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    陳沂SWAG五月天一週天氣特赦 民調海龍蛙兵賀軍翔特赦扁陳沂我藐視國會王子
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    ������LIKE 結果共248筆

  • Schools banning ’carrot knife’ toy due to safety concerns

    Four regional governments in Taiwan, including Yunlin County, Keelung City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Taichung City, have banned the popular toy knife known as the "carrot knife" from schools due to safety concerns. The toy, originally from mainland China, gained popularity among Taiwanese students through social media platforms like TikTok and Xiaohongshu. The ban is primarily due to the pointed tip on the front end of the plastic retractable toy, which is seen as potentially dangerous. Taipei City and New Taipei City advise students not to bring the toys to school, while other municipalities require schools to enhance safety management and provide safety education.
    2023/11/02 21:11
  • New Taipei to expand travel card usage for elderly

    New Taipei Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan confirmed that senior cards for the elderly and persons with disabilities will be expanded next year. Starting in January, the cards will cover usage in the Airport MRT, and by July, they will also grant access to other public transportation options like YouBike and cabs. The decision to expand the cards came after receiving feedback from various individuals, including KMT Secretary-General Liao Xianxiang and KMT Councilor Chen Weijie, who expressed concerns about limited card use.
    2023/11/01 10:27
  • Sky Dragon military drills show joint operational skills

    Taiwan’s annual Air Force Tien Lung military drills, also known as "Sky Dragon," have commenced and will run from October 30 to November 3. The exercise involves key fighter aircraft such as the F-16V, Mirage 2000, and IDF, collaborating with other units to evaluate joint operational effectiveness. The drills encompass various airborne force-on-force scenarios, including air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground warfare competitions. In addition, the exercise involves the participation of Air Force infantry and special forces units, engaging in activities like small arms firing, ammunition loading, and mobile defense operations. Outstanding pilots, including champions in air combat, target shooting, and bombardment, will be selected by the Air Force. This significant military exercise follows the "Chang Ching17 Exercise" conducted by the army from October 23 to 27, marking its first occurrence in six years.
    2023/10/30 16:36
  • MND to raise food allowance for armed forces personnel

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) plans to increase the monthly food allowance for Republic of China Armed Forces personnel. The goal is to set a minimum of NT$3,388 by 2025, with higher allowances for those serving in high-cost regions like Nansha Taiping Island. The adjustment will require an additional NT$1.3 billion annually and will take effect in 2025.
    2023/10/23 15:36
  • AI shifts but doesn’t rule media landscape: Bruyas

    During a panel discussion at CTeC Asia, Dimitri Bruyas, the head of TVBS World Taiwan, spoke about the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in journalism. While AI can help streamline tasks like video editing, it can’t replace the nuanced work of human journalists, especially in areas like fact-checking and ethical reporting.
    2023/10/22 17:32
  • Household spending on fitness and pets soar in Taiwan

    Despite facing economic challenges like inflation and stagnant wages, Taiwanese households are ramping up spending in two unexpected categories: fitness and pet care. With an annual growth rate of over 15% in fitness spending and a 36.2% increase in pet-related expenses over the past decade, these sectors show strong resilience and growth.
    2023/10/19 13:24
  • National Day celebration glitters with athletes’ triumph

    Taiwanese athletes steal the spotlight at Taipei’s National Day celebration. Asian Games champions join the festivities, adding extra shine to the event. Notable sports figures like Judoka Yang Yung-wei and swimmer Wang Kuan-hung make an appearance, receiving a warm welcome from an enthusiastic crowd. The day features a precise military parade and lively performances, blending sports and national pride.
    2023/10/10 18:20
  • IVE新歌MV爆狂抄襲Red Velvet! 「兔子面罩、十字弓」全被致敬

    韓國女團IVE自2021年底出道以來就不斷推出多首膾炙人口的好歌,包含〈ELEVEN〉、〈LOVE DIVE〉、〈After LIKE〉等,最近也準備回歸歌壇,只是最近推出新歌,卻被韓國網友抓包疑似抄襲前輩女團Red Velvet的MV、韓國電影《荒島·愛》的多個場面。
    2023/10/10 13:38
  • Taiwan convenience stores join program to label egg origins

