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    E 結果共10,000筆

  • Taiwan’s average house loan hits record NT$9.7M in Q4 2023

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s housing market: The average mortgage loan for home purchases hit a record NT$9.705 million in Q4 2023, reflecting the ongoing challenge of high housing prices despite government efforts. Learn more about the impact and responses.
    2024/05/21 15:49
  • 賴總統上任「觀光股」續跌 台股開盤小跌32點

    2024/05/21 15:46
  • 推動2050淨零排放 大學打造智慧碳中和園區

    2024/05/21 15:23
  • PLG/林書緯奪年度助攻王!5大數據獎出爐 新北國王雙料入選

    台灣職籃聯盟PLG公布2023-24賽季「年度5大數據獎」,分別由攻城獅洋將艾夫伯(Michael Efevberha)、領航猿長人沃許本(Jason Washburn)、新北國王林書緯、曼尼高(Kenny Manigault)以及夢想家門神吉爾貝克(Brandon Gilbeck)奪下殊榮;其中曼尼高、吉爾貝克兩人更是抄截王、阻攻王二連霸得主,林書緯則是從哥哥林書豪手中接過助攻王火炬。
    2024/05/21 15:18
  • 美車輛減排新規引紅州反彈 福特表態挺拜登

    福特汽車(Ford Motor)今天表態支持拜登政府盼能大幅減少汽車排放的措施,反駁共和黨人指拜登政府這項新氣候法規不利商業的說法。
    2024/05/21 15:00
  • Former president warns of risks in Taiwan-China relations

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as former President Ma Ying-jeou criticizes President Lai’s stance, advocating for peace and dialogue based on a shared Chinese identity.
    2024/05/21 14:55
  • NBA/期待對位厄文、唐西奇!率隊返西決 愛德華茲:我誰都能守

    灰狼少主愛德華茲(Anthony Edwards)進入聯盟第四個年頭,憑藉全面進化的全能身手,在半決賽搶七大戰「復仇成功」掀翻衛冕軍金塊,和隊友一同將帶回西決舞台,談到睽違20年的分區決賽,愛德華茲坦言很期待與「冠軍後衛」厄文(Kyrie Irving)對位,好奇自己能在攻防兩端做出怎樣的貢獻,更信心滿滿強調無論對上誰,都有把握封鎖對方的進攻火力。
    2024/05/21 14:34
  • Passengers left in the dark after train outage in Taiwan

    Discover the details of a power outage on the Taiwan High Speed Rail that caused delays and left passengers in the dark, as reported by TVBS News.
    2024/05/21 14:18
  • 2050淨零最後拼圖 彭啟明:碳費進度加速進行

    2024/05/21 13:49
  • MOFA clarifies Katharine Chang’s Italy visit was personal

    Discover the truth behind allegations of Katharine Chang, Taiwan’s representative to Austria, misusing her official trip for personal leisure in Italy. MOFA clarifies the situation, emphasizing the importance of separating personal and official activities.
    2024/05/21 13:48
  • 統一超攜手富邦媒 合作循環包裝生態圈

    2024/05/21 13:41
  • Protests erupt in Taipei over parliamentary reform bills

    Explore the latest on Taipei’s civic unrest: Over a thousand protesters gathered outside the Legislative Yuan, demanding transparency and opposing parliamentary reforms. This significant event highlights the deepening divide between the ruling and opposition parties, as well as the public’s call for democratic integrity.
    2024/05/21 13:12
  • KMT, TPP push for stricter rules in legislative questioning

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative changes as the Legislative Yuan advances amendments to enhance government accountability and transparency. The KMT and TPP’s proposal could reshape parliamentary powers.
    2024/05/21 12:25
  • 聯合國為伊朗總統默哀1分鐘 以色列開酸:下一個幫希特勒嗎

    有「德黑蘭屠夫」(Butcher of Tehran)之稱的伊朗總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)19日驚傳因為直升機墜落而身亡、享壽63歲,聯合國(UN)20日特別在會議中集體起身、默哀,不過此舉引來以色列駐聯合國大使的不滿,更諷刺聯合國稱「接下來要為希特勒(Adolf Hitler)默哀嗎?」。
    2024/05/21 12:02
  • Tropical depression likely to form near Philippines: expert

    Discover the latest weather forecast as expert Chia Hsin-hsing predicts an 80%-90% chance of a tropical depression forming east of the Philippines, potentially becoming Typhoon Aiveni. Learn about the expected weather changes and areas affected by showers or thunderstorms.
    2024/05/21 11:35
  • 最強16蹲!嘉縣消防員揹25公斤裝備嗨跳 真面目曝光電暈全網

    2024/05/21 11:33
  • Taiwan’s DPP accuses speaker of democratic regression

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political turmoil: DPP lawmakers protest against Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu, accusing him of undermining democracy, amid calls for dialogue and concerns over Taiwan’s future.
    2024/05/21 11:11
  • Legislative Yuan erupts in verbal clash over reform bills

    Review of congressional reform bills in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan sparks heated exchanges among KMT, TPP, and DPP, leading to a verbal clash during Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu’s speech. Han calls for restraint and proposes a new discussion format after a brawl on May 17.
    2024/05/21 11:09
  • Ex-health minister officially joins Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover how former Health Minister Chen Shih-chung embarks on a new journey with Taiwan’s "active and innovative Cabinet," pledging unity and progress for the nation’s future.
    2024/05/21 10:59
  • Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan resumes vote on reform bills

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s parliamentary reform efforts as the Legislative Yuan resumes voting amid tensions and protests. Get insights into the conflict and the push for transparency.
    2024/05/21 10:58
  • MLB/複製棒球之神?外媒談大谷是否「打擊太好不應投球」

    美國職棒大聯盟洛杉磯道奇隊的日籍球星大谷翔平,今年因手肘韌帶接受手術而無法投球、專心打擊,這也讓他在打擊繳出更上一層樓的亮眼成績,《ESPN》專欄作家杜立德(Bradford Doolittle)撰文表示,大谷翔平是否要像「棒球之神」貝比魯斯(Babe Ruth)一樣,因打擊太好而不應投球。
    2024/05/21 10:52
  • 錯推「蝦子吃到飽」負債95億 連鎖海鮮餐廳紅龍蝦聲請破產

    以蝦子和切達灣餅(Cheddar Bay biscuits)聞名的美國最大連鎖海鮮餐廳「紅龍蝦」(Red Lobster),幾天前無預警關閉數十家門市,19日接著聲請破產保護,讓老饕相當震驚。據悉,該餐廳因高層一系列錯誤決策陷入困境,包括一場只需20美元「蝦子吃到飽」(all-you-can-eat-shrimp)的促銷活動,導致負債2.94 億美元(約95億新台幣)。
    2024/05/21 10:37
  • 總統墜機「伊朗罕見向美國求援」遭拒! 萊希遺體5/23下葬

    伊朗總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)19日遭遇直升機墜毀事故後身亡、享壽63歲,美國20日透露伊朗當局曾向他們求援,但最終因「後勤因素」而未能提供協助,至於萊希的遺體預計將於23日下葬,伊朗也將於6月28日再度舉行總統選舉。
    2024/05/21 10:09
  • 森林火災釀空污 瓜地馬拉市PM2.5濃度超標41倍

    2024/05/21 09:28
  • 萊希墜機身亡 伊朗預計6/28舉行總統選舉

    伊朗總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)搭乘直升機墜毀身亡後,官方媒體指出,伊朗當局今天宣布將於6月28日舉行總統選舉。
    2024/05/21 06:40
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