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    Robert 結果共322筆

  • 當小甘迺迪副手 谷歌創辦人華裔前妻妮可競選美國副總統

    在加州奧克蘭舉行的一場競選造勢大會上,獨立總統參選人小羅伯特‧甘迺迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)宣布,他將與矽谷律師妮可沙納漢(Nicole Shanahan)搭檔,由這位年輕女性擔任他的副總統人選。首次涉足政壇的妮可,其女性和矽谷的身份,隨即引起不少民眾好奇,她究竟是何方人物。綜合CNN等美媒報導,現年38歲的妮可,是Google共同創辦人布林(Sergey Brin)的前妻,擁有法學學位的她,也是一名執業律師。過去支持民主黨長達20年,妮可也曾捐款2.5萬美元(約新台幣80萬元)給拜登競選團隊,沒想到如今卻成為第三勢力,要挑戰拜登與川普兩人。
    2024/03/27 13:36
  • 羅伯派汀森升格當爸! 與超模女友「推嬰兒車散步」超甜畫面曝光

    好萊塢男星羅伯派汀森(Robert Pattinson)與超模女友蘇琪沃特豪斯(Suki Waterhouse)去年宣布將迎接愛的結晶,蘇琪沃特豪斯11月在音樂節演出時,就穿著低腰表演褲裝,露出明顯孕肚表示:「今天穿了一些閃閃發光的衣服,因為我認為可能會分散你對正在發生的其他事情的注意力!但不確定是否有效。」並指指自己的肚子,間接宣布懷孕好消息,而近日小倆口被拍到推著嬰兒車出門散步,似乎已經順利迎接孩子的出生。
    2024/03/27 07:30
  • 曾稱拜登是「記性差的老人」 美特檢赴國會為不起訴拜登辯護

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)先前因未保留機密文件而面臨訴訟,特別檢察官赫爾(Robert Hur)上個月做出「不起訴」決定,然而他卻形容拜登是「記性差的老人」、引發軒然大波,赫爾12日前往聯邦眾議院司法委員會,為自己提及拜登記性、不對拜登提出刑事訴訟進行辯護。
    2024/03/13 10:07
  • 喊話票投拜登 影帝勞勃狄尼洛轟「川普是怪物」:永不會扮演他

    美國奧斯卡影帝勞勃狄尼洛(Robert De Niro)雖然已高齡80歲,但仍寶刀未老演技精湛,生涯曾扮演過黑幫、殺人犯、精神病患等角色的他,近日表示這輩子唯獨不可能扮「前總統川普」(Donald Trump),直言川普「簡直是怪物」,「在他身上看不見任何優點」,他也公開喊話美國人,在年底大選投票給現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)。
    2024/03/10 09:47
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • 金球獎/諾蘭《奧本海默》奪「最佳導演獎」 生涯首獲金球獎殊榮

    第81屆金球獎頒獎典禮在台灣時間今(8)日上午登場,「最佳導演獎」由克里斯多福諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)以《奧本海默》奪下,這是他生涯此次獲金球獎最佳導演獎肯定,而稍早同片的男星小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)也獲最佳男配角獎肯定。
    2024/01/08 10:41
  • 網紅驚傳「神經受損」 背痛到難以動彈!一檢查完了

    2023/12/29 12:19
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • U.S. elections, not Taiwan’s, may shift policy: Academic

    The George Washington University Professor Robert Sutter argues that Taiwan’s elections have little impact on U.S. policy towards the island, but the upcoming U.S. presidential election in 2024 could be significant. Both political parties in the U.S. and Congress have prioritized defending American interests and countering China’s actions, with Taiwan playing an increasingly important role. Taiwan’s strategic position, high-tech development, democratic politics, and free market economy have influenced the international order and led to stronger U.S. support. Sutter predicts that if Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, wins the election, U.S.-Taiwan cooperation will further deepen. However, Sutter also suggests that the 2024 U.S. election, particularly if a candidate with an "America First" stance like Donald Trump prevails, could bring a shift in U.S. policy consistency towards Taiwan and pose challenges in countering China’s provocations.
    2023/12/12 13:54
  • 反猶失言遭廣告商抵制 馬斯克竟公開用F詞嗆聲金主

    特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)因為個人在推特平台的發言,被認為有反猶太嫌疑,進而嚇跑一大票廣告廠商,造成公司損失慘重。《路透》(Reuters)報導,面對外界質疑,馬斯克日前在論壇上公開對發言致歉,但話鋒一轉,竟說出「去你的」(Go fuck yourself)等F開頭詞彙嗆聲廣告金主們。甚至還被外媒擴大解讀,認為馬斯克疑似就在針對,同樣坐在會場內的迪士尼執行長艾格(Robert Iger)。
    2023/11/30 10:24
  • 《暮光之城》重啟倒數?網傳「星期三」將出演 導演鬆口曝進度

    改編自美國暢銷小說的《暮光之城》(Twilight)電影系列,在2008年上映後,獲得了全球票房成功,並接連推出多部續集,也一舉捧紅了劇中的「愛德華」羅伯派汀森(Robert Pattinson)、和女主角「貝拉」克莉絲汀史都華(Kristen Stewart),成為好萊塢新生代一線巨星。日前曾傳出片商有意拍攝新版《暮光之城》影集,近日則驚傳電影版重拍消息,再度引起影迷一陣熱烈討論。
    2023/11/29 22:39
  • 羅伯派汀森當爸了!低調交往超模女友5年 過往情史坎坷

