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    Taiwan team 結果共133筆

  • Taiwan launches defense tech team to boost capabilities

    Discover how Taiwan is enhancing its defense capabilities with the new Advanced Defense Technology Team, led by Defense Minister Wellington Koo. Inspired by the U.S. DIU, this initiative focuses on investing in mature technologies to maintain an asymmetric edge in the Taiwan Strait. Learn about the strategic priorities and challenges faced by Taiwan in bolstering its defense through innovation and technology.
  • Taiwan to host WBSC Premier12 games at Taipei Dome

    Discover the schedule for the 2024 WBSC Premier12, where Taiwan will host preliminary games at the Taipei Dome in November, facing top global teams. Learn about Taiwan’s matchups and the international competition.
    2024/05/29 12:03
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes lack of dialogue with Lai’s team

    Discover insights from Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je on the current political landscape, including his critique of the DPP and a call for improved communication and collaboration in Taiwan’s politics.
    2024/05/23 10:20
  • President Tsai honors national security team with medals

    Discover how President Tsai Ing-wen honored 22 national security team members in Taiwan, emphasizing defense reforms and regional stability. The ceremony showcased Taiwan’s dedication to self-reliance in ship and aircraft manufacturing.
    2024/05/15 16:28
  • China Airlines to hire 120 pilots, 100+ cabin crew this year

    China Airlines is set to expand its team with over 100 new cabin crew members and 120 pilots as it enhances flight operations across Asia and boosts tourism recovery efforts.
    2024/05/10 15:57
  • Taiwan eases naturalization for foreign professionals

    Taipei’s Legislative Yuan passes amendments to the Nationality Act, easing naturalization for foreign professionals, including basketball players, by reducing residency requirements and waiving nationality permit fees for those with special merits. The changes aim to bolster the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team and support stateless minors.
    2024/05/07 14:38
  • Taiwan and US address delays in US$19 billion arms sales

    Explore the concerns over delayed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, highlighting the establishment of a "Tiger team" to address delivery issues, discussions in the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, and the involvement of Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo in military matters.
    2024/05/06 17:34
  • T1 League discusses potential merger with PLG

    Rosa Chien, president of the T1 League, discusses the challenging yet optimistic prospect of merging with the PLG, highlighting ongoing collaborations but acknowledging the complexities and potential delays in the process. As the T1 League progresses into its third season with playoffs approaching, the idea of expansion and integration with the PLG remains a significant yet intricate project.
    2024/04/30 18:01
  • Lai Ching-te unveils cross-strait team appointments

    President-elect Lai Ching-te announces key national security appointments, naming Chiu Chui-cheng as head of the Mainland Affairs Council and Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan as chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation, emphasizing the importance of cross-strait relations and the anticipation for China to engage with Taiwan’s democratically elected government.
    2024/04/26 12:08
  • President-elect Lai unveils sixth wave of cabinet reshuffle

    President-elect Lai Ching-te unveils the sixth wave of cabinet and national security appointments, featuring Joseph Wu as Secretary-General of the National Security Council and Lin Chia-lung as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team, praised for its professionalism and commitment, includes a total of 34 appointments with an average age of 62.5.
    2024/04/25 17:35
  • Taiwan’s ongoing struggle for WHA participation continues

    Taiwan could be excluded from the World Health Assembly for the eighth consecutive year, with no invitation to the 77th WHA in Geneva. Despite this, an action team led by Minister of Health and Welfare Chiu Tai-yuan will still attend for health exchanges. Efforts to regain WHA participation have been ongoing since 1997, but Taiwan has faced barriers since 2017. The exclusion continues despite Taiwan’s previous WHO membership before 1971.
    2024/04/24 17:10
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new cabinet appointments amid criticism

    Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai addresses criticism of his new cabinet, emphasizing a collective commitment to Taiwan and announcing six new appointments focused on economic development and fair distribution.
    2024/04/16 13:51
  • GOLDEN WAVE/ZB1唱〈想見你〉太用心 &TEAM嗨跳BTS名曲

    韓流拼盤演唱會「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」13日晚間在高雄世運主場館舉辦,吸引約3萬名Kpop粉絲共襄盛舉。本次活動可說是近年來票房成績最佳的拼盤活動,主辦單位也相當用心,準備了許多特殊表演,除了ZEROBASEONE演唱〈想見你想見你想見你〉,&TEAM也嗨跳HYBE組曲。
    2024/04/13 20:51
  • GOLDEN WAVE/4萬人為NMIXX慶生! 王奕翔返台表演太感動

    韓流拼盤演唱會「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」集結9組大咖藝人,今(13)晚在高雄登場。第4棒演出的就是有台灣成員王奕翔(NICHOLAS)的9人男團「&TEAM」。王奕翔站上高雄世運舞台後難掩感動,直呼:「我的願望就是帶成員回家鄉表演!」
    2024/04/13 20:09
  • GOLDEN WAVE要賣票「粉絲竟爆哭」 嫩妹粉曝國中生最愛團

