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    ���������������M������ 結果共1,144筆

  • 墨西哥男「拎斷頭遊街」!疑醉酒怒殺親姊 她淪血屍躺路邊

    墨西哥日前一起「街頭命案」引起社會關注,年僅19歲的塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastián M.)在路邊遊蕩時,被路人發現他「手上拎著人頭」,沿途滴血的場景相當駭人,而警方則在獲報將其壓制後,從他的身上搜出一把短筒霰彈槍。經調查後意外發現,塞巴斯蒂安手上拎著的斷頭,竟是他29歲的親姊姊茱麗葉塔(Julieta M.),後者被發現陳屍在加油站路邊。
    2024/01/02 14:00
  • 尾牙遭迫表演M字腿! 鈔票「空中撒」當年終

    2023/12/19 13:03
  • 抉擇?機車族汰換新車 燃油車比例仍勝電動車

    2023/12/18 22:50
  • 高價火鍋搶市! 萬元海鮮盒PK專人剝殼涮肉

    2023/12/17 19:02
  • Jaw to pursue defamation charges amid election rumors

    KMT vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong plans to file criminal charges against Guo Xi, Chairman of the TMGP, for defamation. Guo accused Jaw of misappropriating NT$300 million from the New Party’s campaign funds in a video released on the "Chen Talk Show." The DPP and its affiliates have been spreading false statements since Jaw and KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih announced their joint bid. Rumors circulated that Jaw embezzled NT$300 million after the 1994 Taipei mayoral race, but the New Party issued a statement clarifying that these rumors were false. The Taiwan FactCheck Center also confirmed the information was incorrect. Guo Xi continued to perpetuate the false allegations, indicating a clear intention of defamation and election interference.
    2023/12/12 21:37
  • M-AMG CLE 53雙門跑車亮相 443匹直六渦輪增壓動力上身

    M-Benz新推出的CLE車系,強調結合C-Class以及E-Class的特長, 預計能夠帶來豪華與運動感受兼具的用車體驗。而M-AMG日前發表的全新M-AMG CLE 53,這款車搭載3.0升直六渦輪增壓引擎,並具備48V輕油電系統,可以提供443匹馬力以及57.1公斤米扭力。如果使用超增壓模式,可以在12秒的時間之內,獲得61.2公斤米的扭力輸出表現。
    2023/12/07 23:23
  • Taiwan’s math scores rise, but equity gaps widen

    Junyi Academy has pointed out the growing disparity in mathematics achievement among students in Taiwan. While Taiwanese students ranked third internationally in mathematics, with an average score of 547, there is a significant gap between the top and bottom performers. The top 10 percent scored an average of 623 points, while the bottom 10 percent scored an average of 434 points. This "M-shaped" divergence in proficiency is attributed to the unequal access to digital learning. Children from higher socioeconomic status households have benefited more from digital devices for educational purposes, widening the gap. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital teaching methods, but there has been a decline in platform usage recently. Junyi Academy emphasizes the need for guided learning in technology and equitable teaching to address urban-rural and learning disparities. The chairman, Lu Kuan-wei, also highlighted the potential of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, as an educational tool but raised concerns about students misusing AI for homework completion. Lu urged presidential candidates to develop comprehensive educational policies that address the challenges and opportunities brought by technological advances.
    2023/12/07 18:47
  • 永別了!37歲莊群施猝逝今火化 好友不捨嘆:人間你沒有留白

    2023/12/02 10:26
  • 37歲女星拍戲猝逝「火化日期曝」 老父悲痛發聲:無法接受

    2023/11/30 06:15
  • DPP spokesperson slams KMT, TPP stance on CSSTA

    The story discusses the criticism of the revival of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesperson Chang Chih-hao. Chang argues that the CSSTA, an outdated agreement from a decade ago, could harm Taiwan’s interests. This statement was in response to calls from Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je to reopen the service trade pact with China. Chang criticizes the China-centric economic and trade policies of former President Ma Ying-jeou, which he believes led to an unbalanced cross-strait economic environment. He highlights the negative impact the CSSTA could have on Taiwan’s industries, jobs, and salary levels. Chang also points out Taiwan’s recent economic achievements, such as the stock market’s performance, while noting China’s high youth unemployment rate. The DPP supports healthy and fair cross-strait exchanges but emphasizes the importance of avoiding political motives and unfair trade. Chang calls for a balanced approach to cross-strait economic and trade agreements and stresses the need for open communication with society when dealing with China’s economic coercion.
    2023/11/29 21:28
  • 遇到閃遠點! 全台最貴電動車登台「2500萬起」

