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    Taiwan policy 結果共254筆

  • KMT pres. candidate unveils five-pronged healthcare policy

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has unveiled his "Five Arrows" healthcare policy, which includes increasing healthcare spending to 8% of GDP, improving care for children and mothers, launching a national mental health plan, advancing prevention for high-risk cancers, and ensuring transparency in vaccine and pharmaceutical purchases.
    2023/08/31 16:13
  • MODA faces criticism as one-year mark approaches

    On Thursday (Aug. 24), Taipei City councilor Li Yan-xiu criticized the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) of the Executive Yuan for lacking policy direction and effectiveness as it is approaches its one-year anniversary on Aug. 27.
    2023/08/24 14:01
  • Bilingual 2030 initiative hindered by shortage of teachers

    Taiwan grapples with a shortage of bilingual teachers as schools aim to achieve bilingualism by 2030. While Taipei progresses, Tainan faces challenges in hiring educators. The debate continues amid concerns about curriculum neglect.
    2023/08/17 10:52
  • Hou Yu-ih stands firm on nuclear policy amid scrutiny

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih faces scrutiny over nuclear policy during Taichung visit. His unwavering stance, energy objectives, and power supply concerns are discussed.
    2023/08/10 21:45
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils 2050 Net-Zero Energy Plan for Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih unveiled his energy policy on Wednesday (Aug. 9), outlining four goals aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050: environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and a sustainable transition.
    2023/08/09 16:28
  • Digital transaction boom in Taiwan coincides with scams rise

    As digital transactions simplify everyday life for many in Taiwan, they have also become a convenient tool for scammers targeting unsuspecting victims. Statistics provided by the National Policy Agency (NPA) under the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) reveal that Taiwan has witnessed over 20,000 annual scam cases since 2017.
    2023/07/11 16:59
  • Taiwan’s bilingual policy under scrutiny

    Taiwan has set an ambitious goal to become a bilingual nation by 2030. However, experts and local groups are questioning its feasibility and raising concerns about potential drawbacks.
    2023/06/08 18:37
  • New Taipei Mayor vows to fulfill promises on nuclear power

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih urged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Wednesday to prioritize the handling of nuclear power, emphasizing his commitment to a clear energy policy if elected. 
    2023/06/07 17:28
  • Vice President Lai stresses importance of net-zero target

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal on Tuesday (May 23) at the 2023 Fubon Sustainability Forum, a collaborative event by Fubon Financial Holding Co. and the Risk Society and Policy Research Center.
    2023/05/23 16:03
  • Expert shares insights on Taiwan’s role in global trade

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu in TVBS Meeting Room, Wendy Cutler, vice president of Asia Society Policy Institute and former acting deputy of the U.S. Trade Representative, shared her insights on globalization and the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade.
    2023/04/27 17:32
  • VP Lai Ching-te faces scrutiny over future policies

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s 2024 Presidential Election hopeful, presented his policy platform to supporters during a Presbyterian Church event on Tuesday (April 18).
    2023/04/19 17:29
  • DPP’s supporters voice displeasure at Legislator Kao Chia-yu

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Kao Chia-yu encountered vocal dissent from within her own party on Thursday (Jan. 12) during a policy presentation.
    2023/01/13 18:49
  • Taiwan requires PCR tests for visitors from China, HK, Macau

    Mainland China’s COVID-19 prevention policy has taken an unexpected turn, going from a zero-tolerance policy to a complete mass opening.
    2023/01/05 20:01
  • Wenchi Yu ponders U.S. role in future cross-strait ties

    Taiwan and China have a complex relationship recently brought into the spotlight due to Taipei’s ardent push for democratic values and Beijing’s firm belief in autocratic control. The United States is also involved in this dynamic, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, who asked two foreign policy experts what’s next for cross-strait relations in the latest episode of TVBS Meeting Room.
    2022/12/21 18:44
  • Enoch Wu responds to inquiries on extending military service

    The ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) candidate for the Taipei legislative by-election, Enoch Wu (吳怡農), responded to people’s concerns about his proposed policy on extending the military service on Wednesday (Dec. 14).
    2022/12/16 11:24
  • Beverage shops across Taipei switch to paper cups

    Taipei will ban disposable plastic cups in December, impacting operations at more than 2,200 stores. Since July of this year, beverage stores across the city provide a NT$5 discount for customers who bring their own reusable cups. A policy that has been well received by customers.The percentage of those bringing their own cups had increased from 6% to 16%. 
    2022/12/07 21:45
  • U.S. ambassador to China: One China policy has not changed

    The U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, reiterated at the Asia Summit that the One China policy has not changed, and America will continue to adhere to it.
    2022/10/04 08:12
  • 不懼大陸警告?美眾議院版「台灣政策法案」加回敏感條文

