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    twin 結果共29筆

  • Taiwan struck by twin quakes, no link to past tremor

    Discover the details of two significant earthquakes striking off Taiwan’s eastern coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Learn about the seismic events’ magnitudes, timing, and unique characteristics, emphasizing their independence from earlier tremors. Explore the geological context provided by experts, highlighting Taiwan’s position at a plate collision point and the implications for its earthquake preparedness.
  • Twin earthquakes over magnitude 6 jolt Hualien

    Two earthquakes over magnitude 6 hit Shoufeng Township, Hualien, as aftershocks of an April 3 quake, with the Central Weather Administration recording over a thousand aftershocks since. The recent quakes, felt across Taiwan, raise landslide risks in mountainous regions, prompting public caution.
    2024/04/23 15:08
  • Former president Ma’s China visit stirs mixed reactions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China draws mixed reactions from Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an and New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, with the DPP criticizing Ma’s role in cross-strait relations. Chiang and Hou emphasize the importance of exchanges under conditions of equality, dignity, and mutual benefit, highlighting the need for communication and mutual understanding in reducing conflict.
    2024/04/01 15:57
  • Cheryl Yang reflects on personal struggles in new role

    Taiwanese actress Cheryl Yang discusses her role as a single mother in the mini-series "How Well You Love Me" (看看你有多愛我) in an interview with Marie Claire. Yang reflects on her own complex relationship with her mother and how it influenced her portrayal of a single mother in the series. Starting her career in the entertainment industry at 15, Yang’s dedication and sincerity have earned her acclaim in the drama industry. In the series, she plays an internet celebrity and a single mother of fraternal twin daughters. The role resonated with Yang, as she shares her personal journey with her own mother and the conflicts they faced. Through work experiences and maturity, Yang learned to appreciate her mother’s virtues and build a more harmonious relationship. She emphasizes the importance of communication and respect in finding mutual understanding. On set, Yang initially had concerns about the chemistry with her on-screen daughters, but was pleasantly surprised by their exceptional performances, creating a compelling family dynamic in the series.
    2023/12/07 20:56
  • Mayor Chen uses virtual avatar in a step toward future city

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai adopts a virtual avatar to participate in digital experiences, heralding the city’s transformation into a future-focused Metacity. The initiative includes a 1:1 scale of unique virtual venues and 20,000 virtual homes available to citizens, demonstrating the city’s commitment to integrating advanced technologies like 5G, AI, and blockchain into everyday life.
    2023/12/05 17:23
  • Taipei-Shanghai City Forum sees 45 MOUs signed

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announced on Thursday (Aug. 31) the significant results achieved at this year’s twin-city forum: 45 memorandums of understanding (MOUs) signed between Taipei and Shanghai.
    2023/08/31 15:44
  • Cross-strait dialogue vital, says Taipei mayor at forum

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlights cross-strait dialogue’s significance at the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum. Learn about the event’s vital role and shared values amid volatile relations.
    2023/08/30 16:26
  • Taipei City gov’t reiterates mayor’s goals in Shanghai visit

    Taipei City Government spokesperson reaffirms Chiang’s pledge to uphold democracy, peace, and prosperity goals.
    2023/08/29 16:58
  • Mayor Chiang leads delegation to Taipei-Shanghai Forum

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an headed to Shanghai on Tuesday morning (Aug. 29) for the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum and highlighted the importance of maintaining dialogue across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/08/29 13:04
  • Taipei Mayor to attend Shanghai Forum on Aug. 29

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is set to attend the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum in Shanghai from August 29 to 31, marking the first visit to mainland China by a public official from the fourth generation of the Chiang family since the Chinese Civil War.
    2023/08/28 10:37
  • Taipei Mayor to lead delegation to Shanghai for forum

    The Taipei City government announced on Friday (Aug.18) that Mayor Chiang Wan-an will lead a delegation to Shanghai from Aug. 29 to Aug. 31 to participate in the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum and exchange municipal experiences.
    2023/08/18 22:40
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang to join Shanghai-Taipei Forum in China

    Shanghai-Taipei Twin-City Forum anticipates Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s debut attendance. Focus on 2024 election context with diverse themes like digital economy, healthcare, and MOU signings.
    2023/08/08 20:05
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an grilled over Twin-City Forum

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an faced a barrage of probing questions from councilors about the upcoming Taipei-Shanghai City Forum during his presentation of a comprehensive project report to the Taipei City Council on Monday (May 22).
    2023/05/23 15:42
  • Volvo XC40純電休旅小改款開賣 雙車型開價超親民

    Volvo XC40小改款於8月份在台發表後,純電Recharge車系的改款新車也在今日(10月25日)正式上市!小改款的XC40 Recharge新增了單馬達的Single Motor車型,並讓純電XC40的入手門檻降低至兩百萬內的179萬元,當然既有的雙馬達Twin Motor車型也維持219萬的價格不變,可模組化維修的電池組依舊提供8年16萬公里的保固。
    2022/10/25 13:13
  • Taiwan hosts National Day gala at Twin Oaks Estate in D.C.

