
Yilan County fines driver for first animal roadkill case

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/04 14:22
Last update time:2024/07/04 15:23
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Yilan County fines driver for first animal roadkill case (Shutterstock) Yilan County fines driver for first animal roadkill case
Yilan County fines driver for first animal roadkill case (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Authorities fined a woman in Yilan County for running over a stray cat in March, marking the county's first case of animal roadkill penalized under the Animal Protection Act.

Yilan County Animal and Plant Disease Control Center (宜蘭縣動植物防疫所) fined the woman, surnamed Lin, NT$15,000 and mandated her to attend a three-hour animal protection course.


After the incident happened in March, Lin reportedly provided a fake phone number and sped away, leading to public condemnation for her cold-blooded attitude. A passerby surnamed Yu, was unable to accept her actions and reported Lin's behavior to the Animal and Plant Disease Control Center.

Center Director Chen Tzu-Chien (陳祖健) confirmed that while other counties have penalized similar cases, this represents Yilan's first. Officials finalized the penalty in June.

Chen emphasized the importance of careful consideration in such cases, noting the need to determine whether the driver acted negligently or intentionally and how they handled the aftermath.

He urged the public to stop and check if they accidentally hit a stray animal, provide medical attention, and notify relevant authorities. If the animal has an owner, they should inform the owner and assist in taking the animal to a vet before clarifying responsibilities.

This case underscores the growing importance of animal protection in Taiwan, highlighting the need for responsible behavior on the roads. Authorities hope this incident will raise awareness and encourage more humane actions.

Taiwan Affairs

#animal protection# roadkill penalty# Yilan County# stray cat# Animal Protection Act# animal rights# Taiwan news# running over stray animals fine# animal protection course requirement# responsible behavior towards animals


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