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    Ma Ying-jeou visit to China 結果共29筆

  • Ma backs legislators’ visit to Taiping Island

    Former President Ma Ying-chou supports KMT and TPP legislators’ visit to Taiping Island to assert national sovereignty, highlighting his South China Sea Peace Initiative and the historical significance of the island to the Republic of China.
    2024/05/10 18:16
  • Eric Chu urges amendments to Taiwan’s national security laws

    Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu warns against the misuse of Taiwan’s five national security laws for infringing human rights and manipulating elections. Amidst discussions on cross-strait relations and following Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, Chu calls for amendments to these laws, criticizing their use as tools for political suppression by the DPP. He advocates for dialogue and peace in cross-strait interactions, urging the DPP to prioritize human rights and constructive engagement over ideological rigidity.
    2024/04/16 17:51
  • Ma Ying-jeou concludes 11-day China visit

    Here is a meta description for the story: Former President Ma Ying-jeou returns to Taiwan after 11-day mainland China visit, including "Ma-Xi Second Meeting" with Chinese President Xi Jinping and meetings with other top Chinese leaders, sparking cross-strait discussions on identity and nationalism.
    2024/04/11 12:02
  • Ma’s China visit: Meeting with Xi unconfirmed

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou’s 11-day visit to China sparks speculation of a meeting with Xi Jinping, as TAO announces arrangements but remains non-committal. Zhu Fenglian praises Ma’s adherence to the "One China policy" and his efforts in promoting cross-strait youth exchanges, criticizing Taiwan’s DPP for hindering these interactions.
    2024/04/10 13:21
  • Chiu Tai-san remains neutral about Ma’s visit to China

    Mainland Affairs Council Minister Chiu Tai-san comments on former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, noting the potential benefits of cross-strait communication and expressing hope for the safety of all Taiwanese in China. Chiu refrains from commenting on questions of national dignity regarding Ma’s visit, highlighting its private nature and the varied forms of address used for Ma in China.
    2024/04/08 16:10
  • Ma Ying-jeou calls for cross-strait peace, collaboration

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to Sun Yat-sen’s birthplace stirs emotions as he emphasizes the need for peace, unity, and prosperity between Taiwan and China, invoking the revolutionary leader’s teachings for future generations.
    2024/04/02 17:39
  • Jaw Shaw-Kong sees Ma Ying-jeou as bridge for peace

    Jaw Shaw-Kong highlights former President Ma Ying-jeou’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping as a crucial moment in Ma’s visit to China, emphasizing its potential to enhance cross-strait communication for the Kuomintang. The Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwanese citizens, and the U.S. closely monitor Ma’s visit for its implications on peace and stability in the region. Jaw stresses the significance of face-to-face exchanges to prevent conflict and advocates for peaceful cross-strait relations. Ma’s trip is framed as a peace mission, with hopes of easing tensions and fostering friendship between Taiwan and the mainland.
    2024/04/02 14:47
  • DPP lawmaker criticizes Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit

    Criticism and controversy surround former President Ma Ying-jeou’s recent visit to China, with DPP legislator Wu Szu-yao questioning its impact on Taiwan’s national dignity. Ma’s meeting with Chinese officials, including a visit to DJI, a U.S.-blacklisted drone manufacturer, has sparked concerns about potential implications for Taiwan’s interests and international relations.
    2024/04/02 14:24
  • Legislator criticizes Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to Chinese firms

    DPP Legislator Chen Kuan-ting criticizes Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to mainland China’s "blacklisted" tech firms, warning of negative impacts on Taiwan’s national interests and international relations.
    2024/04/02 10:51
  • Ex-President Ma Ying-jeou begins his second visit to China

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou embarks on an 11-day journey to China, aiming to foster peace and friendship between Taiwan and the mainland, with stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing.
    2024/04/01 17:31
  • Ma Ying-jeou leads youth in cross-strait friendship bid

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou embarks on a peace mission to China, aiming to ease cross-strait tensions and promote youth exchanges. Speculation surrounds a potential meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
    2024/04/01 16:33
  • Former president Ma’s China visit stirs mixed reactions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China draws mixed reactions from Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an and New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, with the DPP criticizing Ma’s role in cross-strait relations. Chiang and Hou emphasize the importance of exchanges under conditions of equality, dignity, and mutual benefit, highlighting the need for communication and mutual understanding in reducing conflict.
    2024/04/01 15:57
  • Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit sparks sovereignty debate

