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    luxury 結果共31筆

  • Daan dominates Taipei’s top 4 school districts

    Housing prices near 36 "star" schools in Taipei analyzed, with the highest average at NT$1.226 million per ping near Jin-Hua Elementary in Da’an District due to location and school prestige. Beitou District has lower prices, around NT$500,000 to NT$700,000.
    2024/04/15 15:37
  • Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus

    Discover Taipei’s latest attraction, the second double-decker dining bus, launched by the City’s Department of Information and Tourism. With Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua’s optimistic view on boosting tourism, this unique dining experience offers a gourmet journey through the city. Following the success of the first bus amidst the pandemic, this addition aims to allure more visitors with its exclusive menus and scenic routes, promising an unforgettable 1.5-hour culinary adventure.
    2024/04/10 15:01
  • TSMC’s dominance fuels Taiwan’s luxury car market surge

    Discover how Taiwan’s burgeoning semiconductor industry has fueled a significant surge in luxury car sales, with Ferrari and other brands seeing substantial growth. TSMC leads the charge, influencing market trends and investor caution in the AI era.
    2024/03/28 17:21
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • 2024 Taipei 101 Run Up registration begins

    Register now for the 2024 Taipei 101 Run Up, a challenging 91-story stair-climbing event held on May 4. Join over 5,000 participants in the Towerrunning World Cup, with categories including TWA Elite and Team entries. Enjoy exclusive race packets and finish souvenirs, plus discounts on luxury accommodations and Taipei 101 observatory tickets.
    2024/03/14 17:26
  • 2024世界年度風雲車決賽名單出爐!中國品牌首度上榜

    一年一度的World Car Awards向來都是備受關注的車壇盛事,而2024年世界年度風雲車的決賽名單近日終於在近日公佈了,另外大會也一並公佈了年度都會車 (World Urban Car)、年度豪華車 (World Luxury Car)、年度性能車 (World Performance Car) 、年度最佳設計 (World Car Design of the Year) 與年度純電車 (World Electric Vehicle of the Year)的決賽名單。其中最有亮點絕對就屬,首次進入世界年度風雲車決賽的中國車廠BYD比亞迪。
    2024/02/07 13:29
  • Taiwanese 2023 credit card spending to exceed NT$4T

    Taiwan’s total credit card spending for 2023 is projected to exceed NT$4 trillion, with consumers under 30 having an average annual credit card transaction amount of NT$1.11 million, according to the National Credit Card Center (NCCC). Individuals aged 40 to 60, who make up over 57% of top-level consumers, are crucial customers for card-issuing institutions. These elite spenders have an average half-year spending of NT$810,000, with women mainly using their credit cards for fashion and luxury items, while men prefer motor vehicle products. Consumers under 40 have a high consumption frequency, averaging over 180 transactions per card in the first half of 2023. Taipei and New Taipei have the highest number of cardholders, accounting for 46% of the total, with Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City having the largest share among the 16 counties and cities at over 6%. VISA cards are the most commonly used credit card brand among elite spenders, comprising 51% of the total, while American Express cards make up only 3% but have the highest average consumption of over NT$1.3 million per card in six months.
    2023/12/26 15:51
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • Evergreen Marine offers crew hotel-level comfort

    Evergreen Marine Corporation has expanded its fleet with the commissioning of a new "A class" container ship, the EVER ALP, boasting a maximum capacity of 24,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). This vessel, among 13 ordered by the company, brings luxury to the high seas with crew accommodations rivaling star-rated hotels. Constructed by South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, the EVER ALP features nine decks and a range of leisure facilities, including a gym and social lounge. Crew quarters on the ship are designed to match that of star-rated hotel rooms, each spanning 16.53 to 46.28 square meters with private bathrooms. The working environment on board is notably comfortable, with third officers and engineers drawing an average monthly salary of about NT$170,000. For entertainment and relaxation, the ship is equipped with a library, karaoke facilities, treadmills, and dining options featuring a variety of international cuisines. These A-class container ships incorporate eco-friendly and energy-saving features, ensuring compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emission standards. With the addition of the EVER ALP, Evergreen Marine’s current fleet totals 210 vessels with a combined capacity of approximately 1.66 million TEU, marking a significant increase in the company’s global shipping capabilities.
    2023/12/04 17:33
  • ONE OK ROCK開唱嗨到暴衝下台 Taka飆F字眼痛罵:該死的新冠

    亞洲巡迴的起點,就從台北開始!日本搖滾天團「ONE OK ROCK」睽違5年終於再度來台,16、17日晚間於台北南港展覽館舉辦「ONE OK ROCK Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023 in TAIWAN」,連唱2天共吸引3萬人到場,主唱Taka興奮大喊「我們終於回來了!」還狂飆F字母髒話:「該死的新冠肺炎!」大罵之前阻撓他們來台開唱的疫情。
    2023/09/17 20:09
  • Small-sized perfumes gain traction as luxury spending dips

    Most customers are tightening their wallets amid financial uncertainty, showing less inclination to spend significantly on luxury items but displaying interest in budget-friendly goods, such as perfumes.
    2023/08/29 16:26
  • Taiwan auto market sets June record amid imported cars surge

    Taiwan’s automobile market witnessed a surge in imported brand vehicles in June, with 42,380 new cars registered, marking a 30% year-on-year increase but a slight 0.2% monthly decrease. 
    2023/07/03 20:23
  • 搖滾天團ONE OK ROCK來台開唱! 9月連2天嗨翻南港

