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    T-Mobile 結果共17筆

  • THSRC boosts train services for Mother’s Day rush

    Discover the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation’s plans to accommodate the Mother’s Day rush from May 10-13, 2024, with additional train services, increased non-reserved seat capacity, and real-time crowd control updates. Plan your trip with ease by checking the THSRC website or using the T-EX Mobile Ticketing app for ticket sales and station crowd information.
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail boosts services for Lunar New Year

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will add eight more trains during the Lunar New Year transport season from Feb. 6 to 15. These additional services include five southbound and three northbound trains. Tickets for these services will be available starting midnight on Saturday, Jan. 27. During the passenger peak period, THSRC will also expand unreserved seating across eight carriages on trains running between Nangang and Taichung. THSRC will provide a total of 461 additional train services over the Lunar New Year period, with 246 southbound and 215 northbound trains. Passengers are advised to plan in advance by checking the corporation’s website for transport season sales information and avoiding peak times. Real-time updates on passenger numbers at different stations will be available on the THSRC website. Stations implementing crowd control for unreserved seating will display a yellow or red light, indicating expected queue times of over 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, respectively. Passengers can also receive crowd control information and manage their travel plans via the T-EX mobile ticketing app.
    2024/01/25 11:12
  • THSR adds extra train for Coldplay concert fans in Taiwan

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will add an additional northbound train on Sunday night (Nov. 12) to accommodate Coldplay fans attending the band’s performances at Kaohsiung National Stadium on Nov. 11 and 12. The train will depart from Zuoying Station at 10:30 p.m. and arrive at Taipei Station at 12:30 a.m., making stops at Tainan, Chiayi, Taichung, Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Banqiao stations. Tickets will be sold at 00:00 am on Nov. 11, and THSR advises travelers to plan their onward travel accordingly. Tickets can be booked through the T-EX mobile ticketing app, THSR’s online booking system, convenience stores, or train stations. Non-reserved seat tickets can also be purchased on the day of travel.
    2023/11/10 22:25
  • Gou meets Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in Seattle

    Business tycoon Terry Gou watched Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in action at the Seattle Mariners’ T-Mobile Park on Wednesday afternoon (Aug. 2), Seattle time.
    2023/08/03 14:40
  • 訪美見到「國防部長」了!郭台銘看紅襪比賽 張育成送上2東西

    鴻海創辦人郭台銘近日展開訪美行程,於西雅圖時間8月2日下午兩點(台北時間8月3日早上5點)至西雅圖水手隊主場(T-Mobile Park)觀看我國效力於美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)紅襪隊的球星、有「國防部長」之稱的張育成比賽。據了解,郭台銘賽後與張育成會面,張育成送上簽名球和簽名球棒給郭台銘。
    2023/08/03 10:51
  • 明星賽/大谷太受歡迎 水手球迷趁機招募:快來西雅圖

    美國職棒(MLB)明星賽今(12)日於水手隊主場T-Mobile Park盛大開打,季外將成為自由球員的美聯人氣王大谷翔平,意外成為現場球迷的「招募對象」,站上打擊區時不斷響起「快來西雅圖」(Come to Seattle)呼聲,而由於明星賽只打2打席,最終他繳出1K、1保送,國聯明星隊以3:2帶走勝利。
    2023/07/12 12:23
  • THSR introduces mobile ticketing for non-reserved seats

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has introduced a new mobile ticketing service, allowing passengers to purchase free seating tickets through the "T-EX Mobile Ticketing" app. Starting today, you can conveniently buy your tickets via the app and scan the QR code to access the platforms directly.
    2023/07/03 13:12
  • 個資外洩!美「第3大電信」遭駭 估3700萬用戶受害

    2023/01/20 21:42
  • SpaceX將合作電信業者 透過星鏈消彌全球訊號死角

    太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)25日宣布,2023年推出的「星鏈」(Starlink)第二代低軌衛星將與電信業者T-Mobile合作,讓無線連接擴及到偏遠地區,消除所有訊號死角,用戶基本上只要「看的見天空就有訊號」,預計明年先在美國啟動測試,未來再拓展至海外市場。
    2022/08/26 16:12
  • 5G遠端遙控汽車服務開張 賭城拉斯維加斯率先啟用

    2021/07/10 13:56
  • 觀點/波克夏大買電信業!想買台灣電信三雄先看5指標

    2021/03/09 10:55
  • 軟銀上季利潤下滑99%  創投大虧反噬獲利

    2020/02/13 19:58
  • 華為子公司涉竊取貿易機密 美方2月28日傳訊

    根據今天的法庭文件,美國2月28日將就10項密謀竊取美國T-Mobile(T-Mobile US)貿易機密的起訴罪名,在華盛頓州西雅圖傳訊中國電信巨頭華為技術有限公司旗下兩個單位。
    2019/01/30 09:42
  • 加拿大醞釀禁華為競標 中國使館嗆:會有後果!

    2019/01/18 20:10
  • 華為疑竊商業機密 美國檢方發動刑事調查

    2019/01/17 09:07
  • 電信合併拚5G 美國仍落後南韓、中國

    2018/05/01 21:28
  • 【FOCUS新聞】蘋果Apple Pay難一支獨秀 谷歌趕上

    ▲(圖:達志影像/美聯社) 行動支付市場的競爭,已進入白熱化階段。不讓蘋果Apple Pay專美於前,谷歌近日有大動作,收購和美國三大電信商,AT&T Verizon以及T-Mobile,結盟組成的行動支付公司Softcard的技術和專利,並計畫從下半年開始,從這些電信業者賣出的所有Android手機,都將內建Google Wallet,觸碰式支付應用功能,而谷歌這一大步,就是希望能增加更多行動支付的用戶,畢竟這塊市場未來商機可期,有研究指出再過5年,美國行動付費金額,將從現今的500億成長至1420億美元
    2015/02/25 21:13
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