    好萊塢男星羅伯派汀森(Robert Pattinson)當爸了!Robert Pattinson穩交多年的超模女友蘇琪沃特豪斯Suki Waterhouse宣布:我們將迎來第一個寶寶!
    2023/11/22 17:06
  • 選舉平手陷僵局  美國市長候選人「拋硬幣」定生死

    2023/11/22 12:42
  • Dutch film ’Invisible Nation’ casts Taiwan in new light

    "Invisible Nation," a documentary portraying Taiwan’s path to democracy and featuring President Tsai Ing-wen, premiered at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, drawing acclaim for its unbiased and unique perspective.
    2023/11/19 16:26
  • NBA/散步被機車撞!76人「帥哥前鋒」受傷送醫 將缺席一段時間

    76人本季雖少了哈登(James Harden)這名前MVP球星,但在新主帥納斯(Nick Nurse)的執教下,他們仍舊打出一波7勝1負的漂亮開局。然而,季前用底薪價碼簽下的「帥哥前鋒」烏布雷(Kelly Oubre Jr.),卻驚傳在住家附近散步時被機車撞傷,恐因此缺席很長一段時間。
    2023/11/12 14:29
  • 漫威票房有救了?傳鋼鐵人、美國隊長回歸 小勞勃道尼開這條件

    漫威(Marvel)系列電影至今已拍了32部,創造出許多超級英雄,而2019年上映的《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)已為六大元老級角色中的「鋼鐵人」和「美國隊長」故事畫下句點,然而近來傳出漫威有意找回飾演這2個角色的小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)和克里斯伊凡(Chris Evans)回歸,引起粉絲熱議。
    2023/11/07 11:26
  • NBA/拓荒者「中鋒詛咒」?威廉斯右膝受傷 需動手術歸期未定

    拓荒者在季前送走了里拉德(Damian Lillard)後,又因為轉賣哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)而從塞爾提克手中,獲得年僅26歲的中鋒威廉斯(Robert Williams)。不過,這名防守出色的長人,卻驚傳在昨(6)日的比賽中弄傷右膝,並在接受詳細檢查後確定需要動刀,預計會缺席「頗長一段時間」。
    2023/11/07 09:10
  • 為何女性活較久?專家曝「5大原因」 男想延壽快做1件事

    2023/10/29 18:10
  • 奪走18條人命 美緬因州連環槍手3天後確認死亡

    美國東北部緬因州(Maine)日前發生連環槍擊命案,一名陸軍預備役(Army reservist)男子卡特(Robert Card),持槍衝入保齡球館與餐廳內,殺害18名無辜民眾、另有13人被波及受傷,卡特在犯案後立即逃逸。《美聯社》(AP)引述內部消息報導,經過當地警方和聯邦調查局(FBI)3天搜捕,發現這名槍手卡特的遺體並確認死亡。緬因州州長密爾斯(Janet Mills)稍早在記者會宣佈死訊,表示第一線警員發現,卡特是舉槍自盡死亡,目前對社區威脅解除,但執法單位仍有後續事情需要釐清調查。
    2023/10/28 11:17
  • 美男半裸陳屍庭院!趴地1天沒人理 園丁「繞屍除草」以為是裝飾

    美國北卡羅萊納州(North Carolina)近日發生了一起駭人命案!有一名34歲男子竟「半裸」陳屍於某空屋的院子當中,警方在接獲報案趕赴現場後,發現男子已經死亡至少一天的時間,儘管過程中曾有一名除草工人來到現場工作,但對方卻淡定地把男屍當成萬聖節裝飾品。至於男子的詳細死因為何?仍有待後續調查才可釐清。
    2023/10/20 05:30
  • 死亡直播全錄下!男受洗「活活溺死」 神父就在旁

    英國伯明罕地區在本月8日有一場宗教儀式,卻發生不幸事件,一名61歲男子史密斯(Robert Smith)想要「重生」並接受人生的第二次洗禮,卻沒想到在儀式上,史密斯於受洗途中溺斃在水池裡,而且當時完全無人發現,甚至教會繼續直播受洗現場。
    2023/10/19 14:19
  • Foreign Minister stresses importance of int’t support

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu emphasizes the importance of seeking support from other countries for Taiwan’s leading political figures when visiting abroad. Wu’s comments were made in response to former president Ma Ying-jeou’s criticisms of Robert O’Brien and some Americans for "weaponizing" Taiwan. Wu expressed regret over Ma’s remarks and stressed the need for international backing in the face of pressure from China. His message suggests that Taiwanese leaders should unite with supportive forces overseas rather than create discord.
    2023/10/18 17:00
  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • 統一獅8年團員閃辭「退出球場」 毀滅式自爆:我劈腿了

    2023/10/16 16:22
  • 遭「最猛鬼娃」詛咒衰爆!2美男疑中邪狂吐 祂輕聲詭喊:拜託留下

    被封為「最猛鬼娃娃」之稱的「羅伯特娃娃(Robert the Doll)」雖外表看似平凡無奇,但據傳只要對祂有所不敬的話,就會面臨一連串的衰運與災難。其中,美國就有2名自稱是「幽靈獵人」的男子近日透露,他們在前往收藏羅伯特娃娃的博物館錄影拍片之後,就開始遇到各式各樣的怪事,讓他們忍不住質疑,是否冥冥之中已被鬼娃詛咒。
    2023/10/15 05:20
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