    繞了地球一大圈,日本搖滾天團「ONE OK ROCK」終於要來了!3年前沒有完成的,這次他們將捲土重來,1日正式宣布重啟亞洲巡迴演唱會,台北場確定要在9月16、17日兩天,於南港展覽館舉行「ONE OK ROCK Luxury Disease Asia Tour 2023 in TAIWAN」演唱會,門票預計在6月24日下午1點於KKTIX全面啟售。
    2023/06/01 11:58
  • Luxury hotel industry sees resurgence in post-COVID Taiwan

    Hotels are experiencing an uptick in international and local customers as the tourism industry rebounds in post-pandemic Taiwan.
    2023/05/09 18:01
  • 「殯葬業大亨」23歲千金登國際雜誌!生日同框大咖女星 超狂近況曝

    23歲的台灣模特兒Hsiang(湘)是殯葬業龍頭「台灣仁本」董事長陳原的女兒,有著179公分高挑身材,先前受邀參與倫敦時裝週,這次登上國際雜誌「Telegraph luxury」4月份的封面,拍攝主題為「在未知世界的探索」,再度以台灣女孩身分嶄露頭角,在知名國際刊物上為台爭光。
    2023/04/29 15:38
  • Lexus RZ450e「北美售價」曝! 台灣第二季將上市

    3月初已經在台灣公開亮相過的Lexus純電跑旅RZ 450e,近期於北美市場正式上市,車型編成跟價格皆與預售時期維持一致,提供Premium AWD跟Luxury AWD兩種車型,分別開價59,650美元(約182.7萬新台幣)與65,150美元 (約199.6萬新台幣);由於基礎規格方面目前全球市場的RZ都是採用單一313匹的450e單一動力設定,屆時在國內上市的車型很可能也會提供至少兩種的不同等級車款給消費者選擇,而這款Lexus首輛e-TNGA平台的電動休旅,應會在第二季就於國內上市!
    2023/03/18 21:05
  • First female Porsche sales director shares inspiring story

    TVBS Insight People recently traveled to Germany to interview Grace Chung, the first and only female sales director at Porsche, at the luxury car manufacturer’s headquarters in Stuttgart. 
    2023/02/21 17:36
  • Experience the best luxury taxis in Tainan, southern Taiwan

    A taxi company in southern Taiwan has a fleet of 40-50 high-end cars — the most luxurious fleet on the island.
    2023/01/18 17:33
  • 488萬起!新世代BMW 7系列上市 i7電動旗艦銷售佔四成

    10月初啟動預售之後,BMW新世代旗艦7 Series以及品牌首款純電旗艦房車i7終於在12月21日正式上市開賣,維持735i Luxury、740i Luxury、740i Excelleence等3款汽油動力車型編成,並引進i7 xDrive60 Luxury與i7 xDrive60 Excelleence兩款純電旗艦。建議售價亦維持與預售價相同,汽油動力車型分別為488萬元、595萬元以及638萬元,純電動力則是655萬元以及698萬元。
    2022/12/24 20:43
  • Fancy living comes with expensive community management fees

    Living in a fancy mansion may sound like a luxury, but there are expensive community management costs that residents have to pay. 
    2022/11/17 09:40
  • 三一東林科技引進超奢華廂式休旅 Klassen V-Class售價1400萬元起

    對於商務人士來說,一部稱頭的座駕除了可以彰顯企業主身份,同時也能讓客戶感受到禮遇。為了滿足國內頂尖商務需求,由三一東林科技引進的Klassen Luxury Vans不僅提供高端享受,更帶來客製化服務,滿足車主的一切渴望。售價方面,依照客製化內容與規格大約落在新台幣1,400萬元到1,800萬元上下。
    2021/07/23 17:13
  • 戰鬥民族限定超蝦趴拖車 網友:這根本變形金剛!

    2021/07/13 12:50
  • BMW X7曜黑版讓七座SUV盡情耍帥! 貴33萬達人卻直呼物超所值

    BMW的Luxury Class過往有7系列與8系列撐場,2019年加上旗艦豪華休旅X7,不但有著豪華質感,5.1米的車長也讓這台七人座LSUV有著充裕的空間。林志鑫這次在《地球黃金線》節目中,替觀眾朋友介紹限量30台的X7曜黑特仕版。
    2021/06/11 17:23
  • 高端配備全解鎖! 21/22年式S-Class開放接單

    全新S-Class可以說是集結了M-Benz當代最高端科技配備,打造出極致舒適的移動體驗。這部旗艦車款自今年3月在台灣市場上市以來,也深受層峰買家的青睞。近日,全新世代S-Class也榮獲世界汽車大獎(World Car Awards),來自全球29個國家以及近百位評審的一致認同,獲選世界最佳豪華車 (World Luxury Car) 殊榮。
    2021/04/26 20:47
  • BMW 21年式全車系零利率 指定車型加贈乙式險

    繼BMW 2021新年式車型陸續抵台亮相,本月份特別針對新年式全車系推出零利率輕鬆坐擁方案,指定車型如318i Luxury、320i M Sport等車型加贈一年乙式全險,BMW Luxury Class頂級豪華車系如BMW 7系列、BMW X7、BMW 8系列Gran Coupé同步提供尊榮租賃專案(含3年租賃0利率、贈送3年牌燃稅與首年乙式全險),讓喜愛巴伐利亞造車工藝的車迷朋友輕鬆入主,盡情享受BMW所帶來的極致駕馭樂趣與豪華舒適的駕乘體驗。
    2020/11/07 15:00
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