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    Taiwan team 結果共133筆

  • 募款小物明上線!賴清德「ㄌㄨㄚˋ」手勢拍照 被虧像007

    民進黨總統參選人賴清德預計將於明(27)日上午公布首波「挺台灣募款小物」,利用週日先進棚進行募款小物照片拍攝。他特地穿上白T、牛仔褲搭配「Team Taiwan」外套,現場除了民進黨青年部的國務青之外,日前在賴清德YouTube節目《賴在一起挺台灣》影片中出現的高人氣髮型師也驚喜現身,還笑虧「清德哥」這樣的搭配好像特務007,逗得現場歡笑聲不斷。
    2023/06/26 13:33
  • 青年支持落後柯文哲 賴系立委認「仍有不足」

    民進黨總統參選人賴清德,近來不但開通YouTube頻道,也將推Team Taiwan棒球外套作為競選小物,積極拉攏年輕人,被解讀難道是因為青年族群民調落後柯文哲,因此積極搶攻?子弟兵坦言,確實還在努力中!
    2023/06/19 18:43
  • 深入基層!賴清德YT開新節目 帶大眾挖掘各領域「隱形冠軍」

    民進黨總統參選人賴清德官方YouTube頻道繼「看見,賴清德」系列後,今(11)日晚間再推出新節目「賴在一起挺台灣」,首集《一日髮型設計師》已上線,賴清德到台北市女子美容商業同業公會理事長陳德生的起家店,與眾人討論美容美髮專業知識。系列節目中,賴清德將到全國各地走訪,尋覓藏身巷弄中各產業的在地職人,透過一日學習一個新職業,來增加與產業的對話與交流,並帶領大眾挖掘各行各業中的隱形冠軍,及在工作領域上努力耕耘的台灣之光「Team Taiwan」。
    2023/06/11 21:35
  • Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

    Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 
    2023/05/29 17:24
  • Taiwan to send team to Geneva for WHA despite exclusion

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu and Health Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan announced on Thursday (May 18) the government’s plans to send a delegation to Geneva for the annual World Health Assembly (WHA) despite not receiving an invitation. 
    2023/05/19 17:12
  • 合體波頓出席FAPA晚會 蔡英文:我們都是Team Taiwan

    2023/05/01 21:42
  • Taiwan’s cheerleading squad nabs gold in int’l contest

    The Chinese Taipei Cheerleading National Team arrived back in Taiwan on Wednesday (April 26) after clinching the gold medal in the Coed Premier at the 2023 ICU World Cheerleading Championships held in the United States. 
    2023/04/27 17:14
  • 起跑總統大選!賴神首個「之友會」在台南 喊得票破七成

    民進黨已提名副總統賴清德代表民進黨拼2024大選,台南市「信賴台灣之友會」今(15日)下午在永康桂田酒店正式成立,賴今天大進場時民眾不斷高喊「Team Taiwan、挺台灣」。賴清德致詞時情緒十分激昂,今天特別回到台南,舉辦全國第一個「信賴台灣之友會」,第一個原因是他從政以來都受到台南鄉親的栽培,他不忘本也感謝台南市民給他機會讓他與大家一同並肩作戰;第二個原因就是,台南是民主聖地,過去在民主路上台南鄉親都是在第一線大拼,總統大選時台南總是民進黨得票率最高之地。
    2023/04/15 17:49
  • Team Taiwan太火紅!賴清德換頭貼 連海膽都搶同框

    民進黨中執會今(12日)通過提名程序,正式提名黨主席賴清德為民進黨 2024 總統大選候選人。同一天,賴清德也在臉書社群上,更換大頭貼及 Banner。不只是賴清德率先換上挺台灣的特效匡大頭照,包括民進黨立委、基層民代、黨公職等也紛紛換上大頭照,大家團結要來「挺台灣」。但也有不少綠營粉絲參與賴清德同框照活動,目前已超過十萬人次參與,還有粉絲把賴清德同框照KUSO成結婚照。
    2023/04/12 18:00
  • Taiwan firefighters prepare for int’l rope rescue challenge

    The Kaohsiung Rope Rescue Team (KRRT) in Taiwan is gearing up for the GrimpDay — an international technical rope rescue competition scheduled in May in France. 
    2023/03/30 20:12
  • Century-old building crumbles in Taichung

    One person was killed, and two were trapped under rubble following a house collapse in Taichung’s Central District on Thursday. 
    2023/03/30 20:07
  • 觀點/以敬禮和火力響徹世界 張育成回到紅襪後能就此站穩先發?

