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    fine 結果共48筆

  • Major Kaohsiung hotels affected by expired meat distribution

    Discover the latest on Kaohsiung’s public health scare as We&win Enterprise condemns Bo-son Meats for selling expired meat, prompting a city-wide investigation and legal actions.
    2024/07/12 15:50
  • Yilan County fines driver for first animal roadkill case

    Discover how Yilan County in Taiwan is enforcing animal protection laws with its first fine for animal roadkill under the Animal Protection Act, emphasizing responsible road behavior.
    2024/07/04 14:22
  • New Taipei launches heat safety checks for outdoor workers

    The New Taipei City Government has begun the summer high-temperature hazard and air-conditioning operation project inspection. Employers must implement cooling, rest, and hydration measures to prevent heat-related illnesses. Delivery workers should take the initiative to protect themselves from the sun, take more breaks, and hydrate themselves. Violations will be punished by a fine of NT$30,000 to NT$150,000. The air-conditioning installation inspection will be fined NT$30,000 to NT$300,000.
    2024/07/01 11:20
  • United Highway Bus Co. fined NT$850K for labor law breaches

    Discover how New Taipei City’s Labor Affairs Department is cracking down on labor law violations, with United Highway Bus Co. facing a NT$850,000 fine for excessive overtime. Learn about the challenges and industry-wide inspections.
    2024/06/26 15:55
  • New Taipei fines cat food brand for false labeling

    Discover how a Taiwanese cat food brand faced a NT$60,000 fine for false labeling after a cat’s death from hypokalemia, sparking an investigation by the New Taipei City Government. Learn about the violations and penalties imposed.
    2024/06/24 17:33
  • Keelung hospital fined NT$90K for late escape report

    Discover how the Keelung City Health Bureau fined Nankung Psychiatric Hospital NT$90,000 for a delayed report of a patient’s escape, highlighting issues in psychiatric care and security.
    2024/05/24 14:51
  • Taiwan to halt public reporting of minor traffic violations

    Minister of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) minister Wang Kwo-tsai announced Thursday (April 18) that the public will no longer be able to report minor traffic violations that carry a maximum fine of NT$1,200 or less. This comes after the Executive Yuan approved amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act.
    2024/04/18 15:09
  • Taipei City Hall cafeteria fined due to food safety breaches

    A staff cafeteria in the basement of Taipei City Hall, named Fu-Yan, was fined over NT$2 million for food safety violations, including the use of expired ingredients. The contract was terminated, and the premises must be returned. Surprise inspections led to increased scrutiny, with plans for daily checks and expanded inspection areas. Temporary food options will be provided through food trucks, and assistance will be offered to affected employees. The public is urged to report any health issues after dining at the cafeteria.
    2024/04/12 15:23
  • Family of 6 hospitalized after dining at Taipei buffet

    The Taipei City Department of Health investigates a family’s hospitalization after dining at the Island Buffet Restaurant in Grand Hilai Taipei. Inspectors collect samples and find unclean conditions, ordering the restaurant to make improvements by April 8 or face fines up to NT$200 million.
    2024/04/01 17:46
  • Crackdown on Polam Kopitiam after food poisoning outbreak

    The food poisoning incident involving Malaysian restaurant Polam Kopitiam in Taipei escalates as health authorities order all branches to cease operations immediately due to violations of the Food Safety Act, including an unregistered establishment facing a potential NT$3 million fine. Customers who dined between March 17 and 24 are advised to seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms, with the case officially classified as food poisoning.
    2024/03/28 16:18
  • Taste by Lexus x FRASSI 攜手打造摩登義式Fine Dining Lexus帶您領略車主限定極致饗

    Taste by Lexus車主高端餐飲活動,每年皆安排具代表性餐廳或星級主廚打造專屬頂級料理享受。2024年Lexus攜手去年2月甫開幕,旋即入選2024年台灣版星級指南的全新品牌餐廳FRASSI,邀請義大利鬼才主廚雅克柏.弗西 (Iacopo Frassi),為Lexus車主獻上專屬的摩登義式Fine Dining,打造匠心獨運的極致饗宴。
    2024/03/12 18:31
  • Tainan City takes swift action after sinkhole chaos

    Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che vows to hold construction firms accountable for a sinkhole incident in the West Central District, ensuring city residents’ safety. The collapse, caused by a construction site road failure, led to a truck sinking into a 15x5x3-meter sinkhole and a crane arm falling, damaging traffic signs and buildings. The city government swiftly filled the hole with grout, resumed traffic, and imposed a fine on the negligent construction company. Huang Long Construction faces scrutiny for premature construction steps, prompting safety checks and an improvement plan before work can resume.
    2024/03/07 17:28
  • Vietnamese agency faces fine amid travel payment dispute

    Taipei-based WinnER International Travel Co. has ceased services for a Taiwanese tourist group visiting Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam during the Lunar New Year. The company has retained the group’s deposit and continued to charge fees, citing a violation of contract rules by Mega International Travel Service, which had not made the agreed payment. WinnER International signed a contract with Mega International on September 12, 2023, and received a deposit of NT$700,000 on January 18, 2024. The dispute arose when the two sides could not agree on the service price, leading to WinnER International sending a notice to stop providing service on January 31, which went unanswered. As a result, WinnER International asked each passenger to pay an additional US$720 to continue the journey. The Kien Giang Provincial Tourism Administration has deemed WinnER International’s actions a violation of regulations and will penalize the company for not adhering to travel contract regulations.
    2024/02/16 11:08
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • Taichung Bank hit with NT$12M fine for regulatory breaches

    Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has fined Taichung Bank NT$12 million for ineffective internal control systems and violations of banking regulations. The bank’s chairman, Wang Kuei-fong, allegedly diverted NT$1 billion in public funds, resulting in his arrest and bail set at NT$15 million. The FSC discovered that Taichung Bank’s insurance subsidiaries had close ties to specific credit customers and their related companies, leading to questionable trading decisions and unsatisfactory internal controls. Wang will be suspended for three months and may face additional fines. The issue was uncovered during a financial inspection in February 2023. Taichung Bank had been leasing aircraft since 2020 to expand overseas business, but neglected their utilization for 13 months, leading to inappropriate decision-making. The bank also leased high-priced official cars for VIP pickups at a monthly rate of NT$820,000, but the vehicles were only used twice during the lease period, raising concerns about cost-effectiveness.
    2024/02/01 18:04
  • Taiwan expands telemedicine services to millions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced updates to its Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications, expanding telemedicine services to a larger population under certain conditions, effective July 1. Approximately 2.47 million individuals are expected to benefit from these changes. The updates aim to adapt to the post-COVID-19 healthcare landscape and extend the scope of telemedicine to five special situations, including chronic disease care, end-stage disease care, custody care in correctional facilities, care for the mobility challenged, and care during disasters, communicable diseases, or other significant changes. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan clarified that not all patients can avail of telemedicine services, as evaluation by healthcare units is mandatory, and physicians who violate the rules may face a maximum fine of NT$100,000. The new process combines physical outpatient services with telemedicine to reduce costs and time for patients requiring post-acute care, offering a convenient and seamless healthcare experience. The updated rules broaden the range of medical services that physicians can provide through telecommunication. Additionally, the Ministry has stated that doctors, after evaluating the patient’s stable condition, can now electronically prescribe medication for patients with chronic mental illnesses or in end-stage care, including regulated drugs like morphine.
    2024/01/22 15:27
  • Actress Tammy Lai denies wrongdoing amid health dept fine

    Actress Tammy Lai responds to allegations of law violation, reaffirming her commitment to professionalism. Amidst ongoing legal proceedings, she vows to prove her innocence and expresses gratitude for public support.
    2024/01/03 20:01
  • KMT and DPP fined for billboard breaches in Taipei

    The Taipei City Construction Management Office has fined the campaign headquarters of Kuomintang (KMT) legislative candidate Wang Hung-wei NT$10,000 for a billboard violation. The office has also requested rectifications. Additionally, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has been found to be in violation of size regulations for two campaign materials, and a notice for a fine will be issued to Lai’s campaign soon. These actions come after Taipei updated regulations for managing campaign material in preparation for the 2024 presidential and legislative elections. This is the first enforcement of the revised regulations. So far, the office has received 34 reports of campaign advertisement violations, with 11 cases from the KMT and 19 from the DPP. The office is urging all candidates to adhere to the regulations to ensure a clean election in the city.
    2023/12/30 18:44
  • Kaohsiung Light Rail spurs new left-turn policy at 10 points

