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    Visa 結果共86筆

  • Taiwan faces espionage threat with 1,388 Chinese overstayers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security concerns, including the unaccounted for 1,388 Chinese overstayers and the investigation of 81 espionage cases. Learn about the government’s efforts to combat espionage and safeguard sovereignty.
    2024/06/13 13:15
  • Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

    Discover the latest travel advisory for Taiwanese citizens visiting Hong Kong, including risks and safety tips due to new security laws. Learn about the Mainland Affairs Council’s guidance and emergency services.
    2024/06/12 10:43
  • Thailand doubles visa-free stay to 60 days for 93 countries

    Discover how Thailand’s new visa measures for travelers from Taiwan and 92 other countries aim to boost its economy by doubling the stay limit to 60 days and targeting 40 million visitors this year.
    2024/05/29 16:27
  • 悄悄「暫停」中國公民申請打工渡假 陸民怒灌澳洲駐中使館微博

    對世界各地許多年輕人來說,打工渡假簽證(Working Holiday Visa)被視為體驗澳洲生活的寶貴機會。根據澳洲和中國大陸之間的自貿協定,從2015年起、每年開放5000名中國公民申請,也成為過去十年來許多中國移民的跳板選擇之一。但澳洲政府近期卻在毫無公告與宣導下,悄悄暫停包含中國在內5個國家,申請打工渡假簽證的資格,讓眾多大陸年輕人非常傻眼且憤怒。
    2024/05/15 13:38
  • MOFA hails visa extension for Taiwanese tourists in Thailand

    Discover how Taiwan’s MOFA celebrates Thailand’s decision to extend visa-free entry for Taiwanese nationals, enhancing travel ease and strengthening ties under the New Southbound Policy.
    2024/05/08 14:51
  • Taiwanese tourist rescued from scam at Australian airport

    Discover the story of Yu-Ming Lu, a Taiwanese woman who vanished in Australia but was found before she could be scammed. Learn about the efforts of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane and the importance of the "Scam Prevention Strategy 123" for Taiwanese tourists.
    2024/05/03 17:47
  • Labor shortage in Japan opens doors for Taiwanese talent

    Explore how Japan’s labor shortage crisis is being tackled through the recruitment of foreign talent, the introduction of the J-Skip visa, and the importance of adapting to Japanese corporate culture.
    2024/03/25 17:23
  • AI熱推升股價 彭博:台積電有望重返「全球十大股票」

    2024/02/16 18:07
  • Apple pay災情! 狂跳「信用卡將到期」無法付款

    今天(1日)有民眾反應,拿出apple pay買東西時,系統卻頻顯示「信用卡即將過期」,但實際檢查明明還要好幾年,當事民眾將事件發上網引起熱烈討論,網友說國泰、永豐、匯豐也都發生類似情況,對此專家解釋,有可能是因為前陣子電信合併,導致舊的資料過期,只要重新輸入信用卡即可恢復。
    2024/01/01 19:49
  • Taiwanese 2023 credit card spending to exceed NT$4T

    Taiwan’s total credit card spending for 2023 is projected to exceed NT$4 trillion, with consumers under 30 having an average annual credit card transaction amount of NT$1.11 million, according to the National Credit Card Center (NCCC). Individuals aged 40 to 60, who make up over 57% of top-level consumers, are crucial customers for card-issuing institutions. These elite spenders have an average half-year spending of NT$810,000, with women mainly using their credit cards for fashion and luxury items, while men prefer motor vehicle products. Consumers under 40 have a high consumption frequency, averaging over 180 transactions per card in the first half of 2023. Taipei and New Taipei have the highest number of cardholders, accounting for 46% of the total, with Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City having the largest share among the 16 counties and cities at over 6%. VISA cards are the most commonly used credit card brand among elite spenders, comprising 51% of the total, while American Express cards make up only 3% but have the highest average consumption of over NT$1.3 million per card in six months.
    2023/12/26 15:51
  • 一卡就GO!高鐵補票、推車購物可刷信用卡 小農咖啡也開賣

    台灣高鐵刷卡服務再進化!高鐵宣布即日起於高鐵列車進行補票、車上推車及車站便當櫃台販售服務時,同步開放VISA、MasterCard 、JCB、銀聯等信用卡刷卡支付;另可用悠遊卡、一卡通付款購買推車商品及高鐵便當。
    2023/12/26 11:04
  • Spain tops visa-free travel index; Taiwan at 70th place

    The VisaGuide World Passport Index has revealed the most powerful passports in the world for December, with Taiwan ranked 70th overall. Spain tops the list, followed by Germany in third place, and the United States in 40th place. The ranking is based on the Destination Significance Score (DSS), which considers various factors. The Spanish passport allows visa-free entry to 43 countries and visa-free access to an additional 106 countries. Singapore holds the second spot and is considered the strongest passport in Asia, granting its citizens visa-free entry to 156 destinations. In comparison, the Taiwanese passport allows visa-free entry to 100 countries and regions, placing it lower than some other countries. China ranks 117th, offering its citizens visa-free access to 46 countries.
    2023/12/19 16:01
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • Taiwan may benefit from Indonesia’s visa-free entry plan

