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    Sexual Harassment 結果共34筆

  • New Taipei sees spike in sexual harassment complaints

    New Taipei City’s Labor Affairs Department is addressing a surge in sexual harassment complaints influenced by the #MeToo movement and legal changes. Learn about the support and resources available to victims.
    2024/07/03 21:00
  • Taiwan defense ministry demotes commander for misconduct

    Discover the actions taken by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense after a battalion commander faced allegations of sexual harassment in Matsu. Learn about the disciplinary measures and future plans for prevention.
    2024/06/19 11:29
  • Actor You Sheng sentenced to 8 months for indecent assault

    Discover the details of actor You Sheng’s sentencing to eight months in prison for indecent assault in Taipei, including his trial’s revelations and the court’s decision on bail.
    2024/05/24 11:14
  • Taiwan’s MeToo anniversary highlights legal struggles

    Explore how Taiwan’s MeToo movement, marking its first anniversary, faces challenges with victim re-victimization and calls for legal reforms and cultural change to protect survivors and ensure a safer society.
    2024/05/23 18:06
  • Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes

    Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes zero tolerance for sexual harassment, assault, and child exploitation, warning of potential bans for foreign platforms not removing such content. This follows calls for a dedicated unit to combat digital sex crimes and revelations involving entertainer Mickey Huang. Amendments to gender equality laws and enhancements to the "113" reporting mechanism have been implemented, with substantial fines for non-compliance. TVBS advocates for public awareness and action against sexual misconduct.
    2024/04/08 14:52
  • MOL urges anti-harassment vigilance at year-end parties

    Taipei Ministry of Labor warns employers to be vigilant for sexual harassment during year-end parties. Employers must prevent workplace harassment and take immediate remedial action. The Gender Equality in Employment Act applies if an employee experiences harassment at a gathering hosted by the employer. Employers are responsible for preventing harassment, even if no formal complaint is made. Reminding staff about professional boundaries is advised.
    2024/01/04 16:02
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih blasts DPP for autocracy and corruption

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for alleged autocracy, incompetence, and widespread corruption. He singles out DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te as a complicit beneficiary of the party’s corrupt structure. Hou proposes a "New Taiwan Political Reform Movement" focused on governing with peace, dignity, fairness, integrity, and diligence. He suggests that Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je could play a key role in this movement. Hou highlights the issues faced by the Taiwanese in the past eight years, such as fraud, corruption, democratic regression, and cross-strait tensions. He criticizes Lai for distancing himself from Taiwan’s independence and condemns the DPP over allegations of sexual harassment, corruption, and the new movement faction. Hou argues that the DPP’s disarray has eroded its trustworthiness among the Taiwanese. He outlines his aim of leading a clean governance team with capacity, courage, and fiscal propriety, in contrast to the DPP’s alleged autocracy. Hou asserts his capability and strength to form a coalition government, fulfilling the aspiration for an alternate ruling party.
    2023/12/30 17:14
  • Hou Yu-ih slams DPP over sexual harassment cases

    Kuomintang’s (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) over recent sexual harassment cases in the party. Hou highlights the lack of response from the DPP’s Department of Gender Equality to these incidents. He challenges Lai Ching-te, asking if he believes this is a virtue. Hou pledges to rigorously address sexual harassment and maintain high moral standards among officials. His zero-tolerance approach towards corruption and sex scandals sets the tone for his campaign. In the third round of the television policy presentation, Hou focuses on gender issues, proposing policies to increase women’s representation in governance, improve maternal and child health care, and alleviate family care pressure. These proposals demonstrate his commitment to gender equality and addressing women’s challenges in Taiwan.
    2023/12/26 18:48
  • KMT’s Hou vows strict sexual harassment prevention measures

