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    Doksuri 結果共28筆

  • President Tsai shares concern after flooding deaths in China

    Beijing and other regions in China are suffering widespread flooding and casualties due to the influence of Typhoon Doksuri’s cyclonic circulation, causing days of torrential rain.
    2023/08/02 21:39
  • Northern Taiwan braces for rain as Typhoon Khanun approaches

    Following the departure of Typhoon Doksuri, Typhoon Khanun has already strengthened into a moderate typhoon over the weekend. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) expects the typhoon to be at its closest proximity to Taiwan on Tuesday and Wednesday (Aug. 1-2), prompting caution for unstable weather.
    2023/07/31 19:35
  • Doksuri prompts more Typhoon days off in southern Taiwan

    Typhoon Doksuri veered toward Kinmen on Friday (July 28) after bringing its brunt to southern Taiwan. Amid the heavy rainfall and wind gusts, Chiayi County, Kaohsiung City, Tainan City, and Pingtung County unexpectedly announced the suspension of work and classes earlier that day.
    2023/07/28 13:48
  • 昨天白放了?台南高雄急停班課「連假休4天」:北部人哭了

    2023/07/28 10:05
  • 新北為何沒放假?收細胞簡訊「風力根本超標」網揭1關鍵太難

    2023/07/28 09:24
  • Man rescued from sea amid Typhoon Doksuri car incident

    An older man accidentally drove his car into the sea at Zhongyun Fishing Port in Taiwan due to heavy rain and unfamiliar road conditions caused by Typhoon Doksuri.
    2023/07/27 20:28
  • Taiwan military adjusts anti-landing drills due to typhoon

    Taiwan’s military proceeded with the anti-landing Han Kuang exercises on the coast at New Taipei City’s Bali District on Thursday (July 27), defying strong winds from Typhoon Doksuri.
    2023/07/27 19:29
  • Mayors urge caution, declare Typhoon Day in southern Taiwan

    Typhoon Doksuri has intensified in southern Taiwan, prompting Tainan and Kaohsiung mayors to declare a typhoon day. Despite controversy over the necessity of the decision, Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che defended his decision based on the storm’s unpredictable nature. 
    2023/07/27 16:45
  • Typhoon Doksuri: Strong wind advisory issued in Taiwan

    Due to the terrain in the Greater Taipei area, the Central Weather Bureau issued a strong wind advisory on Thursday (July 27), urging residents to be cautious of sudden strong gusts.
    2023/07/27 16:27
  • 杜蘇芮「驚現雙眼牆」!恐重新增強達巔峰 專家示警:準備撞陸地

    2023/07/27 12:19
  • Typhoon Doksuri: Taiwan to face strong winds and heavy rain

    Typhoon Doksuri, classified as a moderate typhoon, was reported approximately 170 kilometers southwest of Cape Eluanbi as of 8 a.m. on Thursday (July 27), moving at a speed of 15 to 22 kilometers per hour in a north-northwesterly direction, according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/07/27 11:57
  • 杜蘇芮加速發威!最強懸臂「橫掃這2區」狂風暴雨恐致災

    2023/07/27 11:06
  • 有片/杜蘇芮颱風害菲律賓多處土石流 母子遭活埋共釀6死

    被菲律賓視為「超級颱風」(super typhoon)的杜蘇芮颱風(Typhoon Doksuri),26日凌晨曾登陸該國富加島(Fuga Island),目前威力雖略為減弱,但其暴風圈仍威脅著呂宋島北部,持續替菲律賓各地帶來驚人雨量與風勢,讓該國北部多個行政區,出現河流氾濫、土石崩塌或泥流等災情。根據當地媒體報導,本格特省(Benguet)一處村莊因豪雨發生土石流,讓一名母親和2個孩子逃生不及喪命,這場風災侵襲期間,合計造成菲律賓國內至少6人喪命。
    2023/07/27 10:29
  • 杜蘇芮加速重整!風雨越晚越強 「這一點」讓中南部縣市長尷尬了

    2023/07/27 08:38
  • 北北基桃「強勁陣風近放假標準」!專家:不輸最接近颱風這2地

    2023/07/27 08:10
  • Taiwan braces for Typhoon Doksuri after 4-year reprieve

    Taiwan has not had a direct hit from a typhoon in approximately four years, but now the country is preparing for the arrival of Typhoon Doksuri. 
    2023/07/26 16:44
  • Typhoon Doksuri nears: East braces for heavy rainfall

    Typhoon Doksuri is rapidly approaching Taiwan with considerable force. Starting from Wednesday (July 26), wind and rainfall will steadily intensify across various regions. The southeastern and southern regions should exercise caution against heavy rainfall, whereas the western regions should prepare for intense heat due to their leeward position.
    2023/07/26 16:37
  • 有片/杜蘇芮颱風為馬尼拉帶驚人降雨 北部釀一死兩傷

    被菲律賓視為「超級颱風」(super typhoon)的杜蘇芮颱風(Typhoon Doksuri),26日凌晨曾登陸該國富加島(Fuga Island),目前暴風圈正壟罩著整個呂宋島北部,替菲律賓各地帶來驚人雨量與風勢。從當地媒體報導看來,颱風威力在登陸後,僅稍微減弱從五級降為四級,依舊保有不可忽視的風雨威力。龐大降雨量也讓首都馬尼拉(Manila)地區出現多處淹水,嚴重影響當地交通和居民生活。《有線電視新聞網》稍早更新指出,呂宋島的卡拉巴松​​​​​​​大區通報,當地受颱風影響多時後,傳出一人死亡、兩人受傷的災情。
    2023/07/26 11:56
  • 巨大杜蘇芮「關鍵北轉點」決定全台颱風假!恐翻越中央山脈到西部

    2023/07/26 09:23
  • 外圍環流凶猛!杜蘇芮暴風圈襲「陸警估再擴大縣市曝」嚴防致災雨

    2023/07/26 07:36
  • Taiwan military conducts rehearsal drills as typhoon nears

    Taiwan’s military conducted anti-landing rehearsal drills at New Taipei City’s Bali District on Tuesday (July 25) in preparation for Thursday’s official Han Kuang exercise in the area.
    2023/07/25 18:28
  • Taiwan braces for severe Typhoon Doksuri

    Typhoon Doksuri, currently a moderate typhoon, is expected to intensify into a severe typhoon by 8 p.m. on Tuesday (July 25), according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). A land warning was issued at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
    2023/07/25 17:57
  • 「超級颱風」杜蘇芮襲菲律賓!至少八起土石流1.6萬人受影響

    今年第5號颱風杜蘇芮(Doksuri)目前強度被菲律賓氣象當局認為是「超級颱風」(super typhoon),預計未來幾日將從巴士海峽朝台灣西南部近海通過,今(25)日它已率先席捲菲律賓北部,在當地帶來淹水、山崩等災情;當局指出,目前已有1.6萬人、4554個家庭受颱風和西南季風影響。
    2023/07/25 17:00
  • Travel disruptions expected amid heavy rains and winds

    As Typhoon Doksuri approaches Taiwan, The Weather Bureau (CWB) expects to bring heavy rains and strong winds, which could lead to widespread travel disruptions.
    2023/07/24 16:54
  • CWB: Typhoon Doksuri to approach Taiwan in coming week

    The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) reported on Friday (July 21) that the tropical depression in the region has intensified into mild Typhoon Doksuri. As a precautionary measure, the bureau advises residents to commence preparations for typhoon prevention measures over the weekend.
    2023/07/24 16:10
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