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    R.O.C 結果共33筆

  • Taiwan aims to maintain status quo, says premier

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai reaffirms the R.O.C.’s sovereignty and discusses the nation’s stance on geopolitical issues and the U.S. presidential election’s impact.
    2024/07/02 17:36
  • President Tsai pledges support for R.O.C. armed forces

    President Tsai Ing-wen visits forces stationed at Penghu and pledges continued support for the Republic of China Armed Forces. She also inaugurates the renovated Wude Barracks and emphasizes the government’s dedication to revitalizing military dormitories nationwide. The defense budget for 2024 reaches a record high of NT$600.7 billion, and Tsai inspects military demonstrations by the mechanized infantry battalion of the Penghu Defense Command. The president highlights ongoing defense reforms to establish a leaner and more modern military force and acknowledges the strategic importance of the Penghu force. With the Lunar New Year approaching, she advises officers to stay connected with their families and encourages quality time with loved ones for those on leave.
    2024/01/30 16:02
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • DPP urges Beijing to reassess cross-strait relations

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) China Affairs Department has called on Beijing to realistically confront cross-strait relations. This plea comes in response to a recent statement by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO), which claimed that the Taiwan election results do not represent the majority’s views and reiterated that "Taiwan is China’s Taiwan." Following Taiwan’s elections, Nauru, a Pacific island nation, severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan. The DPP criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for exploiting Nauru’s financial difficulties and coaxing the country into establishing diplomatic relations with China. The DPP’s China Affairs Department reaffirmed that its chairman, Lai Ching-te, has consistently stated his commitment to maintaining the status quo under the constitutional system of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). Lai advocated for dialogue and cooperation with China based on parity and dignity. The DPP’s China Affairs Department condemned the CCP’s suppressive measures against Taiwan and urged Chinese President Xi Jinping to publicly pledge not to unilaterally alter the status quo across the Taiwan Strait using military force. Despite Lai Ching-te’s stance on dialogue and cooperation, Beijing has continued to disregard Taiwan.
    2024/01/18 10:39
  • KMT rallies in Taoyuan, urges strategic voting against TPP

    KMT presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Hou Yu-íh and Jaw Shaw-kong, held a ’Victory Solidarity Rally’ in Taoyuan, urging voters to reject TPP candidate Ko Wen-je for strategic voting. The event drew nearly 100,000 attendees. Former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu criticized Ko as an ’air gun’ and emphasized the importance of victory. Han also condemned DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, claiming Lai had no qualification to run for the R.O.C.’s presidency. Han questioned how Lai, a miner’s child, could become Vice President without the protection of the ROC.
    2024/01/07 11:31
  • Presidential debate ignites over R.O.C. Constitution

    The sole televised debate for Taiwan’s 2024 presidential candidates featured heated exchanges among Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), and Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang (KMT) regarding the representation of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). The candidates were questioned about their recognition of the inherent territory in mainland China and Taiwan, whether both are part of the R.O.C., and their stance on the principle of "one country, two systems." Lai expressed skepticism about recognizing the R.O.C. as a "guardian deity" of both sides, while Hou emphasized his adherence to the Constitution and opposition to the one-country-two-systems principle. Ko argued that following the constitution is crucial for presidential candidates and emphasized maintaining the status quo.
    2023/12/30 18:56
  • Taiwan’s navy extends search for missing servicemen

    Taiwan’s R.O.C. Naval Fleet Command continues its search for three missing servicemen who fell overboard from the Hai Hu Submarine on December 21. Despite the 72-hour rescue window passing, the Navy has ordered an additional three-day search. The families of the missing servicemen will be transported to the accident spot on December 27. The wife of one of the missing crew members has made an emotional plea for assistance in the search. Families have suggested moving the search south based on sea current directions. President Tsai Ing-wen visited the recovered crew and comforted the families, vowing to continue the search. The search and rescue effort involves approximately 900 personnel, 80 aircraft, 76 ships, and 319 vehicles, covering an operational area from south of Kaohsiung Port to Hengchun and along the coast of Xiaoliuqiu.
    2023/12/27 10:40
  • KMT defends cross-strait policy against DPP allegations

