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    Wan 結果共149筆

  • Taipei mayor’s approval rating at 65% on first anniversary

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s approval rating has jumped from 39% to 65%, according to data from Taipei City Government’s Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission. On his first anniversary in office, Chiang held a press conference at the Taipei Dome, discussing his visions for Taipei’s future. Notable achievements include the successful response to the collapse of a residential building in Dazhi and the highest number of births in 28 months in October 2023. Chiang sees the completion and operation of the Taipei Dome as a shared triumph for citizens, allowing for large-scale events. When asked about his performance rating, Chiang deferred to the judgment of the citizens. He expressed his hope to lead the ’Taipei Team’ for the next three years, aiming to give residents a chance to experience a different city.
    2023/12/25 18:37
  • Mayor of Taipei outlines future goals in anniversary event

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrated his first year in office, focusing on policy achievements in sustainability, youth entrepreneurship, and capital planning. He emphasized the role of AI in developing Taipei as a smart city and outlined future goals for making the city safe, sports-oriented, and technology-driven.
    2023/12/25 18:26
  • Mayor Chiang stresses policy achievements in year-one video

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrates his first year in office with a video message emphasizing his commitment to change and development. The video, titled "Everything has started, change is underway," showcases the life journey of a Taipei native, highlighting key policies implemented during Chiang’s tenure. These include enhanced birth rewards, AI-powered learning spaces, the Taipei Dome, reinstatement of Chongyang respect for the elderly money, and increased support for startups. Chiang takes on various roles in the film, symbolizing his dedication to providing policy support and services at every stage of citizens’ lives. The video creatively uses different frame sizes and scene transitions to present Taipei from various perspectives, reflecting a hopeful vision for the city’s future as a sustainable and inclusive capital.
    2023/12/21 17:47
  • Taipei mayor defends assembly ban on TPP supporters

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an defends his administration’s adherence to the law after Taiwan People’s Party supporters were denied permission to hold a public assembly in front of Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign headquarters. The review process for such applications, overseen by the Taipei City Government’s New Construction Office in collaboration with the Taipei City Police Department, follows regulations established before 2017. Chiang refutes accusations of leniency in a past scandal and asserts that both the police department and the NCO exercise their authority impartially, upholding administrative neutrality.
    2023/12/20 19:32
  • Yang Ming shares surge amid Red Sea shipping crisis

    Shares of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. experienced a surge in volume, with over 70,000 shares traded, ranking in the top five in terms of transaction volume. This follows the suspension of services through the Red Sea by major container shipping companies, including Evergreen Marine Corp., Yang Ming, and Wan Hai Lines Ltd., due to attacks by Yemeni militants. The crisis in the Red Sea has led to global shipping lines rerouting, potentially alleviating excess capacity and boosting international freight rates. The stock performance of these "Big Three" container shipping firms has drawn significant attention. Evergreen Marine’s stock exhibited volatility, reaching a post-ex-dividend high of NT$148 but later dipping to NT$144.5. Yang Ming’s stock price also reached a morning peak but corrected downwards, with a trading volume surpassing 70,000 shares. Wan Hai Lines experienced a similar downward trend. These movements in the shipping sector are closely monitored amid the ongoing situation in the Red Sea, which impacts shipping routes worldwide.
    2023/12/20 15:29
  • KMT Chairman Chu eyes majority in 2024 legislative race

    KMT chairman Eric Chu expresses optimism about the upcoming legislative elections and suggests that the KMT could potentially secure a majority if things go smoothly. He is joined by legislators-at-large candidates Ko Chih-en and Hsieh Lung-chieh, as they declare their commitment to victory in the 2024 elections. The KMT acknowledges that about 15 electoral districts are currently in tight races and plans to mobilize a strong team including former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu, presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen to bolster support in these critical areas. Chairman Chu expresses confidence in the quality of the KMT’s legislative nominees and emphasizes the party’s careful and cautious approach to the election battle. With high-profile party members rallying to support candidates nationwide, the KMT is gearing up for a significant push ahead of the 2024 legislative elections.
    2023/12/18 21:25
  • 收銀行警告簡訊別亂回電 澳洲女子百萬存款被騙光

