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    E 結果共10,000筆

  • Blinken advocates for Taiwan’s reinstatement as WHA observer

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urges WHO to allow Taiwan to return as an observer to the World Health Assembly, highlighting Taiwan’s vital contribution to global health and the importance of its participation for worldwide health cooperation. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs appreciates the support, emphasizing ongoing efforts to secure Taiwan’s international participation and cooperation with the U.S. and other countries.
    2024/05/03 12:12
  • Taiwan, Japan parties discuss youth outreaching

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je met with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party Youth Bureau Chief Suzuki Takako to discuss strategies for engaging youth. They emphasized the need for a youthful approach and the challenge of broadening the party’s appeal. The TPP aims for long-term growth and international collaborations, with Ko actively engaging with young people through university lectures. Suzuki praised the TPP’s initiatives and Ko’s campaign efforts.
    2024/05/03 12:09
  • MLB/還剩誰能投?遊騎兵王牌「腹股溝緊繃」退場 傷兵名單超豪華

    衛冕軍遊騎兵本季迄今仍以17勝15負的戰績,暫居美聯西區第2名。但本就人手短缺的投手群,竟又在今(3)日增添一名傷兵,且還是當家王牌投手艾瓦歐迪(Nathan Eovaldi)。他在今日雖對國民投出5.1局無失分、狂飆8K的表現,收下本季第2勝,無奈卻因右腹股溝緊繃提前退場,後續將接受MRI檢查,進一步確認傷勢情況。
    2024/05/03 11:51
  • Ocean Affairs Minister promotes maritime careers

    Ocean Affairs Council Minister Kuan Bi-ling encourages students at Central Police University to join maritime patrol, highlighting the role’s importance in safeguarding maritime sovereignty, fighting crime, and ensuring safety at sea. Kuan commits to supporting educational resources and promoting international cooperation to enhance maritime patrol capabilities and uphold the "three safeties."
    2024/05/03 11:49
  • US Reps. demand fair treatment for Taiwanese athletes

    Three U.S. lawmakers have urged the International Olympic Committee to end the "unfair" treatment of Taiwanese athletes, who must compete as "Chinese Taipei" without their national flag or anthem, challenging the IOC to uphold the Olympic Charter’s principles of equality and political neutrality.
    2024/05/03 11:31
  • 超越台積電!00919今年零股成交量奪冠 登小資族最愛

    2024/05/03 11:24
  • 叫外送會給小費?他憂不給很小氣 全場曝「1情況」必給

    台灣兩大外送平台foodpanda熊貓、Uber Eats,躺在家也能一鍵下訂單。不過,要給小費嗎?一位網友表示,很怕不給小費好像很小氣,都會硬給15元小費,引起兩派人的激烈討論。
    2024/05/02 21:03
  • 台鐵區間車又遭控「椅髒」! 乘客:找嘸乾淨座位

    2024/05/02 20:22
  • Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang to lead a delegation to Geneva, advocating for Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHO and emphasizing the unanimous domestic support for Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, despite the challenges posed by UN Resolution 2758. Chiang highlights Taiwan’s effective governance and sovereignty over its territory, calling for meaningful participation in the UN system to enhance global visibility, improve cross-strait relations, and promote regional stability.
    2024/05/02 18:10
  • Taiwan boosts Hualien tourism with subsidies post-earthquake

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications is revitalizing Hualien’s tourism with a NT$5.3 billion recovery plan following an earthquake. Learn about subsidies for accommodations, the promotion of local tourism, and significant investments in housing and railway system reconstruction to ensure the region’s swift recovery and appeal to visitors.
    2024/05/02 18:07
  • 審查趨嚴?新光台灣高息優質成長ETF暫停募集 金管會回應了

    2024/05/02 17:29
  • 首批F-16戰機要來了? 烏克蘭空軍:5/5後抵達

    傳聞多時的美規F-16戰機(F-16 Fighting Falcons)真的要進駐烏克蘭了嗎?現任烏國空軍發言人耶夫拉什(Ilya Yevlash)透露,該國首批F-16戰機、預計將在東正教復活節(Orthodox Easter)、也就是西曆5月5日之後抵達進駐烏克蘭。但對於這批戰機的數量與來源,或是更明確的交機時間,耶夫拉什都沒有多做說明,僅表示一切細節,得等待戰機實際落地後,基輔當局將正式對外說明。
    2024/05/02 16:25
  • NBA/湖人管理層不願背鍋!與球員展開面談評估是否換帥

