  • 歷史搜尋:
  • 熱門搜尋:
    王力宏崩壞車禍陳鑒 預售屋森恬CP杜忻恬余天落淚工作台61線
  • 搜尋:

    900��� 結果共1,698筆

  • 全球首架報廢A350! 日、法派員追查撞機責任

    2024/01/03 15:09
  • Ko highlights Taiwan’s challenges under DPP rule

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance in Taiwan, pointing out various shortcomings such as shortages of land, water, electricity, talent, and labor during Lai Ching-te’s tenure as premier. Ko also claimed that Taiwan is currently lacking eggs, pork, vaccines, health screening resources, and even toilet paper. He further highlighted present issues including low birthrates, national security risks from an aging population, wage stagnation, inflation, slow industrial transformation, and high housing costs. Ko accused the government of not allocating special budgets for expenditures, resulting in an alleged surplus of NT$900 billion, and criticized their lack of transparency. He expressed disappointment with the DPP’s failure to address issues left by the Kuomintang (KMT) after eight years in power. Additionally, Ko mentioned that Taiwanese people generally feel insecure about the current status of the Taiwan Strait, which has caused societal discord, political factions, and cross-strait unrest.
    2023/12/30 17:05
  • 騙到泰緬邊境當「豬仔」 網路聊天鎖定美國人詐騙取財

    2023/12/27 19:50
  • Taiwan’s navy extends search for missing servicemen

    Taiwan’s R.O.C. Naval Fleet Command continues its search for three missing servicemen who fell overboard from the Hai Hu Submarine on December 21. Despite the 72-hour rescue window passing, the Navy has ordered an additional three-day search. The families of the missing servicemen will be transported to the accident spot on December 27. The wife of one of the missing crew members has made an emotional plea for assistance in the search. Families have suggested moving the search south based on sea current directions. President Tsai Ing-wen visited the recovered crew and comforted the families, vowing to continue the search. The search and rescue effort involves approximately 900 personnel, 80 aircraft, 76 ships, and 319 vehicles, covering an operational area from south of Kaohsiung Port to Hengchun and along the coast of Xiaoliuqiu.
    2023/12/27 10:40
  • Lai Ching-te defends ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te defended his party’s energy policy against criticisms from the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) on Tuesday (Dec. 26), reiterating that the ’2025 Non-Nuclear Homeland’ is not forcible termination. The plan, launched by President Tsai Ing-wen, is not meant to abruptly end the operation of existing nuclear power plants. The Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant’s No. 2 Reactor will cease operations by 2025 in accordance with the law. Lai praised Tsai’s initiative in developing the renewable energy industry and questioned the stance of KMT’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je on nuclear power. Lai also cast doubts on the candidates’ proposals to resurrect the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, questioning the disregard of the referendum’s legal effects. He announced plans to invest NT$900 billion by 2030 in motivating corporate investment for the goal of ’carbon neutrality by 2050.’ Lai emphasized the importance of aligning with international standards, establishing carbon trading systems, promoting green electricity, reducing carbon emissions from the Taiwan Power Company, and addressing climate change’s impact on industrial development. He dismissed concerns about future green energy supply sufficiency, citing the Taiwan Power Company’s prediction of an electricity demand increase to 7 million kilowatts by 2030, with supply surpassing 9 million kilowatts. Lai predicted an end to power shortages and the advent of a diverse green energy era.
    2023/12/26 19:35
  • ONE to impose US$1,000 surcharge amid Red Sea tensions

    Taiwan’s shipping market is abuzz with news that Japan’s Ocean Network Express (ONE) plans to impose an emergency surcharge of US$1,000 per container due to escalating tensions in the Red Sea. This, along with a US$1,000 increase in base freight rates, could raise the total cost of shipping a large container to US$4,000. However, this figure is still below the $6,000 being quoted in the Chinese market. Freight charges from Taiwan to Europe have been steadily increasing, with rates climbing from US$900 to US$1,000 per large container at the end of November to US$2,000 by mid-December. Shipping companies are planning another rate hike, intending to raise rates to $3,000 starting from Jan. 1, 2024. The Chinese logistics platform, www.5688.cn, reported that shipping container rates from the Far East to Israel have skyrocketed to US$6,000, a sixfold increase from the end of November.
    2023/12/20 17:11
  • 韓片「首爾之春」票房開紅盤 帶動關注現代史

    2023/12/20 14:20
  • 觀點/C羅、梅西生涯第29場對決 有機會挑戰生涯1000進球?

