
Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/25 10:22
Last update time:2024/06/25 18:49
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Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism (TVBS News) Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism
Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Deputy Secretary-General of the Judicial Yuan (司法院), Huang Lin-lun (黃麟倫), expressed regret on Monday (June 24) over the Kuomintang's (國民黨, KMT) remarks, urging society to uphold the neutrality and fairness of the grand justices (大法官).

This followed the KMT's critique of President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) regarding his request for a constitutional interpretation of the legislative power bill.


KMT legislators have accused the grand justices of lacking a "popular mandate" and warned against their becoming the "watchdogs" of the Democratic Progressive Party (民進黨, DPP). In retaliation, the DPP hosted a press conference at the Legislative Yuan to denounce these attacks on the justices.

During the conference, DPP legislative caucus secretary-general Rosalia Wu (吳思瑤) criticized KMT legislators Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強), Wang Hung-wei (王鴻薇), and Lin Szu-ming (林思銘) for their derogatory remarks and threats concerning the Judicial Yuan's budget and the confirmation of future grand justices.

Meanwhile, DPP legislator Hung Sun-han (洪申翰) highlighted KMT legislator Wu Tsung-hsien's (吳宗憲) acknowledgment that only parts of the bill are unconstitutional. This sentiment was echoed by KMT legislator Weng Hsiao-ling (翁曉玲), who proposed amending the bill if necessary, implicitly criticizing KMT caucus whip Fu Kun-chi (傅崐萁).

Taiwan Affairs

#Kuomintang# DPP# grand justices# Taiwan politics# legislative power# Judicial Yuan# constitutional interpretation# KMT criticism of grand justices# DPP response to KMT remarks# legislative power bill Taiwan


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