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    Intel 結果共184筆

  • Taiwan probes CCP’s role in Chinese man’s illegal entry

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security as officials investigate a Chinese man, formerly a PLA Navy captain, who illegally entered Taiwan, highlighting concerns over potential CCP manipulation. 3. NSB gathering intel on man’s China activities. 4. Arrest prompts review of maritime security.
    2024/06/12 12:43
  • Int’l media cover COMPUTEX 2024, praises Taiwan’s tech role

    Discover how Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global tech industry is highlighted at COMPUTEX 2024, with insights from tech giants NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel’s CEOs. Explore the event’s impact.
    2024/06/07 17:50
  • AI PCs top highlight of COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the latest AI advancements at COMPUTEX 2024, featuring keynotes from industry leaders like Intel and NVIDIA. Discover how AI PCs and generative AI are set to transform our daily lives.
    2024/06/05 16:40
  • Intel CEO urges balance in U.S. chip ban against China

    Explore how Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger addresses the U.S. chip ban against China at COMPUTEX Taipei, emphasizing the need for balance to avoid pushing China towards self-reliance in semiconductor technology.
    2024/06/05 11:15
  • 和台關係近40年 基辛格:IT就是Intel跟Taiwan

    2024/06/04 19:13
  • Intel CEO unveils AI innovations at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger unveils groundbreaking AI and data center advancements at COMPUTEX Taipei, including Xeon plus Rag and Gaudi 3, promising a future of increased performance and efficiency.
    2024/06/04 18:53
  • 住一晚價格曝光!黃仁勳、蘇姿丰來台 下榻「文華東方酒店」

    2024/06/04 10:06
  • Tech giants gather in Taipei for tech expo COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the highlights of COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, where Intel CEO Patrick Gelsinger and other tech leaders will showcase innovations in AI, robotics, and VR.
    2024/06/03 16:40
  • AI助救災、送餐!台首批「機器狗」亮相 年底前學會爬樓梯

    2024/05/29 16:58
  • COMPUTEX to usher in AI PC era with top industry leaders

    Discover the future of AI and computing at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei from June 4-7. Keynotes by Nvidia, AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm CEOs will highlight AI advancements and the dawn of the AI PC era.
    2024/05/27 14:43
  • 輝達大漲黃仁勳加薪60% 11億薪酬傲視英特爾和AMD

    晶片大廠輝達(Nvidia)因為人工智慧(AI)需求,讓公司股價與獲利大幅成長,連帶也使執行長黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)的薪酬爆增,相比前一個財政年度成長60%。根據公司提交的書面資料,目前黃仁勳的薪酬為3420萬美元(約新台幣11億0077萬元),比前一年2140萬美元(約新台幣6億8879萬元)增加不少,同時也比同業英特爾(Intel)執行長基辛格(Pat Gelsinger)高出一倍。
    2024/05/15 11:56
  • 科技戰再起!防華為獲新技術 美撤銷英特爾與高通晶片銷售許可

    2024/05/08 10:07
  • 台積電稱霸全球25大半導體供應商 3台廠強勢入榜

    2024/04/17 13:39
  • Computex 2024: Navigating the next wave of AI innovation

    Computex is set to return with a bang this year as Taiwan’s PC manufacturing powerhouses such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Foxconn look to ride this new generative AI wave.
    2024/04/08 19:49
  • 反擊美國制裁?金融時報:陸要求政府電腦汰除英特爾、超微晶片

    2024/03/24 16:42
  • 「小輝達」Astera超狂 上市首日股價飆漲72%

    被外界暱稱「小輝達」的人工智慧基礎設施公司Astera Labs,其股票日前在納斯達克(Nasdaq)首次公開上市時,剛開盤就漲破40%,股價單日飆漲幅度高達72%,收盤價為62.03美元,一舉讓Astera市值來到近95億美元(約新台幣3019.5億元)。外媒報導稱,Astera是由前德州儀器(Texas Instruments)的高層在2017年創立,其客戶包括輝達(Nvidia)、超微(AMD)和英特爾(Intel)等半導體和科技巨頭;重要股東之一的亞馬遜(Amazon)也是其主要客戶,伴隨著Astera股價飆漲,也讓亞馬遜非常開心。
    2024/03/21 11:18
  • Smart cities’ future shaped by AI, sustainability efforts

    Discover how Intel’s collaboration with Taiwanese system integrators is leveraging AI and sustainability to transform urban management and infrastructure, aiming for a smarter and greener future.
    2024/03/19 21:19
  • 搶贏台積電!這「半導體大廠」補助破10億美元 爆拜登下週出手

    兩名熟知內情人士今天透露,美國總統拜登與商務部長雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)計劃下週在亞利桑那州宣布給予英特爾數以十億計美元的補助及貸款,使其在美國擴大生產晶片。
    2024/03/15 09:10
  • AI heads unite: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel CEOs to attend Computex

    The 2024 Computex Taipei promises an AI feast with top industry leaders like Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger set to deliver a keynote speech. Expect insights on the AI PC era and the theme "Connecting AI" as NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and AMD CEO Lisa Su join Gelsinger at this global event. Explore six themes and 4,500 stalls at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center from June 4 to 7.
    2024/03/08 18:21
  • 宏達電MWC上宣布攜手英特爾、Capgemini 共推5G工業網路革新

    宏達電今天在2024年世界行動通訊大會(MWC)宣布,旗下5G數位轉型團隊HTC G REIGNS攜手Capgemini和英特爾(Intel),共同推出5G專網工業網路解決方案,拓展國際產業合作商機。
    2024/02/27 22:14
  • Commerce secretary highlights TSMC’s role in U.S. chip goals

    U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo aims for the U.S. to produce 20% of the world’s cutting-edge semiconductors by 2030. Companies like Intel, TSMC, and Samsung are seeking over US$70 billion in subsidies under the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act. Raimondo highlights TSMC’s Arizona project and expresses gratitude for their contributions. The government plans to fund more projects to achieve the 20% global semiconductor production target by 2030. The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to announce new subsidies, with TSMC likely to receive funding.
    2024/02/27 17:45
  • Intel Foundry to challenge TSMC in semiconductor race

    Intel launches Intel Foundry, aiming to produce the world’s fastest chips by 2025. With endorsements from Microsoft and a robust roadmap, Intel aims to challenge TSMC and become a dominant force in the semiconductor industry.
    2024/02/25 13:33
  • 挑戰台積電!英特爾宣布為微軟代工新晶片 續拚先進製程

    晶片大廠英特爾(Intel)今天推出全球首個專為人工智慧(AI)時代設計的系統級晶圓代工服務(Systems Foundry),並宣布微軟將採用Intel 18A製程打造新晶片;英特爾致力於2030年成為全球第2大晶圓代工廠,將挑戰台積電地位。
    2024/02/22 08:38
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor industry set for growth in 2024

    Explore the dynamics of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry as it gears up for significant growth in 2024, with insights from industry leaders and experts on global competition, TSMC’s strategic moves, and market trends.
    2024/01/30 16:53
  • Intel and UMC to team up to develop 12nm semiconductor tech

    Intel and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) have embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration to develop a 12-nanometer semiconductor manufacturing process, targeting a wide range of high-growth markets and setting the stage for Intel to become a global foundry leader by 2030.
    2024/01/26 16:23
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