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    TVBS��������������������������� 結果共10,000筆

  • President Lai commits to boosting cross-strait tourism

    Discover how Taiwan aims to boost cross-strait tourism with a focus on mutual respect and shared prosperity, as announced by President Lai Ching-te at the Taipei Tourism Exposition. Learn about the government’s strategies for sustainable tourism and international integration.
    2024/05/31 14:52
  • Barry Lam tops Forbes Taiwan’s richest list with US$11.7B

    Discover how Barry Lam became Taiwan’s wealthiest individual with a net worth of $11.7 billion, according to Forbes Taiwan’s Richest 2024 list. Learn about Taiwan’s economic growth and the tech industry’s role in shaping wealth.
    2024/05/31 14:50
  • 就是今天!張學友小巨蛋開唱 盤點生涯「5大超狂紀錄」

    「歌神」張學友睽違7年再度來台開唱,今(31日)起於台北小巨蛋舉辦9場《張學友60+巡迴演唱會 台北站》。身為香港「四大天王」之一的張學友,已是第5次來台開唱,出道近40年的他,除了擁有好歌喉外,其魅力更是擄獲不少粉絲的心。也正因如此,即使年過花甲,還是有不少台灣歌迷引頸期盼他的到來。對此,《TVBS新聞網》也特別統整出「張學友生涯5大超狂紀錄」,其中包含登上美國告示牌冠軍、唱片銷量僅次麥可傑克森等,帶您一起來回味!
    2024/05/31 14:45
  • 張學友連唱9場!歌神「不為人知5秘密」 最愛台灣這美食

    2024/05/31 14:33
  • President Lai champions peace, tourism growth at Taipei expo

    Discover how President Lai Ching-te is promoting peace across the Taiwan Strait and advancing Taiwan’s tourism sector, including digital initiatives and global AI development, at the Taipei Tourism Exposition.
    2024/05/31 14:10
  • Over 153,000 Taiwanese workers earn below NT$30K monthly

    Discover the stark wage disparities in Taiwan’s workforce, as a Ministry of Labor report reveals over 153,288 workers earn less than NT$30,000 monthly, highlighting the economic challenges faced by low-wage workers.
    2024/05/31 14:06
  • DPP’s Rosalia Wu challenges Taiwan’s legislative dress code

    Explore how DPP Legislator Rosalia Wu challenges Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan dress code, advocating for practicality over formality and sparking a broader debate on attire norms in politics.
    2024/05/31 14:04
  • KMT legislators stage walkout during Premier’s policy report

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: KMT legislators stage a walkout during Premier Cho Jung-tai’s first policy report at the Legislative Yuan, signaling protest against his legislative reform stance. This event highlights the deep divisions and ongoing tensions in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/05/31 14:02
  • Taiwan’s premier commits to a nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s definitive move towards a nuclear-free future as the government, led by Premier Cho Jung-tai, commits to phasing out nuclear energy. This policy reflects a significant stance on the island’s energy future, emphasizing the administration’s dedication to fulfilling campaign promises and upholding democratic values.
    2024/05/31 13:45
  • 川普若定罪對美國總統大選有何影響?看專家怎麼說

    前美國總統川普(Donald Trump)「封口費案」遭紐約陪審團判定34項罪名指控均成立,恐將面臨4年的有期徒刑。他是美國歷史上首位被判有罪的現任或歷任總統;也是在主要政黨推派總統候選人後,首位被判定為罪犯的人。隨著川普遭判刑,可能對即將到來的美國總統大選產生重大影響。《TVBS》整理美國專家、學者的預測,讓讀者了解「封口費案」究竟會對美國政權帶來甚麼結果。
    2024/05/31 13:43
  • China to suspend tariff benefits for 134 Taiwanese products

    Discover the latest on China’s suspension of preferential tariff rates for 134 Taiwanese products starting June 15, escalating cross-strait tensions. Learn about the economic and political implications of this significant shift.
    2024/05/31 13:03
  • 張學友小巨蛋進場前先預習 「15首」熱門歌單曝光