    美國參議院外委會14日才通過修正版的「台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act),並刪減敏感條文,美國眾議院28日最新出爐的「台灣政策法案」則在實質方面加強台灣防衛,並把先前參議院版本中經過修改或刪除的象徵性條文加回去,讓參眾兩院的台灣政策法案雖然類似,卻不完全相同。德州州立大學副教授翁履中今(29日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人游皓婷線上訪問表示,「在參議院版本的台灣政策法案出爐時,看似挑戰過去台灣關係法中保持模糊的策略,凸顯美國對台策略逐漸清晰,也讓各界開始關注眾議院版本的台灣政策法案,但可以從兩點分析,第一點、『時間』,9月30日之後參眾兩院會進入選舉週期,也就是休會期直到11月8日美國期中選舉後才會重新開議,而開議不久就迎來感恩節和聖誕節假期,所以所剩的時間並不足以讓美國國會所有議員湊在一起把法案完全審議完成,這個時間點提出更多的是政治上『象徵性』的表態。」
    2022/09/29 16:42
  • Taiwan Policy Act to enhance U.S. military support

    The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 vote on Sept. 14 (Wed.), committing to provide Taiwan with more military support in the future. 
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • Taiwan Policy Act clears U.S. senate committee

    The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee cleared the "Taiwan Policy Act" with a 17-5 bipartisan vote. According to its sponsors, the bill is "the most comprehensive restructuring of U.S. policy towards Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979."
    2022/09/23 14:06
  • MIT scholar expects no changes in U.S.-Taiwan policy

    Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party slated on Oct. 16, TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu invited MIT scholar Professor M. Taylor Fravel to share insights on Washington’s possible involvement in the cross-strait stalemate.
    2022/09/23 14:03
  • 觀點/台灣政策法最終版將如何處理台灣主權問題?

    台灣政策法(Taiwan Policy Act)9月14日在美國參議院外交委員會以17:5通過,將送到參議院全院投票,再到眾議院投票。這個法案自從6月份由參議院外交委員會主席在梅南德茲(Menedez)與共和黨少數領袖葛拉姆(Graham)共同介紹,已經引起很多的討論,而且延遲投票兩次,最主要是白宮擔心這個法案可能對中國有不必要挑釁的意味。
    2022/09/19 13:58
  • 利大於弊vs.弊大於利 「台灣政策法」通過 避一中紅線

    美國參議院外委會14日通過最新版的「2022年台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),大幅增加對台的軍事援助,重塑美國對台最全面的關係,不過對於可能會引爆美中台關係的法案,則改回建議或授權性質。TVBS外交暨軍事記者劉亭廷今(16日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人譚伊倫線上訪問表示,「經過溝通協商後,原本號稱最強而有力的『台灣政策法案』,內文只要有碰到『一中政策』的紅線,美國態度就轉彎,所以關於台美外交升級的條文很明顯被淡化,而這可以從兩點得知,第一點、『駐處的更名』,原本法案是建議並希望由美國透過政策的方式,把台北經濟文化辦事處直接修正回台灣代表處,但現在已經被修正為國會建議性質,第二點、『美國在台協會AIT處長任命方式』,原本法案是提倡比照外交大使的提名程序,但現在則是被完全移除。」
    2022/09/16 16:21
  • 觀點/美參院通過《台灣政策法案》 虛實相掩、突破一中

    美國參議院外交關係委員會14日以17票贊成、5票反對,通過《台灣政策法案》(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022)。儘管後續立法程序仍相當繁複,但若最後完成立法並實施,將是自1979年美台斷交及《台灣關係法》生效以來,美國對台政策最全面的調整。
    2022/09/16 13:28
  • 美國將審議台灣政策法案 恐動搖「美中台」三邊關係

    美國參議院外交委員會將在台灣時間15日凌晨2點審議「2022年台灣政策法案」(Taiwan Policy Act of 2022),這項法案涉及「台灣準北約化」、駐美代表處改為「台灣代表處」等,並將首次提供45億美元的軍事外援資金,而此法案也讓大陸急跳腳。德州州立大學副教授翁履中今(14日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人黃星樺線上訪問表示,「這項法案是美國參議院提出,目前為止還沒有看到眾議院的版本,雖然是重申挺台力道,可是更多的是針對『中美競爭關係』,此外,台灣政策法案也補上了非常多過去台灣關係法裡,可能還保有彈性空間的部分,在台灣關係法設立的時候,所保持的模糊空間可以讓外界有可以做解釋的部分,但現在若法案通過,模糊的空間就會相對減少,對台灣來說可能會面臨比較大的風險跟挑戰。」
    2022/09/14 15:18
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