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    poverty 結果共7筆

  • Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks

    Over 7 million Taiwanese aged 30-50, known as the "Three Precautions Generation," face significant risks of poverty, illness, and fraud as they prepare for retirement. Financial safety nets and vigilance against scams are essential to secure their future.
    2024/05/22 18:03
  • Taiwan debates over menstrual products tax exemption

    Explore the debate in Taipei as lawmakers advocate for sales tax exemption on menstrual products, facing opposition from the Ministry of Finance over concerns of insufficient consumer benefits and potential NT$380 million annual revenue loss. Amidst discussions on gender wage gaps and period poverty, the ministry highlights the challenges of tax exemption policies and the broader implications for the tax system.
    2024/04/10 13:43
  • New tax structure aims to ease burden for low-income groups

    The Taiwanese government has optimized the income tax system, allowing certain individuals and families to be exempt from income tax. Single individuals renting housing with a yearly income below NT$626,000 will not have to pay individual income tax when filing next year. Additionally, families with two parents and two young children and an annual income below NT$1.641 million will also be exempt. Approximately 47% or 3.05 million Taiwanese households were exempt from income tax in 2021 due to the optimized scheme, which includes increased deductions. Minister of Finance Chuang Tsui-yun clarified that this exemption is not due to poverty. The deductible amount for single individuals renting outside their home area making less than NT$626,000 could exempt them from taxes. For two-income families renting a house, the deductible amount on income tax could reach NT$1.072 million, while a family of four with two children under six could deduct up to NT$1.641 million. If they live with seniors aged 70 or older, the deductible amount could exceed NT$2 million.
    2024/01/05 18:28
  • KMT’s Hou returns to hometown, shares poverty struggles

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih returns to his hometown of Chiayi’s Puzi City to pay respects to his late parents and campaign for votes. He shares his family’s struggles in poverty, highlighting his rise from a grassroots police officer to Director-General of the National Police Agency. Hou emphasizes the importance of unity among citizens, regardless of political affiliation, to enhance the nation’s well-being. He recounts his parents’ generation navigating tough conditions after World War II, with his father working as a butcher to make a living. Hou’s experiences drive him to run for president, aiming for a unified Taiwan that transcends party lines and improves the national welfare of the Republic of China.
    2023/12/22 18:25
  • 全球首例!解決「月經貧窮」 蘇格蘭免費供女性生理用品

    為了不讓年輕女性因買不起生理用品,影響其受教或工作權益,透過政府出資購買,免費提供她們必須物品的行為,被稱為解決「月經貧窮」(Period Poverty)現象。《天空新聞》(Sky News)報導,繼2020年以112票贊成對0票反對通過,蘇格蘭從8月15日起、正式開始實施新政策,由政府免費向所有女性提供如衛生棉、衛生棉條等生理用品,正式成為全球第一個免費提供女性月經產品的地區。
    2022/08/15 12:03
  • 喬治克隆尼、麥特戴蒙 攜手「消滅貧窮」

    喬治克隆尼、麥特戴蒙、茱莉亞蘿勃茲和唐其鐸等巨星一字排開,可不是在拍電影「瞞天過海」續集,而是拍攝「Make poverty history消滅貧窮」的公益廣告。
    2006/10/26 19:52
  • 消滅貧窮 好萊塢巨星齊拍廣告

    布萊德彼特、凱莉米洛、休葛蘭、還有情侶檔卡麥蓉迪亞和賈斯汀等巨星,齊聚一堂,拍攝這支「Make Poverty History消滅貧窮」公益廣告,鏡頭上每一位明星彈指的三秒之間,世界上就有一名兒童因為貧窮而死亡。
    2005/04/01 20:47
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