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced a pilot program to label the origin of egg ingredients in convenience stores. This comes after controversy surrounding imported eggs being labeled as produced in Taiwan. The program will focus on labeling eggs used in "real transformation" items like marinated eggs and tea eggs.
    2023/09/27 15:27
  • Taipei MRT launches month-long breakfast festival

    The Taipei MRT is hosting the "MRT Breakfast Lifestyle Festival" from Sept.1 to Sept. 28. Twenty-four vendors, including popular chains like Louisa Coffee and MOS Burger, will set up stands across 50 MRT stations.
    2023/09/01 18:21
  • Taiwan businesses embrace AI for staff performance reviews

    In addition to guiding employers on matters like salary increases and adjusting team roles, AI can also offer diverse ways to enhance employee engagement in their tasks. 
    2023/08/30 16:22
  • 楊丞琳開唱「老公李榮浩坐鎮觀眾席」 大咖星侶朝聖畫面外流

    楊丞琳近日在大陸廣州舉辦「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,台上台下都有亮點,她邀好友周筆暢擔任嘉賓,更在台上玩親親,她的老公李榮浩則隱身觀眾席力挺,給予她十足安全感。不過有眼尖粉絲發現,「大陸頂流男神」井柏然也帶著模特兒女友劉雯跟著李榮浩看演出,3人前陣子才一起看張惠妹演唱會,最近又相約欣賞楊丞琳演唱會,感情相當好。
    2023/08/30 13:38
  • 楊丞琳被糾錯!9小時後發現「這失誤」 無奈嘆:有事嗎

    楊丞琳最近忙著「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,明(26)日將在大陸廣州體育館1號館演出,排練忙碌的她,不忘在社群和粉絲分享近況。昨(24)日她在IG限時動態分享演唱會團隊抵達廣州的照片,豈料9小時後卻被朋友提醒拼錯英文,讓她無奈說:「有事嗎?」
    2023/08/25 10:43
  • 全球巡演到一半!Coldplay捲合約官司 22年經紀人分手翻臉

    英國天團酷玩樂團(Coldplay)名聲遠播全球,每張專輯幾乎暢銷熱賣,著名歌曲包含〈A Sky Full Of Stars〉、〈Something Just Like This〉、〈Hymn For The Weekend〉等。最近樂團正在世界巡演,豈料卻爆發合約糾紛,竟被他們合作22年的前經紀人Dave Holmes起訴,兩方正式撕破臉。關於詳情案情,目前則尚未公開。
    2023/08/18 14:30
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang to join Shanghai-Taipei Forum in China

    Shanghai-Taipei Twin-City Forum anticipates Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s debut attendance. Focus on 2024 election context with diverse themes like digital economy, healthcare, and MOU signings.
    2023/08/08 20:05
  • 鮮肉偶像與金鐘女星同房4個小時被拍 首露面認了「這件事」

    知名有氧飲料品牌「老虎牙子」,特地找來AcQUA源少年擔任品牌的有氧大使,今(17)日舉辦「超有氧能量大使新歌發布會」,共同打造全新單曲〈源力宇宙Roar Like The Tiger〉,而日前團長黃莑茗被拍到和拿過金鐘獎的盧以恩約會,兩人在他家共處4個多小時,對此,他今天首露面表示:「給我們一點空間。」
    2023/07/17 17:22
  • 楊丞琳遭揭「恐怖缺點」真實反應曝 淚灑練團室認:經歷很多事

    楊丞琳6月時在台北小巨蛋舉辦「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會,最近她公開練團花絮,在和樂手溝通期間,她自爆有個缺點是,如果特別喜歡歌曲的原有編曲,就會希望盡量還原,不過音樂總監陳君豪卻點出她另個更恐怖的缺點,她聽完竟害羞笑了。
    2023/07/14 11:26
  • IVE北流兩天開唱!張員瑛中文甜喊「想我嗎」 Rei手腳疑添新傷

