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    ALL IN 結果共248筆

  • Mixed reactions for opening of Taipei Dome

    The highly-anticipated Taipei Dome in Taipei City is set to be unveiled by Mayor Chiang Wan-an on October 27. The mayor recently inspected the construction site and assured residents that he would thoroughly review the project and provide updates. Safety concerns raised by city council members were addressed by Chiang, who emphasized that the Dome primarily serves as a sports stadium and all events would be scrutinized according to established criteria and regulations. Although the usage permit for the Dome has been approved, the Taipei City Construction Management Office still needs to match the duplicate information with the approved content before issuing the permit.
    2023/10/25 21:51
  • Newborns to be enrolled in nationwide healthcare project

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has announced the enrollment of all newborn babies in the nationwide "Project of Holistic Physicians for Young Children." Parents with children under the age of three are also encouraged to participate in the project at no additional cost. The project has seen positive results since its launch, treating cases of prolonged jaundice and tracking patients for fluoride treatment and developmental delays. Enrollment numbers show that 37.6% of the nation’s population has participated, with an increase in participation from vulnerable families and groups. The project aims to identify developmental delays and provide integrated systems for health and social care services, particularly for children in high-risk families. The Ministry is working to increase accessibility by engaging hospitals at all levels and allowing parents to choose their preferred medical institutions registered for the project.
    2023/10/25 17:33
  • Vice Premier announces audit of high-tech firms’ land use

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan announces audit of land use for high-tech firms in Taiwan. Government is committed to providing options for all high-tech companies, including TSMC.
    2023/10/25 16:25
  • Taiwan nurses union calls for more financial support

    Amidst a worsening nursing shortage exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan’s Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) calls on the government for increased financial support and staffing solutions. They propose allowing male nurses to fulfill their military conscription in hospitals and recommend a monthly subsidy for all nursing staff.
    2023/10/19 16:55
  • Taiwan’s Triton weather satellite successfully launched

    Taiwan’s first self-made weather satellite, Triton, successfully launched from the Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana on Arianespace’s Vega VV23 flight. Equipped with a locally developed Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R), Triton’s main task is to calculate wind speeds by receiving signals reflected off the sea surface. It utilizes GNSS-R, a new scientific technology, to observe conditions at all times and improve typhoon intensity and route predictions. Triton’s observational range covers the low-latitude bands of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans, regions known for severe weather.
    2023/10/09 14:46
  • No ractopamine pork in Taiwan, says Taiwan’s FDA

    FDA Deputy Director confirms no ractopamine pork in Taiwan. All imported pork inspected at borders has passed without ractopamine detection. No incidents of ractopamine pork were found in over 12,000 inspections as two companies will face penalties for mislabeling imported meats.
    2023/10/05 21:02
  • University shifts classes online due to Typhoon Koinu

    As Typhoon Koinu approaches Taiwan, the Chinese Culture University in Taipei has shifted all classes to remote online teaching for safety. Despite the storm, Taipei has not announced a typhoon holiday, leading to questions from netizens.
    2023/10/04 14:01
  • Taichung mayor emphasizes transparency in flu vaccine info

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emphasized transparency in flu vaccine information during the Municipal Administrative Meeting. The central government has purchased publicly-funded flu vaccines from four companies: Sanofi, Adimmune, TTY Biopharm, and Medigen. These vaccines will be available across all cities and counties.
    2023/10/03 16:50
  • Five new dengue fever deaths reported in Tainan

    The Taiwan CDC reports five new dengue fever-related deaths in Tainan, including a woman in her twenties, the youngest case this year. The fatalities had underlying health conditions and died within 10 days of falling ill. The age range of dengue fever fatalities has expanded from the twenties to the eighties, all with underlying conditions.
    2023/10/03 16:44
  • Premier Chen Chien-jen assures public of egg safety

    Premier Chen Chien-jen reassures the public about the safety of eggs sold in the market, despite errors on labels. He confirms that all egg products sold were within their expiration dates, and there is no food safety issue.
    2023/09/26 18:35
  • ALL IN 5廣州LONG STAY狂吃美食 下場竟是「炸馬桶」

    由承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、裕城及柏安組成的男團「ALL IN 5」,2年前自選秀節目《Be The One A級戰場》組團出道後,積極展開各式挑戰,近期5個大男孩結伴飛往人生地不熟的廣州,展開為期半年的LONG STAY,開創全新歌唱事業版圖。不過飲食清淡的柏安,一度因嘗試太多美食,導致腸胃負荷不了,自嘲每天都在「炸馬桶」。
    2023/09/15 12:04
  • BBC: Terry Gou’s faces uphill battle in presidential race

    The BBC on Aug. 29 analyzed Terry Gou’s announcement of his independent presidential run as a shot in the dark against the dominant DPP, despite his aims to unite all opposition party candidates.
    2023/08/29 16:14
  • Ko Wen-je calls for open dialogue among party leaders