    韓流拼盤演唱會「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」今(13)晚在高雄世運主場館登場,帶來3萬名人潮。雖然事前引發搖滾區入場不會按照票券編號、而是依照到場順序,不過現場受訪的粉絲大多尚可接受。本次活動不僅吸引上至80歲的阿嬤級粉絲,現場更有13歲的粉絲,稱媽媽就在外面等她活動結束後回家,她更透露現在國中生之間最夯的韓團!
    2024/04/13 18:53
  • 千人塞爆小港機場!夫碩順寵粉狂揮手 ENHYPEN「1舉動」超感人

    號稱集結2024年最猛陣容的拼盤演唱會「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」明(13)天即將在高雄舉辦,9組明星今(12)天下午一起抵達小港機場,許多粉絲看準能跟偶像近距離接觸的機會,有超過千名粉絲在現場等待,塞爆小港機場。有粉絲早上6點半就在現場等待,到下午2點40分左右,終於看到心中最愛偶像出場。
    2024/04/12 18:33
  • TSMC Foundation leads rapid aid in Hualien after quake

    Following the devastating earthquake in Hualien, the TSMC Charity Foundation, led by Chairwoman Sophie Chang, has swiftly provided targeted assistance to those most in need, focusing on areas overlooked by government efforts and directly engaging with affected communities.
    2024/04/09 16:54
  • K-pop迷集合!韓國機票在手「爽抽Golden Wave門票」

    由韓國最大有線電視台 JTBC 旗下娛樂公司 Studio JAMM與超級圓頂共同主辦的演唱會「Golden Wave in Taiwan」K-pop音樂盛事,華麗陣容有 &TEAM、(G)I-DLE、BOYNEXTDOOR 、BSS、ENHYPEN 、JD1、NMIXX、STAYC 、ZEROBASEONE 以及CHOOYOUNGWOO等當紅韓國藝人,將於4月13日掀翻高雄世運主場館。想一睹多組偶像同台登場的魅力演出嗎?除了在官方售票網站上進行購票,韓國觀光公社也特別舉辧「Ticket在手 K-POP入口」線上活動,凡於4月7日以前,憑2024年3月21日至2024年9月30日之間自台灣出發韓國的機票,至「Ticket在手 K-POP入口」活動官網上登錄參加抽獎,就有機會抽中由韓國觀光公社贊助的演唱會門票,免費進場欣賞最愛的偶像們。
    2024/04/05 10:00
  • DeMarcus Cousins seals deal for Taiwanese basketball return

    Taipei Beer Leopards renew terms with DeMarcus Cousins, set to return to Taiwan in mid-April. Cousins aims for postseason success and overall championship with Leopards teammates. Fans’ fervent support valued by Cousins. Leopards to face Taipei Mars and Kaohsiung Auas with Cousins as reinforcement. Cousins earned fans’ love during previous stay in Taiwan.
    2024/03/18 12:01
  • Taiwan sees rise in self-rescue course attendance

    As tensions in the Taiwan Strait escalate, Taiwanese citizens and the government are focusing on disaster preparedness, including self-rescue courses and the establishment of community emergency response teams, to build a resilient society ready to face any challenge.
    2024/03/15 18:09
  • 後天就開賣!高雄GOLDEN WAVE票價曝 粉絲讚「這區」最有料

    4月即將在高雄舉辦的「GOLDEN WAVE in TAIWAN」拼盤演唱會,集結了SEVENTEEN子團BSS(夫碩順)、(G)I-DLE 、ENHYPEN 、STAYC 、NMIXX 、BOYNEXTDOOR 、&TEAM 、ZEROBASEONE 、JD1等共9組當紅的韓國偶像,今(14)天主辦終於公開票價,粉絲就直呼「這一區」的座位很有料。
    2024/03/14 15:10
  • Taiwan People’s Party slams NCC for recycled report content

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) faces criticism from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Legislator Huang Kuo-chang over a report presented to the Transportation Committee of the Legislative Yuan. The TPP calls for a special investigation team amid allegations of copied content and unresolved disputes related to Mirror TV application. Accusations of NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang’s influence and regulatory shortcomings add fuel to the ongoing controversy.
    2024/03/11 13:26
  • Black Eagles wow fans at Kaohsiung Airport stopover

    The South Korean Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team captivated aviation enthusiasts with a stopover at Kaohsiung International Airport, showcasing their precision flying and promoting military aircraft technology.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • US congressional delegation shows solidarity with Taiwan

    U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher, along with a team of American lawmakers, visited Taiwan and expressed support for the island’s resistance against China’s influence. The delegation praised Taiwan’s successful development and voiced commitment to deepening U.S.-Taiwan relations for peace and stability in the region. Senator Marco Rubio also reiterated his support for Taiwan during a separate meeting with Taiwan’s ambassador to Paraguay.
    2024/02/22 09:42
  • Taiwan to launch 320 civilian emergency response teams

    The Executive Yuan unveils plans for the Taiwan Community Emergency Response Team (T-CERT) in a recent policy report, aiming to establish 320 teams with 8,000 members within five years. Training will involve various sectors, drawing parallels to the civilian defense concept of the Kuma Academy. Despite opposition from Kuomintang legislators, the initiative focuses on disaster response, not military operations, in line with Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention and Protection Act. The teams, inspired by FEMA recommendations, are supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of National Defense.
    2024/02/20 16:37
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