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    work-from-home 結果共13筆

  • Taiwan debates the merit of a four-day workweek

    Explore the ongoing debate in Taiwan over the adoption of a four-day workweek, featuring insights from workers, industry spokespersons, and teachers on its potential impacts.
    2024/05/09 17:55
  • Taiwan’s exports hit top-three record despite 2023 dip

    Taiwan’s export performance reached a historic high from 2021 to 2023, but experienced a 9.8% decline in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Despite this setback, exports to the U.S. continued to soar with a 49.7% year-on-year increase, while exports to countries covered by Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy also saw significant growth. However, exports to mainland China decreased to 35.2%. Taiwan’s total export tally for 2023 amounted to US$432.48 billion, ranking behind only 2022 and 2021. The demand for communications and electronic products during the pandemic-induced work-from-home trend boosted Taiwan’s exports. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research predicted significant international trade growth in 2024, which would benefit export-oriented economies like Taiwan. In December 2023, Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. reached $8.49 billion, and exports to southern countries surged by over 50%. However, due to the limited coverage of free trade agreements (FTAs), many traditional Taiwanese industries chose to restructure risks and production in Southeast and South Asia. The return of Taiwanese businesses and the expansion of local factories after the U.S.-China trade war, as well as global economic circumstances, significantly impacted the decline in 2023 exports. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimated the first-quarter export volume for 2024 to be around US$106.1 billion, which is an improvement compared to the same period in 2023, but a 10% decrease from 2022.
    2024/02/15 10:49
  • Hou Yu-ih threatens legal action over smears by DPP

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih vows to sue those smearing his family over ongoing accusations about their real estate holdings. The DPP has targeted Hou’s family’s rental apartments and land case in Xinzhuang district, making it a focal point of the election campaign. Hou, a former criminal police, emphasizes his wife’s role in managing the home while he is away for work. He claims the apartments and land were inherited from his wife’s parental family. Hou condemns the DPP’s use of malicious language and views it as a violent electoral tactic. He expresses his outrage and announces his intention to use legal means to protect his family.
    2023/12/30 15:50
  • Kaohsiung schools main infection sites amid Norovirus spike

    Kaohsiung City is experiencing a rise in acute diarrhea cases, particularly in schools, due to the spread of Norovirus. During the 48th week of the year, the emergency room visit rate reached 4.81%, a significant increase from the previous year’s 2.91%. The city has reported 125 cluster cases of diarrhea, with schools accounting for 80% of the infection sites. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is urging the public to practice regular handwashing and food safety measures. Norovirus is primarily transmitted through poor hygiene, close contact with infected individuals, and the consumption of contaminated food. With increased school activities, there is a higher risk of cross-infection. Standard alcohol-based hand sanitizers are ineffective against Norovirus, so diligent handwashing with soap and disinfecting surfaces with diluted bleach are recommended. Precautionary measures also include thorough washing and cooking of seafood, disinfecting areas after vomiting or diarrhea incidents, and using gloves and masks. It is advised to stay home when sick and return to work or school only 48 hours after symptoms have disappeared.
    2023/12/09 13:50
  • PLG/林書豪要來了!鋼鐵人先推上班族九折優惠

    PLG高雄17直播鋼鐵人過年期間拋出林書豪正式加盟球隊重磅消息,近期話題不斷,而年後首個主場,將於2月3日以「上班族」為主題,舉辦「 回家雄班 Work From Home」上班主題日,年後開工年後新氣象,以在主場打卡上班、在家上班為核心,邀請雄親進場上班支持鋼鐵人。
    2023/01/31 16:49
  • 日本無印熱賣速食、急凍品排行 WFH必吃這項人氣最高

    Omicron疫情前所未見地嚴重,各行各業皆陷入半停擺狀態,許多人都Work From Home避疫。雖然很多人都不怕自己煮食,但現在悲哀到連超市食材都未必搶到,可以怎麼辦呢?以下就分享日本MUJI 2021熱賣商品排名,選取了速食食品和冷凍食品類的人氣排行,有咖喱、飯素、小菜料理包、甜品等,說不定能給你一些方向。
    2022/03/05 10:40
  • 疫後東京商辦掀退租潮!空置率連20個月攀升

