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  • 2024 7月韓劇推薦》這6部必看 播出時間、線上看平台一覽 

    暑期7月必看韓劇出爐!不僅有許多影迷超期待的《Sweet Home》第3季,還有韓國天王Rain大談禁忌戀的《紅天鵝》,《TVBS新聞網》特別整理了6部「7月韓劇」,播出時間及播出平台一次看!
    2024/06/25 16:58
  • NBA/統治力堪比宇宙勇?綠衫軍攻防全能 賈奈特:壓倒性優勢

    東區豪門塞爾提克重返總決賽,強碰唐西奇(Luka Doncic)帶領的獨行俠,以絕對統治力在第五戰終結系列賽,成功捧起隊史的第18座總冠軍獎盃、也正式超越湖人,成為聯盟中奪冠最多次的球隊;在波爾辛吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis)和哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)挹注的防守能量,以及懷特(Derrick White)攻守俱佳的助拳下,塞爾提克也被視為新一代的「聯盟霸主」。
    2024/06/25 16:33
  • 台政論節目爆「陸記者盯梢」!NCC要查了 最慘下場曝光

    2024/06/25 16:17
  • 黃仁勳賣股!輝達股價3天重挫13% 市值蒸發13兆跌了5個鴻海

    2024/06/25 16:02
  • 美觀光客「慘死瀑布下」!國家公園命案 她11m高空落水亡

    美國冰川國家公園(Glacier National Park)近日發生一起死亡意外,一名26歲女子在觀光期間,意外失足跌入聖瑪麗瀑布(St. Mary Falls),被湍急水流捲走後受困水底,經醫護人員獲報趕抵後搶救多時,於晚間宣告不治;詳情待調查。
    2024/06/25 16:02
  • Ko Wen-je accuses President Lai of betraying public trust

    Explore the escalating political tension in Taiwan as TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je accuses President Lai Ching-te of betraying public trust and undermining the constitution, amid disputes over parliamentary reform bills.
    2024/06/25 15:59
  • AI integration in workplaces to reshape Taiwan job market

    Explore how AI’s rise impacts job markets, with insights from experts on its threat to repetitive roles and potential to change recruitment strategies. Learn how AI could assist rather than replace in certain industries.
    2024/06/25 15:57
  • 馬克宏政治博奕解散國會 一文了解法國國會大選日期制度與可能結果

    法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)在歐洲議會選舉遭遇慘敗後,隨即宣布解散國民議會(National Assembly),將在6月30日緊急舉行改選。這場選舉被外界視為一場「政治賭博」,很可能讓極右或極左派趁機奪取執政權。最新民調顯示,馬克宏帶領的中間勢力支持率非常不樂觀,位居老三的他,聲望遠遠不及勒龐(Marine Le Pen)的極右派政黨「國民聯盟」(RN),或是居次的左翼聯盟。
    2024/06/25 15:31
  • Taipei finds pesticide residue in 12 fresh produce items

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s food safety: 12 out of 52 fresh produce items failed pesticide tests, including Thai basil and papaya. Fines for violations range from NT$60,000 to NT$200 million.
    2024/06/25 15:20
  • Taiwan braces for fewer typhoons in 2024, CWB reports

    Discover the Central Weather Bureau’s forecast for Taiwan, predicting two to four typhoons from June to November, a figure that’s below average to normal. Learn about the impact of El Niño and La Niña on typhoon formation and Taiwan’s preparation for potential water conservation and disaster prevention measures.
    2024/06/25 15:20
  • NewJeans收死亡威脅! 見面會前夕「遭持刀圖恐嚇」急報警

    南韓新一代人氣女團NewJeans人氣風靡全球,近來正準備連2天在日本東京巨蛋舉辦「Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome」粉絲見面會,沒想到見面會前夕卻收到黑粉的死亡威脅,因為活動日期將近,經紀公司提高警覺報警處理。
    2024/06/25 15:18
  • NHK女主播「傲人上圍放桌上」爆紅 突刪照停更IG外界猜下一步