    Team Taiwan雖然在今年的WBC預賽出局,但是陣中第四棒「國防部長」張育成表現優異,在預賽敲出7支安打,包含對戰義大利、荷蘭的全壘打幫助台灣隊奠定勝基,打擊率破4成,攻擊指數破1的打擊表現,讓他獲得A組的MVP,近日他也即將返美向紅襪隊報到備戰新賽季,在Trevor Story手肘手術會缺席開季的情況下,張育成非常有機會能擠進開季名單,甚至扛下先發,但是紅襪隊中工具人眾多,到底張育成還有哪些競爭對手呢?
    2023/03/18 10:20
  • Team Taiwan’s secret training device: smart pitching machine

    The Chinese Taipei national baseball team, also called Team Taiwan, has a secret weapon in their training arsenal: a state-of-the-art smart pitching machine.
    2023/03/16 20:00
  • Taiwan’s energetic cheerleaders garner international praise

    Chinese Taipei’s baseball cheerleading squad has won over sports fans worldwide with their friendly demeanor, perky smiles, and perfectly synchronized moves. 
    2023/03/15 15:36
  • Taiwan celebrates Yu Chang’s exceptional showing at WBC

    Taiwanese baseball sensation, Yu Chang, has become a rising star after his standout performance for the Chinese Taipei national baseball team at the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC). 
    2023/03/15 15:32
  • Team Taiwan’s fans show unwavering support for players

    Team Taiwan took on Cuba in the World Baseball Classic (WBC) on Sunday, resulting in a loss for the Taiwanese team, also called Chinese Taipei. 
    2023/03/13 17:53
  • 中華隊逆轉勝!全場狂吼「Team Taiwan」 德記者感動:讓世界看見台灣

    世界棒球經典賽(WBC)正如火如荼的進行中,昨(10日)晚中華隊以11:7逆轉擊敗義大利隊,更是讓全民沸騰。就有德國記者分享,當中華隊敲出安打、追平比數,以及最後的3分砲出現時,場邊如雷貫耳的「Team Taiwan」幾乎快要蓋過主播的聲音,且收音甚至一度中斷,也讓他見識到台灣球迷的熱情,直呼好感動。
    2023/03/11 18:37
  • Chinese Taipei baseball team bounces back after Panama loss

    The Chinese Taipei baseball team is not letting their 12-5 loss to Panama hold them down as they continue training on Thursday (March 9) for their upcoming match against Italy on Friday (March 10). 
    2023/03/10 19:02
  • Taiwan’s search and rescue teams back from Turkey

    Taiwan’s search and rescue teams returned to Taiwan on Wednesday (Feb. 15) after a grueling five-day mission in Turkey. 
    2023/02/16 18:59
  • Chinese Taipei prepares for 2023 World Baseball Classic

    The Chinese Taipei team is preparing for the 2023 World Baseball Classic, slated for March 7 to 21.
    2023/02/16 10:22
  • Taiwan sends 3rd emergency team to Turkey with new equipment

    Four days after the devastating earthquake in Turkey, Taiwan sent its 3rd search and rescue team to help with disaster relief in the area on Thursday (Feb. 9).
    2023/02/12 11:10
  • Taiwan’s emergency team rescues woman from rubble in Turkey

    Taiwan’s search and rescue team successfully rescued a woman stuck beneath the rubbles of a building in Turkey on Wednesday, after digging for 5 hours.
    2023/02/12 10:26
  • Taiwan President checks on search and rescue team in Turkey

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen hopped on a video call on Wednesday (Feb. 8) to check in on the search and rescue team dispatched to assist in Turkey following a massive earthquake led to thousands of deaths
    2023/02/12 10:18
  • Taiwan ’Prays for Turkey,’ sends 2nd search and rescue team

    Taipei 101 and the Taipei City Government building displayed messages of "Pray for Turkey" on Tuesday night in a show of support for the victims of the disaster. 
    2023/02/08 18:00
  • Innovative performance showcases Taiwan’s artistic energy

    The pandemic has forced many industries, such as the performing arts, to rethink their strategies to thrive in the post-pandemic world. Diabolo Dance Theatre has sized this opportunity to team up with Song Kun Performing Art Group to create "Island’s Sunrise" with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
    2022/12/29 21:15
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