    Presidential candidate of the Kuomintang (KMT), Hou Yu-ih, pledges to enforce strict sexual harassment prevention measures and demands "zero tolerance" on financial and sexual misconduct among officials if elected. He criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for recent sexual scandals, mocking them as the "Peach Blossom Party." Hou also emphasizes plans to empower women and reduce the burden of home care, proposing to increase the proportion of women in government and corporate decision-making to at least 30%. He highlights the need for expanded healthcare for women and children. In contrast, he points out that during DPP candidate Lai Ching-te’s tenure as Premier, women constituted only 20% of cabinet members, while former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je’s "minority cabinet" had only a quarter of women. The 2024 presidential election will feature Hou, Lai, and Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko, each having their policy presentation meetings. Each candidate had three turns to address their policies, with each speaking opportunity lasting for 10 minutes.
    2023/12/26 17:32
  • Tina Chou acquitted in defamation suit by Taipei Court

    Taiwanese entertainer Tina Chou, also known as "Da Ya," has been acquitted of defamation charges by the Taipei District Court. Chou had accused her former boss, Chen Chien-chou, of attempting to assault her years ago, leading to Chen filing a defamation suit against her. The court sessions involved testimonies from both parties, ultimately resulting in the prosecutor’s decision not to pursue charges against Chou. Chou expressed gratitude to the judiciary and hoped her experience would encourage other victims of sexual harassment or assault to come forward. Witnesses, including actress Julie Tsai, supported Chou’s claims. Chen, seeking to clear his name, stated his desire to reveal the truth and prove his innocence through legal means. This case highlights the ongoing conversation about sexual misconduct in Taiwan’s entertainment industry and the challenges faced by those who speak out.
    2023/12/19 15:14
  • Taiwan’s #MeToo, viral resurgence among LINE TODAY hits

    LINE TODAY, an information site by LY Corporation, reveals the top 10 news topics in 2023. Entertainment news, mainly linked to #MeToo movement sexual harassment incidents involving Taiwanese celebrities, tops the list. Coco Lee’s passing, a Hong Kong-American Mandarin pop singer-songwriter, ranks second. Relaxed pandemic policies causing a resurgence of viruses takes the third spot. Taiwanese people show high sensitivity to international affairs, reflected in comments and shares on the "TODAY Sees the World" channel. Popular polls and quizzes cover leisure, entertainment, livelihood, and policy topics, including Apple products, the president’s salary, and the "Slam Dunk" manga quiz.
    2023/12/11 21:29
  • Taiwan politics sees more women leaders despite challenges

    Taiwan’s political scene is evolving with an increase in female participation and leadership. The nation leads in gender equality, ranking high in the U.N. Gender Inequality Index. Despite challenges highlighted by the #MeToo movement, Taiwan is focusing on empowering more women in politics.
    2023/12/11 17:10
  • Aaron Yan exonerated of assault, secret photography charges

    Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan has been cleared of charges related to sexual offenses, including secret photography and assault, according to the Shilin District Prosecutors Office. The allegations were made by internet celebrity Chiu Yao-le in June, leading to the suspension of Yan’s entertainment career and side business. Prosecutors found that Yan had shared private videos of Chiu with friends, a violation of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act. Yan will only be indicted on charges related to filming and possessing videos depicting the sexual conduct of a minor. The case is scheduled to be heard behind closed doors on December 21.
    2023/12/08 17:38
  • Taichung to host Migrants Day Fest at Science Museum

    A multicultural festival celebrating "Migrants Day" will take place at the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung City on December 10. The festival will feature performances, cultural experiences, and a prize drawing event. In an effort to educate immigrants about marriage management, rights in Taiwan, and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, the National Immigration Agency’s Central Administration Corps organized a family education and legal advocacy event in Taichung on December 6. The event used creative presentations to help diverse couples recognize signs of physical and psychological abuse, stalking, and harassment. Hsieh Liang, chair of the Union of New Immigrants of Taichung City, served as a marriage educator, teaching communication skills and advising against tolerance for violence. Sung Hsin-hui, a violence prevention planner from the Taichung City Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center, introduced the Domestic Violence Prevention Act and the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act, as well as reporting procedures and shared case studies. The event provided valuable insights for A Chun, an immigrant from Japan, who gained a correct understanding of family violence and expressed relief that Taiwan’s legal system offers protection to victims. With Taiwan’s immigrant population growing, the NIA aims to foster unity among all ethnic groups and create a welcoming environment for new residents, promoting cultural integration.
    2023/12/07 17:42
  • Taiwan foreign affairs official investigated for harassment

