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    5g 結果共1,237筆

  • HTC大秀5G專網、XR肌肉 MWC推VIVE XR Elite商業版

    2024年全球最大的手機科技展覽會「世界行動通訊大會」(MWC Barcelona 2024)於當地時間26日開跑,全球智慧型手機與虛擬實境平台和生態系統創新設計領導品牌HTC展示最新的5G、XR以及元宇宙技術,並推出全新的VIVE XR Elite商業版,以此展現對於創建完整元宇宙消費者及商用生態系統的決心。
    2024/02/26 18:00
  • 科技盛事「MWC」逾50家台廠到 聚焦「AI、5G」

    2024/02/26 14:18
  • 4G轉5G用戶數增加 資費方案需多留意

    2024/02/23 22:43
  • 5G技術提升速度 遠距醫療便利偏鄉居民

    2024/01/28 21:26
  • 4G吃到飽免費升5G?他收帳單傻眼漲價 全因這關鍵

    許多人想趁前年換新機或從4G升級5G,不過可要留意行銷人員話術。日前有一名網友表示,上個月接到知名電信公司行銷專員來電,告知要幫他把目前使用的4G方案免費升級成5G,並稱他目前使用的是4G 699方案,升級5G後也是699,當下他同意。不過最近收到帳單,發現合約變成「599方案+100元影劇」,等同是變相漲價,直呼行銷人員根本沒有清楚告知,認為應該清楚告知方案詳細內容。
    2024/01/27 10:50
  • Kaohsiung mayor Chen urges economic independence from China

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai declares that Taiwan should not rely on China’s market, as it hampers Taiwan’s economy. He expresses regret that the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) did not establish a factory in Taoyuan and that the Asia Silicon Valley Innovation and Development Center in Taoyuan has been halted. Chen highlights that TSMC’s 2-nanometer site in Kaohsiung is already operational. He points out that Kaohsiung’s 5G internet innovation park, modeled after Taoyuan’s success, is thriving, while Taoyuan’s center has been halted. Chen emphasizes Taiwan’s dominance in the global semiconductor industry, with TSMC controlling 92 percent of advanced manufacturing processes and 62 percent of global production value, and advocates for the development of Asia Silicon Valley as the correct path.
    2023/12/30 20:54
  • 2023流行語「我真的會謝」是什麼意思?起源竟來自這裡 

    2023/12/28 12:05
  • Smartphone market set for growth in 2024 with AI

    The smartphone market is set to rebound in 2024, according to Rick Tsai, chairman of MediaTek Inc., a global chip leader. Tsai attributes this growth to the increasing popularity of AI applications, which is driving the replacement of mobile phones and PCs and creating a higher demand for devices. Under Tsai’s leadership, MediaTek has released advanced products such as the Tianji 9300, a flagship 5G chip that supports generative AI applications. Qualcomm, another major chip company, is also capitalizing on the AI trend with its latest 5G handset chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, which offers AI support for enhanced user experiences. Both companies anticipate a surge in AI smartphone upgrades due to improved computing power and a wider range of applications.
    2023/12/23 11:21
  • 全台最夯手機不是iPhone 三星這款中階機稱霸銷售榜

    Yahoo奇摩購物中心日前公佈今年前10月熱銷手機排行榜,第一名竟然不是iPhone系列,反而是Samsung Galaxy A53 5G在競爭激烈的手機市場中脫穎而出,成為最熱銷的機型。
    2023/12/18 14:18
  • 體驗再升級!推VR沉浸劇多人共舞、互動

    2023/12/14 21:10
  • 學習吧攜手嘉義縣簽署合作備忘錄 首屆數位應用博覽會展示豐富數位學習成果

    2023/12/14 19:30
  • Taiwan mobile eyes full network integration by 2024 end

    Taiwan Mobile has announced its progress in completing a full network integration with Taiwan Star Telecom by the end of 2024. The company has responded to customer complaints regarding communication link quality and has initiated network integration operations since the merger. The efforts have resulted in enhanced 3G coverage by 40%, particularly in remote areas, and improvements in signal strength and internet speeds for former Taiwan Star Telecom customers. The expansion in the 2100MHz band has increased available bandwidth for 4G by 10%, benefiting both 4G and 5G users. Original Taiwan Star Telecom customers will enjoy higher-quality 5G mobile communication services without the need to swap SIM cards.
    2023/12/07 20:41
  • 大陸搶奪6G標準 預計2030年達成商用

    2023/12/07 19:58
  • Taiwan eyes lead in global ICT, semiconductor markets

    Taiwan aims to leverage its information and communication technology (ICT) and semiconductor industries to gain a competitive advantage in international markets. The Ministry of Economic Affairs Minister, Wang Mei-hua, witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) and the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA), signaling a new era of cooperation. With the global smart manufacturing market projected to reach US$140 billion by 2030, Wang believes Taiwan is well-positioned to integrate 5G into smart factories due to its existing experience and infrastructure. Taiwan aims to align its 5G application standards with global benchmarks and contribute its knowledge to international organizations. The Ministry of Economic Affairs is supporting the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in developing new technologies and collaborating with Taiwanese companies to establish a voice within the global 5G community through 5G-ACIA. This strategic partnership is expected to position Taiwan as a leader in next-generation industrial technology and solidify its role in the information and communication technology sector on the global stage.
    2023/12/06 20:44
  • Mayor Chen uses virtual avatar in a step toward future city

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai adopts a virtual avatar to participate in digital experiences, heralding the city’s transformation into a future-focused Metacity. The initiative includes a 1:1 scale of unique virtual venues and 20,000 virtual homes available to citizens, demonstrating the city’s commitment to integrating advanced technologies like 5G, AI, and blockchain into everyday life.
    2023/12/05 17:23
  • 真的能當元宇宙人了! 科技業、高市府聯手 打造「元城市」

    2023/12/04 22:25
  • 謝京穎結婚倒數!張書偉鑽戒還沒送上 親曝「婆媳真實互動」

    2023/11/22 15:25
  • 5G技術數據傳遞快 智慧防汛省時省力

    2023/11/19 21:43
  • 蘋果自研5G晶片又傳出「卡關」!外媒曝光2大難題待解決

    2023/11/18 09:04
  • 蘋果平價手機有感升級?iPhone SE 4外型變化搶先看

    iPhone SE 3是目前蘋果最入門的5G手機,其小尺寸及親民價格受到不少果迷喜歡,然而後繼機型是否有機會推出,市面上的消息一直反反覆覆,有傳聞表示蘋果已經取消開發,後來又有爆料指出將在2024或2025年發表;近期則有外媒公開渲染圖,讓果迷得以一窺未來iPhone SE 4的可能樣貌。
    2023/11/16 09:28
  • 罕見警告德!北約籲「勿依賴中國電信設備」:從對俄能源學教訓

    2023/11/12 10:41
  • 睽違七年!澳洲總理終「登陸」 澳中經貿回暖

    2023/11/06 19:54
  • 地方特色產業要轉型! 5G文化科技產業論壇受矚目

    全球5G發展持續響前邁進,各縣市政府都不遺餘力地的推動,跟上科技潮流,南臺灣的高雄,就創立5G AIOT創新園區,東台灣的宜蘭縣,為了推動5G技術與藝術文化交匯,也將舉辦5G文化科技產業國際論壇。
    2023/11/01 22:59
  • 受5G拖累銷售掉2成 諾基亞將裁員1.4萬人

    2023/10/19 16:56
  • 高通膨與中國需求不振 研調估今年手機出貨減6.6%

    2023/10/16 11:06
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