    Learn about the political tensions in Taiwan as Ma Ying-jeou faces pressure to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming delegation to China. Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen’s call for Ma to declare Taiwan as an independent country challenges the ROC Constitution, as tensions rise over the DPP’s pro-independence stance. Stay updated on the uncertain prospects of a second meeting between Ma and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
    2024/03/28 17:52
  • TAO welcomes Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China

    Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Chen Binhua welcomes former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to mainland China, promising necessary arrangements. The potential for a second "Ma-Xi meeting" remains unconfirmed, as Chen emphasizes the importance of adhering to the "1992 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan Independence" for peaceful cross-strait relations. Ma’s visit, scheduled for April, follows his historic 2023 trip, marking the first visit by a former Republic of China President since 1949.
    2024/03/27 13:55
  • Hsiao: Ma Ying-jeou’s China itinerary still being arranged

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China, including a potential meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, is eagerly anticipated amid ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China. Stay tuned for updates on Ma’s itinerary and its implications for cross-strait relations.
    2024/03/27 10:38
  • Speculation grows over a possible Ma-Xi meeting in Beijing

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China from April 1-11 sparks discussions on cross-strait relations and a possible meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping amid Taiwan’s push for sovereignty.
    2024/03/26 17:51
  • Former president Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China sparks debate

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming second visit to China ignites debate among scholars on its implications for cross-strait relations. Some view it as a potential easing of tensions, while others interpret it as part of China’s united front strategy. Ma’s visit, scheduled from April 1 to 11, aims to engage with Chinese culture and students. The trip, in response to a mainland China invitation, is seen as an opportunity to bridge political divides and showcase diverse Taiwanese perspectives on cross-strait relations. However, critics like Taiwan Thinktank researcher Wu Se-chih perceive the visit as aligning with the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda to promote Chinese culture and influence Taiwanese society before the new president’s inauguration.
    2024/03/26 17:28
  • Tsai urged to visit Taiping Island to assert sovereignty

    Foundation Executive Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen warns that President Tsai Ing-wen’s failure to visit Taiping Island may break the tradition of asserting sovereignty in the South China Sea within two presidential terms, potentially affecting future claims and morale. The United States has historically opposed such visits, exerting pressure on former Presidents Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian. Ma’s 2016 visit was not related to a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, as clarified by Hsiao.
    2024/03/26 17:23
  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • Ko Wen-je supports Ma Ying-jeou’s China trip with conditions

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je expresses openness to former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and dignity. Speculation arises over a potential meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, their first in nearly nine years. Ko has no plans for his own visit to China, stressing the need for a clear purpose. Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation comments on the possibility of a second "Ma-Xi meeting," emphasizing respect for mainland arrangements.
    2024/03/26 14:12
  • Premier urges Ma Ying-jeou to uphold democracy in China tour

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China from April 1 to 11, including stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing, is closely monitored by both sides amid heightened cross-strait tensions. Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of Ma upholding Taiwanese values during his trip, including sovereignty, democracy, and rule of law. Chen’s cautious approach underscores the delicate balance between cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s democratic principles.
    2024/03/26 11:10
  • DPP urges Ma to affirm Taiwan’s sovereignty in China visit

    DPP Caucus Whip Wu Szu-yao urges former President Ma Ying-jeou to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming visit to China. Criticizing the KMT for scheduling the visit during a sensitive period, Wu emphasizes the importance of aligning with Taiwan’s mainstream public opinion. She warns against sending the wrong message and calls for the assertion of Taiwan’s sovereignty, particularly regarding Taiping Island.
    2024/03/25 17:20
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Ma Ying-jeou to lead youth delegation to China

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou to lead a delegation of young scholars from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation’s Dajiu Academy on a visit to China, including stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing. The trip, set for April 1 to 11, aims to enhance cross-strait relations through cultural exchanges and youth engagement.
    2024/03/25 14:56
  • Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation

    The newly renovated pier at Taiping Island sparks speculation about President Tsai Ing-wen’s potential visit, highlighting the Republic of China’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The renovation, costing NT$1.7 billion, aims to enhance the island’s humanitarian, military, and research capabilities. Former president Ma Ying-jeou supports the visit as a symbol of national sovereignty and peace in the region.
    2024/03/18 18:43
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