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    Swift 結果共285筆

  • 泰勒絲最愛倫敦這間烤肉店!送上演唱會門票 老闆卻因1事婉拒

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的「時代巡迴演唱會」(Eras Tour)上週來到英國倫敦(London),英媒透露,她原先邀請自己在 當地最愛的烤肉店老闆參加演唱會,還提供免費VIP門票,但對方卻以工作太忙為由婉拒,引起熱議。
    2024/06/24 14:27
  • 愛相隨巡演!泰勒絲男友上台「新娘抱」還幫補妝 合體放閃嗨翻粉絲

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)23日在英國倫敦(London)溫布利體育場(Wembley Stadium)舉行第3場「時代巡迴演唱會」(Eras Tour),效力美式足球聯盟(NFL)堪薩斯城酋長隊的球星男友凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)驚喜現身同台演出,還當眾新娘抱女友,讓全場粉絲嗨翻尖叫。
    2024/06/24 10:35
  • 英王室朝聖泰勒絲!威廉王子嗨跳Shake It Off 攜子女合照天后樂歪

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的「時代巡迴演唱會」(Eras Tour)21日晚間來到英國倫敦(London),吸引爆滿9萬歌迷朝聖,連威廉王子(Prince William)也帶著兒女喬治王子(Prince George)、夏綠蒂公主(Princess Charlotte)前來追星,威廉王子不只被拍到跟著泰勒絲的歌曲熱舞,還在後台與泰勒絲自拍,一反平時的嚴謹形象。
    2024/06/23 09:45
  • Swift rescue operation follows Keelung park landslide

    Discover the latest on the Keelung Chaojing Park landslide: swift rescue operations, community response, and ongoing safety measures. Read the full story.
    2024/06/03 17:25
  • Landslide traps vehicles in Keelung City, casualties unknown

    Discover the latest on the severe landslide in Keelung City’s Zhongzheng District, trapping vehicles and prompting a swift response from emergency teams. Learn more about the ongoing rescue efforts and eyewitness accounts.
    2024/06/03 15:54
  • Taipei mayor boosts metro security after stabbing incident

    Discover how Taipei is enhancing metro security following a stabbing incident on the Taichung Metro Green Line. Mayor Chiang Wan-an vows increased vigilance and swift action to ensure passenger safety.
    2024/05/22 17:02
  • Premier Cho seeks swift legislative dialogue in Taiwan

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is pushing for swift legislative action by engaging with Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu, aiming to prioritize the nation’s welfare and ensure constitutional compliance.
    2024/05/21 16:00
  • 泰勒絲為何是「世界第一天后」?網分析3特質:圈粉無數

    天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)再創佳績,最新專輯《折磨詩人俱樂部》在美國告示牌單曲榜中,一舉包下前14名席位,成為史上第一位達成此成就的歌手。泰勒絲的音樂向來以情歌為主,有網友好奇,為何她創作的題材都是戀愛、前男友,居然可以成為世界第一天后?貼文曝光後,引起網友熱烈討論。
    2024/05/19 15:45
  • Taiwan consider egg freezing subsidies amid birthrate crisis

    KMT legislator Chang Chia-chun advocates for government subsidies for egg freezing to combat Taiwan’s declining birthrate, emphasizing the need for women’s reproductive autonomy and equal rights. Despite a national crisis, only three cities offer such subsidies, and a central government report remains unevaluated after a year. Chang calls for swift action from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
    2024/05/10 15:56
  • Kaohsiung eyes hosting Taylor Swift in two years

    Discover how Kaohsiung’s Mayor Chen Chi-mai plans to bring Taylor Swift to Taiwan for a grand concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium, emphasizing the venue’s readiness and commitment to safety and sustainability.
    2024/05/09 17:19
  • 五月天也在問!泰勒絲何時「高雄開唱」 陳其邁:2年後有機會

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)是否可能高雄開唱,高雄市長陳其邁今天在高雄市議會答詢說,他判斷有機會是2年後,當然希望單獨到高雄,但通常是列入全球巡迴站點。
    2024/05/09 14:10
  • Taiwan boosts Hualien tourism with subsidies post-earthquake

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications is revitalizing Hualien’s tourism with a NT$5.3 billion recovery plan following an earthquake. Learn about subsidies for accommodations, the promotion of local tourism, and significant investments in housing and railway system reconstruction to ensure the region’s swift recovery and appeal to visitors.
    2024/05/02 18:07
  • 愛情事業兩得意!「泰勒絲球星男友」獲11億大約續留酋長

    美式足球聯盟(NFL)堪薩斯酋長(Kansas City Chiefs)的明星球員凱爾斯(Travis Kelce),不僅是該隊最受矚目的球星,他也因為與小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)交往,過去一年以來獲得高度社群關注。根據美媒報導,這位高人氣的近端鋒(Tight End),日前與球團達成2年續約,他將以兩年3425萬美元(約新台幣11億1411萬元)的合約,成為美式足球聯盟最高薪的現役近端鋒。
    2024/04/30 09:46
  • 布林肯北京突訪黑膠唱片行 入手泰勒絲、王菲前夫專輯

    美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)26日完成在中國的訪問行程,雖然他此行肩負著中美關係的重大責任,但他在前往機場時特別繞道、來到北京當地1家唱片店,最後更入手了2張黑膠唱片:分別是天后泰勒絲(Taulor Swift)和中國搖滾歌手竇唯的作品,再度展現布林肯喜愛音樂的個人魅力。
    2024/04/27 11:49
  • 又有苦主!泰勒絲新歌疑影射6年舊愛 喬歐文被罵爆急關留言

