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    Beauty 結果共151筆

  • 蔡依林0偽裝現身街頭!下半身「破大洞」超狂 2.5萬人笑翻

    天后蔡依林近日正在大陸舉辦「Ugly Beauty世界巡迴演唱會」,而她在4月底結束重慶場的演出後,也大方地在Instagram曬出她於當地散心出遊的休閒照。不過,廣大粉絲們除了被她的美貌深深吸引外,還意外發現她下半身竟穿了一件「破大洞」的牛仔褲,瞬間令超過2.5萬人笑翻按讚。
    2024/05/04 16:03
  • 扯!蔡依林大陸搭地鐵遭偷拍 交通公司認錯:內部人員所為

    「天后」蔡依林近期重啟「Ugly Beauty FINALE」巡迴演唱會,並再次更新了她的服裝造型,引起粉絲熱烈討論。然而,日前蔡依林在重慶搭地鐵時,卻被工作人員偷拍,影片在微博上瘋傳,引發外界對隱私侵犯的質疑。
    2024/05/01 06:00
  • 尺度再突破!蔡依林透視裝「只遮2點」 一片肉色辣翻網友

    蔡依林近日在重慶舉行「Ugly Beauty FINALE」巡迴演唱會,她在社群媒體上分享了數張穿著大膽透視裝的照片,照片中只見蔡依林身穿膚色亮片透視裝,裙子開到腰際,美腿全露,胸前僅用兩朵大玫瑰花遮點,肉色部位則貼滿閃亮水鑽,火辣程度讓粉絲大飽眼福。 報導也提到網友們對蔡依林這次前所未有的性感尺度給予了極高的評價和讚美。同時,文章讚揚了蔡依林一貫大膽前衛、不斷突破自我的表演風格,認為她在這次巡演中再度展現了非凡的創意和魅力。 作者認為,蔡依林用最性感火辣的姿態征服了所有觀眾的目光,並預測她未來還會帶來更多讓人驚艷的演出,繼續在舞台上綻放獨特魅力。這篇報導突顯了蔡依林作為一位大膽創新、不斷挑戰自我的藝人形象。
    2024/04/30 10:39
  • 蔡依林吃蟲料理嚇壞!瑟瑟發抖畫面曝光 真實感想全說了

    天后蔡依林(Jolin)的《Ugly Beauty FINALE》世界巡迴演唱會,近期前往大陸溫州演出,由於是戶外場地,好巧不巧下起雨來,讓她淋雨開唱,粉絲則大讚她猶如「人間美人魚」,留下美好回憶。
    2024/04/26 11:03
  • 入境隨俗!蔡依林套苗族服飾美成這樣 網激喊:嫁給我吧

    天后蔡依林(Jolin)近來帶著「Ugly Beauty FINALE」世界巡迴演唱會前進大陸,喜歡體驗新事物的她,唱到貴陽站時,特地換上苗族服飾,她搞笑稱自己是「苗美」,照片曝光後更是讓網友瘋狂大讚:「怎麼那麼美!」
    2024/04/19 06:45
  • ’Wandering in Taitung’ showcases Taiwan’s beauty in Tokyo

    Explore how Taitung County’s recent tourism promotion event in Tokyo aimed to captivate Japanese visitors with the region’s natural beauty and cultural offerings.
    2024/04/18 20:00
  • Dong Hwa University to rebuild fire-damaged building

    Following the destruction of its physics and engineering building due to an April 3 earthquake, National Tung Hwa University in Hualien announces a reconstruction plan, supported by donations and school funds, aiming for completion by next September. The university emphasizes rapid restoration of the academic environment, collaboration with Tzu Chi University for student support, and has initiated a 24-hour hotline for emotional assistance. Appeals are made for broader disaster relief contributions to help restore Hualien’s natural beauty.
    2024/04/08 17:00
  • 歌迷遭霸凌!蔡依林揭「私訊鼓勵1年」真相 全場歌迷聽哭了

