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    series 結果共288筆

  • 《誰是被害者2》全球首播時間曝光 吳慷仁《塑膠花》搶先看

    2024第26屆台北電影節今(20)公布全新片單,包含國際大導蔡明亮「行者」系列最新作品《無所住》領銜,加上金獎陣容張孝全、許瑋甯、李沐再次攜手合作NETFLIX首部續約獨家華語懸疑推理影集《誰是被害者:第2季》,以及影帝吳慷仁為首的《塑膠花》,更有入選法國里爾Series Mania劇集展肯定的《聽海湧》。
    2024/05/20 14:06
  • 《極速戀人》來台!Pooh嘴甜「公主我愛妳」 Pavel自認漂亮擔當

    泰國BL劇《極速戀人Pit Babe the Series 》明(19)天將在信義劇場Legacy MAX舉辦粉絲見面會,包含Pooh與Pavel、Sailub與Pon、Ping與Nut、Benz與Garfield、Pop與Lee、Michael與Topten共6組CP全數到齊!Pooh嘴甜問候「公主,我愛妳!」Pavel則認為自己是全團的門面擔當,但他負責的不是帥而是漂亮。
    2024/05/18 18:52
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
    2024/04/29 14:10
  • 《未完待續》雙男神要來了!Junior甜蜜喊話台粉:會點名哦

    這是一篇關於泰國BL劇《未完待續(To be continued)》的新聞報導。報導中介紹了該劇由兩位高顏值演員Junior和Fluke主演,是泰國三台CH3的首部自製BL劇,年初一推出後在全亞洲獲得好評。文章簡述了劇情大綱,講述兩個高中時期就互有情愫的朋友,在十年後重逢並經歷誤會、理解,最終修成正果的故事。 報導還提到,Junior和Fluke在泰國的見面會門票十分搶手,即將來台舉辦的「TO BE CONTINUED SERIES JUNIOR & FLUKE 1st FAN MEETING IN TAIWAN」是他們的第一場海外見面會。兩位主演透過粉絲專頁與台灣粉絲互動,表達了對見面會的期待之情。他們還談到對台灣的印象,表示想去阿里山玩、到臺北魚市吃海鮮、喝奶茶,也歡迎粉絲推薦景點,讓他們可以隨性遊玩。 最後,報導指出Junior和Fluke正在積極排練見面會的歌舞表演和驚喜環節,也期待《未完待續》的續集能讓大家看到更多主角重逢後的幸福生活。文末附上了購票資訊的相關連結。
    2024/04/23 19:42
  • Series of Hualien quakes leads to 4 building collapses

    Discover the aftermath of a series of strong earthquakes in Hualien County, Taiwan, causing the collapse or tilting of four buildings, including the previously red-tagged Hotel Fouquet and residential structures, with ongoing assessments by the Hualien County government for public safety and demolition plans.
    2024/04/23 17:11
  • Hualien residents rattled by earthquake alarms

    Series of earthquakes hit Taiwan, particularly affecting Hualien with significant tremors and sleepless nights for residents, as reported by TVBS News. Continuous alerts and a major quake of magnitude 6.3 disrupt normal life.
    2024/04/23 17:06
  • Taiwan experiences unusual surge in aftershocks

    Taiwan experienced a series of earthquakes on April 23, with magnitudes up to 6.3, linked to an earlier quake on April 3. Experts note an unusual increase in aftershocks, all originating from the same fault system in Hualien County. The public is urged to be prepared as Taiwan enters a period of frequent seismic activity.
    2024/04/23 10:55
  • 《LoL》電競戰隊BYG宣布解散! 創辦人丁特:我能力不足

    人氣電競遊戲《英雄聯盟》,太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series)春季賽甫落幕,未料由前職業選手、網紅丁特(薛弘偉)創立的Beyond Gaming(BYG)戰隊今(20)日宣布即將解散。
    2024/04/20 16:46
  • Anime hit "Haikyu!!" scores big in Taiwan theaters

    "The anime movie ’Haikyu!!: The Dumpster Battle’ breaks box office records in Taipei, surpassing ’The First Slam Dunk’ with over NT$75 million in earnings. Its success reflects the series’ popularity, highlighting the story of high school volleyball players. The film’s impressive opening in Japan also ranks it as the fourth highest-grossing film on its debut day."
    2024/04/16 15:55
  • 2024年度世界風雲車出爐!Kia EV9險勝比亞迪奪冠