    Taiwan is among the potential beneficiaries of Indonesia’s contemplation to offer visa-free entry for tourists from 20 major source countries, following the example set by Thailand. Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, disclosed in an interview that the government is discussing the launch of a visa exemption policy to attract more tourists and boost local economic development. Currently, travelers, including short-term tourists, need to secure a visa to visit Indonesia, including the option of Visa on Arrival (VOA) at designated entry points. Taiwanese passport holders can apply for VOA at 15 airports across Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, and Bali, allowing them to stay up to 30 days with a one-time extension option. Given Taiwan’s place within the top 20 sources of foreign tourists to Indonesia, there is a significant chance that it will be included in the visa exemption program. This move could simplify travel for Taiwanese citizens and deepen tourism-based interactions between the two nations.
    2023/12/09 17:09
  • Taiwanese to benefit from Thailand’s new visa-free scheme

    The Thai government has launched a 30-day visa-free policy for Taiwanese tourists, aiming to increase the number of visitors by 20%. Around 600,000 Taiwanese tourists visited Thailand this year, and Thai officials hope to raise this number to at least 725,000 by the end of 2023. Since the announcement of the new policy, queries about Thailand on travel websites have increased by 30%. Travelers are also pleased with the elimination of visa costs, which can range from NT $1,200 to over $10,000. To further attract tourists, travel agencies and airlines are offering discounted round-trip tickets to Bangkok from Taipei, with prices as low as NT $5,000. Thailand is already among the top overseas travel destinations for Taiwanese, along with Japan, mainland China, South Korea, and Vietnam.
    2023/11/10 22:52
  • Taiwanese tourists now enjoy visa-free travel to Thailand

    The commencement of visa-free travel for Taiwanese tourists to Thailand marks a significant boost in tourism relations between the two countries. This policy, effective until May 10, 2024, promises increased travel ease and a surge in tourism activities, especially during Thailand’s peak season from November to February. The Thai government is evaluating the impact of this initiative and its potential for permanent implementation.
    2023/11/10 17:20
  • Thailand to grant 30-day visa-free entry to Taiwan

    Thailand government announces visa-free entry for Indian and Taiwanese travelers from Nov. 2023 to May 2024. This follows the recent decision to scrap visa requirements for Chinese tourists. The move aims to boost tourism revenue, with 22 million tourists already generating NT$833 billion in revenue between Jan. and Oct. 29, 2023. Visa-free privileges for Taiwanese and Indian tourists will be enacted from Nov. 10, 2023 to May 10, 2024.
    2023/10/31 17:28
  • Woman wanted for scamming Taiwanese in Australia

    The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia has alerted Australian law enforcement agencies to help apprehend a Taiwanese con artist. The fraudster, identified as a woman named Yang, has defrauded several Taiwanese citizens of approximately NT$20 million. Yang, who is on the wanted list, fled from Singapore to Australia and has been hiding in various states. She has used multiple aliases and previously targeted Taiwanese holiday workers in Australian meat processing factories, promising to help them obtain Permanent Residencies through "visa laundering." Recently, she has posed as an immigration consultant in LINE group chats and defrauded Taiwanese individuals through investment migration schemes. Authorities are urging the public to use legal immigration channels and remain vigilant against this wanted scam artist.
    2023/10/25 16:21
  • Ex-PLG basketball player faces deportation over expired visa

    Nigerian basketball player Ifeanyi Uzoma Eboka has been detained by Taiwan’s National Immigration Agency for an expired residency visa. Eboka, known for his time with the PLG Hsinchu Lioneers, is now facing forced deportation.
    2023/10/16 15:57
  • Tourists stranded in Jerusalem as Hamas attacks Israel

    Taiwanese tour groups were left stranded in Jerusalem as Hamas extremists attacked Israel on October 7. Lion Travel Service successfully flew their teams back to Taiwan, while Artisan Tour expects their teams to return from Jordan on October 11. However, Yung Shin Travel Service canceled parts of their tour and remains in Jerusalem. Yung Shin tour group members suggested repatriating via Jordan, but the travel agency rejected the idea due to visa complications. This has led to criticism from stranded tourists who accuse the agency of prioritizing cost-cutting over their safety. With 22 flights already canceled, tourists are growing increasingly anxious about potential further delays and express concerns over the lack of proactivity from travel agencies.
    2023/10/09 20:54
  • 商家又得頭痛了 VISA與萬事達卡傳調漲刷卡手續費

    2023/08/31 13:30
  • Taiwan passport rises four places in Henley Passport index

    Taiwan passport holders can enjoy visa-free access to 144 countries and territories worldwide, securing the 31st position in the latest Henley Passport Index released on Tuesday, in a tie with Panama and Macau. 
    2023/07/19 16:15
  • 限時優惠開搶剩2天!這平台訂機票買一送一 優惠碼折7777

    2023/07/06 12:10
  • 微信支付7月鬆綁規範 可綁定海外信用卡消費

    2023/06/30 14:55
  • 越南放寬免簽與電子簽天數 台灣仍得紙本簽未來能否適用受關注

    2023/06/25 16:19
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