
Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/12 10:59
Last update time:2024/04/12 10:59
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Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse (TVBS News) Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse
Taipei mayor takes action on suspected daycare child abuse (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A child under one year old who underwent emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma a day earlier is now resting, according to Taipei City Department of Social Welfare Commissioner Yao Shu-wen on Friday (April 12). The operation was deemed successful.

The case has raised suspicions of child abuse in Taipei. On Friday morning, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an stated on Facebook that the Taipei City Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault received a report of a child, who was in full-day care, starting to vomit on April 10. The nanny notified the parents to seek medical treatment, and the child was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, the cause of which remains unknown.


Upon learning of the situation, Chiang immediately instructed the Department of Health to ensure the best care and treatment for the child. He also requested police intervention, with officers taking statements at the scene and gathering evidence at the care location.

According to Chiang, hospital assessments suggest the injuries may not have occurred within a day or two. Whether the case is a result of child abuse requires comprehensive clarification and professional judgment. The Taipei City Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault has been tasked with investigating the case, including visiting the child, parents, and nanny.

Chiang stated that it is currently unclear whether the parents or nanny bear any responsibility and what that responsibility might be. He has asked the Department of Social Welfare to report to the central government as required.

Taipei City instructed the daycare center to temporarily suspend its services to ensure the safety of other children still under the nanny's care. The child, apart from the subdural hematoma, showed no other apparent external injuries on the torso or limbs. The city government is committed to swiftly uncovering the truth and hopes for the child's speedy recovery.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei child abuse# subdural hematoma# emergency surgery child# domestic violence Taipei# child care incident# Taipei City government# child injury investigation# Taipei subdural hematoma child case# child abuse suspicions in Taipei# Taipei daycare center


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