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    中捷殺人特赦 民調蔡英文卸任新竹女警中捷砍人台中捷運蔡英文嫩妹全套女警芊芊
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    E 結果共10,000筆

  • New and retained faces in Taiwan’s latest cabinet update

    Discover the latest updates on Taiwan’s new cabinet under President-elect Tsai Ing-wen and designated Premier Cho Jung-tai, including the retention of key deputy ministers across various ministries such as Finance, Economic Affairs, Culture, Environmental Protection, Labor, and the Digital Ministry, aiming to strengthen national policies and digital resilience.
    2024/05/06 17:29
  • Energy擠爆信義區!女星朝聖「別小看婦女的力量」 甜蜜告白2人

    2024/05/06 17:25
  • Transforming Taiwan’s future: new deputy ministers aim high

    Discover how the Democratic Progressive Party enhances Taiwan’s education system by appointing Chang Liao Wan-chien and Yeh Ping-cheng as deputy ministers. Learn about Yeh Ping-cheng’s vision for a future-ready Taiwan, his innovative approach to learning, and his commitment to leveraging education to empower the next generation.
    2024/05/06 17:20
  • President Tsai promises support for Taiwan’s industry growth

    President Tsai Ing-wen commits to supporting Taiwan’s industry development, highlighting the country’s export success and plans for post-pandemic recovery. Tsai vows to deepen global economic ties, recognizing the National Importers & Exporters Chamber of Commerce’s role in driving economic growth amidst challenges. Taiwan aims to enhance international competitiveness through agreements with the U.S., U.K., Canada, and others, promoting a prosperous future for Taiwanese industries.
    2024/05/06 17:18
  • KMT postpones Taiping trip amid rising regional tensions

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has postponed a planned Taiping Island visit intended to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) criticized the move, warning of escalating tensions in the region.
    2024/05/06 17:15
  • Hsiao Bi-khim champions Taiwan’s resilience as beacon

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at the CAPRI forum, emphasizing Taiwan’s resilience through adversities like natural disasters, misinformation, and military harassment. She highlights Taiwan’s progress in democracy, economic innovation, and defense, asserting Taiwan’s leadership role in the Asia-Pacific and its commitment to fostering global partnerships.
    2024/05/06 17:14
  • John Neuffer highlights CHIPS Act’s positive impact on U.S.

    The U.S. CHIPS and Science Act seeks to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing. John Neuffer, CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association, is optimistic about the act, highlighting early private sector commitments and the critical need to rebalance global chip manufacturing.
    2024/05/06 17:07
  • Taiwan’s Alishan locomotive embarks on Welsh tracks

    Discover the journey of the Alishan Forest Railway’s DL-34 locomotive from Taiwan to Wales, U.K., where it now traverses the Welsh countryside, promoting cultural exchange and tourism between Taiwan and the U.K. through a unique railway partnership.
    2024/05/06 16:50
  • Cold snap to hit Taiwan from Wednesday to Saturday

    Stay prepared for cooler temperatures in northern and northeastern Taiwan, as the Central Weather Administration forecasts a dip to around 20 degrees Celsius, with possible brief showers and thunderstorms across the island.
    2024/05/06 16:43
  • Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

    A rally in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square, organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, supported Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly (WHA). The event featured a drum performance and speeches from TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling, MPs Judy Sgro, Ali Ehsassi, and Michael Cooper, advocating for Taiwan’s advanced healthcare contributions and its participation in global health discussions.
    2024/05/06 16:40
  • NBA/沒頂薪就走?傳76人「可能迎回巴特勒」 聯手恩比德拚冠

    NBA季後賽即將邁入第二輪賽事,而首輪就被淘汰的熱火、76人,也開始要煩惱休賽季的補強作業。美國知名記者史坦(Marc Stein)就透露,有球團高層認為,假設「士官長」巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)未能與熱火續簽頂薪合約,那76人便會試著交易延攬,讓這名34歲老將重返費城,與恩比德(Joel Embiid)聯手。
    2024/05/06 16:39
  • Taiwan defends tourism promotion on Chinese social media

    Explore how Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications leverages mainland social media to boost tourism, navigating political sensitivities and global competition, amidst domestic critique.
    2024/05/06 16:29
  • KMT legislators question Taiwan’s tourism promotion in China