    備受各界關注的「2024 WCOTY (World Car Of The Year)」年度世界風雲車,正式公佈了得獎名單,由Kia EV9電動休旅奪得桂冠,同時也拿下「年度電動車」的獎項,贏過了近年來強勢崛起的比亞迪Seal,以及Volvo EX30等對手。
    2024/04/02 14:15
  • 消失歌壇5年!金曲女星現蹤中正區被拍 認了失去活力恐懼舞台

    葛仲珊(Miss Ko)相隔5年重返台灣歌壇,昨(29)日於Legacy Taipei舉辦「Subway Series地鐵大站」,原汁呈現紐約街頭派對讓現場的觀眾驚呼連連,她感動表示:「謝謝音樂謝謝大家,我終於走出灰暗期,回到嘻哈音樂的世界,要為自己的熱愛繼續唱下去。」
    2024/03/30 19:00
  • 金鐘男配才剛新婚再曝喜訊!新作進軍國際 烙法文許願「世界和平」

    公共電視全新時代劇集《聽海湧》在「法國里爾 SERIES MANIA 劇集影展」舉行全球首映,這是台灣首次將二次大戰臺籍戰俘監視員血淚史,推上國際舞台,更是公共電視首部戲劇作品,未播出前於臺灣以外舉行全球首映,場場爆滿。首場於台灣時間3月19日凌晨三點舉行,映後全場觀眾報以熱烈掌聲,導演孫介珩表示:「戰爭之痛跨越國界,國際觀眾完全了解故事要傳達的核心,真的讓我鬆了一口氣!」
    2024/03/20 07:00
  • 只有今天!國際早餐日限定 全家「3夯品買1送1」

    全家便利商店在國際早餐日期間推出多項限定優惠,包括日式胡麻雞絲飯糰、抹茶紅豆熔岩蛋糕及A2β酪蛋白鮮乳等商品,並推出四重優惠,如買一送一、第二件6折等。此外,全家提供超過200種即食早餐鮮食,並推出餐餐超值配優惠,還有機會抽中iPhone 15 Pro、MacBook Air 15吋或Apple Watch Series 9等獎品。另外,7-11便利商店也推出國際早餐日組合優惠,例如大杯拿鐵或美式搭配指定三明治,供顧客透過OPENPOINT行動隨時取得享受。
    2024/03/18 10:30
  • 鳥山明遺作上線倒數! 延續《七龍珠》宇宙「原作親自構想劇情」

    《七龍珠》作者鳥山明3月1日因病去世,享壽68歲,然而他生前留下許多工作,Disney+終於正式宣布《Sand Land: The Series》即將在3月20日登場!本作延伸自2023年電影《沙漠大冒險》的強大宇宙觀,製作公司也都相當強大,將為觀眾帶來全新的冒險故事與角色。
    2024/03/15 09:01
  • Mayday rumored to rock Beijing with 10-day concert series

    Mayday fans are abuzz as rumors swirl about a possible Beijing concert tour in May. The Taiwanese rock band’s label, B’in Music, advises fans to await official announcements for accurate information. Mayday’s upcoming 25th-anniversary concert in Taiwan at the Kaohsiung National Stadium on March 23 is also highly anticipated.
    2024/03/14 17:21
  • 台灣選手奪「實況野球」世界總決賽季軍!尤瑋鍾:獻給外婆

    勇奪實況野球「WBSC eBASEBALL Series」世界總決賽季軍的台灣電競選手「Hazuremon」尤瑋鍾特別提到,他想將這個獎項獻給在天上的外婆。
    2024/03/10 09:00
  • Defense minister responds to military mental health concerns

    Amid a series of self-harm incidents in Taiwan’s military, Minister of National Defense Chiu Kuo-cheng emphasizes ongoing mental health support for personnel. Investigations into these cases consider various factors, including emotional well-being and job stress, without differentiating between incidents inside or outside military bases. Chiu stresses the importance of assessing individuals’ mental state and other contributing factors, while cautioning against hasty conclusions in ongoing investigations.
    2024/03/07 18:01
  • China’s Coast Guard inspection sparks panic on Taiwan boat

