
President Tsai pledges support for R.O.C. armed forces

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/30 16:02
Last update time:2024/01/30 16:02
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President Tsai pledges support for R.O.C. armed forces (TVBS News) President Tsai pledges support for R.O.C. armed forces
President Tsai pledges support for R.O.C. armed forces (TVBS News)

PENGHU (TVBS News) — During an encouraging visit to forces stationed at Penghu, President Tsai Ing-wen on Tuesday (Jan. 30) pledged that her administration would continue to back the Republic of China Armed Forces.

President Tsai, who also presided over the completion and inauguration ceremony of the renovated Wude Barracks, stated that the government is dedicated to revitalizing old military dormitories across the country.


At the ceremony, she said the defense budget for 2024 had scaled new heights, amounting to NT$600.7 billion, marking the highest in the country’s history. In addition, she inspected military demonstrations by the mechanized infantry battalion of the Penghu Defense Command.

The president emphasized that the government is proceeding with defense reforms aimed at establishing a leaner and more modern military force. Moreover, Tsai underscored the strategic importance of the Penghu force, expressing appreciation for its contributions to the nation’s security.

With the approaching Lunar New Year festival, the president advised officers still on duty to stay in touch with their families and urged those off duty to spend quality time with their loved ones.

Taiwan Affairs

#President Tsai Ing-wen# Republic of China Armed Forces# defense budget# military force# Penghu force# Lunar New Year# quality time# encouraging visit to forces stationed at Penghu# revitalizing old military dormitories# completed and inaugurated renovated
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