
Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/02 18:10
Last update time:2024/05/02 18:10
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Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva (TVBS News) Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva
Taiwan delegation to advocate for WHO membership in Geneva (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang announced Thursday (May 2) that he will lead a delegation from the Legislative Yuan and the Ministry of Health and Welfare to Geneva later this month. The goal is to inform the world that Taiwan's bid to join the World Health Organization (WHO) is a consensus among all Taiwanese, regardless of political affiliation.

Chiang noted that while United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 has its historical context, it does not affect the international legal status of the Republic of China (ROC). Taiwan, which exercises territorial sovereignty over the Taiwan-Penghu-Kinmen-Matsu region and governs effectively according to the ROC constitution, should have the right to participate in the United Nations (UN), he said.


Chiang expressed support for Taiwan's continued efforts to meaningfully participate in the UN and its specialized agencies, including the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA). He believes Taiwan should actively, continuously, and promptly participate in the UN system and the international community.

Chiang said that in the past, whether visiting as a member of the Foreign and National Defense Committee or meeting foreign allies at the Legislative Yuan, Chiang has always emphasized the importance of Taiwan joining international organizations, including the WHA, INTERPOL, and UNFCCC. He has asked for their support and advocacy for Taiwan on the global stage.

Chiang said he believes that while cross-strait dialogue is currently lacking, participation in international organizations would not only allow the world to see Taiwan but also potentially open new channels of communication. This could ease cross-strait relations, reduce geopolitical risks, and promote regional stability and peace.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan WHO bid# Johnny Chiang# Taiwan UN participation# World Health Assembly# Taiwan international organizations# Cross-strait relations# Taiwan geopolitical risks# Taiwan’s participation in United Nations# Johnny Chiang leads Taiwan delegation


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