    2023/12/18 13:44
  • 通用汽車旗下自駕計程車Cruise重組 宣布裁員24%

    2023/12/15 10:44
  • Taiwan’s instant noodle sales boil over NT$14 billion mark

    Taiwan’s instant noodle industry has achieved impressive sales, reaching an annual output value of NT$14 billion. This year alone, consumers in Taiwan have consumed around 900 million packets of instant noodles. Market research conducted by noodle manufacturers reveals that beef and seafood flavors are the preferred choices among Taiwanese consumers. In order to stay competitive, noodle companies continuously innovate their marketing tactics, introducing new flavors, prize draws, and strategic partnerships. The iconic "Hong Shao Beef Noodle Soup" and "Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup" from a well-established Taiwanese instant noodle brand have experienced a significant increase in sales, surpassing the million-packet mark. This success can be attributed to a collaboration with a popular food television series. To celebrate this achievement, the brand has joined forces with a lifestyle app to launch a lottery with a guaranteed 100% winning rate, providing customers with an additional incentive to enjoy the comforting warmth of a bowl of instant noodles.
    2023/12/09 13:58
  • McDonald’s to open 10,000 new outlets by 2027

    McDonald’s plans to open 10,000 new restaurants by the end of 2027, aiming to attract 100 million additional members. This expansion includes 900 new outlets in the U.S., 1,900 in International Operated Markets (IOM), and around 7,000 in International Developmental Licensed (IDL) markets. The company expects its membership to increase from 150 million to 250 million, driven by the success of its "MyMcDonald’s Rewards" program, which generated over US$20 billion in sales last year. Currently, McDonald’s operates 41,198 restaurants worldwide, according to its latest quarterly financial report.
    2023/12/07 14:07
  • 隱密!墓仔埔旁鐵皮倉庫囤近千斤「爆竹」

    2023/12/06 19:15
  • 大陸電動車市場崛起 日製造商陷苦戰

    2023/12/05 15:11
  • 違停被拖吊…車主噴900元贖回愛車 爽中200萬大獎

    2023/12/04 20:02
  • 中國發展電動車市場重創日企 豐田本田裁員、三菱退生產

    2023/12/04 12:16
  • 烏軍在俄國邊境插旗! 英情報:俄每天折損近千兵力

    2023/11/29 22:10
  • 義大利「黑手黨世紀審判」落幕 逾2百黨員「要關2200年」

    2023/11/21 10:15
  • 香港巴士驚現床蝨!「爬上安全帶」遭滅留血跡 網驚:帶回家恐出事

    床蝨問題在全球多地爆發,繼早前港鐵接報稱機鐵(香港機場快線)發現床蝨,又有香港市民疑似在九巴座椅上發現床蝨。Facebook專頁「HK Bus Channel 巴士台」透露,疑現蝨影的九巴由昨晚(15日)至今早(16日)收車前,曾行走118、948、900及N271線。據該專頁提供的照片及片段顯示,疑似床蝨曾在巴士安全帶上爬行,被撲滅後旁邊遺留下血跡。翻查資料,床蝨被輾壓後通常會留下血跡。《香港01》正向九巴查詢。
    2023/11/16 14:28
  • 羅淑蕾捲家族爭產!遭控借名登記房產要不回 9旬母為么兒媳提告

    2023/11/15 08:51
  • 花蓮社宅「美崙安居」動工 助年輕人成家

    2023/11/14 15:39
  • 果迷頻敲碗盼這款Mac電腦重生 蘋果罕見證實不會有新產品

    蘋果日前舉行第2場秋季發表會,推出了效能更加強悍的M3系列晶片,以及搭載M3晶片的14、16吋MacBook Pro筆電與24吋iMac桌機,由於24吋iMac是時隔900多天後再度獲得更新,不少果粉也敲碗盼蘋果能夠讓已停產的27吋iMac重生,但根據蘋果近期向外媒透露的消息,果迷們可能要失望了。
    2023/11/07 13:44
  • 雙11賣場優惠!愛買近千件商品買1送1 好市多滿萬折千

    2023/11/06 10:18
  • Uber運將兼毒販趁載客空檔販毒 母淚崩

    2023/11/03 12:54
  • Brabus越野車全球僅15輛!其中1輛在饒舌天王德瑞克車庫

    為了慶祝品牌創立45週年,知名改裝品牌Brabus曾推出一款名為900 Crawler的作品,這款車的來頭可不小,除了具備類似G Car的外觀之外,車上眾多設計都是為了越野而生。值得一提的是這款車也還有超限量身份,全球僅有15輛而已,據傳其中一輛的車主竟然是來自加拿大的饒舌歌手Drake!
    2023/10/30 15:53
  • 美軍出動F-16戰機轟炸 摧毀伊朗在敘利亞軍火庫

    2023/10/27 18:44
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