    天后「Jolin」蔡依林昨(5)晚昨在大陸深圳舉辦「Ugly Beauty FINALE」世界巡迴演唱會,她分享某位女粉絲在學校遭受霸凌,變得沒有自信、不想去學校,在深陷低潮時刻,靠著和蔡依林寫信訴苦走出悲傷,但粉絲事後發現,其實和她寫信的對象是自己的媽媽!
    2024/04/06 17:57
  • Turtle Island welcomes tourists again

    Turtle Island in Yilan County is reopening to visitors with a daily cap of 1,800 tourists after its annual closure for ecological rejuvenation. Join efforts by various organizations for a beach cleanup to preserve the island’s beauty and promote eco-tourism. Register in advance for a sustainable visit to this popular tourist spot known for its rich ecology.
    2024/02/26 14:14
  • 政大系籃「運動型妹子」私照超暴力!鄉民喊:妳帶球我防守

    2024/02/19 16:25
  • Yangminshan Flower Festival kicks off

    Explore the vibrant beauty of cherry blossoms at the Yangminshan Flower Festival in Taipei from Feb. 7 to March 17. Taipei’s mayor encourages public transport use due to limited parking.
    2024/02/07 16:07
  • Taiwan’s youth Culture Points misused, legal actions loom

    The Ministry of Culture in Taiwan has identified violations related to the use of Culture Points, distributed to individuals aged 16-22, for promoting youth engagement in the performing arts, exhibitions, and book consumption. Businesses, including beauty and nail salons, have been caught illegally accepting these points. The Ministry has warned these venues and legal action has not been ruled out, as fraudulently claiming benefits is considered a crime under Article 339 of the Criminal Code, carrying a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment. Additionally, some young people have been selling their Culture Points on social platforms and auction sites, potentially exposing their personal data. To address this issue, the Ministry has performed a database comparison and locked emails of accounts with large amounts of Culture Points, urging citizens to reconfirm their identities to reclaim usage rights.
    2024/01/25 17:06
  • Taiwan reminds youth correct use of ’Culture Points’

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture has launched the "Culture Points" program, which allows Taiwanese youth aged 16 to 22 to receive at least 1,200 points, with each point equivalent to one New Taiwan dollar. These points can be used for various cultural and artistic experiences and consumption, such as museum tickets, community cultural center activities, music exhibitions, and art performances. However, there have been controversies as some vendors have violated the regulations by presenting beauty and nail care products as artistic and cultural items. Investigations have been launched, and the disqualified vendors have had their funds withdrawn. It is important to note that the Culture Points cannot be resold, bought, or cashed, and violators will be legally prosecuted. The points are valid until December 31, 2024, and recipients are required to scan the QR code at relevant venues or present the QR code for scanning. Receipts or invoices equivalent to the original value must be issued by stores during purchases made with Culture Points, and violating shops may be reported to the National Taxation Bureau.
    2024/01/25 16:37
  • Mount Hehuan wows visitors with 10 cm snow blanket

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mount Hehuan covered in a 10-centimeter snowfall. Despite the sunny skies, the snow remained intact due to the mountain’s high altitude and low temperatures. Enthusiasts flocked to witness the mesmerizing scene, with ice pellets gracefully falling alongside the snow. The recent cold spell from the mainland caused temperatures to plummet, creating a chilly blanket across Taiwan. The Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency of Nantou Branch advised using four-wheel-drive vehicles with snow chains for safety. Stay warm and properly equipped with crampons, ice axes (or trekking poles), helmets, and sufficient warm clothing for a winter mountain climbing adventure.
    2024/01/24 13:57
  • 甩性侵指控獲清白 凱文史貝西酸:Netflix是因為我才存在

    主演Netflix影集《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)、電影《美國心玫瑰情》(American Beauty)的金球獎影帝凱文史貝西(Kevin Spacey)先前因涉及多起性侵案遭各界封殺,不過他今年7月獲判無罪、洗刷冤屈,史貝西24日更在耶誕祝福影片中諷刺昔日東家Netflix,直言「Netflix是因為我才存在」。
    2023/12/29 12:38
  • Taiwanese female soldier gains online admiration