    2024/06/25 15:15
  • Netflix將推「免費版」吸新訂戶!「這兩地」擬率先實行

    2024/06/25 15:07
  • 韓國女團聲量排行出爐!TOP1新曲「台味十足」掀網熱議

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近三個月「韓國女團」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的8大韓國女團排行。
    2024/06/25 14:36
  • Premier urges Taiwanese to prioritize safety in China

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai responds to China’s judicial guidelines threatening Taiwanese citizens with severe penalties for advocating "Taiwan independence." Learn about the government’s commitment to protect its nationals.
    2024/06/25 14:31
  • Elderly at high risk as Taiwan grapples with extreme heat

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s extreme heatwave: Over 460 people sought medical help for heat-related injuries in June, with temperatures soaring to 38 degrees Celsius in some areas. Learn how the elderly are particularly at risk and get expert advice on avoiding heat exhaustion.
    2024/06/25 14:15
  • Taiwanese golfers set for Paris Olympics debut

    Discover how Taiwanese golfers Chien Pei-yun and Hsu Wei-ling qualified for the Paris Olympics, their rankings, and their reactions to representing Taiwan.
    2024/06/25 12:46
  • Taiwan, Saint Kitts deepen ties in renewable energy, health

    Discover the highlights of Prime Minister Terrance Drew’s visit to Taiwan, including discussions on strengthening ties in education, agriculture, technology, and more. Learn about the shared democratic values and future cooperation plans between Taiwan and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
    2024/06/25 11:46
  • U.S. boosts Taiwan’s defense amid rising Chinese expansion

    Explore how Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell warns of a potential global depression due to disruptions in the Indo-Pacific, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry and regional stability.
    2024/06/25 11:19
  • U.S. condemns China’s new guidelines on Taiwan

    Explore the latest on U.S.-China tensions: The State Department condemns China’s new guidelines targeting Taiwan independence, urging dialogue and restraint. Read more on the escalating situation and Taiwan’s response.
    2024/06/25 11:00
  • Scorching temperatures hit Taiwan amid clear skies

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including unusual thunderstorm patterns and high temperatures reaching 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. Learn about potential threats and necessary precautions for the coming week.
    2024/06/25 10:48
  • Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism

    Explore the escalating tension between Taiwan’s KMT and DPP over the legislative power bill, with officials urging respect for the judiciary’s neutrality. This story covers the recent criticisms and the call for fairness.
    2024/06/25 10:22
  • 畢卡索名畫放女性專區!男子看嘸提告 富豪妻館長「改掛女廁」回嗆

    位於澳洲塔斯馬尼亞州(Tasmania)的「新舊藝術博物館」(Museum of Old and New Art)是知名的旅遊景點,不過裡頭有個知名的女性專區、牆上還掛著著名畫家畢卡索(Picasso)的作品,沒想到有男性對此感到不滿並提起告訴,在法院裁定館方必須允許男性進到女性專區參觀後,女館長竟直接將2幅畢卡索畫作移到女廁裡,引起熱議。
    2024/06/25 10:14
  • 奧斯卡女星抱貓逃竄紐約街頭 自曝從小懼貓:牠們就像小獅子

    由奧斯卡得主露琵塔尼詠歐(Lupita Nyong’o)主演的新作《噤界:入侵日》,片中她和愛貓之間很顯然有著非常特殊的情感連結,導演麥可薩諾斯基表示,自己為這隻貓安排了一個特定的角色:「我很喜歡的畫面就是莎蜜拉帶著她的愛貓,像是一場大冒險的同伴一樣,穿過被摧毀的紐約市街頭。」
    2024/06/25 10:07
  • NBA/菜鳥總教練瑞迪克接掌湖人 「我想贏得總冠軍」

    洛杉磯湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)在被康乃狄克大學教練赫利(Dan Hurley)婉拒後,近日終於確認該球團新任總教練人選,將由退役三分射手瑞迪克(JJ Redick)接掌兵符,雙方據傳簽下長達4年的合約。但雖然在球員生涯繳出亮眼成績,瑞迪克卻從未有NBA執教經驗,也讓這樁合作備受外界與球迷質疑。
    2024/06/25 10:02
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