    62歲的歌神張學友,今晚(31)日要在台北小巨蛋展開「TOYOTA 張學友60+巡迴演唱會 台北站」首場演出,這是他睽違7年,第5度攻蛋,出道39年的他,自1985年推出《Smile》後,41張專輯締造無數經典,不少粉絲早就開始複習歌單,《TVBS新聞網》特別精選出張學友熱門歌曲,進場前趕緊先聽一遍。
    2024/05/31 12:46
  • 川普有罪恐入獄?仍有參選、投票資格? 未來發展QA一次看

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)深陷「封口費案」官司纏身,30日更被12名紐約陪審團判定34項罪名指控均成立、最重恐將面臨4年的有期徒刑,這項歷史性的判決預計將在7月11日由法院宣判,《TVBS》特別整理川普將面臨的情況,讓讀者了解未來走向。
    2024/05/31 12:39
  • 芽芽不要看!沈玉琳認了對Melody心動 深情告白:我除了妳還是妳

    TVBS節目《11點熱吵店》短短3年就在數位影音平台突破50萬訂閱!製作單位特別舉辦「50萬訂閱QA同樂會」,邀請到2對收視保證的超人氣夫妻檔——楊昇達、若綺和Paul、咪咪,並精心安排了Call Out橋段來回饋忠實粉絲朋友,回答了許多長久以來觀眾納悶的問題,兩位主持人也送出了精美禮物,感謝大家長久以來的支持。
    2024/05/31 12:15
  • 周末開喝了!超商拿鐵「第二杯10元」 經典系列第二件5折

    2024/05/31 12:03
  • 34項罪名成立、最重關4年!一次看懂「川普封口費案」時間序

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)深陷「封口費案」官司纏身,30日更遭紐約陪審團判定34項罪名指控均成立、最重恐將面臨4年的有期徒刑,法院預計將在7月11日做出判決,究竟這個最早能追溯回2006年的案件是如何影響川普,甚至影響2024年11月的美國總統大選?《TVBS》特別整理完整時間序來讓讀者一次看懂。
    2024/05/31 11:17
  • 6月新制上路!夏季電價「家庭每月平均破千」 台旅行團禁止赴陸

    2024/05/31 11:04
  • Taiwan’s Examination Yuan to see new leadership under Chou

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s government as the Presidential Office announces new leaders for the Examination Yuan, emphasizing experience and diversity. Learn about the strategic appointments set to shape Taiwan’s civil service.
    2024/05/31 10:41
  • Taiwanese telecoms deny sharing data with DPP official

    Discover how Taiwan’s major telecom companies, including Far EasTone and Taiwan Mobile, respond to allegations of tracking protestors, emphasizing their commitment to privacy and legal compliance.
    2024/05/31 10:23
  • NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event

    Discover how NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang is connecting with the Taiwanese community through baseball, as he prepares to throw the first pitch at the Taipei Dome during the Dragon Stars Fun Days. Learn about his engagement with tech leaders and fans.
    2024/05/31 09:48
  • Typhoon Maliksi to hit Guangdong, weaken by tomorrow

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts brief showers and thunderstorms due to an approaching frontal system. Typhoon Maliksi, set to weaken after landfall, brings cooler temperatures and significant rainfall over the weekend. Stay updated on changing weather patterns affecting Taiwan from May 31 to June 6.
    2024/05/31 09:32
  • 跟著黃仁勳嗑美食!13家口袋愛店必吃 搭捷運就能到

    2024/05/30 20:30
  • 8個不為人知的黃仁勳故事:曾在餐廳端盤子、手臂刺青這符號

    2024/05/30 18:34
  • Sorry Youth backs Bluebird Movement, plans new album release

    Discover how Taiwanese band Sorry Youth is making waves with their involvement in the Bluebird Movement and the upcoming release of their album "Noise Apartment." Learn about their unique sound, international tours, and the Vice President’s nod to their music.
    2024/05/30 18:34
  • Telecom giant emphasizes privacy amid data use debate

    Discover how Chunghwa Telecom addresses privacy concerns amid allegations of mobile data misuse for demographic analysis. The company emphasizes its strict adherence to privacy laws and the anonymization of data in its big data services.
    2024/05/30 17:56
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