    WFH,work from home,遠距居家辦公,成了疫後上班族最熟悉的詞彙之一,但當越來越多人在家工作後,不少企業也開始思考辦公室存在的必要性。東京都心辦公室空置率,已經連20個月上升,不少企業乾脆撤掉市中心的辦公室,或縮減辦公室租用面積。這也讓二手辦公室家具的量大增,中古店的倉庫堆滿滿,尤其是大型會議所需的椅子,現在都不需要了;不過因為在家的工時變長,讓有頭枕、扶手的高級辦公椅業績看俏。
    2021/11/15 19:51
  • 動腦多、運動少!微解封3症狀求診人數增 醫授改善食譜

    疫情居家工作期間,不少人出現焦慮、恐慌等WFH(Work From Home,指在家工作)症候群,其中又以女性患者居多,中西醫師黃獻銘指出,「氣血不足」會導致焦慮、恐慌,提醒35歲以後的熟齡女性要當心身體提前老化!
    2021/08/14 15:57
  • 高端普遍副作用平均值低 醫:嚴重副作用仍是未知數

    AZ、莫德納施打後許多人出現副作用,現在第五輪意願登記已重啟,並新增國內自行研發的「高端疫苗」選項,開放登記後約100萬人表達有意願施打。國內網路討論度最高的醫療節目TVBS《健康2.0》邀來新光醫院副院長洪子仁、中山醫院家醫科醫師陳欣湄,針對三款疫苗進行討論。中山醫院家醫科醫師陳欣湄從普遍副作用分析,高端的平均值雖較低,但還須觀察隨著施打人數增加,是否出現嚴重副作用案例。另外,居家工作期間,許多人出現焦慮、恐慌等WFH (Work From Home,指在家工作 ) 症候群,其中又以女性患者居多,中西醫師黃獻銘解釋,「氣血不足」會導致焦慮、恐慌,提醒35歲以後的熟齡女性要當心身體提前老化!
    2021/08/14 11:26
  • 上半身時尚!WFH「腰上穿搭」 業者:襯衫、外套銷量多2倍

    疫情期間居家辦公,Work From Home衍生出一套上半身時尚,就有服飾業者觀察,近期以襯衫和外套最熱銷,因為不少人在家上班,只顧腰部以上穿搭,下半身隨便穿短褲或睡褲,因此讓上半身的單品業績,多出兩到三倍。
    2021/06/27 19:56
  • 網友激推WFH必備神物 10秒校正蠟黃膚色、回歸肌膚透亮

    台灣疫情持續亮紅燈,二度延長至6月28日,多數人紛紛進入WFH(Work from home)模式,少了通勤與同事之間的人群接觸,在「不出門」的情況下,素顏、穿睡衣、不化妝等各種隨興、懶散樣樣來,但是,取而代之的視訊會議,更加凸顯頭到胸線以上的部位,因此不少網友哀鴻遍野,在網路上分享視訊「糗事」,引發熱烈迴響,而有趣的是,有網友立即提出解套,像是「只要10秒鐘立刻擁有好氣色」的秘密武器發光乳霜「粉鑽瓶」。 WFH模式讓上班族們少了地域限制,時間更加彈性,能夠平衡家庭與工作,但只要稍稍不注意,恐怕整天不換裝、不化妝,就連基礎保養也跟著停擺,直到發現「視訊會議是靠臉決勝負的競賽場」時已經後悔莫及!
    2021/06/18 07:00
  • 疫情加速金融業轉型 WFH效能不彰?提高生產力?

    2020/11/09 18:55
  • 居家防疫大作戰WINIX來挺你 指定通路買一機送一機

    你WFH(work from home)了沒?已是時下朋友見面時最夯的問候語,隨著新冠肺炎台灣疫情逼進400大關,越來越多公司開始發出防疫警訊,除了施行異地辦公隔離員工外,部分公司已開始試行在家上班,加上民眾減少外出用餐和出遊的意願,使得居家相關的醫療、保健、抗菌等商品成為時下最熱銷的防疫品項,要如何使家成為最安全的防疫保壘,韓國暢銷空淨機品牌WINIX建議,可從居家環境的空氣著手,選擇具有PLASMAWAVE自動除菌離子功能的空氣清淨協助執行,不僅能過濾室內空氣中的多種有害細菌,加強版2.0的升級技術還可有效抑制人類冠狀病毒的擴散。另外,每天可開窗至少1小時讓空氣流通,降低室內二氧化碳的濃度,全天候使用空氣清淨機來過濾環境空氣,就能大大降低生病風險。
    2020/04/28 09:00
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