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  • 影音/Melody搶「張學友門票」 嘆配偶欄「空窗1年多」

    2024/05/09 10:28
  • Lai calls for unity in government, industry, and academia

    Discover how Taiwan’s Vice President Lai Ching-te is shaping the new cabinet with a focus on cross-party collaboration, industry involvement, and strategic economic initiatives to tackle the nation’s challenges.
    2024/05/09 10:20
  • US warship sails through Taiwan Strait amid tensions

    Explore the latest on the USS Halsey’s transit through the Taiwan Strait on May 8, highlighting the U.S.’s commitment to free navigation and the strategic implications amid Taiwan’s upcoming presidential inauguration.
    2024/05/09 09:32
  • 獨/Energy剩他未婚! Toro親揭感情世界 突自爆「有小孩」

    最殺男團「Energy」在五月天大力促成下,今(2024)年元旦正式回歸,他們接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,不過團員裡有4位已是人夫,唯獨Toro未婚,Toro則說Energy就像5夫妻,專輯《Here I Am》是孩子,豈料卻讓阿弟等人吐槽「誰夫誰妻」、「我沒跟你在一起啊」,你來我往的鬥嘴趣味滿滿。
    2024/05/09 08:01
  • 獨/差點沒組Energy!Toro奪傑尼斯選秀冠軍 2關鍵放棄赴日出道

    2024/05/09 07:30
  • 想當啦啦隊快來看!「慕獅女孩」蔡衣宸找師妹 曝入選關鍵

    「金鐘影后」蔡淑臻昨(8)日領軍名模蕭珮瑩、攻城獅「慕獅女孩」蔡衣宸,及新生代男星王品澔出席「第13屆Eelin Star璀璨之星」報名記者會,本屆最大亮點為新增「台灣運彩紅運少女組」啦啦隊女孩選拔,鼓勵有心加入時下最夯的啦啦隊的女孩們踴躍報名,另首度與韓國跨國合作,模特兒組男女冠軍,有機會前往韓國參加Asia Model Festival。
    2024/05/09 07:00
  • Taiwan develops new drone defense system

    Discover the latest developments in Taiwan’s defense technology as the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology successfully tests a new stationary drone defense system. Amidst budget freezes and legislative scrutiny, the system’s future hangs in the balance, with calls for transparency and detailed operational status from the military. Explore the intricate debate over national security and budget allocations in Taiwan’s legislative chambers.
    2024/05/08 18:37
  • 曾和Energy結怨!她爆被害慘沒業績 22年後變團員老婆傻眼了

    2024/05/08 18:20
  • Taiwan to end mask mandate in medical facilities on May 19

    Discover how Taiwan is moving towards normalcy with the end of its nationwide mask mandate on May 19, as announced by the CDC. Learn about the new guidelines and the emphasis on vaccination and hygiene.
    2024/05/08 17:58
  • Tainan’s state banquet gifts showcase local pride

    Discover the essence of Tainan’s hospitality and creativity through state banquet gifts unveiled by the Tainan City Government and sponsored by Kang Yin-shou. These gifts, including local specialties and award-winning products, perfectly encapsulate the city’s rich culture and innovative spirit.
    2024/05/08 17:50
  • Taiwan strategizes amid looming Trump-Biden election battle

    Explore the potential repercussions of the Biden vs. Trump rematch in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, focusing on global dynamics, Taiwan’s strategic positioning, and the contrasting policies of both candidates.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • Live-fire exercises enhance Taiwan’s military readiness

    Discover how the 117th Army Infantry Brigade’s live-fire exercise in Kaohsiung’s Linyuan District is preparing Taiwanese troops for real-world combat, enhancing their responsiveness and tactical skills.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • Taiwan’s low faculty salaries hurt rankings: Experts

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are striving to improve their global academic rankings through salary increases and significant educational reforms, amidst challenges of insufficient resources and low faculty pay.
    2024/05/08 17:09
  • Climate change brings stronger typhoons to Taiwan

    Explore how rising temperatures and changing weather patterns due to climate change are impacting Taiwan, including the challenges in typhoon detection and regional prevention strategies.
    2024/05/08 17:00
  • Defense Ministry vows vigilance amid Chinese provocations

    Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of National Defense, Po Horng-huei, announces the military’s vigilance and readiness amidst concerns over potential Chinese provocations, especially around the inauguration of Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te. Po emphasizes the importance of peace and regional stability, responding to comments by former U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander John Aquilino and highlighting the military’s 24-hour readiness against any threats, including those projected for 2027 or 2035.
    2024/05/08 17:00
  • Lithuania debates Taiwan office name amid Beijing pressure

    Explore the tension between Lithuania and China over the Taiwanese Representative Office’s name in Lithuania, highlighting differing views within the Lithuanian government and the office’s significance as Taiwan’s first European representative office named "Taiwan." Delve into the geopolitical implications and the shared values underpinning Taiwan-Lithuania relations.
    2024/05/08 16:58
  • Guatemala supports Taiwan’s bid for WHO observer status

    Taiwan’s ambassador to Guatemala, Miguel Tsao, advocates for Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly, highlighting the nation’s effective response to public health emergencies like COVID-19. Despite contributions to global health, political barriers prevent Taiwan’s WHO participation. Tsao urges international support for Taiwan’s observer status, emphasizing the benefits of Taiwan’s expertise in combating pandemics.
    2024/05/08 16:54
  • Taiwan’s military prepares for May 20 inauguration salute

    Discover how Taiwan’s Guandu Area Command’s artillery battalion is preparing for the presidential inauguration with a meticulous 21-gun salute rehearsal and heat endurance training.
    2024/05/08 16:47
  • 又兩檔高股息ETF加入戰局! 00944、00946明掛牌上市

    2024/05/08 16:21
  • 快衝!超商「6款咖啡飲品」買1送1 限時5天爽喝美式、拿鐵

    2024/05/08 15:58
  • KMT legislator challenges Taiwan’s secrecy over Ukraine aid

    Explore the clash between KMT Legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin and Taiwan’s MOFA over the concealment of Czech public information regarding Ukraine aid, raising concerns about transparency and fairness in Taiwan’s procurement practices.
    2024/05/08 15:56
  • Taoyuan blackouts not caused by power shortage: Premier

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, clarifying they are not due to power shortages but external factors, equipment issues, and natural disasters. Over 100 staff from Taiwan Power Company are deployed for inspections and maintenance to mitigate future incidents.
    2024/05/08 15:54
  • Taiwan on alert for 2024’s first potential typhoon ’Aiwini’

    Discover the potential formation of 2024’s first typhoon, "Aiwini," as detected by the Central Weather Administration east of the Philippines, and its expected impact on Taiwan’s weather.
    2024/05/08 15:31
  • 逾50個群組「妹子離職退到崩潰」!內行改用它:免加LINE

    2024/05/08 15:31
  • 龍捲風狂襲!美「FedEx建築塌」50人受困 千萬人處風暴警戒圈

    美國密西根州(Michigan)7日遭龍捲風襲擊,聯邦快遞公司(FedEx)在當地的一棟物流中心屋頂慘被吹翻、部分建築物倒塌,一度導致50人受困。該州的其他地區也有上千戶無電可用,美國國家氣象局已對部分地區發布龍捲風緊急情況( tornado emergency),是密州史上首見。
    2024/05/08 15:16
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