    A female soldier from the 6th Army Corps of the Guandu Area Command in Taipei has become an online sensation after photos of her smiling and attractive appearance were posted on the ’Beauty’ section of the PTT site. The post, shared on Dec. 7, has received numerous responses, with social media users praising her beauty and friendly demeanor. Some have even suggested that she could be the face of military recruitment ads. Comparisons to Japanese actress Chie Tanaka have also been made. Despite the traditionally masculine image of the military, more women have been serving in the Taiwanese armed forces in recent years, reflecting societal progress. The attention this female soldier has received highlights the increasing trend of women in the military.
    2023/12/26 12:15
  • 全聯熱銷健髮神物IngreLux髮之鑰 奪美國年度最佳洗髮精

    全聯超市以店數多稱霸全台,商品也持續推陳出新。近年全聯積極與知名髮品合作開發獨家商品,其中一款健髮洗髮精,除了在全聯門市引起熱銷風潮,竟然還在美國奪得「年度最佳洗髮精」大獎! 【全聯熱銷髮之鑰 奪年度最佳洗髮精大獎】 全聯熱賣的「IngreLux髮之鑰」,一推出就在全聯門市引起熱烈搶購風潮,更驚喜奪得2023美國美妝創新獎Beauty Innovation Awards「年度最佳洗髮精」大獎(Shampoo Product of the Year)。以新穎概念、高效成分、設計感外型擊退全球2,500位競爭者,獲專業評審青睞摘取最大獎,且是首度由台灣品牌獲獎,網友狂讚「全聯好威」!
    2023/12/22 16:37
  • Vietnamese beautician illegally earns NT$1M in Taichung

    A Vietnamese woman in Taichung, Taiwan, was discovered by the National Immigration Agency to have operated an illegal aesthetic studio for six years, earning NT$1 million. The woman, known as Ms. Pei, learned the craft from a compatriot after departing from her employer seven years ago. She performed unlicensed procedures such as double eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Ms. Pei imported unverified cosmetic injections from Vietnam and advertised her services on social media platforms, attracting Vietnamese and Indonesian customers seeking affordable beauty treatments. She was sentenced to one year and two months in prison by the Taichung District Court, but has the right to appeal the verdict.
    2023/12/20 19:27
  • TVBS foundation hosts fundraising dinner for local community

    The TVBS Charity Foundation organized a fundraising dinner in Taipei, inviting social welfare agencies and disadvantaged households to participate. The event is part of a series of fundraising dinners in collaboration with municipal government teams, churches, and social welfare charities. Over 12,000 disadvantaged families have already been assisted through these events. New Taipei Acting Mayor Liu Ho-jan emphasized the beauty of Taiwanese society and the contributions made by individuals in improving the land. Through public-private partnerships, vulnerable families are receiving warmth and care before Christmas.
    2023/12/18 19:49
  • Canadian artist captures Taiwan’s little intricacies

    Join Canadian artist James Hugh Gough at Taipei’s Vaikuntha Art Gallery from Dec. 9 to 30 for an immersive art exhibition. Discover his unique blend of imagination and reality, capturing the vibrant essence of Taiwanese life and landscapes.
    2023/12/17 18:25
  • Keelung Tower and Xiner Shelter open for spectacular views

    Keelung Tower and Xiner Air-raid Shelter are opening to visitors, offering panoramic views and a promising tourist destination.
    2023/12/12 20:26
  • 獨家專利原料 金泰希代言韓國保養品牌登台

    2023/12/08 09:00
  • 獨家專利原料!金泰希代言韓國保養品牌登台

    2023/12/07 23:29
  • 把握聖誕商機 韓各大百貨提前展開裝飾大戰

    2023/12/01 14:39
  • 大咖女星病逝!罹癌1個月爆噩耗 享壽66歲「無緣重返舞台」

    曾出演知名影集《王冠(The Crown)》、《巔峰練習(Peak Practice)》以及迪士尼電影《美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast)》的英國資深女星海汀格溫(Haydn Gwynne)驚傳病逝消息,享壽66歲;合作經紀人稍早發布聲明指出,近期為癌症所苦的海汀格溫於當地時間10月20日,在親友的陪伴下於醫院與世長辭,消息一出讓不少粉絲感到心碎不已。
    2023/10/21 15:25
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