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    《看看你有多愛我》 結果共5筆

  • Cheryl Yang reflects on personal struggles in new role

    Taiwanese actress Cheryl Yang discusses her role as a single mother in the mini-series "How Well You Love Me" (看看你有多愛我) in an interview with Marie Claire. Yang reflects on her own complex relationship with her mother and how it influenced her portrayal of a single mother in the series. Starting her career in the entertainment industry at 15, Yang’s dedication and sincerity have earned her acclaim in the drama industry. In the series, she plays an internet celebrity and a single mother of fraternal twin daughters. The role resonated with Yang, as she shares her personal journey with her own mother and the conflicts they faced. Through work experiences and maturity, Yang learned to appreciate her mother’s virtues and build a more harmonious relationship. She emphasizes the importance of communication and respect in finding mutual understanding. On set, Yang initially had concerns about the chemistry with her on-screen daughters, but was pleasantly surprised by their exceptional performances, creating a compelling family dynamic in the series.
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