    Former Taiwan foreign affairs official in New York, Lu Chih-chien, is being investigated for allegations of improper behavior and sexual harassment. Lu was previously reprimanded for an inappropriate relationship during his assignment in New York and was later posted to the Taipei Liaison Office in South Africa. However, in July 2023, an allegation of sexual harassment emerged, leading to his recall to Taiwan. The Control Yuan members, Wang Mei-yu and Yeh I-chin, have stated that an investigation is underway to determine if Lu abused his power to sexually harass female subordinates and if there are other victims. They have also sought clarification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding measures to protect the rights and services of staff members.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • P. LEAGUE+ names Richard Chang as new president

    Richard Chang, a prominent figure in Taiwanese basketball, has been appointed as the inaugural president of the P. LEAGUE+. This restructuring marks a new era for the league, which aims to elevate its status with Chang’s extensive experience and business acumen. Chang, who has a background in national player experience and commercial governance, is expected to lead the league into version 2.0. He played for McDonald’s in Taiwan and represented the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team in the 1980s. Additionally, Chang has worked for over 30 years at Costco Wholesale Inc., where he currently serves as the president of its Asian division.
    2023/11/06 20:46
  • MOFA confirms former envoys guilty of sexual harassment

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) confirms sexual harassment allegations against three former diplomats, leading to various disciplinary actions. The misconduct spans from inappropriate touching to sending unsolicited photos.
    2023/10/17 17:27
  • Huang ordered to pay bail over sexual harassment allegations

    The Taipei District Prosecutors Office ordered popular entertainer Mickey Huang to pay a bail of NT$350,000 on Friday (Aug. 4) after being questioned for more than one and a half hours.
    2023/08/04 21:25
  • Legislature passes amendments to two gender equality laws

    Taiwan’s Legislature passed the amendments to the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act on Monday (July 31).
    2023/07/31 18:36
  • Taiwan boosts protections for harassment victims on campuses

    The Legislative Yuan passed the Gender Equality Education Act on Friday (July 28), strengthening protections for campus gender-related incidents.
    2023/07/28 13:25
  • Documents required for KMT’s harassment cases: Mayor Chiang

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announced on Wednesday (July 19) that the Department of Labor had not received official documents to initiate the investigation into the sexual harassment cases involving Kuomintang (KMT) legislators Fu Kun-chi and Cheng Cheng-chien.
    2023/07/19 17:39
  • Premier Chen discusses amendments to gender equality laws

    Premier Chen Chien-jen reported on July 18 (Tuesday) on the "Prevention of Sexual Harassment" concerning the amendments to three gender equality laws at the Legislative Yuan (Parliament).
    2023/07/18 18:07
  • Expert deems NT$10M compensation unlikely for Blackie Chen

    A high-profile Taiwanese lawyer Lu Chiu-yuan said the NT$ 10 million in compensation unlikely for famous Taiwan actor-host Blackie Chen, who is accused of sexual harassment by two actresses, Tina Chou and Yuan Kuo.
    2023/06/30 13:24
  • Lai Ching-te faces setback amid DPP’s harassment scandals

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, one of the leading candidates for the 2024 presidential election, has seen his popularity wane after a series of sexual harassment scandals within the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) surfaced in June. Although Lai started strong in the polls after declaring his candidacy for the presidency, his campaign has suffered setbacks due to recent controversies.
    2023/06/26 20:36
  • Taiwan official in Thailand resigns amid harassment claims

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) confirmed on Saturday (June 24) that Chuang Suo-hang, Taiwan’s representative to Thailand, resigned following allegations of sexual harassment.
    2023/06/26 17:48
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