    The story discusses the response of the Kuomintang (KMT) party’s International Affairs Department to the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) allegations regarding the KMT’s cross-strait policy. The KMT defended its stance and accused the DPP of manipulating international opinion to hide its own lack of expertise in national security. The DPP’s allegations were made in an article by Vincent Chao, the head of the DPP’s International Affairs Department, in The Diplomat. Chao questioned the clarity of the KMT’s position on relations with China and claimed that a KMT presidency under Hou Yu-ih would lead to a more isolated Taiwan that is overly reliant on China. The KMT argued that Chao deliberately misconstrued their position on military conscription and reiterated the importance of national defense and conscription reforms for the security of the Republic of China (R.O.C.). They expressed regret over the DPP’s misleading claims and highlighted Hou’s commitment to bolstering national defense during his visit to the United States in September 2023. The KMT also criticized Chao for distorting their stance despite their envoy’s detailed explanation of the party’s defense policies at the US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference in October. The KMT emphasized the significance of the next president’s term overlapping with Xi Jinping’s third term as the leader of China’s Communist Party and warned against relying on the DPP’s diplomatic strategies or self-proclaimed experts.
    2023/12/04 21:24
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim affirms unwavering R.O.C. citizenship

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has clarified that she has never renounced her Republic of China (R.O.C., Taiwan) citizenship, addressing speculations about her nationality status. While she once held U.S. citizenship due to her American mother, she renounced it in 2002 and has documentation to prove it. Hsiao, who has served multiple terms as a legislator, believes that her background has been thoroughly vetted. The discussion about her nationality arose from her time working in the Presidential Office in 2000, where confusion arose due to differing regulations under the Nationality Act and the Household Registration Act. Hsiao emphasized the importance of having a household registration in Taiwan, as it affects immigration, employment, and treatment. However, she assured the public that on the day she assumed her position as an "overseas compatriot legislator," she obtained her R.O.C. identification card. Hsiao expressed confidence in her and her presidential running mate Lai Ching-te’s candidature, stating that everything has been meticulously checked, instilling great confidence as they head into the election.
    2023/12/04 14:29
  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • Mayor Chiang leads family run for National Day celebration

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an celebrates Double Tenth Day with a heartwarming family run. Chiang emphasizes the spirit of National Day, and the event highlights Republic of China elements.
    2023/10/10 17:29
  • 世界圖書館與資訊會議 國家圖書館以台灣之名參加

    國家圖書館組團赴荷蘭參加國際年會及世界圖書館與資訊會議,成功將Taiwan(Province of China)更名為Taiwan(R.O.C.),獲得各國支持。
    2023/08/22 15:41
  • 朱立倫:馬英九表達中華民國立場「蔡英文一次都講不出口」

    國民黨主席朱立倫今(29)日在中常會上表示,這兩天前總統馬英九出訪中國大陸,清楚表達中華民國立場,總統蔡英文今出訪前在機場談話,卻不敢提中華民國,呼籲蔡英文在國外清楚表示自己是中華民國的總統,「妳是 President of R.O.C.」,不要嘴巴講別人,自己卻去中華民國化。
    2023/03/29 15:01
  • 憂裴洛西效應「阻貨運」 集運業者:發貨正常

    2022/08/04 19:28
  • 「蔡英文讓R.O.C不見了」 馬英九:討厭中華民國不如下台

    今天是雙十國慶日,前總統馬英九今(10)日上午出席國民黨中央黨部升旗典禮致詞時表示,中華民國是我國憲法上的國名,但最近總統蔡英文投稿美國《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)雙月刊,署名卻是「台灣總統」(President of Taiwan),中華民國(R.O.C)不見了,「蔡總統,中華民國到那裡去了?您為什麼這麼討厭中華民國呢?如果您真是如此,你為什麼不辭職下台呢?」
    2021/10/10 09:22
  • 蔡英文外媒自稱「台灣總統」 馬英九:妳當哪一國總統?