    Explore the controversy surrounding a social media bid by the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association Shanghai Branch, involving KMT legislators questioning the eligibility of mainland Chinese companies and raising concerns over potential double standards by the DPP in promoting Taiwan’s tourism on platforms deemed as cognitive warfare fronts.
    2024/05/06 16:26
  • KID疼妻「宣布結紮」超MAN! 產檢二胎性別笑意不藏了

    2024/05/06 16:02
  • 被嗆「顏值最低啦啦隊」!林襄高EQ反擊酸民:誰規定的?

    2024/05/06 16:01
  • 炸翻樂壇!Energy「為何能成功回歸」  網集體點1關鍵

    2024/05/06 15:20
  • Taiwan rolls out 10M free COVID-19 test kits at pharmacies

    Explore the initiative by Taiwan’s CDC and the Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations to distribute 10 million free COVID-19 home test kits across over 4,500 pharmacies. Starting May 6, with full availability by May 8, each visitor can receive a test kit, aiming to maintain vigilance against COVID-19 amidst ongoing cases and deaths. This measure follows the WHO’s classification of COVID-19 as a persistent health issue and extends the support previously given to international travelers. The initiative encourages responsible collection and use of these crucial health tools.
    2024/05/06 14:29
  • 國環院與中原大學簽署MOU 盼打造淨零永續新未來

    2024/05/06 14:18
  • Taiwan Railway eyes first fare hike in nearly three decades

    Explore the potential fare increase for Taiwan Railway Corporation as Deputy Minister Allen Hu announces a comprehensive review to adjust ticket prices after 29 years, amidst discussions on improving train punctuality and addressing the TRC’s financial sustainability.
    2024/05/06 13:46
  • Energy簽唱會忙到凌晨三點! 昔日驚人成績曝

    2024/05/06 12:51
  • 人氣不輸五月天!歌迷喊話改追Energy 阿信緊急發聲了

    2024/05/06 12:33
  • NBA/打1場球就進帳5500萬!公牛球哥執行下季球員選項

    NBA芝加哥公牛當家主控「球哥」鮑爾(Lonzo Ball)近幾年都在養傷,根據《ESPN》名記者沃納洛斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)報導,鮑爾決定執行下賽季合約的球員選項,明年薪資將達2140萬美元(約6.9億新台幣)。
    2024/05/06 12:30
  • Calls for action as Taoyuan’s power outage crisis worsens

    Explore the escalating power outage crisis in Taoyuan as Deputy Mayor Su Jun-pin addresses systemic issues with TaiPower, highlighting the city’s struggle with increasing frequency of power disruptions and the urgent need for infrastructure enhancement amidst a growing population.
    2024/05/06 12:20
  • Taiwanese universities unveil new 16-Week semester for 2024

    National Tsing Hua University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan are set to adopt a new 16-week semester system from September 2024, featuring an early start to the winter vacation, aligning with international academic calendars and facilitating student plans for holidays and study abroad opportunities.
    2024/05/06 12:15
  • Energy擠爆信義區!狂簽到凌晨3點 柯佳嬿半夜尋尪說話了

    男子團體Energy睽違多年後重新合體復出歌壇,於5月5日舉行唯一一場的簽唱會,吸引超過五千名粉絲到場支持,簽名活動從下午4點一路持續到凌晨三點才結束,總共簽了11個小時,排隊人潮更是不減,歌迷的熱情融化整個信義區,也是近來罕見暴動的簽唱會。 報導也提及Energy成員坤達的妻子柯佳嬿在Instagram上的互動,以及她對於丈夫重返男團生活的感想。柯佳嬿還發表了一段感性的文字,談到大家彷彿穿越回二十年前屬於華語樂壇的年代,與自己的青春再次相見,令人感到非常美好。 這則報導呈現了Energy「男團魅力」歷久不衰的現象,他們的復出勾起了許多80、90後的集體回憶,讓人再次感受到華語音樂全盛時期的熱血氛圍。這個故事展現了音樂與青春記憶的連結,以及偶像團體在粉絲心中持久的地位。
    2024/05/06 10:56
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