    韓國大勢女團IVE繼昨(24)日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦演唱會後,今(25)日繼續第二場精彩活動,從成員介紹影片開始粉絲就尖叫不斷,男粉的怒吼更是響徹會場,開場跟前一天一樣帶來夯曲〈After Like〉跟〈Take it〉,成員安兪真跟Liz都展現精彩唱功,張員瑛則頻頻撒嬌,融化現場粉絲。
    2023/06/25 19:01
  • Media columnist highlights Taiwan challenges, opportunities

    Foreigners who come to Taiwan for travel are usually struck by the people’s friendliness and the nation’s beautiful scenery. However, like any other democracy, societal issues persist underneath the currents. 
    2023/06/19 10:16
  • 太閃了!楊丞琳甜唱〈烏梅子醬〉 告白李榮浩:人生最大幸福

    楊丞琳帶著「LIKE A STAR」世界巡迴演唱會在小巨蛋熱唱,中場她特別感謝媽媽等家人陪伴,更介紹辛苦奔波來台的老公李榮浩,她甜蜜表示「我人生遇到他,是我最大的幸福」,更清唱一小段李榮浩的〈烏梅子醬〉,讓人在包廂的李榮浩開懷大笑。
    2023/06/18 20:03
  • 楊丞琳攻蛋「李榮浩清晨搭機趕來台」 她換裝遭扯內褲大尖叫

    楊丞琳今(18)日在台北小巨蛋舉辦第2場「LIKE A STAR」巡迴演唱會,她的老公李榮浩昨晚在大陸西安開完演唱會後,也火速搭機來力挺她的演唱會,人在包廂的李榮浩不停地用手機紀錄她在舞台上發光發熱的模樣,舉手投足滿是對楊丞琳的寵愛與支持。  
    2023/06/18 18:22
  • 楊丞琳熬過低潮吐心聲「無法讓所有人認同我」 驚爆重磅喜訊:要來了

    楊丞琳「LIKE A STAR」台北小巨蛋演唱會今(17)日首場圓滿落幕,王心凌、陳妍希等人都有到現場欣賞她的演出,還難得看到「4 in Love」4人合體,充滿回憶殺。演唱會中後段,楊丞琳突然有感而發,感性地說:「其實沒有真的要說什麼走心的事情,我們在人生的歷程,都會遇到很多事情,雖然我們在不同的行業、不一樣的年紀、性別,不代表我們不一樣。」
    2023/06/17 23:05
  • 楊丞琳辣露川字肌寵粉 嗨喊「很高興回到我的家鄉台北」全場瘋了

    楊丞琳今(17)日晚間在台北小巨蛋舉辦LIKE A STAR演唱會,吸引1.1萬粉絲到場朝聖。楊丞琳以一身炫彩流蘇裝登場,開場就帶來魅力四射的〈BAD LADY〉、〈新流感〉、〈現代之形象〉等歌曲,引起現場大尖叫,面對滿場歌迷,楊丞琳感性地說:「大家久等了,我回來了,今晚有點下雨,我想就是老天爺要說,今天是就是Rainie(raining) Day!」
    2023/06/17 20:37
  • 許傑輝性騷連爆!王月挺受害者「樂見獸行被揭發」:強烈遏止此行為

    楊丞琳今(17)日晚間7點30分在台北小巨蛋舉辦「LIKE A STAR」演唱會,資深藝人王月過去曾經跟她演過母女,今晚也帶著喜歡楊丞琳的小女兒到場朝聖。王月說,楊丞琳很挺她,也很努力,之前看到她被網友攻擊時,還有獻上關心,「我覺得藝人就是用作品解釋自己,她的努力大家知道,而且她的心臟夠強,有安慰她,也很懂事,真的是最閃亮的星星」。
    2023/06/17 19:46
  • 楊丞琳睽違3年登小巨蛋!老公李榮浩「隔空放閃」 她噴愛心甜告白

    楊丞琳睽違3年回歸台北小巨蛋開「2.0版」LIKE A STAR演唱會,今(17)日為演唱會第一天,小巨蛋現場擺滿好友們送的花籃,唯獨不見老公李榮浩的祝福。不過,夫妻倆不忘在開唱前於IG上放閃,人在西安開演唱會的李榮浩PO出楊丞琳演唱會的海報,文中寫下:「享受舞台,順順利利,like a star。」楊丞琳也火速在留言區給予回應。
    2023/06/17 18:52
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