    總統蔡英文近期投書《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)雙月刊,使用「President of Taiwan(台灣總統)」頭銜,前總統馬英九今(7)日出席中華戰略學會慶祝中華民國110年國慶大會致詞時指出,中華民國是全體國人所共有,不是誰的專利,更不是政黨拿來作騙選票的工具,去年國慶典禮上,蔡總統呼籲國內各黨一起攜手努力,可是最近蔡英文投稿外媒卻讓「R.O.C」不見了,請問蔡英文當的是哪一國的總統?
    2021/10/07 15:15
  • 傻傻分不清!「ROC」奪銀牌 《衛報》誤植中華隊旗

    俄羅斯因陷禁藥風波遭禁賽,因此,今年東京奧運改用俄羅斯奧委會(Russian Olympic Committee,簡稱ROC)參賽,然而,台灣隊在國際賽場名稱為R.O.C.,兩者撞名!讓英國《衛報》網站今(24)日在更新奧運獎牌時,鬧出大烏龍,將「女子10公尺空氣步槍項目」獲得銀牌的ROC代表隊,誤植為中華台北隊。
    2021/07/24 16:55
  • 國民黨推臉書國慶特效框 邀全民共慶雙十

    明天是雙十國慶,國民黨今天推出臉書國慶特效框,邀請全民共慶雙十,國民黨表示,文傳會特別設計國慶特效框,以國旗為主體,附上中華民國生日快樂及R.O.C forever等字樣,象徵對雙十國慶的祝福及對國家的熱愛。
    2020/10/09 16:09
  • 「護照正名」有密碼! 府副祕:票多大、票少小

    2020/09/03 14:02
  • 李永萍批「賺錢別扯政治」 波特王秀合約嗆聲

    2019/12/20 21:24
  • 北市與布拉格締結姊妹市 載名「台北台灣」引爭議

    台北市政府今(8)日在市議會民政委員會提案,內容關於台北市與捷克首都布拉格締結「姊妹市」,但協議文件使用「THE CITY OF TAIPEI, TAIWAN」卻引發議員爭論,有些人認為應該剔除「TAIWAN」,但也有人表示布拉格已經通過此文件,北市府沒有不接受的理由,委員會最後決議暫擱此案。台北市長柯文哲則擔憂,若此事搬上檯面高調進行,恐怕會影響雙方的最終協議。
    2019/11/08 16:12
  • 環團憂藍營提重啟核四 恐讓台灣成「核災共和國」

    綠色消費者基金會今天質疑,國民黨5名總統初選角逐者支持重啟核四,但沒有說明成本、風險,他們口中的R.O.C.只會讓台灣成為「核災共和國(Republic of Catastrophe)」。
    2019/07/09 12:55
  • 驚! 馬國總統誤稱蔡英文「中國台灣總統」

    總統蔡英文到馬紹爾參訪,也把握時間參觀當地市集,對於每樣手工藝品,總統愛不釋手,每一樣都看的很仔細,尤其是馬國人民特別為總統做的小禮物,更讓總統頻說一定會帶回去做紀念,只是今天的晚宴也發生插曲,馬國總統一度口誤,把R.O.C Taiwan總統說成China Taiwan總統!
    2017/10/31 17:43
  • 日交流協會正名 綠要外館改Taiwan(R.O.C)

    2016/12/28 17:02
  • 〈獨家〉「跑馬」呈現! 101煙火主燈9組上網選

    台北101跨年煙火,眾所矚目的主燈字樣,繼去年的「100 R.O.C.」,今年台北101首度以票選方式,讓民眾來決定,9組金句從29日晚上6點開始,31日中午12點截止投票,並且揭曉,由於都是中英夾雜的「句子」,要怎麼呈現?台北101只透露「不會是固定的」。儘管保密到家,還選在深夜試燈,還是被民眾拍了下來,TVBS獨家取得這段畫面,果然拍到其中一組「美好台灣」的字樣,而且頭一次看到以跑馬的方式呈現。
    2011/12/29 19:13
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