    為了防止自己的帳號或信箱被盜用,許多系統都有警告簡訊服務,一旦你的信箱、銀行帳戶等被不知名來源侵入時,就會即時發訊息警告,但如今卻有詐騙集團利用這個機制,藏身在警告簡訊中,讓用戶踩到陷阱上鉤。《澳洲廣播新聞》(ABC)報導,一名名叫蘇妮(Suni Wan)的女子,在談話節目透露,自己曾收到顯示「滙豐銀行」(HSBC)的帳戶異常活動警告簡訊,由於該簡訊與平時銀行通知訊息來源相同,讓女子不疑有他回撥要求暫停帳戶,沒想到就此落入詐騙陷阱,親手讓畢生積蓄4.9萬澳幣(約新台幣103萬元)就此被騙光。
    2023/12/16 14:51
  • Lai Ching-te joins TFG’s 120th anniversary celebration

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te attended Taipei First Girls High School’s 120th-anniversary celebration, enjoying performances and interacting with the public.
    2023/12/12 20:20
  • Chiang Wan-an lauds TFG for 120 years of women’s education

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an expresses gratitude to Taipei First Girls High School (TFG) for nurturing generations of remarkable women on the occasion of the school’s 120th anniversary. Chiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the newly restored Kuang Fu Building, a historic landmark on the TFG campus. The Taipei City Government contributes over NT$100 million to support the restoration project. Chiang recalls his previous visit to TFG, where he interacted with the TFG Honor Guard and Marching Band. He humorously mentions that as a student at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, he admired TFG from outside its gates, but now as mayor, he can visit and engage with the school. Chiang also highlights a collaboration between TFG and EasyCard Corporation, resulting in a commemorative ’TFG 120th Green Uniform EasyCard’ that plays the school’s anthem upon use. EasyCard Corporation will donate 10% of the cards’ revenue to charity. TFG’s anniversary activities attract a diverse group of alumnae, including those from 70 years ago and mother-daughter pairs, as well as alumnae from Chiang’s own graduation year.
    2023/12/12 19:54
  • Taipei mayor unveils restored TGH heritage building

    Taipei First Girls High School’s Guangfu Building, a municipal heritage site, has reopened after a two-year renovation. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an attended the unveiling ceremony and expressed gratitude to alumni for their donations. The Guangfu Building, constructed in 1933, is the most iconic structure of the high school. The Taipei City Government allocated over NT$100 million to support the restoration project, with additional contributions from alumni worldwide. Mayor Chiang reminisced about his school days and expressed the hope that all students would share the memory of this significant landmark.
    2023/12/12 19:41
  • Evergreen Marine to raise shipping rates in 2024

    Leading shipping companies, including Evergreen Marine Corporation, plan to raise shipping rates by up to 30% in 2024. Evergreen’s stock surged by 5.73% after the announcement, while its competitors, such as Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation and Wan Hai Lines Ltd., experienced declines in their stock prices. Evergreen reported a 37.11% year-on-year decline in consolidated revenue for November due to lower international shipping rates and reduced global freight demand.
    2023/12/12 18:33
  • AIDC hits NT$35.8B revenue, eyes stronger 2024 outlook

    Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) President Ma Wan-june announced that the company’s revenue reached NT$35.8 billion by the end of November 2023. Ma predicts that AIDC’s operations in commercial aviation, defense, and technological services will surpass this year’s figures in 2024. The rebound of the commercial aircraft business has led to a global shortage of aviation parts, benefiting AIDC as it continues to receive inquiries from aviation giants such as Boeing and Airbus. AIDC is also on track to deliver 18 Brave Eagle advanced jet trainers in 2024, indicating strong performance in the military sector. The company met its annual goal by delivering the last four Brave Eagle jets on Tuesday, totaling 17 aircraft deliveries for the year.
    2023/12/12 18:09
  • Chiang Wan-an key to winning youth vote: KMT councilor

