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    Group A 結果共137筆

  • NEVs drive China’s automotive industry to new global heights

    Explore how China’s automotive industry, with a focus on New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), is becoming a central economic force, surpassing traditional sectors and setting global sales records, significantly impacting both local and international markets.
    2024/06/14 18:23
  • China reiterates plans to reopen tourism with Taiwan

    The Taiwan Affairs Office reiterates China’s plans to reopen tourism with Taiwan, criticizing the DPP for maintaining a tour group ban, while efforts to resume cross-strait exchanges continue.
    2024/06/12 15:29
  • MAC head warns travelers after detention incident in China

    Discover the latest on cross-strait relations: Taiwan’s MAC confirms the release of a detained Taiwanese tour group member in China and highlights safety concerns for travelers. Read more about the incident and the implications for the upcoming Straits Forum.
    2024/06/07 12:20
  • STARTO娛樂藝人競爭關係曝光! Travis Japan揪這2團後台玩瘋了

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)最近接連在東京、大阪舉辦家族演唱會「WE ARE!」,70多位藝人、共14組藝人同台演出,締造了僅1%的超低中票率,也吸引超過14萬名觀眾入場。Travis Japan趁著這次受訪,也親自曝光WE ARE!演唱會的後台互動,隊長宮近海斗更是認了旗下藝人都互有競爭意識!
    2024/06/01 09:02
  • Taiwan allows pre-June travel groups to China despite ban

    Discover how Taiwan is adjusting its travel policies amid a ban on group tours to China, allowing pre-planned trips to proceed. This move aims to balance tourism interests and cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/30 15:50
  • 獨/大倉忠義打造新男團!AmBitious添15歲嫩弟 連唱10場好吃驚

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)這陣子可說是動作頻頻,尤其以SUPER EIGHT(原關8)為首的「關西幫」,除了「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)已經在5月中出道,首張單曲〈《A》BEGINNING〉賣破62萬張,還跨團組成「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。目前仍為Jr.(練習生)的AmBitious則在5月1日新添一位新成員山中一輝,剛結束巡迴的他們,也獨家透過《TVBS新聞網》分享這次活動的心情。
    2024/05/25 09:00
  • Reflections on USR: A liability or an asset?

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are grappling with the demands and benefits of the University Social Responsibility program amid financial and recruitment challenges.
    2024/05/16 17:25
  • Political tensions and natural disasters impact tourism

    Chu Chien-meng of the Development Association for Taiwan Tour Guide shares a bleak outlook for Taiwan’s tourism in 2023 due to unresolved political tensions with China and a new ban on group tours. The industry also faces challenges from recent natural disasters and legal issues, despite calls for more open policies to boost tourism and economic growth.
    2024/05/07 14:38
  • Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

    A rally in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square, organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, supported Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly (WHA). The event featured a drum performance and speeches from TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling, MPs Judy Sgro, Ali Ehsassi, and Michael Cooper, advocating for Taiwan’s advanced healthcare contributions and its participation in global health discussions.
    2024/05/06 16:40
  • KMT renamed on Google maps: A political stir

    Explore the controversy surrounding the renaming of the Kuomintang to ’Mainland Kuomintang’ on Google Maps and Wikipedia, following a proposal to alter terminology in Taiwan’s legislative discussions, highlighting the political nuances of cross-strait relations.
    2024/05/03 17:40
  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
    2024/04/30 13:41
  • Japanese group conducts drone survey near Senkaku Islands

    Explore the latest on East Asia’s territorial disputes: A Japanese group led by ex-Defense Minister Tomomi Inada conducted a drone inspection near the Senkaku Islands, amid tensions with China.
    2024/04/29 15:32
  • SUPER EIGHT帶2團師弟耍壞! 19人跨團組「KAMIGATA BOYZ」

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)雖然歷經約1年多風波與打擊,不過公司迅速站穩腳步,除了日前宣布5月中「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)確定出道,現在更有跨團新企畫,由SUPER EIGHT(原關8)領軍WEST.(原Johnny’s WEST)、浪花男子(なにわ男子),打造全新風格的「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。
    2024/04/29 12:21
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
    2024/04/24 17:54
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • US congress marks 45th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act

    A bipartisan group of Members of the U.S. Congress introduced a resolution reaffirming the U.S. commitment to Taiwan on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). The resolution covers the House’s commitment to the TRA, calls on the Secretary of State to actively assist Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and recognizes the significant contributions of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in advancing U.S.-Taiwan interests.
    2024/04/11 14:56
  • Taipei Mayor orders review after Taipei Dome leak incident

    Read about the unexpected rainfall incident at Taipei Dome during a CPBL game, sparking a comprehensive review by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Preliminary findings by Farglory Group suggest rainwater overflow as the cause. Stay tuned for updates on the investigation and repair progress.
    2024/04/01 14:32
  • Media professionals train for crisis reporting in Taipei

    A group of media professionals in Taipei attended a "Crisis Reporting" workshop aimed at preparing them for effective reporting during crises. The workshop focused on resilience, self-care, and comprehensive preparation.
    2024/03/27 17:54
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • 大阪獨家/Aぇ! group台上跟師弟爆哭! 5月出道成傑尼斯最新團

    日本傑尼斯事務所(現STARTO娛樂)雖然去(2023)年因創辦人喜多川強尼的爭議,下半年以後幾乎都在重整、與藝人重新簽約,不過他們也很快站穩腳步。《TVBS新聞網》獨家直擊準出道男團「Aぇ! group」3月16日在大阪京瓷巨蛋舉辦的演唱會,除了沿襲「關西系」男團的特色,有搞笑也有精彩的樂團演出,團員更重磅宣布5月15日即將正式出道,將成為STARTO娛樂的「第一組」團體。
    2024/03/17 09:00
  • Hon Hai acquires land in Mexico for AI server expansion

    Hon Hai Technology Group, known as Foxconn, announces a strategic investment in El Salto, Mexico, to enhance its AI server production, aligning with global demand and expanding its manufacturing footprint.
    2024/03/01 17:07
  • "Let’s Duck" brand closure at 2 locations in Taipei

    Wowprime Corp. announces the closure of "Let’s Duck" restaurants in Taipei’s Beixing and Nanshijiao metro station, as part of a strategic adjustment to adapt to changing consumer patterns post-COVID-19. Employees’ rights and benefits remain intact as they transition to other brands within the group.
    2024/02/29 16:50
  • K-pop star Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook confirm romance

    aespa’s Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook are confirmed to be in a romantic relationship, as revealed by South Korean paparazzi "Dispatch." Both SM Entertainment and C-JeS Studio have acknowledged the couple’s budding romance. The two are currently getting to know each other better, with Lee Jae-wook filming while Karina balances her busy schedule.
    2024/02/27 14:46
  • Beigang Wude Temple goes beyond cultural IP

    In a move that heralds the fusion of tradition with cutting-edge technology, the Beigang Wude Temple in Yunlin has become a beacon of digital transformation within the realm of traditional temples. The temple has broken new ground by integrating CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for customer management and embracing the latest in AI innovations. With more than 8 million annual visitors, it exemplifies how sacred spaces can offer continuous spiritual engagement through online prayers and lamp lighting, accessible around the clock.
    2024/02/26 18:33
  • U.S. delegation visits Taiwan’s legislature

    U.S. Congressman Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House of Representatives select committee on China, visits Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and is warmly received by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang. Han welcomes the delegation with traditional Spring Couplets and invites Gallagher for a photo, praising his youthful appearance. The group then moves on to a closed-door meeting.
    2024/02/22 18:17
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