
Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/18 18:43
Last update time:2024/03/18 18:43
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Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation (TVBS News) Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation
Taiping Island Pier revamp fuels President visit speculation (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The newly renovated pier at Taiping Island was inaugurated on Monday (March 18), sparking speculation about whether outgoing President Tsai Ing-wen might visit the island. Such a move would underline the Republic of China's sovereignty in the hotly contested South China Sea.

Presidential Office spokesperson Olivia Lin indicated that public announcements would be made if any official trips were planned for the president.


The Tsai administration has spent around NT$1.7 billion on refurbishing the pier at Taiping Island, aiming to transform it into a center of humanitarian and rescue operations, international supplementation, and scientific research. This plan aligns with the Democratic Progressive Party's Policy Paper DEF-PUB08: Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, which advocates further enhancement of the island's facilities.

The renovation holds significant military importance, providing docking space for large naval ships, extending on-site stay capabilities, and observing the function of storm surge barriers under heavy seas.

The proposition of President Tsai visiting Taiping Island received support earlier this year from former president Ma Ying-jeou, who claimed that regardless of which president visits the island, it invariably reflects upon national sovereignty. Ma also stressed that such a visit should aim to foster peace within the South China Sea. President Tsai's potential visit before the end of her term remains a point of intense interest to the public.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiping Island# South China Sea# President Tsai# island sovereignty# naval ships# storm surge barriers# national sovereignty# Refurbished pier at Taiping Island# Democratic Progressive Party’s Policy Paper DEF-PUB08# President Tsai’s potential visit
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