    Taipei City Councilor and legislative candidate Yu Shu-hui highlights the crucial role Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plays in attracting young voters with only 32 days remaining until the 2024 elections. Chiang’s popularity is evident as he rallies for Kuomintang (KMT) candidates in Taichung and Kaohsiung, receiving warm greetings from enthusiastic supporters. Yu advises Chiang to increase interaction with younger voters, possibly collaborating with KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. The KMT needs to diversify its approach to connect with the electorate, as Chiang’s rising popularity adds pressure to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Chiang’s strategic positioning in this election indicates the KMT’s focus on courting the youth vote and leveraging his appeal to challenge the DPP’s stronghold. As political tensions rise, all eyes will be on Chiang as he continues to campaign across Taiwan leading up to the January election.
    2023/12/12 18:00
  • KMT’s Chu urges unity for Taiwan’s future

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu urges veteran legislators to support KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih in the upcoming elections to fight for Taiwan’s future. Chu emphasizes the party’s efforts in nominating young candidates, particularly highlighting Chan Wan-chen’s run for the legislative seat in Chiayi County’s first district. Despite a late start in her campaign, Chan is doubling down on efforts to meet and seek support from constituents. Chu expresses confidence in Chan due to her deep-rooted service in Chiayi and believes that the people of Chiayi will support her.
    2023/12/07 17:50
  • DPP’s Lin slams Taipei mayor, offers ’disdain’ placard

    DPP Councilor Lin Yen-feng accuses Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an of disrespecting the council and presents a "disdain for the council" placard. Lin criticizes the Taipei City Government for the controversial NT$190 million associated with the Taipei Music Center and holds former Mayor Ko Wen-je accountable. Chiang threatens legal action if the Ministry of Culture withholds payment. The Taipei City Council’s Education Committee passes a resolution allowing the city government to cover the disputed amount temporarily.
    2023/12/07 17:46
  • Police retain authority to issue traffic citations: Gov’t

    The Executive Yuan has responded to concerns raised by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chang Liao Wan-chien regarding the reporting of traffic violations. The authority to issue traffic citations still rests with the police, who verify and consider whether to proceed with the report. Chang Liao has expressed concerns about the new point-based traffic violation system, arguing that citizen reports, often captured using dashcams or smartphones, raise accuracy and privacy issues. He warns that without proper legal regulation, these practices could potentially violate constitutional rights. The Executive Yuan maintains that the regulations aim to encourage public assistance in maintaining road traffic order while upholding personal privacy.
    2023/12/06 20:27
  • Side hustles gain popularity amid remote work boom

    Explore the growing trend of side hustles in Taiwan, where professionals like Mr. Wan balance their main jobs with personal ventures. Discover the challenges they face in maintaining work-life balance and health, and learn how they manage their time and set goals.
    2023/12/05 18:42
  • Hou Yu-ih slams former Taipei mayor over Taipei Dome delays

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih celebrates Chinese Taipei Baseball Team’s first victory at the Asia Baseball Championship and criticizes then Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je for the delayed completion of Taipei Dome. Hou highlights the eight-year delay and implies that Ko failed to effectively resolve the issues surrounding the project. Comparing Ko to current Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an, Hou praises Chiang’s determination and ability to govern the city, emphasizing his achievements in dealing with the Taipei Dome conundrum within a year of taking office.
    2023/12/04 19:52
  • Taipei Dome’s first Asian Baseball Game ends in swift exit

    The Taipei Dome hosted the opening game of the Asian Baseball Championship, with a crowd of 16,647 fans witnessing the inaugural international event. Taipei Metro efficiently evacuated spectators within 25 minutes after the game. The "Taiwan vs. Korea" showdown resulted in a 4-0 victory for Taiwan, generating excitement from the stands. Taipei Metro increased train frequency to every 2.5 minutes at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station to accommodate the large audience. KMT Taipei City Councilor Wang Hsin-i praised the smooth evacuation process. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspected traffic conditions after the game. This successful event at the Taipei Dome and the efficient collaboration of transportation services set a positive precedent for future large-scale international sporting events in the city.
    2023/12/04 19:50
  • Taipei Dome eyes 40,000 fans amid Asian baseball event