    The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States hosted a National Day banquet at the Twin Oaks estate in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Taiwan’s upcoming National Day.
    2022/10/07 19:00
  • 美夫妻參加線上宗教儀式 鏡頭前忘情「連結」全放送

    美國明尼蘇達州雙城區(Twin Cities)一間猶太教會日前舉辦線上安息日聚會時,發生一起超害羞的「放送事故」。當時其中一對參加聚會的夫妻疑似忘了關閉視訊鏡頭,在所有教友的注視下公然上演「18禁動作戲」,而且整個過程長達45分鐘,直到有人打電話告知畫面中的女子,2人才驚覺恩愛過程全被看光光。
    2022/05/29 16:11
  • 虛實孿生對映 「數位分身」顛覆科技商機

    全球進入數位轉型,結合5G極快傳輸速度,許多科技技術陸續受到關注,今天FOCUS為您介紹目前相當熱門的「數位分身(Digital Twin)」。數位分身也稱為數位對映,可以倒映包括人、商品甚至是系統,在擁有實體所有資訊下做計算、模擬,可替企業減少成本、提升品質;也能夠與其他數位技術結合,遠端管理區域安全,加強生活便利性。
    2022/04/11 19:59
  • 保時捷自我診斷底盤新技術 刁車顧路將成歷史

    作為一個令人心之嚮往的頂尖跑車品牌,保時捷擁有著一支一流的工程團隊,無論你開的是經典的911還是Macan、Cayenne等 SUV系列,都能體驗到保時捷一貫卓越的駕駛體驗與高標準。在各方領域突破技術界限的他們,從高性能電池研發到近期發表的3D列印技術座椅都令人印象深刻,而保時捷奇才團隊當前最新作品,則是一款稱為Digital twin「雙胞胎數位底盤」概念,目標是在大數據的基礎下幫助保時捷車主在車輛問題出現之前精準預測、提早檢修,以大幅降低旅途中風險故障拋錨的風險。
    2021/11/09 15:36
  • Honda新年式Africa Twin車系預售起跑 雙車型2022年1月正式到港

    2021/09/17 19:23
  • 瑞士錶廠推玩命關頭雙渦輪增壓腕錶 售價新台幣1,622萬元比車還貴!

    雖然受到疫情影響而數次推遲上映,不過電影《玩命關頭》第9集終於將在6月底在美國上映。雖然從第1集到現在,電影風格已有了明顯轉變,但每次新片上映,都還是會期待看到更多讓人熱血沸騰的車款。為了慶祝第9集上映,瑞士錶廠Jacob & Co與環球影城合作,推出一款Twin Turbo Fast & Furious玩命關頭雙渦輪增壓腕錶,全球僅限量9支,而重點在於…售價58萬美元,折合新台幣約1,622萬元!
    2021/06/24 17:08
  • 凱旋2022年式Speed Twin亮相 動力、操控一次補強!

    英國機車品牌Triumph日前發表全新2022年式Speed Twin車款,這是一款融入現代設計與英式古典元素的車型,具有濃厚的個性風格,無論是用來通勤或者是享受性能都相當適合。為了進一步提升Speed Twin的產品魅力,Triumph也替這款車進行升級,透過細節上的雕琢,預計將帶來更勝以往的騎乘體驗。
    2021/06/10 13:03
  • Honda公升級美式重機亮相 Rebel 1100引進機會大?

    美式機車擁有豪放粗獷的外型,低重心的設計不僅在長途直線行駛中,讓駕駛感到格外輕鬆,同時豪邁的騎乘姿勢也威風凜凜,因此該類型車款向來都有許多死忠支持者。Honda先前曾推出入門美式機車Rebel 500,以較為平易近人的價格與容易操縱的設定,對於新手騎士而言可說是相當友善。
    2020/12/09 18:21
  • XC90憑什麼獲選最佳七人座PHEV? 省油、實用又給力

    無需擔憂里程、不必改變用車習慣也能體驗純電駕駛的 Volvo Twin Engine Plug-in Hybrid Electric 先進雙能電動科技在全球市場廣受好評,其低排廢、低油耗的綠能特質卻擁有超過 400hp 的強悍動力,更是其他豪華品牌難以望其項背的科技展現。Volvo XC90 T8 PHEV 雙能電動車型近日再傳捷報,英國專業汽車媒體《What Car?》今年首次舉辦 2020 年電動車大獎,XC90 T8 以 Twin Engine Plug-in Hybrid Electric 先進雙能電動科技一舉拿下「最佳七人座混合動力車款」,再次證明 Volvo Twin Engine Plug-in Hybrid Electric 先進雙能電動科技技術純熟,是為邁入純電生活前的最佳選擇。
    2020/08/12 19:01
  • Maserati自製630匹V6引擎 MC20動力規格曝光

    2020/07/03 00:00
  • S90 T8 PHEV入列 305萬起補足油電陣容

    面對電動車時代即將來臨,Volvo選擇以Plug-in Hybrid插電式油電複合動力 (PHEV) 作為銜接電動車時代之過渡階段。繼XC90 T8、XC60 T8以及S60 T6、V60 T6等PHEV動力車款之後,國際富豪汽車亦決定將S90 T8 Incription PHEV引進台灣市場,為品牌旗艦房車新增節能動力選項,開價305萬元,首批僅限量30輛。同時,年初於車展現身的XC60 T8 Polestar Engineered亦將於7月到港,以319萬元之建議售價瞄準熱血駕馭買家。
    2020/06/10 06:00
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