/02/16 11:00
  • 回娘家!邵雨薇曬40人全家照「吳慷仁在這」 網見1大咖驚:親戚?

    2024/02/12 11:10
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