    NBA洛杉磯湖人在季後賽首輪遭衛冕軍丹佛金塊以4:1淘汰,本季提前放暑假,不少球迷紛紛將矛頭指向總教練漢姆(Darvin Ham),認為他的用人調度、臨場反應及戰術都出現問題,是導致湖人被淘汰的最大戰犯,根據外媒《ESPN》報導,湖人管理層在今(2)日已經與球員展開面談,以評估漢姆是否還適合繼續擔任球隊主帥。
    2024/05/02 16:13
  • Taiwan’s workplace smoking rates climb, survey finds

    Recent surveys in Taiwan reveal a troubling rise in smoking rates among workers, despite longstanding bans and efforts to curb tobacco use in workplaces. Health risks from secondhand and thirdhand smoke are increasing, highlighting the need for stronger enforcement and smoking cessation programs.
    2024/05/02 15:34
  • Northern Taiwan cools down amid plum rain front and monsoon

    Explore the recent weather forecast for Taiwan as meteorologist Lin Te-en discusses the impact of the northeast monsoon and the plum rain front, leading to a cooler, rainy week ahead. Discover how these conditions affect various regions differently, from potential thunderstorms in the north to lighter rains elsewhere, and how residents should prepare for the changing weather.
    2024/05/02 13:38
  • 江宏傑恢單3年!被問擇偶條件 聞關鍵字「打桌球、日本人」變臉走人

    2024/05/02 13:13
  • 2024演唱會熱度大比拚!「這歌手」比紅髮艾德還夯

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近三個月內「2024演唱會」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的6大演唱會排行。
    2024/05/02 12:19
  • 才合體Energy!書偉無預警單飛 她嘆:天下沒有不散宴席

    歌手魏嘉瑩(小魏)推出新單曲〈緩緩〉,特別邀請「Energy」成員書偉合作,該曲同時不僅是戲劇《我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛 2》的插曲,書偉更是戲中男主角「發貴」,讓書偉笑說:「沒想到演了發貴還可以和小魏一起合唱新歌。」小魏則對於和前輩合唱,直呼不敢置信。
    2024/05/02 12:18
  • 很大膽!韓男團微博曬「台灣國旗」 小粉紅又崩潰:瞎子還是壞種

    2024/05/02 12:16
  • 「全球塑膠公約」是什麼? 2分鐘看懂塑膠公約由來、目標與影響

    2024/05/02 10:44
  • 蘋果靠Google大賺6500多億? 旗下產品「內建1設定」成關鍵

    蘋果公司(Apple)和Google經常被視為同領域的競爭對手,不過彼此之間卻仍有生意往來,其中就包括蘋果旗下產品的「預設搜尋引擎」(Default Search Engine)設定,為了讓蘋果瀏覽器「Safari」搜尋關鍵字時使用自家引擎,Google光是2022年就付給蘋果200億美元(約新台幣6513億)作為報酬、相當驚人。
    2024/05/02 10:19
  • Taiwan to showcase culture at Cultural Olympiad in Paris

    Discover how Taiwan is set to highlight its dedication to democracy and peace at the Cultural Olympiad in Paris, featuring music, dance, and digital art from July 27 to Aug. 10.
    2024/05/01 17:53
  • Tainan councilor seeks national status for local art museum

    Discover how Tainan City Councilor Chen Yi-chen is pushing for the Tainan Art Museum to gain national recognition and secure central government funding for sustainable growth.
    2024/05/01 17:45
  • AI traffic cameras effective, but boost public frustration

    Discover how Taiwan’s intensified traffic enforcement and new camera technology are effectively reducing traffic violations and accidents, sparking debates about fairness and communication.
    2024/05/01 17:42
  • 小S也被迷惑!金曲歌王展現「這才藝」 一句話瞬間清醒

    金曲客家歌王羅文裕許久未正式上通告,為了主持、籌劃的網路節目《Hakka Eats》,努力上節目宣傳,短短時間就上了胡瓜的《拜託ATM》、曾國城《全民星攻略》和徐熙娣(小S)的《小姐不熙娣》,集郵三大綜藝,而他和小S相見歡,特地演唱客家歌曲〈茶頂山個風〉,讓不諳客語的小S也不禁陶醉,大讚:「羅文裕,你用客語唱歌更迷人耶,怎麼一回事?」羅文裕回答:「當然呀,我是以臉取勝。」當場讓小S傻眼,直接說:「我們下一題!」
    2024/05/01 17:35
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