    Tensions escalate as China’s Coast Guard inspects "King Xia Cruise" near Kinmen, causing panic on board. Taiwan’s Ocean Affairs Council Minister, Kuan Bi-ling, condemns the incident, highlighting the strain on cross-strait relations. The recent clash follows a series of events, including a deadly confrontation between Taiwan and Chinese fishermen. China criticizes Taiwan’s response, blaming the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration works to manage the aftermath, coordinating funeral arrangements and supporting survivors.
    2024/02/20 10:26
  • 開學了!超商買早餐多做「1件事」 爽抽蘋果筆電、iPhone

    開工、開學了!超商看準早餐商機,全家推出飯糰、細卷、三明治逾200項早餐型即食鮮食,還有每月更新Let’s Café、私品茶、鮮乳近40款飲品搭購組合,推出49元、59元、69元的「餐餐超值配」;且即日起3月19日,購買餐餐超值配,結帳時只要「報會員或出示APP會員條碼,就能獲得1次抽獎機會」,能把iPhone 15 Pro(256GB)、MacBook Air 15吋(256GB、Apple Watch Series 9帶回家。
    2024/02/16 10:42
  • 突然自己撥號?蘋果認:2型號Apple watch出現「幽靈觸控」

    有果粉發現Apple Watch Series 9或是 Ultra 2出現觸控異常,如果是這樣並不是誤觸,因為現在外媒MacRumors 的報導,Apple 向授權的服務商發佈內部備忘錄,確認部分 Apple Watch S9 和 Apple Watch Ultra 2 有觸控問題。
    2024/02/11 11:18
  • 恭喜!台劇入圍國際影展 導演欣慰:盼台人故事讓全世界看到

    公視時代劇集《聽海湧》2024年開春迎來捷報!榮獲專為劇集設計的國際指標性影展「法國里爾SERIES MANIA劇集展」肯定,成為台灣首部入圍國際全景競賽單元(International Panorama)作品,與全球其他11部優秀影集共同角逐該獎項,並競爭最佳影集、導演、男女主角以及觀眾獎,對此,導演孫介珩欣慰表示:「很開心獲得評審的肯定,即將在法國和大家見面了,期待這個台灣人的二戰故事能夠被全世界看到。」
    2024/02/08 08:30
  • 交友軟體遇林襄!確定出演《人中之龍8》 任台灣宣傳大使

    世雅股份有限公司宣布於2024年1月26日將發售PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、Windows,以及PC(Steam)專用軟體《人中之龍8》。該遊戲中的一個小遊戲「交友軟體」可以讓玩家設定自己的個人檔案,並與不同的女性角色進行對話和約會;人氣啦啦隊女孩林襄將在該小遊戲中登場,並擔任《人中之龍8》的台灣宣傳大使。
    2023/12/30 10:19
  • DPP unveils 3-part strategy for Lai’s 2024 presidential bid

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has unveiled a three-part "winning formula" for their presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and running mate Hsiao Bi-khim. The strategy aims to rally support across Taiwan leading up to the 2024 elections through a series of events and initiatives. The first element, "Round-Island Puzzle," involves visits to various counties and cities to discuss future development plans. The campaign will then intensify with the "Stand at Crossroads & Rally Nights," featuring large-scale rallies in multiple locations. The final phase, the "Nationwide Tour," will see Lai and Hsiao taking separate routes across the island to drum up last-minute support.
    2023/12/20 20:13
  • Keelung Mayor plans music boost, eyes Taipei Center tie-up

    Keelung Mayor George Hsieh plans to enhance the city’s cultural scene by partnering with the Taipei Music Center to bring more artistic and music events to Keelung. Hsieh’s visit to the music center included a tour and discussions about establishing a professional music venue in Keelung similar to a live house. As part of Keelung’s "Love Keelung Year-End Concert," the event will be broadcast on the 3D screen at Aniverse Keelung. Hsieh aims to collaborate with the Taipei Music Center on cross-over performances and pop music concerts, inspired by the "SoffeeDays" series. The line-up for the year-end concert includes Amber An, Nine One One, Kimberley Chen, Ailing Tai, and U:NUS, with a second stage at Guomen Square to enhance the festive atmosphere.
    2023/12/19 15:42
  • 蘋果捲入專利糾紛 宣布2款Apple Watch在美停售

    蘋果公司宣布,自12月21日起在美國停售Apple Watch Series 9及Apple Watch Ultra 2兩款智慧型手錶,此項決定是因為蘋果捲入了與醫療設備商Masimo的專利糾紛,審查期間美國市場暫停販售,台灣方面則不受影響。
    2023/12/19 13:53
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