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)於4月19日發行新專輯《折磨詩人俱樂部》,引起全球注目,而向來習慣把過往戀情寫進歌裡的她,這次當然也不例外,不過每次只要有粉絲細究歌詞,就一定會有人遭到波及,這次苦主恐怕是去年分手的喬歐文(Joe Alwyn),部分激進粉絲開始攻擊喬歐文,導致喬歐文最後逼不得已關掉社群留言功能。
    2024/04/22 11:13
  • 為了泰勒絲!瘋搶演唱會門票 全英國3千人受害、遭詐4千萬

    美國鄉村天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)即將前往歐洲,展開新一輪的演唱會巡演,她預計將在英國舉行15場大型演唱會,包括倫敦溫布利體育場8場、利物浦和愛丁堡各3場,以及威爾斯的卡地夫1場。但演唱會門票太熱門,導致在僧多粥少的狀態下,許多粉絲只能轉向社群尋找機會,卻因此被詐騙集團盯上,有英國銀行向媒體透露,他們有數百名客戶遭遇門票騙局,合計損失至少100萬英鎊(約新台幣4036萬元)。
    2024/04/18 11:32
  • 財務感情兩回事!傳泰勒絲「守住335億資產」 與球星男友簽婚前協議

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)不只登上富比世富豪榜,資產達11億美元(335.5億台幣),感情生活也相當幸福,和34歲美式足球明星凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)打得火熱,泰勒絲近期暫停巡演行程,和男友抽空去巴哈馬群島度假,八卦小報更傳出凱爾斯向泰勒絲口頭求婚成功,談及這段戀情,凱爾斯直白表示:「我從未如此快樂,我的生活似乎沒有冷場,一切都在高速運轉,這正是我喜歡的方式」。
    2024/04/16 09:57
  • Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse

    In Taipei, a child under one year old underwent successful emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma, sparking concerns of potential child abuse. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has mobilized the Department of Health and police to investigate, with the daycare center temporarily suspended. The case’s complexities, including the timing of the injuries and responsibilities of the parents or nanny, are under scrutiny as authorities aim for a swift resolution and the child’s recovery.
    2024/04/12 10:59
  • 泰勒絲球星男友傳「求婚成功」 海島度假超甜互動曝光

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)正在舉行世界巡演《The Eras Tour》,即使行程滿檔,她仍不忘經營和球星男友凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)的感情,2人目前被目擊再巴哈馬群島度假,還有小報媒體《In Touch》指出,凱爾斯已經向她口頭求婚,表示想要共度一生的想法,而泰勒絲也點頭答應。
    2024/04/08 11:09
  • NFL休賽期行程仍超滿 泰勒絲球星男友將擔任益智節目主持人

    小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)與NFL堪薩斯城酋長隊球星男友凱爾西(Travis Kelce)高調戀愛中,時常在鏡頭前放閃,泰勒絲的人氣不僅讓凱爾西受到矚目,甚至連整個NFL比賽都獲得前所未有的關注。34歲的凱爾西近日成為美國電視節目《你比名人更聰明嗎?》的主持人,據《US Weekly》報導,節目已經開始錄製,有內部消息人士表示,凱爾西非常有趣,是一位「完美的主持人」,泰勒絲也對男友獲得的機會感到相當興奮,不過泰勒絲也希望凱爾西要注意行程安排,讓他們能有彼此相處的時間。  
    2024/04/07 17:52
  • Taipei health chief defends hospital’s response to crisis

    The head of Taipei’s health department, Chen Yen-yuan, commends the medical team’s swift response at a press conference regarding alleged medical negligence at a hospital treating victims of a suspected mass food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam in Xinyi District. Family members of the deceased are considering legal action, prompting immediate inter-departmental support for bereaved families. Mackay Memorial Hospital’s efforts to resuscitate a severely ill patient are defended by Chen and Dr. Yen Tzung-hai, who affirm the hospital’s diligent care and use of the best medication.
    2024/03/29 17:06
  • President Tsai discusses pressures of leadership

    President Tsai Ing-wen reflects on her presidency during a visit to National Penghu University of Science and Technology, emphasizing the daily pressures of her role and her re-election in 2019 as a sense of accomplishment. She praises the university’s role in talent development and regional growth, expressing hope for continued progress and swift resolution of campus safety issues.
    2024/03/29 13:44
  • Taiwan businesses prioritize swift action for profitability

    Read about the latest insights from the 2024 Taiwan Business Leadership Survey by PwC Taiwan. Discover how Taiwanese business leaders are navigating challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing economic landscape, with a focus on sustainability, competition, and transformation. Gain valuable perspectives on the future outlook and industry-specific trends shaping Taiwan’s business environment.
    2024/03/27 16:52
  • 為何「泰勒絲人氣依舊這麼高?」 網揭1關鍵:屌打其他人

    美國流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)正展開時代巡迴演唱會(The Eras Tour),吸引了全球熱潮,同時也創造了驚人的經濟效應。近日,就有網友好奇詢問「泰勒絲的地位怎麼突然變這麼高?」,貼文PO出後,引起網友的熱烈討論。
    2024/03/12 17:27
  • Nationwide alert: Toxic Sudan Red dye found in fried chicken

    The Taiwan food industry is rocked by a scandal involving the detection of carcinogenic industrial dye Sudan Red in breading and marinade powders used by numerous restaurants across the country. Over two metric tons of tainted powders have been distributed in 11 municipalities nationwide, prompting swift action from health authorities and food businesses.
    2024/03/11 18:21
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