    The Transportation Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government has announced that left turns will be permitted at 10 intersections along the route of the Kaohsiung Circular Light Rail. In order to maintain traffic flow and address concerns from drivers, the bureau has reviewed and assessed traffic regulations. To minimize the impact on through traffic, vehicles will be directed to stay to the right about 50 meters upstream from the intersections. Additionally, changes to signal timing and settings on main roads surrounding the light rail, including Dashun Road, Jiangong Road, Dafeng Road, and Dachang Road, will be implemented. These adjustments aim to respond to actual traffic flow and will be fine-tuned as needed.
    2023/12/18 20:59
  • 提前過聖誕!中山快閃市集17日登場 吃喝星級美食攜手公益

    這週日限定!台北晶華酒店與台北捷運公司聯手辦「永續慈善聖誕市集」,12/17(日)12:00~17:00將在捷運中山站登場,現場將有逾20個義賣攤位,包括Fine Dining星級美食、飯店二手良品餐具、晶華聖誕餐點、五星廚房專用食材,還有親子手作DIY,吃喝玩樂的同時還能做公益,快揪朋友逛起來~
    2023/12/15 22:15
  • Taipei Metro to refund teen’s NT$1,000 EasyCard fine

    Taipei Metro agrees to refund a fine imposed on a teenage girl who mistakenly used her brother’s EasyCard. The 14-year-old student used a child’s EasyCard instead of a student card, resulting in a fine of NT$1,000. The girl’s father argued that the punishment was excessive, and after reviewing the situation, Taipei Metro decided to refund the penalty as a gesture of goodwill. The incident occurred at Ximen MRT Station, and Taipei Metro emphasized the importance of using the correct card type to avoid fare differences.
    2023/12/09 15:06
  • 突破尺度!傻子與白痴曬八塊肌還露毛 化身四頭人馬帥成這樣

    由主唱維澤、鼓手維均、吉他手光良以及貝斯手沂邦組成的人氣樂團「傻子與白痴」,今(7)日釋出第2首抒情搖滾主打〈Fine Line〉,更曝光第3張專輯《姿態》封面照,他們化身「四頭人馬」,首次裸上身入鏡並穿著無後跟的高跟鞋,團員們傾斜站姿使壯碩手臂線條更為明顯,主唱維澤結實的八塊腹肌一覽無遺,超低腰的下半身造型更意外露毛,讓大批粉絲驚訝不已。
    2023/12/07 14:19
  • Kaohsiung man carrying husky in capsule backpack faces fine

    A man from Kaohsiung is facing fines for carrying his husky in a capsule backpack, which violates the Animal Protection Act. The incident, shared on Dcard, sparked online discussions and drew the attention of the local animal protection office. The office quickly identified the pet owner and found the husky to be in good health. The owner could be fined between NT$15,000 to NT$75,000. The protection office emphasized the need for considerate behavior when taking pets to public places, including providing adequately ventilated carriers with enough room for pets to move freely and ensuring that animals are accompanied by a person over the age of seven.
    2023/11/20 18:20
  • Australian firefighters apologize for drinking on Taipei MRT

    Australian firefighters visiting Taiwan apologize for drinking beer on Taipei’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), as captured by local netizens. They publicly displayed their fine receipt, confirming payment of penalties for their actions. According to Taiwan’s Mass Rapid Transit Act, passengers caught eating or drinking in forbidden zones within the MRT system can be fined from NT$1,500 to NT$7,500. The firefighters were in Taiwan to promote disaster prevention concepts and international camaraderie, engaging in activities such as a calendar photo-shoot, exchanging ideas with Taiwanese firefighters, and trying local specialties like stinky tofu.
    2023/11/13 11:33
  • Coldplay concert prompts unjustified hotel rate hikes

    The Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau has fined four hotels in Taiwan between NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for increasing room rates during Coldplay’s concerts on November 11 and 12 at the Kaohsiung National Stadium. To prevent the tourism and accommodation industry from exploiting such opportunities, the Tourism Bureau conducts proactive inspections of hotel room rates. Reports indicate that four hotels were found to have inflated their prices, with one hotel seeing a 60% increase, resulting in a fine of NT$50,000. The Kaohsiung City Government is making efforts to establish the city as a major global concert destination, with performances by international and domestic acts scheduled for 2023. While these events stimulate the tourism economy and increase demand for hotel accommodations, some operators take advantage of the situation by raising room prices. The director of the Tourism Bureau, Kao Min-Lin, has urged industry operators not to inflate prices during festivals, major events, or concerts. The Tourism Bureau will continue to inspect hotel room rates, maintain tourism and accommodation quality through strict supervision, inspections, and fines, and protect consumer rights and interests.
    2023/11/06 16:43
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