    2023/11/29 20:06
  • Taiwan legislators urge clear labeling for ’fresh milk’

    Legislators at the Legislative Yuan are demanding that the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) clearly define "fresh milk" to differentiate between imported milk and domestically-produced fresh milk in order to protect local dairy farmers. This demand comes as the 10-year anniversary of the economic cooperation agreement known as ANZTEC between New Zealand and Taiwan approaches, which will bring about a zero-tariff policy by 2025. The MOA has committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to discuss the criteria for defining ’fresh milk.’ Proposals suggest establishing a clear distinction between domestic raw milk and imported liquid milk to ensure stability in contracts between dairy farmers and milk product manufacturers. It is argued that due to high-temperature sterilization and long-distance transportation, imported milk products should be categorized differently from fresh milk produced and stocked within Taiwan. The Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Junne-jih stated that the storage period and processing issues for ’fresh milk’ will be discussed in consultation with the MOHW, and milk labels will be revised to emphasize "Taiwan fresh milk" for market segmentation, preserving the label exclusively for domestically produced fresh milk. Currently, the national definition of "fresh milk" refers to raw cow’s milk processed with heating, sterilization, and refrigeration for consumption without specifying a shelf life.
    2023/11/29 14:17
  • 中午才發文!37歲女星拍戲「突嘴唇發紫猝逝」 親友悲痛證實了

    2023/11/29 07:00
  • 不是只有自研晶片!外媒爆蘋果還想自行開發6大關鍵零件

    蘋果近年致力整合軟硬體,除了iOS作業系統之外,也逐漸研發自家專屬的硬體產品,如Mac電腦的M系列晶片以及iPhone 15 Pro的A17 Pro晶片;外媒《彭博社》近日指出,除了晶片之外,蘋果還想掌握更多零件,並點名未來6大關鍵零件可能都會自行研發。
    2023/11/21 10:00
  • 美式拿鐵買一送一、豆漿免費喝!憑大巨蛋票根享54商家優惠

    大巨蛋今(18)日舉辦預備賽,東區商圈也準備好迎接人潮,北市商業處也推出優惠,民眾只要「憑大巨蛋票根」到東區商圈54家特約店家消費,就可以享有優惠。像是216粉圓大王,憑票根多送一樣料;COFFEE LAW 安和店憑票根可兌換研選美式咖啡(M)買一送一。
    2023/11/18 11:04
  • M字頭特徵露餡!台南槍擊犯攜械逃 45天新北狼狽落網

    2023/10/26 13:04
  • 手刀下載!麥當勞新APP今上線 5波買一送一優惠快衝

    速食控注意!台灣麥當勞今(26)日宣布,全新麥當勞APP全球版將於10月26日下午3點起上線,除了變成可以在全球麥當勞使用外,也推出全新會員回饋計畫每1元都能賺M Point,同步祭出五波買一送一優惠!
    2023/10/26 11:09
  • 每坪租金逾5千元占近4成! 揭曉台北「含金商圈」

    2023/10/25 23:01
  • 長髮女路中M字腿跳舞!喝茫還在快車道爬行

    2023/10/21 12:56
  • 伊藤舞雪辣露54cm水蛇腰! 下海後「M女變S女王」過程全說了

    2023/10/19 12:34
  • 租金太貴撐不下去?墾丁大街「28年麥當勞」結束營業

    2023/10/19 10:12
  • 舊會員注意優惠券過期!麥當勞10/26改全球版APP祭2大優惠

    2023/10/12 12:21
  • 西方品牌撤店 俄拚「愛國時尚」!人力、供應挑戰

    2023/10/10 20:00
  • M型化!韓團僅「頂尖1%」77人賺破億 F咖歌手年收慘勝台灣勞工

    韓流席捲全球可說是有目共睹,從BLACKPINK、TWICE、防彈少年團、SEVENTEEN等團,這些偶像幾乎都不到30歲,可說是「Young & Rich」的代表。不過許多人也好奇這些頂流明星到底名氣跟年收入是不是成正比。最近韓國政府公布一份稅收資料,「頂尖1%歌手」年收破億,但其他歌手的年收卻慘不忍睹,只小贏台灣一般年輕受雇員工的平均年薪。
    2023/10/09 07:00
  • XL→M!二寶媽2大減肥祕訣公開 6個月狂瘦12公斤

    2023/10/06 13:50
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