    The Taiwan People’s Party presidential contender Ko Wen-je has made a public call for leaders of all political parties to engage in open dialogues regarding significant national matters on Thursday (Aug. 24).
    2023/08/24 19:14
  • 男團宿舍爆鬧鬼「門把自動下壓」狠狠關上 他目睹嚇壞了

    由承恩、裕城、傑銘、柏安及哲瑋組成的新生代偶像男團「ALL IN 5」,日前出席《善愛嘉年華》公益演唱會,其中團員柏安的家人們特別到現場支持,75歲的阿公還充當攝影師,整整錄了ALL IN 5 全長24分鐘的演出,讓他們成為此次演唱會的最佳人氣王。
    2023/08/24 07:36
  • 小S快看!二女兒台上熱舞超辣 粉絲暴動:妳好可愛

    鼓鼓呂思緯6日帶著新歌演唱會「GBSW」在Zepp New Taipei開唱,他將台中場的「炫光米蘭移動牆」搬到台北現場,所折射出的雷射燈光營造出炫彩多變的效果,終於讓北部歌迷感受最炸的舞台、最具震撼的音樂魅力,其中在唱到〈他一定喜歡你〉時,MV裡的男女主角Lily許韶恩、ALL IN 5驚喜上台,與歌迷齊跳「喜歡你」的手勢舞,全場也跟著鼓鼓大喊:「謝謝Lily,妳好可愛。」演唱會歡樂滿點。
    2023/08/07 18:43
  • 《TVBS國際+談全球》烏克蘭波蘭邊境增兵都因瓦格納 天使拒賣大谷All-in當買家

    2023/07/28 18:11
  • 大谷翔平MLB「首場完封」同天雙響砲 38轟穩坐全壘打王

    2023/07/28 08:27
  • 鮮肉練習生來了!親揭必應創造培訓內幕 遭靈魂拷問這樣說

    必應創造在華語樂壇以「軟硬體一條龍」方式製作,承辦許多天王、天后的巡演,近年積極投入藝人經紀事業,2020年起招募對演藝工作懷抱夢想的新人成為旗下練習生,每月在《真星製造研究所》YouTube頻道公開魔鬼驗收過程,率先出道男團「ALL IN 5」中2位成員陳柏安、許傑銘就曾是練習生之一。
    2023/07/27 10:59
  • Experts analyze growing threats to Taiwan

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu emphasizes cooperation between all democracies to prevent China’s status quo change in the latest TVBS Meeting Room with Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper on Monday (July 17).
    2023/07/20 10:38
  • 影音/男趁打烊前all in小鋼珠 99顆「翻10倍」結局嗨爆

    2023/07/18 16:11
  • President Tsai Ing-wen highlights U.S.-Taiwan bonds

    In commemoration of the U.S. Independence Day on July 4th, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) hosted a celebration reception on Thursday (July 6) with President Tsai Ing-wen and all three presidential candidates in attendance.
    2023/07/07 19:07
  • 才告贏Faye!陳建寧驚爆「心臟劇痛」送醫 立斷拒絕開刀

    F.I.R團長陳建寧續任第二屆「善愛嘉年華」愛意樹公益演唱會音樂總監,特別號召音樂圈眾星好友一齊錄唱公益單曲〈我愛故我在〉,包括F.I.R阿沁、康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、莫凡新、郭家瑋、蔡永淳、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy等皆獻聲響應,今(4)日特地舉辦記者會,提到這次的主題曲,其實是他親身體悟得到靈感而來,他自曝年初時身體突然出狀況,「半夜睡到一半突然心絞痛,心跳160,就醫後診斷出原來自己有心律不整的問題」。 ​​​​​​​
    2023/07/04 16:18
  • Hou Yu-ih reaffirms support for restarting nuclear plants

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih reaffirmed his support for restarting all four nuclear power plants in Taiwan on Monday (July 3) during an exclusive interview with the TVBS Situation Room.
    2023/07/04 14:44
  • Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities

    In a remarkable turn of events, the Japanese Yen plummeted to an all-time low against the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) on Friday (June 30), creating a lucrative opportunity for avid travelers.
    2023/06/30 17:26
  • 製作人出大包!康康「臨機應變」結果曝光 工作人員都傻了

    去年由F.I.R.團長陳建寧創作公益歌曲,支持「善愛嘉年華」大型公益活動,今年再度邀請F.I.R.陳建寧操刀製作,並號召康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy、郭家瑋、莫凡新、蔡永淳攜手為公益獻聲發行全新單曲〈我愛故我在〉,活動也將在8月11日至13日在南港展覽館2館舉辦大型ESG公益活動。
    2023/06/22 13:54
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