    The Taipei Dome in Taiwan is gradually increasing its attendance for safety reasons, aiming to complete a full capacity test of 40,000 spectators within the next year. The 30th BFA Asian Baseball Championship recently opened its doors to 17,000 people at the Dome. To ensure the safe evacuation of these fans, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an detailed plans to increase the frequency of Taipei MRT trains, with the aim of completing the evacuation in 35 to 40 minutes. Chiang also mentioned that the arrival of Japan’s professional baseball team, the Yomiuri Giants, next year could potentially accommodate 40,000 fans, depending on the professional assessment of the Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) and the Farglory Group. The city government is committed to assisting and gradually increasing the number of spectators in a safe manner. The 2023 Asian Championship, featuring a highly anticipated Taiwan vs. South Korea showdown, is the first international event at the Dome since its completion, and tickets for the event sold out instantly, with 17,000 snapped up in seconds.
    2023/12/04 19:45
  • TVBS Charity Foundation fundraiser brings warmth to families

    The TVBS Charity Foundation’s fundraiser in Taipei, held on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, united local governments, churches, and social organizations to support disadvantaged communities. This event, endorsed by mayors Chiang Wan-an and George Hsieh, fostered love and hope, creating a beacon of warmth as Christmas approaches.
    2023/12/04 19:36
  • Taipei mayor eyes more seats for Asian Baseball finale

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an aims to negotiate with the Farglory Group to allow 20,000 spectators to attend the championship match of the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship. The inaugural match at the Taipei Dome saw tickets being quickly sold out, indicating high enthusiasm for the sport. Approximately 17,000 fans attended the first match, showcasing their energy and support. Mayor Chiang emphasized the need to open more seats for the championship match, expressing his belief in meeting the public’s demand and expectations. The possibility of expanding the Dome’s capacity to 40,000 seats for scheduled exchange games with the Yomiuri Giants is being considered, with the city government willing to provide assistance and aiming to conduct a full-capacity test within the year.
    2023/12/04 17:28
  • Taipei launches Christmas festivities in Xinyi District

    Experience the festive spirit at the "2023 Taipei Xmas" event in Xinyi District! With a record-breaking 55 large-scale Christmas decorations and 12 pedestrian overpass illuminations, this year’s event is bigger than ever. The Taipei City Office of Commerce has collaborated with 15 major department store operators to create a dazzling display of over 80 Christmas decorations. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an hopes that this event will become an iconic celebration in the future. Don’t miss the novel pop-up Christmas event, held every Friday through Sunday, and be sure to snap a photo with the stunning golden Christmas tree that has become a popular backdrop for photos and social media check-ins.
    2023/12/02 18:32
  • TPP Cynthia Wu makes brief Yilan temple visit amid criticism

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu and legislative candidate Chen Wan-hui visited Nanfangao Nantian Temple in Yilan on Saturday morning. Wu, who has faced criticism online for allegedly having a "princess syndrome," chose to remain silent when approached by journalists. After spending less than 30 minutes at the temple, Wu left the scene in good spirits, communicating through gestures from her car window. Chen praised Wu for her friendly demeanor and support for digital healthcare and transformation initiatives. Chen also emphasized that Wu is approachable, though not as accustomed to facing the public as former mayor Ko Wen-je. The brief visit was due to subsequent scheduling commitments, with Chen promising to invite Wu back to Yilan for local delicacies in the future.
    2023/12/02 18:00
  • Councilor questions Taipei mayor’s ’youth’ definition

    Taipei City Councilor Yu Shu-hui questions Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s decision-making in expanding the services of the Taipei Youth Bureau, claiming that the bureau’s resources are spread too thin over nearly a million people. Yu proposes that the definition of "youth" should be limited to individuals aged 15-24, in line with the Work Force Development Agency’s definition. Mayor Chiang argues that the age limit was raised to 45 to accommodate individuals who start their businesses later in life. Chiang promises to review the positioning of the Youth Bureau’s services in response to Yu’s concerns.
    2023/11/20 19:49
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